WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1917 5 EY EY EN EY EY EY EV EI ED EV EY EY EY NRA PARANA A AN ANA ANA AA A A SELLY SOCIAL EVENTS AND PERSONAL NOTICE PY Y BUSINESS MEN ATTEND BANQUET (Continued from page one) Quartette Attractive Feature. Mrs. Harry Barnum of 735 Walden road gave a dinner party preceding the dance at the Winnetka Woman's club on Wednesday evening. ot, VEY VEVEVEV ELEY EYEY EY FEY EY EYEY EY EYES pus Yanga, brovigs eng served) 1399999000800 RRB RY: PREPPY | under the direction of the Misses SPRING CLEANING SEASON | | a Ha 5 . Salv ' a Shop 1 HE North Shore Catholic Woman's league held its regular re bi bog one a Je 13 HERE . s St. | monthly meeting Thursday afternoon at the Winnetka Wo-| good things supplied but what ex- pressed the opinion that it was one of the most bountiful and satisfying meals he had ever enjoyed. As an added attraction the Metro- politan Male. Quartette, a Chicago or- ganization of absolute merit and worth, enlivened the evening with a number of selections that elicited in- "man's club. It is customary for the month of March to be set "aside for the nominating of officers for the ensuing year, there- fore nominations were in order. Evidently the members dis- cussed the nominations among themselves, for as soon as the "hame was proposed the nominations were closed; only in two © | instances were other names proposed. ~ Mrs. Grant of the Suffrage Amendment Alliance of Chicago 'gave a ten-minute talk. She said, in part, "The object of the Let our representative call to give estimates on cleaning your Rugs, Curtains, Portieres, Draperies, Upholstered Furniture, Garments, Ete. a We clean Auto Slip Covers and the Upholstery in Auto- mobiles or Electrics. Does your car need our attention? be \ ( stantaneous applause and calls for re- . -- 'alliance 1s to secure an amendment to the Illinois constitution | peated encores. F. C. Hollister, leader Our Prices Have Not Gone Up "granting full suffrage to the women of Illinois and to secure an | and manager of this organization, do- --( amendment to the United States constitution granting suffrage | "ated its services for the evening. SIX-ONE-NINE DRY CLEANERS | to all women of the United States. In 1870 the present constitu- oe asting plannty. Was TH 4 1 1 Wwe 27s 1 > ' 1 » oleve « 3 3 ' . . fom, inci was doped; since that ine cleven amendints| poe csc Count ms siowr | 6 Electric Place Wilmette ge en 8 5 % Ne € > touch the business men from the dif- i i . all restrictions. Woman suffrage is popular; men have noted ferent parts of the township and 555 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka - | the simple, dignified and logical way in which they vote and the | helped to promote a better feeling of || Call = 3 { \ y all 619 Our name is our Telepho = | home has not been disrupted because the dinner was not prepared. | fellowship and good will. Tt will be an fephons excellent plan to hold similar meetings at least once a month for the discus- sion of business plans and methods and the furtherance of the work of - The most positive method of acquiring complete woman suffrage _ | is to constantly remind the legislators. Illinois men have granted | many privileges to Illinois women and are more ready than ever | before to crown their efforts by woman's complete enfranchise- "ment." £ 18 2 I of Hubbard Woods played an ---- Dolmage, from the Bergey Opera school of Chicago, rendered three vocal selections, and Miss Winnifred Stockwell, from the "Anna Morgan School of Expression, gave two readings. ~The program was followed by a social hour, with Mrs. J. A. Teske and Mrs. A. E. Tilroe presiding at the tea table. Mrs. H. A. Morin, with the assistance of the Young Ladies' auxiliary, contributed an excellent program. Miss Mabel Higgins instrumental solo. Miss Edna { | The matinees which have been given 'under the auspices of the University circle and Woman's club at the Strand | theater on Saturday afternoons have 'proved so successful that they will be continued through the month of 1'March. These performances are ' chaperoned by members of the circle "and a number of the girls from the funiversity act as ushers. "Let Katy The W. C. T. U. held a meeting at the home of Mrs. J. A. Smurr of Wil- the organization along the lines al- ready laid down. VALENTINE'S "The Varnish That Won't Tura Whita® And all Kinds of Paints Painting, Tinting and Floorwork RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE mette, Tuesday afternoon. Miss Eliza- beth Gordon gave an interesting talk on her association with Frances Wil- lard, telling many incidents of her) life. Twenty-two dime cards which | read, "Everyone who fills a card, | paves with silver a fifth of a yard," | were signed by the members of the | local union. It is the object of the | Illinois W. C. T. U. to get a mile of | dimes toward the fund for the dry | campaign. The next meeting will be | "The first performance starts at 2 and the second at 4 o'clock. The proceeds | from these matinees will go to the | building fund for the woman's build- | |ing of the Northwestern university. | het "Do It," featuring Jane Grey and Tully ; | Marshall; also a Burton Holmes Trav- "| elogue picture and a Bray cartoon © will be the program for this Saturday. The Woman's society of the Congre- | | gational church will hold its all-day "meeting next Wednesday, March 7, in ~ its rooms at Community house. There will be sewing at 10 o'clock. business | at 11, luncheon at 12:30 and a program | at 1:15. The program will be in charge "of the Philanthropic Department and | Miss Allen, social service worker of ~ Lying-in hospital, and Miss Christy, | "head nurse, will be the speakers. These lectures, given in the gym- nasium, wil be illustrated with moving i pictures. Everyone is welcome and it is earnestly hoped there will be a| large attendance. ] a The third and last subscription "dance given under the auspices of the 'social committee of the Parents' and] Teachers' association in honor of the teachers is to be held at the Winnetka - Woman's club this evening. These 'dances have been among the most suc- 'cessful affairs of the social season and 'the committee is planning for a large "number of guests. There will be a 'number of special features during the 'evening. ---- The Glencoe committee of the In- fant Welfare society will give its an- 'nual bridge party for the benefit of 'the society on 3t. Patrick's Day. Mem- "bers of the committee are Mrs. W. A. - Kittermaster, president; Miss Benton, Mrs. George L. Walters, Miss Marga- 'ret Thompson, Mrs. Samuel Safford, 'Miss Katherine Zeising and Mrs. C. |G. Darling. § Mrs. W. H. Titus of North avenue, Hubbard Woods, gave a luncheon 4 Thursday at the Blackstone hotel for liad Miss Maud Miner and Frederick Brug- 'ger, the author of "Voltaire," the play | ---- which Miss Miner read in the evening lat her recital in the assembly room of the Fine Arts building. nn The Winnetka Woman's club gave la very successful social evening at 'the clubhouse Wednesday evening. There were about 85 guests present who enjoyed the dancing and cards. Siglo The Alumnae chapter of Northwest- ern and Chicago universities of the Kappa Delta sorority will hold their annual banquet Saturday evening at the Edgewater Beach hotel. ie On Saturday evening, March 10, the Delta Delta Delta sorority of North- western university will give a dance at the Winnetka Woman's club. --p The sophomores of Girton school en- tertained the seniors with a progres- ! man's guild of Christ church are hold- | sive dinner and dancing party, Wed- nesday evening of last week. | held with Mrs. Susan Salveson, 561 | Fir street. ---- During the Lenten season the Wo- | ing their regular weekly meetings on Monday at luncheon at 12:15. These meetings | are devoted to sewing for the Lying-in hospital, the Infants' Welfare society and St. Mary's home. The next regu- | far monthly meeting wiil be hela Mon- day, March 12, with a business meet- ing preceding luncheon and a program in the afternoon on "The United Of- fering. Six short papers will be read by members of the guild. a The Foreign Missionary society met | at the home of Mrs. L. C. Norton, on Walnut street, Wednesday afternoon. Reverend Don O. Wood gave an inter- esting account of his work in India, after which he and Miss 'Wray of Ev- anston sang duets, with Miss Ewart as accompanist. Mrs. Walter Dean Peck was the assisting hostess for the afternoon. GAS SILL SSS IS LISS SSS SSSLLS LLL LL LLL LLL LALA SALSA A A A SSS SAAS A AAA AA A FF Ff A AH HF HF HH A A A AA AY pies Reverend F. J. Haarth announced at the meeting of the North Shore Cath- olic Woman's league on Thursday afternoon that he would give a series of instructions on preliminary law, be- ginning next Thursday at 2 o'clock at the Parish hall in Hubbard Woods. All ladies interested are cordially in- vited to attend. EY, Mrs. John Stewart of Hubbard Woods and Mrs, Albert Briggs of Kenilworth were among the patron- egses at the informal reception and dance given by the Roycemore school of Evanston, Friday evening. A, The Young Ladies' auxiliary of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league will hold its regular meeting at the Winnetka Woman's club tomorrow afternoon. ES A The Physical Educational Depart- ment of Northwestern university will give a large dancing party at the Win- netka Woman's club on Saturday eve- ning. PERSONAL MENTION. Word has been received that Mrs. Douglas Smith of Hubbard Woods, who is in Brookline, Mass., and has been quite ill, is much improved in health. Mrs. Joseph Stixrud of Willow street, who is at the Sherman hotel, has recovered from her recent attack of the grippe. Mr. Stixrud, who has also been ill, is slowly recovering. Dr. and Mrs. Casey Wood of 642 Maple avenue will leave the first of May on an extended trip through Can- ada. They expect to spend the sum- mer near Montreal. Mr. Harold Keith, who is at present in California, has taken the Wood residence during their weuce, William L. Wente SHEET METAL WORK Railroad and North Avenues Telephone 830 Dr. Edwin T. Schildberg Osteopathic Physician Room 6, New Bank Bldg. Hours: 9 to 5 D:ily Phone Winreth 799 Residence Phone Winnetka 1099 1 o'clock, preceded by a |: (ALLL LLLL ALL LL ILL LISS LLL SLL LSS SLL LAL SSL SS SIS SSL SALSA L ASL AAA SAHA A SH A SA A A A A A A AA AAA AA A ATA 7 ZL SPECIAL SALE OF SKIRTS STILL GOING ON ALL SIZES Poplins, Silks and Serges ALL STYLES Colors are Blue, Black, Brown, Green, Gray, Plaids. All Colors are Guaranteed. Prices: $5.00 $6.00 $8.00 'R.-B. CAHN 799 Elm Street Phone 761 Winnetka, Ill. SPRING ANNOUCEMENT Latest Styles now on hand are the best ever shown. Imported and Domestic Fabrics are ready for your inspection. We make Suits from $35. up. Satisfaction guaranteed. COME EARLY AND AVOID RUSH 3 Yours truly, R. BR. CAHN 799 Elm Street Phone 761 Winnetka, Ill. Six" grown and grown that more than satisfies the Rare have been the Avoid the disappointment of delayed delivery--Order now. WHY has the demand for Haynes " Light- thirty-two solid months? Why has that demand constantly kept ahead of Haynes production? The answer is in the Haynes itself---the car big, roomy, handsome automobile, with top- notch power, speed and stamina---all this with an unusually low up-keep cost. You want good looks mn a car---and the Haynes will delight you in that respect. But you also want to know that you are getting a motor and mechanical construction which will stand up to its work and out perform higher-priced cars years in and years out. delivery, so popular has it been. now for the prompt delivery of your Haynes upon the date you select. Immediate delivery if desired. WEIHE MOTOR SALES COMPANY 621 West Railroad Ave., near Central Ave. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS The Haynes "Light Six" has given thirty- two months of proof---and that is why the excess of demand over production continues today. The small-bore, high-speed Haynes motor developes more power than any other of equal bore and stroke. With ordinary road condi- tions and with regular gear ratio the Haynes gives you at least 60 miles per hour, yet throttles down to one mile per hour on high. Investigate the Haynes. Higher-priced cars won't give you more---lower-priced cars won't cost you less. Owners' records, &y thousands, prove that Haynes upkeep and operating economy outbalance lower cost. instances where a Haynes was available for immediate Avoid disappointment --- place an order every day for demand for a Phone Wilmette 587