= EME ME hii WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, OCTC that line Wn arts the 1€re Ige. dan €as- are the hen mn ar Co. 5886 72) ah Mr. and Mrs. W. Harry Davis are residing in River Forest this winter. NOCI enin 3 Mr. and Mrs. C. LI. Weeks have oO moved from 558 Provident avenue to 549 Washington boulevard, Chicago. Mrs. E. J. Brach, Church and Rail- road, has moved to 3202 Sheridan road, Chicago, for the winter. R. IL. Lee and family have moved from 215 Ridge avenue to 1615 Sher- man avenue, Evanston. ore | 5 Boh Risley ini Se | Mrs. C. H. Ashley, formerly of 969 MacLeish, oS MILITARY ball will take place this evening at Fort Sheri- Tim istreet, is now visiting. fn. Fast dan, with soldiers and soldiers' wives receiving the guests. The party was arranged by Mrs. D. L. Tate, wife of Col. Tate, to her old home at 1217 Asbury ave- with Col. and Mrs. Ryan and others at the fort assisting 'her, nue in Hubbard Woods. nd the proceeds will be given to the Army Relief society. I Mrs. Robert Grunlee of 555 Sheri- Among the north shore society women who will chaperone are dan road is living in Comeautville, # Mrs. Hobart Chatfield-Taylor, Mrs. Arthur Meeker, Mrs. Bruce Pa. Mrs. Andrew MacLeish and Mrs. William G. Hibbard. PF About 5,000 tickets have been sold. There will be two military fbands in the gymnasium, where the dance will be held, and the deco- Orange, N. J. Mrs. W. L. Ballenger has returned E. 8. PARR rations are to be gorgeous. 3 Miss Emily Orwig, a sister 'Marblehead Film company. An interesting wedding of Saturday afternoon was that of Miss Elizabeth Eleanor Moore, daughter of Captain and Mrs. Edwin J. Moore of Evanston, to Mr. Douglas Orwig, son of Mr. and Mrs. PHarry I. Orwig of Winnetka. The ceremony was read by the Rev. FTimothy Stone at the Fourth Presbyterian church in Chicago. 'Orwig fruit farm in Michigan. Miss Moore was formerly a mem- bers of the Evanston Stock company, and also worked with the & 809 Elm St. Winnetka, Ill ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. AND REPAIRING Bryan Marsh Electric Bulbs Bicycles new and second hand Bicycle repairing and supplies Lawn Mower grinding and repairs Grinding of all kinds. Baby Car- | of the groom, was the maid of fhonor, and Mr. O'Brien of New York served as best man. Miss riage Tires. ER ER a | 1 oore's gown was of bridal satin, made with the conventional court PHONE 122 train. She was given away by her father. The young couple have 'gone on their honeymoon, after which they will probably live on the ; : Homes and Vacant | ¥ Alabama. é& Mr. and Mrs. George Dole Forrest of Hubbard Woods announce the engagement of their daughter, Julia Murray, to. Spoti-wood 'Page Nelson of Baltimore, Md. Mr. Nelson is first sergeant in 1'at- tery B of the Maryland Field Artillery, now stationed at Anniston, for sale in all North Shore ! The following clipping has been re- ceived from the Houston Daily Post of September 29, 1917: "Distinctly unusual and decidedly romantic was the wedding ceremony Friday night in company B of the 'One Hundred and Eighth engineers. ~ Corporal Omar Porter, formerly 7 fhe employ of W. S. Hibbard, Jr., f Chicago, and Miss Bertha Deily 'Winnetka, Ill, until recently a young Fbusiness woman of Chicago, met two years ago. The meeting started an- other twentieth century romance, a + romance staged in the world of busi- ars | aRicss. FI For the time Mr. and Mrs. Porter £ will live at the Rice hotel." ~ Sergeant Thomas Lynch and Pri- vate Dewey of Winnetka were among the guests in attendance. wn eis . The Winnetka Neighborhood cir- cle will resume its meetings this month, beginning with the first | meeting of the West End circle next 'Tuesday afternoon at the home of 'Mrs. Frank Plowman, 882 Willow | street. On the same afternoon the vene at the residence of Mrs. Percy d! ery "red all- ny ng, ny radstreet, 325 Ridge avenue. The ) awthorne Lane circle is also sched- 'uled to meet on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Dudley French, 503 Haw- fthorne lane. ------ ~ One of the largest groups sewing for the Red Cross in Winnetka meets very Tuesday afternoon at the resi- dence of Mrs. Dudley K. French, 503 awthorne lane. Anyone who finds it more convenient than the Parish house will receive a warm welcome and find a variety of work to be done. z Mrs. George Knox 'Owsley and laughter, Miss Georgiana Owsley, ave been spending the fortnight with Frederick Owsley at his home in P Bile ee They are expected to turn early in the week. A iri irs, Christina Fenger is at the resent time at Chestnut Hill, Mass. F Mrs, E E. N. Rhodes is reported to be eR valonsing. Bjoseph Greeley, son of Mrs. Morris .. Greeley, is confined at the Evans- lon hospital with an injured heel, the result of an accident on his motor- cycle three weeks ago. Young Greeley fF was turning a sharp corner and in I some way His heel became caught in he chain, causing a serious Inry, ) a= Mr. and Mrs. George W. Blossom and their daughter, Miss Katherine Blossom, of Hubbard Woods, and Mr. d Mrs. George Blossom, Jr., of Chi- cago will return today from the tour the east. fe | The Mission Study class of the Wo- nan's Society of the Congregational thurch will meet at the home of Mrs. . Harrison Mettler, on Sheridan road, on Wednesday afternoon, Octo- er 10. -- Irs. Phelps B. Hoyt and daughters, Misses Betty and Emilie, will re- n to their home in Winnetka this week from an extended trip through east. Ridge Avenue circle will also con-|- Suburbs -- - Exchanges - - - il OTIS BUILDING -CHICAGO Mrs. Arthur A. Zipf of Arbor Vitae ] TELEPHONE MAIN 4724 Lieut. Sigmund Mauer of Oregon, and lately of the Chicago university, was the guest last week of Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Farmer at their home in Hubbard Woods. Lieut .Mauer won his commission at Fort Sheridan and was one of the 100 men picked for special training at Boston. He left f| Saturday to take up his duties at Rockford. Wilmette Office 6 Electric Place road has recently returned from a p trip i nthe east. While there she Xen Do It! E know that if your soiled gar- ments, portieres and draperies could telephone us to come for them and give them a cleansing that Soule be worth while they would o 1t. SIX-ONE-NINE DRY CLEANERS Our name is our Telephone Winnetka Office 555 Lincoln Ave. placed her son, Herbert, in Yale col- fortnight's trip to Washington, D. C,, and New York city. The Rosewood circle will hold its first meeting of the season at the home of Mrs. H. P. Simonton, 1140 Ashland avenue, Hubbard Woods, on Tuesday afternoon, October 9, at two o'clock. C. J. Bolte and family of 362 Haw- thorne lane have moved to 615 Green- leaf avenue, Glencoe. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Symons, form- erly of 625 Willow street, are now located at the Lounsbury hotel, Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Kathleen Air will give a re- ception for her pupils and their friends at four o'clock on October 9 at the Winnetka Woman's club. DOUGLAS MANA pa i DST "Pholo-play 3, 'Douglas Fairb Sums the St 4y Jackson ev nkn directed by eph Henaberry ALL NEXT WEEK Startirg Monday, Oct. 8 EXCHANGE -- Winnetka homes or vacant for Wil- mette, Kenilworth, Evanston or Chicago homes or vacant. Send us what you have to exchange. Write us or tele- phone Wilmette 698, or call at the office of PAUL SCHROEDER & Company Mais, 2 & 4 Evenings 7 & 8 LLLILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLL LLL Ld lid lege. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Boyden, 725 | Pine street, left this afternoon for a ~N employers. distribution plan. Aspegren & Company TEL. WILMETTE 420 EVANSTON 466 Seventy Thousand out of the Two Hundred Thousand Retail Deliverymen in the United States have been called to join the fighting * New demands have been placed on New problems have arisen in the We are ready to do our part to serve locally and yet heed the nation's de- Consumer and merchant need prac- tical co-operation in order that the greatest pos- sible satisfaction may be obtained. We believe in the public and will endeavor to prove worthy of the community's confidence in return, while distributing Quality Groceries, Meats, and Vegetables. Lunch Orders for Delivery Need to be in the Store Before 10:30 WEDNESDAY, OCT.,10™ 10 A.M. AVENUE HOUSE DAVIS STREET & CHICAGO AVENUE EVANSTON, ILL. 7 ROOMS ALL GOOD FURNITURE--500 yards Velvet Carpets, Baby Grand Pano Beds, Bedding, D-essers, Chiffoniers, Tables, Chairs, Rockers, Wardrobes Curtains, Mirrors, Safe, Office Fixtures, Linoleum, Entirc Resturant Silverware,China, Linen, Steam Tables, Urns, Ice Boxes, Scales, Two Elec- tric Washing Machines, Electric Dish Washer, Electric Mangle, One 5-horse and one 1 horse power Motor, Chandliers, etc. Ranges, Boilers, etc. WILLTAMS, BARKER & SEVERN & CO,, Auctioneers, 624-630 South Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. 77 222222772 772% 2% % 7272277 XO . NZ Jizz 2277 Zz Durability { The test of a motor-car is not how it runs when new--but after years of service. Haynes "Light Sixes" built three years ago are still running quietly, economically, and to the satisfaction of their original owners. Phone Wilmette 587 or 1883 WEIHE MOTOR SALES CO. 621 W. -RAILROAD AVENUE WILMETTE ND