------ Be sss -- peor WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1918 oc al H ap pe NNAS Communication - Nor kh Shore ||. May I not take this opportunity ort \ O re to express through the columns of : your paper the appreciation of that by Ruth Risley [1] large portion of the community to Winnetka Weekly Talk. whom Friday of this week will be a N INTERESTING ATTRACTION at the Brown Tea Shop | tion of the shopkeepers of Winnetka on Saturday afternoon of this week, at three thirty o'clock, |and Hubbard Woods, who so wi will be the presence of Mrs. Russell Tyson, head of the |"&lY nsrend fo olnte Hien Ores oa Chicago Branch of the American Fund for French Wounded. marliers JUNG Js aiternoor Mrs. Tyson, who but recently returned from France, has a fund of interesting information to impart, and it is expected the women of day of special meaning, for the ac- of that day. We are certain that nothing they could have done could have so effectively served to emphas- the village will be eager to hear of the work in that field. ize the significance that Good Friday * this year has for the world. It is HE SPIRIT of co-operation which always prevails in Winnetka, | fitting that the great memorial of has at no time been more pronounced than during these days |the supreme sacrifice should be made of national peril. The success of the Gift Shop and the Tea | With marked emphasis in this year Shop is typical of the spirit. Enthusiasm still continues and the | When tens of thousands of the youths N22 0rd ddd i ; 3 f the free nations of the world are Dr. Brown fund, as registered by the Shop thermometer, has nearly ori reached $1,500. > . cause for which the Son of Man laid N AN N NY RN N N N N N \ N making their final contribution to the 7724 bi The Hat sale, to be opened on April 3, to continue three days, should net a generous sum. There is also to be a china and glass- ware sale which will take place on Wednesday, April 10, opening at | ly this fact. ten o'clock and continuing one day, only. Contributions for this Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard. sale are solicited. * LEGAL NOTICE down His life. This action of the shopkeepers of this community has helped us all to recognize more clear- The following ticket will be voted upon at the annual meeting of the Winnetka Woman's club on Thurs- day, April 18. President, Mrs. Carrie B. Prouty. 1. vice-president, Mrs. Charles T. Mordock. 2. vice-president, Mrs. Norman K. Anderson. Recordin secretary, Mrs. Taliaferro Milton. Corresponding secretary, Mrs. J. F. Porter. Treasurer, Mrs. Arthur G. Free- man. Chairmen of committees. Art and literature, Mrs. Laird Bell. Edu- cational, Mrs. Alfred S. Alschuler. Civics and Philanthropy, Mrs. Mor- ris L. Greeley. Social, Mrs. Charles Howells Coffin. House, Mrs. William A. Otis. Members at large: Mrs. 'John R. Montgomery, Mrs. Charles S. Buell and Mrs. Leon H. Winne. ---- The MacDowell Musical club has completed arrangements for the Musicale to be given on the evening of May 3, at the Woman's club." A large audience is hoped for, since the proceeds are to be given to the War En Fan The regular all-day meeting of the Woman's society of the Congre- gational church will be held on Wed- nesday, April 3. Business meeting at 11 clock; luncheon at 12, and the program at 1:30 o'clock. Among the speakers will be Reverend J. W. F. Davies, who is the new president of the board of directors of the Con- gregational school for women; and Miss Agnes Taylor, who is dean of the training school. Mrs. Harvey Brewer wil furnish the music for the afternoon. n- Gi HD Bd Mr. and Mrs. Charles Summers, of 896 Elm street, entertained with a birthday dinner on Sunday, in honor of her mother, Mrs. Blanche Bow- den. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maher and Miss Helen Maher, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilson, Frank Wilson, Miss Helen Bowden, William Bowden and Tho- mas Bowden, of Winnetka. -- At the next meeting of the Win- netka Woman's club, on Thursday afternoon, April 4, a special wartime program will be presented. Mrs. Charles Hubbard will speak on the "Woman's Army Reserve", and Mrs. F. W. Harnwell will read a one act comedy. The hostesses for the after- noon will be Mesdames Charles I. Weeks, Gerald Mahoney, Charles A. Tibbals and John R. Fletcher. A ---- The many friends of Mrs. A. G. Freeman, 651 Lincoln avenue, will re- gret to learn of the death .of her mother, Mrs. Winterson, of Chicago, last Sunday morning. As Mrs. Free- man is quarantined with the measles, " she was unable to attend the funer- al services. AVE Mrs. W. S. Hamm and daughter, Miss Winifred Hamm, 270 Scott avenue, left Tuesday for a visit in Hempstead, New York, with Miss Hamm's fiancee, Deforse Custer. Be- fore returning they will spend sever- al days in Washington, D. C. ---- Miss M. Lillian Smedly and Miss Ruth Barr, of Lake Geneva, Wis., will be the 'week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Lieber, 988 Elm street. ee We Miss Mildred Light. 988 Elm street, will spent the week-end at Leaf River, Il Mrs. Phelps B. Hoyt and daughter,| Notice is hereby given, that at a Miss Betty, accompanied by Mrs. |Special meeting of the stockholders Hoyt's father, Mr. Benjamin Allen, |of the Calenduline company, held will leave this week for Atlantic |at 7859 Egglister avenue, Chicago, City, N. J. Mrs. Hoyt expects to re-|at 2 o'clock p. m, on December 28, open her home, at 483 Sheridan road, | 1917, the capital stock of said com- May 1. pany was reduced from $100,000 to --p-- $5,000. The Pi Beta Phi sorority of North- GEO. H. PATTISON, western university will hold a danc- 823 Ashland avenue. ing party at the Winnetka Woman's club on Friday evening, April 12, rete le eect 2 5 yr E. S. PARR Wilford Dean, who is enlisted in 809 Elm St. Winnetka, m the marine corps, spent a five day furlough with his parents, Mr. and ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Mrs. Louis N. Dean, 781 Gordon ter- AND REPAIRING race. Bryan Marsh Electric Bulbs TT Bicycles new and second hand Mrs. William A. Otis, 644 Oak street, Bicycle repairing and supplies is spending 8 few days with her Lawn Mower grinding and repairs daughter, Miss Louise Otis, in Cleve- Grinding of all kinds. Baby Car- land, Ohio. riage Tires. EN EN sf Mrs. J. W. Davies, 1004 Pine street. PHONE 122 is visiting in Indianapolis, Ind. FY yl { 7 77 I BALANCE IN EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS Call and ask about these liberal terms at NALA 2 22777770 4 OUR OFFICERS and staff are always glad to render any assistance to any one in need of financial advice. If you have such a problem to solve bring it here for solution. Whether you are a depositor or not is immaterial. This is a bank for service for all the com- munity. We shall be glad to be of use to you. 8 CAPITAL $35,000.00 WINNETKA TRUST Formerly BANK OF M. K. MEYER and SAVINGS BANK 2 a 1804 =~ 1 7 BANK : {|preSIDENT 7] 7s LL 7 ld Edd dd Za a Dd 2 2 2 2 77772277777 ASSIS SSSSSVSLSSSSSSLS SVS SHY D272 \ SPECIAL EASTER PROGRAM Chicago Madrigal Club UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE EVANSTON NEWS-INDEX Sunday Afternoon at 3:30 SUMMER TIME AT THE HOYBURN THEATER Fifty Voices D. A. CLIPPINGER, Conductor Admission 25 Cents 7k 2D WINNETKA ELECTRIC SHOP PAUL D. BLAKT, PROPRIETOR PHONE WINNETKA 318 4 E. RAILROAD AVENUE, WINNETKA, ILL. Rr LLL LLL Hl Lid LL rd dd Zi la Ze Zr ZZ Zr arom Py, Aspegren & Company TEL. WILMETTE 420 EVANSTON 466 Quality Food Products, distributed in the most economical way is the demand of the times. Volume assis's in decreasing expenses. Time is essential to distribute goods in the most efficient way. Customers are showing very practical co- operation. We are glad to do our utmost to assist in solving the Food question. LLL: Salesmen are always glad to speak of any special values offered. Quality Groceries, Meats, Fruits and Vegetables rrr rr rrr, IAAI LIA ITEP EA A AAAS EA EAA AA AAA EASA AT ALY LTA AA AAA A A AA AAA AAA AA AAA AAA LL | LLL LE TL ZL dL Ld dd 2 dd ddd ddd ddd Ll LLL Ed dd ddd Td dd 7 7 222770770077 Fort Dearborn Fire Proof Storage Company 4615-29 Clifton Avenue Wilson Avenue L Station Phone Ravenswood 100 Have You Decided ? To place your household goods and valuables into Storage, or possibly to change your location, if so : STORAGE Arrange Now | PACKING MOVING for SHIPPING All goods carefully arranged on light airy floors for storing, vaults for vauables, separate rooms for Pianos, Victrolas, Rugs and Trunks. Large smooth running automobile vans are used in moving while our facilities for Packing and Shipping cannot be sur- passed. An important feature is our private Elevated Switch Track which runs Directly to Warehouse Doors, thus saving extra Handling and Hauling of your belongings. WS S | For Information as to Rates and Estimat® wanes | Phone Ravenswood 100 CR Emares : DAY OR NIGHT Under controll of State Public Utilities Commission of Illinois Niles dd ddd ddd ddd ddd bd lll dll ll lll lll lll lll lll ed Pr 7777777 777 dad addi did iizairriiiiiziiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiaiiiiiiiziiiiiziiiziiiiiiiiiddd 2% musk 1] a. i lie a tins