Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 12 Oct 1917, p. 4

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moe Em om m= WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1917 : mE Em Em om Classified Ads FOR SALE 'FOR SALE--USED PIANOS. ERNST Gobler, $65.00; Lyon & Healy 'Wash-, burn, $145.00; Peck & Sons. $95.00; Shonenger, $85.00; Richmond, $135.00. Sale on new pianos. Easy payments. Patterson Bros. 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. .._. 47-123-tfc "FOR SALE -- USED SEWING MA- chines. Singer, $7.00; Domestic, $5.00; Singer Electric with motor, $12.00; New Home, $7.00; White, new style rotary, $18.00; New Style Singer, used very little, $23.00; Wilcox & Gibbs, $15.00. See our new Electric Singer, $35.00. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. 47-123-tfe MEN'S READY-MADE SUITS FOR sale. We also buy and sell second- hand clothes. Tel. 1128. 603 Demp- ster; 4274, 1321 Emerson, Evanston. 31-12-52tc PORTABLE CHICKEN COOP FOR sale, good as new. Phone Glencoe 103. 48-123-1tc FOR SALE--HORSE AND WAGON, grass bower, plow, buggy, chaff- cutter, etc. Wm. Topple, 173 Ridge- av. Phone Winn. 280. T29-tfc FOR SALE--GOLDEN OAK DINING room set and davenport, in good con- dition. Tel. Winnetka 445. T30-1te FOR SALE--A GARLAND HEATER, cheap. Tel Winnetka 674-W. 440 Birch-st.,, Winnetka. T30-1tp FOR SALE--ONE SINGLE BED, COM- plete; two dressers; two rockers; two library tables; one davenport; one gas range, and other small articles. 888 Oak-st., Winnetka. Phone 475 Winnetka. T30-1te FOR RENT FOR RENT--5-ROOM APARTMENT; sleeping porch. 545 Lincoln-av. Ayres Boal, 122 S. Michigan-av. Tel. Harrison 1043. T29-4tc FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT--HOT water heat. 932 Cherry-st., Win- netka. T29-4tp FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE 6-ROQM house; nice lot; in Hubbard Woods; convenient to depot; $35.00 per month. Phone 236 Winnetka. : T30-1te ROOM FOR RENT--892 PINE-ST,, Winnetka. T30-1te FOR RENT--3 OR 4 ROOM FLAT, OR 7 rooms combined. Phone Win. 1065. 180 Chestnut-st. T30-tfc HELP WANTED .| reservations to Mrs. Jerome A. (Continued from page two) Our Amber Glare road to file quarterly reports of their COMMISSION GIVES R. R. . GLASSES RIGHT TO ADVANCE FARE Protect Your Eyes from Sun's and Great Lakes Training camps, and | BORSH & Co, Optician in this connection has ordered the | 118 South Dearborn St. CHICAGO income and expenses of operation. Our experience in this and other rate litigations on the north shore, urges us again strongly to recom- mend that in the fifure some ar- Tangement be made by which the cause of the municipalities may be presented in an effective manner. The municipalities should make appropri- ations sufficient for the purpose of 28 to 32 No. 5th Ave. | Near Madison Street, Chicago Ten Course Table d'Hote Dinner Sun- days and Holidays. Popular Price Restaurant Vocal and Instrumental Music employin greasonable expert and legal assistance. The increase in rates asked for by the road in this case amounted to ap- |* proximately $150,000 a year in the state of Illinois. Surely a matter of this jmportance demands careful con- sideration and the exercise of busi- L(0)24011 Ni (024 ness prudence. ~ \Zp\AND/&/ Yours very truly, Committee on Law and Legislation. Clubs to Meet. Take a trip along The meeting of the Tenth District the North Shore. Stop of the Federation of Woman's clubs will be held at the Rogers Park Wo- man's club on Wednesday, October 17. Those wishing luncheon send off almost any place and go tramping through the woods and across the fields in search of wild flowers. ; There is the lake, sky-blue and Palmer, 1649 Greenleaf avenue, Chi- sparkling in the ny Walk cago, by Monday, October 15. along the bluffs and glimpse the -- ---- beauties of nature all aglow. Art League Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Wilmette Public School Art league North Shore will be held at the home of Mr. and s Mrs. W. D. Couffer, 903 Lake avenue, Line ) 'l Room id- 3 y, easy-rid- Hardware and Paints|] ing ai'steel equip- J. F. ECKART Soong ff met Zotiocand aging: car service. WANTED--YOUNG MAN TO ACT AS messenger. Opportunity to learn telegraphy. Apply Western Union Telegraph Company, Winnetka, Ill. 47-123-1te AM IN NEED OF A NURSE TO TAKE care of two little boys, aged 2 and 5; will pay $10.00 a week to a competent girl. Kindly phone Winnetka 986, or call at 640 Blackstone-road. Win- netka. T30-1te WANTED--A NURSE WITH EXPERI- ence to take care of 2 boys, age 2 and 3. $10.00; good references re- quired. Address Winnetka Talk C-49. T30-1te WANTED--WOMAN TO HELP WITH kitchen work daily, including small infant's | washing, from 8 a. m. through dinner hour at night. Must also do small washing weekly; $5 per week and will pay one-half car- fare. Tel. Win. 1114. T30-1te SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED--GENERAL WORK ABOUT the house and yard; floors, windows, etc. Roy Watson. Telephone Ev- anston 3687 and Wilmette 1920. 47-tfdh WORK WANTED--CARE OF FUR- nace, house cleaning and general work, gardening, ete. Call Winnetka 13R6. T29-2te LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations. Phone Winnetka 911 before 8 a. m. T29-tfc TWO WHITE: WOMEN WANT WOR: one cleaning and one laundry work by the day. 808 Hamlin-st., Evana- ton. T30-2tp COLORED GIRL WANTS MORNING work or chamber work in Winnetka by week. T30-1tp WANTED -- FURNACE TO TAKE care of by week or month. Phone Winnetka 1376. T30-1tp SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST- class housekeeper or laundress, in small family; good cook; trustworthy --city references. Phone Dong as 3794. T30-23-1tc WANTED--I ATINDRY WORK PV MER day. Tel. Winnetka 1468. T30-1te "ly -- FURNACES TO LOOK after, west of track in Hubbard 3 Fr Address Winnetka Weekly Talk C-50. T30-1te MISCELLANEOUS CALL AND' SEE OUR NEW THOR Electric Washing Machine, with new gas heater attachment. If you have an old electric machine, have a heat- er installed; they work wonders. Patterson Bros. 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. 47-123-tfe 10C A YARD--HEMSTITCHING AND picot edge work on our new Singer hemstitching machine. Patterson Bros. 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. 47-123-tfe IF YOU HAVE AN OLD VIOLIN and want to sell it or trade it in, we make you a fine proposition. See our violin maker. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. Patterson Bros. 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. 47-123tfc SWIMMING COURSE IS POPULAR WITH WOMEN 'The swimming classes for women at New Trier High school are prov- ing very poptilar under the direction of Chauncey Hyatt. The classes are held from 10 to 11 o'clock every Tues- day and Thursday mornings. At present the women are study- ing life-saving methods and taking tests for membership in the Ameri- can Red Cross Life-saving Corps. The classes are open to the residents of New Trier township and tickets for the season are on sale at the athletic director's office. Culture Club Meets. The Wilmette Culture club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Car- rie Pratt, 401 Gregory avenue. comfortable, convenient. Thirty limited trains daily; frequent local trains; low rates of fare. Calumet 424-425.426 Elevated DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS . OF INDIVIDUAL AUTOMOBILE, Evanston Express Trains BODIES make immediate con- nections with North Shore Line limited trains at CHICAGO CO ACH Central Street, Evanston. Ask & CARRIAGE CO. any Elevated ticket agent for descriptive folder and time card. Established 1886 City Ticket Office i Be 137 South Clark Street General Repairing and Painting Of y Phone Central 8280 Exceptional Quality . 1223 South Michigan Avenue The Electric Way CHICAGO, ILLINOIS -- TODAY! Willys Knight and Oberland Cars WINNETKA MOTOR CO. | TIRES, SUPPLIES, PAINTING, GENERAL REPAIRING MEMSTITCHING - ss BUTTONS COVERED - Pikes PARKER, PLEATINGS - (sU1% EMBROIDERING EMBROIDERING- ~~ BAZ & BRAIDING CO ING - Roow 122 Stevens Bldug AND BRAIDING BEADS Room 614 North American Bldyg Hat your materials to us. We toil - Whe i i A DY wi fic: span an on CENTRAL 1649 -6609- 4304-5839 SAVE TIME - Seud for a Button Chart aud Price List ~THANKS !! il F. ARENDT LADIES TAILOR IMPORTER & FURRIER 402-3-4 Heyworth Bldg. 29 E. Madison St. : : CHICAGO Is now showing the Latest Models for FALL & WINTER Our selection consists of ENGLISH, FRENCH CLOTHES, VELVETS and SILKS. We are making Smart Fancy and Plain Tailored Suits. YOUR INSPECTION INVITED hd i rs - WINNETKA TRUST = SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL $35,000.00 FORMERLY BANK OF M. K. MEYER ESTABLISHED 1894 MONEY TO LOAN at 6% on Improved Real Estate. SAVINGS and COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS respectfully solicited 7222272222 / W077 1s a year round delight. It adds to the reliable "Gets-you-there-and-back™ quality of the Haynes, genuine comfort in all kinds of weather. Phone Wilmette 587 or 1883 WEIHE MOTOR SALES CO. 621 W. RAILROAD AVE., WILMETTE 7 ALLL LILI LL LALA LESLIE LASSE SAA AAA LALA A A AL A A FAA AA AAA A EAA AAA AAA SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONS FOUR POPULAR ALL YEAR CARS Oldsmobile Sedan, $1,695 Dodge Sedan $1,265 Woods Dual Power Coupe, $2,950 Franklin Sedan, $2,950 C. E. BRIDGES Evanston Franklin Car Co. 510 DAVIS STREET EVANSTON Phone 5886 LE TT LE CT TT TT TT UU HTT LULL 7 ZZ 2 77 2 7 2 2 2 A dd ZZ 2d ds ad dd 2 LlLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLT ELL EE EE rr | in th ES JE SLaNG DISTANCE. TELEPHONE (XX Su sw W HEN MEMBERS of the Reserve Officers' _¥ Training Camp at Fort Sheridan began re- ceiving their commissions, their first thought was to notify their relatives and friends, sweethearts and wives, wherever they might be. To do this a rush was made for a telephone--somewhere in Lake County. STOP FOR A MINUTE and think how the calls -must have piled up! Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, Louisville, Davenport and a score of other places. And not only must each place called for be reached; - but every one of this lot of eager, happy, insistent fellows was intent on getting his call through FIRST and getting it through quick. RUSHES ARE FREQUENTLY made on the telephone service in normal times and they are always more or less difficult to handle. WITH WAR ACTIVITIES at flood tide the prob- lem increases in complexity, and in the case in point some men had to wait, but all were served, finally. MOST GRATIFYING to the Telephone Company was the fact that every man was patient, all seemed to realize our position, and did their part in helping us by being good natured. Lage, CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY

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