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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 6 Apr 1917, p. 5

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= Em WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1917 pe 5 berg dence Pi noetka 1099 ds in Attend many inments oy. It's use the service, clean, -heated 'een 'an- ood 11 local nston) the ia: 3 trains tes from at night. revail. ence for specially led. it for | ard miliar ocal and rth Shore | hat when 20 as far ia North ago Ele- | Chicago. ORE & OAD PF HIS is the time of year whe hearts, like the River Nile, ferflow, ents spring.up and bud on ever nd. A very attractive sma pme wedding 'will be solemnize |} Saturday of this week at the 719 Washington avenue, hen their daughter; Irene, will be Alired P. |sidence of Mr. and Mrs. fhulson, to fe=d in marriage I'he bride wi isser of Chicago. hd close friends of the family wi Jitness the ceremony, 'hle ot the Methodist church. Miss Paulson is a graduate c mmnock School of Oratory, ember of the Zeta Phi Eta sc rity, and is well known on th brth shore, feetings. rning to Chicago for the winter. § [TH the clc > of the Lenten s Hook we ring the © ng weeks. One of {11 be the "Calico Hop" to be giv htion of Sacred Heart parish foods, ested to appear * ke a tie fora g bs will be plac edi in boxes, and th 1 drawing of ties partners for tl y ties w ith the costumes of the I: iowing the dancing. rise and tender little senti- unattended and only relatives to be per- frmed by Reverend Thomas Keene FE riday evening, April 13, n y 11 d > 4 11 11 5f a ys Miss Irene Paulson. having read at numberless entertainments and club The young couple will leave immediately on their honeymoon tr ip, fer going to South Dakota where they will spend the summer, re- AP ree. eason the world of society is again eparations for the many social events to take place the unique entertainments planned en by the Christian Mothers' asso- in Sacred Heart hall at Hubbard at eight o'clock. Ladies are re- calico costumes and it is desired that each one eman that will harmonize with her dress. The e boxes selected by the men. After 1e evening will be found by match- wdies. Refreshments will he served & Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Warren ®unce the coming marriage of v Lusted, 1212 Elmwood avenue, an- their daughter, Martha Matthew, -- Warren Robin Wi inn of New York, son of Mr. and Mrs. James S. S )'S ry }- on es he LL. inn of Evanston, which wiil take place on Saturday evening, April at St. Augustine' s church at eight o'clock. Mr. Winn arrived at s home today from New York . a * [embers of the wome "s special I'he annnal meeting of the North vice detachment of (ae Navy| Shore Catholic Woman's league will gue donned overalls last week for bir first instruction in the intri- ies of automobile repair work and ir first feats in quick starting and rine control. Miss Marion Keehn Kenilworth, secretary of the de- hment, and Miss Darcy Ord passed latter with flying colors. About ty women have joined the corps, Nposing to serve as drivers of am- ances or other military - motors 1 to be able to repair the cars. pee: Irs." RR. W. Varney, 535 Cherry set, Winnetka, gave an informal N'cing party at her home on Tues- evening for her sister, Miss dys Lowry, and the Misses Kath- 1e and Martha Hahn of Wilmette. ks Lowry left today, accompanied her mother, for the east, where y will attend the Twenty-Sixth Nntinental Congress for the Daugh- s of the American Revolution, to held at Washington the latter t of the month. ---- N'he Wisconsin Alumni association 1 give a farewell luncheon at the N(lege club Saturday in honor of s. William Healy, who leaves soon her futyre home at Boston, where Healy has located, having been ointed head of the Harvey Baker rchopathic institute of that city. Healy before his departure for east filled a similar position in cago for many years. Dr. and s. Healy have been the guests Mr. and Mrs. Horace K. Tenney e their recent return from an ex- ded trip to California. iis [r. and Mrs. Basil Thompson of v Orleans, formerly of Winnetka, receiving congratulations on the ent birth of a son. - rs. William C. Boyden of Pine Net returned Saturday from | masville, Georgia, where she was guest of Mrs. Charles H. Thorne | her winter home, "Springwood ntation." N also been a guest of Mrs. Thorne, return home this week. er rs. C. D. Dallis, 902 Oak street, is \nding some time in Pass Chris-| ne, Mississippi. Bai Mrs. Philip S. Post, who | be held at 2:30, Thursday afternoon, April 12, at the Winnetka Woman's club. All reports of the year will be given and an election of officers for the ensuing year will be had. The following have been unanimously nominated: Mrs. H. A. Morin, Wil- mette, for president; Mrs. J. J. Hart- nett, Winnetka, first vice-president; Mrs. Mary Wilson, Wilmette, second vice-president; Mrs. Robert Mehren, Hubbard Woods, third vice-president; Mrs. F. 1. Maloney, Winnetka, re- cording secretary; Mrs. H. E. Mills, Highland Park, corresponding secre- tary; Mrs. J. S. Cook, Wilmette, financial secretary; Mrs. P. J. Peter- son, Winnetka, treasurer; Mrs, Wm. M. Dooley, Highland Park, and Mrs. W. E. Connor, Wilmette, directors: lpn The subscription dance to be given by the Preparedness club at the Win- netka Woman's club next Thursday evening is being looked forward to with much pleasure and preparations are being made for a large number of guests. a The Woman's guild of Christ church will hold its regular monthly meet- ing at the Parish house Monday, with luncheon at 12:30, followed by a busi- Mrs. Murry Nelson will read a paper on Island Missions. re Dr. E. D. Kelly of Evanston gave one of a series of five lectures at the Winnetka Woman's club Tuesday evening. Dr. Kelly talks on the sub- ness session. ject of "Character Analysis." -- The first of a course of lectures given by Mr. Horace J. Bridges at the Winnetka Woman's club Wed- nesday was much enjoyed by a large audience. Mr. Bridges chose for his subject "The Prophet of Self-Re- liance," Ralph Waldo Emerson. His i next lecture, Friday evening, April | 13, will be on "The Apostle of Cul- | ture," by Mathew Arnold. ---- The Mission Study class conducted | by Mrs. Herman B. Butler, which has | been holding meetings Monday of each week during Lent, closed with la very interesting informal meeting | Monday afternoon at the parish | house. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cole of Ridge | avenue, who have been spending sev- eral weeks at Hollywood, California, will leave soon, returning home by way of Arizona. a pie Mr. and Mrs. William Henrichsen are occupying the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cole, Ridge avenue, during their absence. Mrs. Henrich- sen was formerly Miss Sadie Cole. iain The Delphian society was enter- tained this afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. E. Bunker, 656 Lincoln ave- nue. REE Mrs. Horace K. Tenney, 640 Pine street, - entertained at an afternoon tea Monday for her guest, Mrs. Wil- liam Healy. i Mrs. H. W. Bunn of Rockford, Illi- nois, has been the guest of her sis- ter, Mrs. H. M. Anning of Prospect avenue, the past two weeks. PELE I The Art institute has started an extension class in design at the Win- netka Woman's club, conducted by Miss Matilda Klemm. ls Miss Pearl Delebecque, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henri Delebecque, is the guest of Dr. E. T. Schildberg's parents in Mendota, Illinois. hrs Miss Lillian Smedley of Geneva, Wisconsin, is a guest 'home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. for the Easter vacation. Bal Lake at the Mr. and Mrs. George B. Massey of Sheridan road announce the birth of daughter, Tuesday, a seven-pound Griffith Massey, April 3. PERSONAL MENTION & & GF EEE yey FOG Mr. and hy or Brandon Guth- rie have been called to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on account of the death of Mr. Guthrie's mother, Mrs. Robert Walker Guthrie. Mrs. Guthrie, who has been an invalid for some time, was greatly effected by the recent death of her brother-in-law, George Wilkins Guthrie, at Tokio, Japan. Miss Marion Farnsworth arrived home Thursday. of last week to spend the Faster vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Farnsworth of Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods. She will return Monday to the east, wliere she is attending Miss Hall's school at Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cole of Chi- cago, formerly of Winnetka, are be- ing congratulated upon the recent birth of an 874 pound daughter. Clyde E. Young has purchased Mr. Illings' interest in the Illings Candy Kitchen, 566 Railroad avenue. Miss Emily Matz of Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods, will return to Bryn Mawr after Easter. Rh HOLD SUCCESSFUL MUSICALE Pupils of Misses Kathleen Air and Mabel Lee Give Pleasure to Club. Miss Kathleen Air of the Columbia School of Music gave a very success- ful musicale at the Winnetka Wo- man's club last Saturday afternoon. Miss Mabel Lee, of the same faculty, assisted Miss Air with a demonstra- tion of harmony class work for chil- dren. The pupils taking part were: Louise Fentress, Jack Simpson, Vir- ginia- Wallace, Jack Reasner, Susan Burlingham, Mancel Clark, Elizabeth Boyden, Ayres Boal, Lucia Durand, Kathryn Adams, Marion Fulton, Eileen lee, Mary Ott, Rosalia Rummler, Barnhart, Joddie, Rogers, McEwen, Virginia Mcleisch, Emily Hadley, Margaret Boyden, Eleanor Helen Hamilton, Frances Wood, Pauline Thompson, Charles Mason, Edna Densmore, Alice Boak, Lois Nelson and Beatrice Odgers. Judith Harriman GALLI LALLA ILLS ALLL ISIS ILIA IL ISIS ILLS LALLA LILIA LAIST 3% on Savings Deposits Storage for Silver and all Veluables § Safe Deposit Boxes for Rcnt Winnetka State ATLL ASSIS SSS SSS LASSI SAIS SLA SAAS SSS SASS SS SALAS SASS SS SIS SS ASSIS SS SAS \ N N \ N Lieber, | Phoebe | Marjorie Robinson, Alice | You may see that tighter waist line in the clothes of the college boys and the bank clerks, but not in those of the manufacturers, merchants and bank presidents. E. 8. PARR 809 Elm St. Winnetka, Ill ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRING pin th tidus Fischer's a CONFECTIONERY = We make our own Ice Cream | | Phone 1094 549 Lincoln Av.m EEE NE EENEENEN 022 SPRING CLEANING SEASON IS HERE Let our representative call to give estimates on cleaning your Rugs, C urtains, Portieres, Draperies, Upholstered Furniture, Garments, : Ete. We clean Auto Slip Covers and the Upholstery in Automobiles or Electrics. Does your car need our attention? Bryan Marsh Electric Bulbs Bleycles new and second hand. Bicycle repairing and supplies, Lawn Mower grinding and repairs. Grinding of all kinds. Baby Car- riage Tires. EN LN EN | | | | | PHONE 122 u 7. 2) T7700 %%0%0% 770% Our Prices are the same as advertised by Cleaners' Association. SIX-ONE-NINE DRY CLEANERS 6 Electric Place Wilmette 554 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka Our Name is Our Telephone | Call 619 NALA: DOES -- Job Carpentering Screening of Porches and Windows Building of Bird Houses Dog Kennels, Carages Interior and Exterior Wood Working, Etc., Etc. My Charges Are Moderate Phone Me For Estimate GLENN DEAN CALL 1046 Pine Street Winnetka 186 WINNETKA, LL. a ZF ZZ Zr rrr INNER NECTNEREENANEN OER EENE] | | « WATCH FOR 'THESE. 2 " B : SAVINGS! : - 01 New - : Price Price a | dozen Light House Cleanser. ......... $ .60 $45 WH He poundsSagars. SLL SRE SUG, 45 40 =| BW OATGO SINC seins 05 04 m ® 3 pounds Old Dutch Coffee. ............ 1.00 90 W Tetley Tea, Vi pound... .:........ hh... 20 d6 o Ww Head Rice, 16 pounds... ..........0.. 0. 1.98 1.00 » m Campbell's or Armour's Soups.......... 12 10 - Light House Soap, 5 bars.......... id. ianD 20 = Foulds. Noodles... .. ou. o.h' a 05 04 = 8B Armour's Calsup ..... cvivoe res inane 15 2 m 8 Potatoes ints wir i cn ol bE om re sa .90 J0 mu 8 Bananas, ldozen. ... ou. ooh deeds 24 .20 = wm Dromedary Dales... 0... .. 0 asa a5 J2 a Oranges, Navel or Florida, per dozen.... 25 Js Lemons, sper dozen. .........ccovunhions 30 25 B 2A Grape Feait.. i... . 0.0.00 tide nn 30 20 m 8 Farm House Coffee, ...... ... uu esnivnn 26 21 m B Cooking or Eating Apples, 5 pounds. ..... 35 25 m # Rumford Baking Powder............... 25 21 i m Rumford Baking Powder............... 15 13 g Rumford Bakimg'Powder. «1... 0000 10 09 ® Lipton's Teas, per pound............. vw: 80 S70 = B® Best Eggs, Der dozen... . hii vb avd ain 38 35 | BW" Oak Grove Butierine. ... ... uh inns, 32 28 m ® Clover Bloom Butter... qi. ...... iiss .50 45 - = All National Biscuit Co. Crackers and Cakes, 10c size 8c. 5c size 4c. n Bp -- Co -- -- HW | | , SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK | | | ® | 5 Cans of Melrose Brand Fruit, | ® n | Peaches, Pineapple, Plums, Apricots or Cherries G - " a EB a ---- E---- Ww a [resh /: hers So l eeiatroe EME Borhice ™ - recerved daily atl special prices. = | | « SALVATORE DI FRANCESCO - | LJ - 890 LINDEN ST. » - ; a Phone 400 Winnetka HUBBARD WOODS . ANNA ENA N RS TEASE oa NTT

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