LLL, = "WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FK ~ REMEDY FOR SKIPPING. One of the causes of an engine ther causes of skipping try draining he carburetor. If some is caught in the hand the water will be repelled yy the gasoline and form in globules. Es Ee Es Ee ~ The people who are trying to save ; | DO NOT FOLD TOP WHEN WET Very often a top is ruined by fold- | ing spots or grease. Gasoline tends | to dissolve the rubber in the fabric | and causes it to blister. Use a good | soap and warm water for washing the top. OVERLAND AGENTS FORM MOTOR RESERVE CORPS to Sto:e Mobilization Camps. The Movement among the Willys- Overland dealers throughout the country to form motor reserve corps companies, of USE SOCKET WRENCH The man who invests in a box of | in better condition, as they do not round off the edges. Open-end wrenches are next in value, as they are made in even sizes and so fit properly. The monkey wrench comes last, but has a tendency to round off KNIT SOCKS BY MACHINERY A number of North Shore women iissing explosions, which is some- | ing it while wet or damp. It should | socket wrenches is making a good are buying knitting machines for mes very mysterious, is water in| he allowed to remain open until quite | Plan to Assist In Transportation | investment. They save a great deal | their own homes. At odd moments e carburetor. If you have tried all | dry. Do not use gasoline for remov-| of Troop Units and Supplies of time and keep the nuts and bolts | they knit socks and helmets for the soldiers and sailors, turning out a sock every second or so and a hel- met almost as often. Mrs. August C. Magnus of Win- nétka possesses a machine and is en- > composed Willys- gaged in practical patriotism almost the country by raising gardens need The only trouble with the volun-| Overland cars and expert drivers, for | the corners of a nut. Set it up care- all her spare time. A machine costs ot feel it necessary to raise so much | teer system for raising an army is | service in connection with the mo- fully and so preserve nuts and bolts | $15. lion and other transient veg- |that the number of men who con-| bilization of state military units and | from harm. a ERERERR ~ etables that will last about two |sider going to war as a pleasant and home protection, ig rapidly assuming Em ES ES EE nvany people about now feel that ear "weeks and provide twice as much of | healthful method of spending a va- | National importance. Among the When a men's club is formed to|they are rendering valuable service in hese foods as is needed. cation is strictly limited. more recent to take up the idea is |get off and enjoy independent life by | a patriotic cause by leaning over the = _| the Los Angeles dealer. The plan | themselves, about the first thing they | back yard fence and telling their Our has the approval of the factory of-|do is to have a ladies' night. neighbor how to plant their garden. ficials and military authorities. 5; The [1 Phone for further y E. R. Carhart, president of the Car- % hart Motor Co., Oklahoma Willys- ton particulars Overland distributor, is said to have The s hed Oils, S 3 been the originator of the plan.' His Best Oil O 1 Ol 1:5, Soaps ; : Wilmette 628 object was to facilitate and expedite esp 1s Grease, Waste 3 the mobilization of state troops in Refined Cheese Cloth emergency cases. A grade for cach type of motor Completely Distributed by North Shore Garage Carhart first broached the idea two : : years ago to the adjutant general of Vaporizes 611 Railroad Ave. Oklahoma, who at that time did not i Iniversal Oil Com a x s . believa it feasible on account of P Gasoline Wilmette, 11. poor road conditions. However, 704 Wells Street Phone, Superior 4893 Lindley M. Garrison, then secretary the War Department, a few days later recommended the plan to Con- Chicago, Ill. 5 oress in his annual report and Mr. : Wm ||| Carhart went forward on his own in- AY | |] a itative and organized Willy-Overland $5? {||| owners into volunteer reserve corps Ph ; ! vee Es o 1 ' a companies in Oklahoma City, No- ne 1300 C. J. Taylor The Oklahoma plan is to include, Willys-Overland North Shore Motor Sales in each company, VIM CELERY B|||| wata, Ardmore, Ada and other cities. 5 i | night the car he is expected to drive | in his section. The cars are inspect- ed and filled with gasoline and oil. | The tires are tested and all tools | are checked. : | { Royal R. Scott, secretary of The | Willys-Overland Company and pres- B || owners and their cars, headed by a ~-- -- : B| | captain. When ten companies are Ei Thrifty housewives are throwing their trade t | formed. a meeting' of captains is held L J orn Cars § the merchant storekeeper. a and fleet officers elected and rules 4 - adopted. 5 In any cases the cruising Easy Payments Why? Because they know he is saving money radius of each company is confined . os : En : a Y - to county boundaries, or from aed PROUTY COURT WINNETKA, ILL. on his delivery service by using the right sort of Ml | county seat to another, in order 'to | . . : Hae ee a ? -- delivery equipment--the VIM DELIVERY CAR-- - | minimize the inconvenience to own- | built solely for merchandise delivery. . jiers and the wear and tear on their | cars. ! . K And they are getting the benefit of his delivery 5 The Los Angeles plan is similar to Hupmobile y, . . . i+ that of Oklahoma except that the ' ; > > rer DrIiCe 3 I { v. savings in better goods at lower prices. | company is composed of Willys- : Fr « 22,000 Dro OS A arionn IngTenanis gre Bil Overland salesmen. They are at the w 23, sy v fring Te r VIM Trucks eutiof their de- @|| | call of the United States Army com- | The Simplest Car ¢ Full information about the VIM Deferred B | mander in Los Angeles. The com-| Bujte Payment Plan on request. ml | pany. is being drilled in a few simple The chassis sells for $565. Complete, with aneuv in z i i 3 Open Express body, 715; with Closed Panel body maneuy res, but main attention 1s be $745. Ten other standard types of body. All 5) | ing paid to speed and orderly loading prices F. O. B. Philadelphia. = | and unloading of troop units. > is at there wh . lav in | ) DISTRIBUTORS i oan iherewii he vii delays HUBBARD WOODS MOTOR CAR CO. the mobilization of the company | Bm | when it is called out for service, = | each driver takes to his home each \ J J} TERMINAL GARAGE 515 FOURTH ST. Phone 636 wim mms OEE DEERE WILMETTE HEE EEE | fics | ident of the Ohio State Automobile | EE A 2 777777 | ss 0a ti 1 : Heol Tot | | association, also is actively inter-| DISTINCTIVE C A R U A I I Y | ested in forming of motor "Flying | | « p= cin . m TRL: | \ | | Squadrons" in Ohio. The "Flying i | Squadrons" are being organized | MOTOR CARS CHT practically along the same lines as | the Willys-Overland Motor reserve | | corps companies in other states. | WHEN BABY GOES MOTORING | HTH FIT EVERY PURSE i HH] A Chicago manufacturer has de- | vised a motor crib to provide com- fortable outings for the baby with | minimum of bother on the part of | Prices Effective | grownups. «It is attached to the rear Overland policy has steadfastly sus- ALIA SAIL ILLS SSIS SASSI TIES. | | of the front seat in touring cars, with | May 1st, 1917 : : : 5 i i i ; ' : : - at integrity of value in the 12 spring connection to the back seat | tained that int g y . : i 4 \ | or floor of the car. Thus suspended, | Light Fours car throughout its entire service in N | it sways easily, according to its mak- Touring ... $695 the hans of owners. \ er, receives no bumps, and Yeaves Roadster... $680 \ plenty of room for those who sit De- | Country Club $795 Over three hundred thousand of these N hind. An -adjus § y N ind. An adjustable hood affords | cars are now in use and the helpful N protection from sun, wind, or rain. Big Fours suggestions of their owners and of When baby stays home the device III TT 2 EE, TTI TTT ZT Zar 2 LEZ LT | Touring ..$895 Price $15.95 F. O. B. Kokomo, Ind. may be folded compactly out of the | Roadster '..$880 the more than four thousand dealers The HAYNES "Light Six" combines the good way or used to carry lunches and | Coupe ....$1250 and factory-branch organizations points of the big, heavy cars of high price with other packages. ' Sedan ....31450 2 al D : g the economical operating advantages of the light- ee We en Wes me that sold and served them, are large- weight lower-priced cars. This combination of val- WATCH BREATHING TUBE. Light Sixes ly - responsible for the balanced ues means unequalled power, speed, flexibility and ; 2 2 Gi ; = easy riding qualities, together with such remark- | Hold your hand over the breathing | Touring $1025 greatness of this season's Big able economy of gasoline, oil and tires that the [tube occasionally while engine is | Roadster $1010 F : {Licht Sixes HAYNES is eventually the most economical car to , running to see if air is passing out. | Sedan ...$1585 ours and Laight Sixes. buy--regardless of price. Such sterling quality is built into every part of the HAYNES that it will give you the same re- markable performance season after season. We shall be only too glad to furnish you satisfying proof of these statements. Phone Wilmette 587. | If breathing tube gets clogged it puts a back pressure on pistons that pulls | down the power of the motor. En pe USE CARE WITH VIBRATOR [f the screws that hold the small IEEE ELE EE EEE EEE REET EEE TTT AUTOMOBILE PAINTING rn HGR 'WEIHE MOTOR SALES COMPANY brass brackets to the vibrator box , po Pe a WINNETKA MOTOR CO. Longer screws may injure the wind- ings of the coil and spoil the vibra- tor. Better put a metal band clear around the box and attach to dash with small bolt. 3 621 West Railroad Avenue I WILMETTE N77 rrr rT Tre Zi Zu dr Zl deaiiiiaauuuauaaai PHONE WINNETKA 166 562 LINCOLN AVENUE WINNETKA, ILLINOIS