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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 19 Jul 1918, p. 1

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=) rd aS 5 | Pp NEW REGISTRANTS TO ; : BE EXAMINED MONDAY | WRITERS ANSWERED FOR SALE AT FETE ..... soos comes duce or pny. HONORS FRENCHMEN IN AUTO COLLISION en | sical Tests; Busy last week --_-- i ---- . . | . Ee - . Draft Board Chairman, George J. | North Shore Society to Gather at checking up on men Taken in Francis W. Parker, Y. M. C. A. War | Chief A. N. Peterson Suffers Crushed Pope, Replies to Unsigned Com- Fete at home of Mr. and Mrs. Raids Worker pays high Tribute to Right Foot, 2 Broken Ribs and | munications Accusing Men of Frankiin P. Smith, Lake Loyalty and Patriotism of Scalp Wounds in Wilmette "Work" Evasion Forest Physical examination for military our Ally AN service of the 1918 registrants will be . i gistrant; | AUTO H GROSS MIS - STATEMENTS |D. A. R. DIRECTS AFFAIR conducted in the Masonic Hall pROGRAM IS INSPIRING UTC HITS MOTORCYCLE S | Brown building, Wilmette, Monday | { is : ; | morning, July 22, beginning at 8:30 | Taken to Evanston Hospital; Condi- Records of the Board Open to Public | Many Features Promised for Nation- | o'clock. | Marseillaise Air Sung by Mrs. Morris | tion very Encouraging ! and Questions Answered at all al Defense Charity Benefit | It is expected that all of the re- Townley Strikes Keynote of } times | gistrants will have been examined | Celebration Chief oi. Police A. N. Petersoi iis Asal! porker donated by Mrs, | before noon since enlistments have | in. the Evanston Hospital today, his dd JE ad : . ; | considerably decreased the number | : A : Ts Authors of anonymous communi. | Edward A. Leight and a white dog | = en SY wit be lable to militar Bastille Day, the great Independ-|right foot badly crushed, two ribs cations bearing upon the government presented by Mrs. Frank R. Fuller, | $ Th sedis I" > | ence Dav of France, was fittingly shattered and scalp painfully lacer- "Work or Fight" ruling, addressed to | regent of the Chicago Chapter of the | S°TV1¢¢: § examinations will hs | commemorated by a patriotic meet- |ated as the result of an accident ear- the members of the 1oca) draft board |D- A. R., will be sold at the lawn fete under the direction of the Local}. 1 z k ly Thursday evening in which the ~ Pp YO 2 i PIN 5 Ta § . 2 > ; Sade y a, : 141 to be gi Saturday. Tuly 27 he | Exemption Board and all prepara- | 8 held: at: Community House oni} aay 2 : 7; accusing certain registrants with at-|t0 2s Saturday, July 27, at IN€ tions have been completed to go] Sunday evening, July 14. chief, riding a motorcycle in Wil- ing evade service and insin- | beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. | : : s ; ats mette, was caught in th 4 {EmMpiing. to evade service a Feayklin Pi Smith Lake iF through the physical tests in as short| Mrs. Harvey Brewer, violinist, ac- Wi the path of vating that the members of the draft | Franklin P. Smith, at Lake orest, a period of tine us possible companied by Miss Pratt, gave many an automobile. board were not acting fairly in the |under the auspices of the National Membirs of the Tod spent | splendid selections while the large Peterson, according to witnesses, ' matter of classifying registrants,| Defense Committee of the Chicago|, ats i P di bli Th was traveling north in Twelfth street . Chapte fihe D.A.R.M Art] | busy days Friday, Saturday and Sun-|audience was assembling. he meet- : have brought forth the following apter ofthe D. A. R., Mrs. Arthur 77 "77° shel oe ned Dy the singinz of the: Lake avenue when an automobile C. D halter ¥3%te Fin: | day of last week aiding the govern-} ing was opened by the singing oi the so : § X : S S , ; 4 Ce ' ) { So : : "a ; 2 » 4 oss, a 1 ani response from George J Pope chair C ow 2 Ry ar and re nance ment officials in checking up on met | Star Spangled Banner", followed by { driven by Frank Dossi nech c man of the Board addressed to the | Committee of the National Defense |. iy = ' : he . A in the North Shore Garage, Wilmette Ee . ¢ 1M Edi : lin the district who were held in the! the Invocation which was pronounced 3 ' editor of the Lake Shore News: ouncil, rs. ward A. Leight,| . Ri b he 'R d Ed dF. Wil approached the cross sareet in Lake chairman. Miss Phoebe Fuller will draft raids conducted in Chicago late) by the Reveren war : "avenue July 15, 1918. act in the capacity of saleslady last week. Ninety-nine percent of |liams. The audience then rose while Hurled to Park Lake Shore Publishing Co, Youne women of the Juglorile thet men of draft age in district No.| Mrs. Morris Townley sang the Mar-} Siaried to bareway ' 1222 Central A g A ¢ Junior league 4 v tied i Set itlai int Nich sh dt he chief, apparently sensing the ] 2 entral Avenue, residents of the fs] $'whicl ave complied in every respect with | seillaise, into which she seeme o 3 ' Wil Tiinoi sidents of the north shore, of which . b i he very Spirit of Fi: danger, swerved as the two machines : ilmette, Illinois. Miss Katherine Diefce" isi president | the draft regulations, according to reathe the very spirit of France. conversed ut the street Sat ti A Gentlemen : Ul have charce oP the I Car. |local draft officials. A single instance | T Presid T5 % usd bi t 1 Sryschon, A This Board is constantly receiv: will have charge of the French Mar- | f fail i aist ras recorded 2b enney Fresides it was said, and then passed direct- : Rl . scanty | ket, and the Motor Corps girls, Mrs. Of:iai gre to:register was recorqec at} Mr. Horace K. T cy who 25id- | ly in the path of the cs: H 8 ing anonymous communications re-|yy; . . : £ {the district office, namely that of a Mr. Horace K. Tenney who premce {iy in tie path, of ihe car Swas lative to its registrants, many of Walton, captain, Will ave charge of! colored man taken in a raid in In |ed at the meeting, made an address |sent spinning to the parkway, his { S , +1 I RR 1 rots a ¢ = [os : : : Pie hi ad ever : \ whom are unfairly accused of trying | the dancing and other attractions. Faiana in which he paid exactly the kind of | machine falling under the automobile. . to evade service. It Is maniicstly i Si Young Women at Booths bo 2 tribute to France which we all feel| Dossi and spectators carried the v se - $ E | The following group of young] in our hearts but which few could |injured man into a house nearb possible for the Board to answer such | ; ol = FR s : uld | 10) : s y comunicationss The restdf is that the women, daughters of the Di AR.) EE DEMONSTRATION | express so well, after which he in-| where first aid treatment was ad- Board is possibly receiving ecnsute | Misses Elsie French, Sarah and OF VEGETABLE DRYING | :roduced the speaker of the evening, | ministered. He was later taken to * to whi h it is Hote atitl od and the to | Hester Washburn, Gladys Lowry, i hy : : : | Mr. Francis W. Parker. the Evanston Hospital and attended 0 which it is not entitled anc € | Eva Kaufman, Margaret Hartwell. | A free demonstration of drying of | 2 Seve hs 1 arke ras | by Dr. Leste re : gistrant is under suspicion when nol = auiman, Margaret artwell, otal ) ying | For seven months Mr. Parker was | by r. Lester Mee. blame should be attached 6 him The | Laura Gaskin, Dorothy Frees, Flor-| Nb will be made in the |a divisional superintendent in Y. M. | Condition Encouraging an Fecords of the Board are open to thei ence Deneen, Edith Fargo Andrews, Dos: tis Science room of the Horace | C. A. work in France, during which | Peterson's condition was highly en- NE public: for' proper use | will assist at the booths. Mann school at 2:30 glclock on Mon- | time his division organized the work | couraging this morning, according to We ld like very X Wil in vor Miss Eleanor Donnelley and Miss day afternoon, July 22, by Miss M. L.|i four different areas. { Dr. Mee, and it was not expected, as ; Al 0) EY Hf In yo | Helen Wilson will have charge of Carpenter, under the auspices of the | Prai > LD | at first supposed, he would suffer the v o issue Yon wou a request. Al the flowers. There will be coffee and | Food Conservation committee of the Fae enc eHOLTacy | loss of his right foot. X-ray examina citizens who have any matter which tee : [ r. kre nee Flr FR AR sete CI att hla Ss rig . X-ray examina- they believe should 1 I otahi to | Gwiccs, Ice-Cream and cake serve | war: Emergency Union. He had so much to tell about theliiong were made today to determine ) re shot ye brought tc : RS. RE Hh i Frenic aonle at he tack: tinte only . fy the attention of the Board to feel at | at little tables under the trees. A| All Housewives are urged to attend | I rench people-that he took time only | the extent of the injury to the maim- 1 hc pr 1 a 2 10st attractive program will be|2S this is by far the simplest and|to give a glimpse of his work--a|eq member : Bp jer 10. cal )T aly : . rrr a 3 " : . oli Be sani Sa off bn tial ! y Send a en, ; 65 en. A Jackie band of twenty-five Most economical method of caring) glimpse which provoked a desire i Dossi was taken into custody by answered Runicat P€ | pieces will play dt the afternoon | for the surplus supply of vegetables. | hear more. Among the many interest- | Wilmette police Thursday evel hah? So Na dame Te tthe N ral citize eds to be d ti ing things he s ce of w 3 Ke ¢ ro ak an We are writing fetter os Madame DeTell of the ve, i) } sitien pods to be told that | that tie : he Dk the fact { who preferred a minor charge -- oa { y EN ak 1 Sali sii no single vegetable grown An he ne 1 2 nc peopie 1ave the : on . weé have today Teceivermr--rwD Tos = ER Comaany Avil en SINE CSTs ctabie growl Alle Ld) Sota WIGS fy Ol du ol 28 t him. He 'was released upon . : x7 5 at 4 o'clock 1m the atternoon | VY illage 1s to be wasted. Every gar-| nighest Colcepiic Ol deliocTacy oi cor 0 Cert 3 A T : munications from Winnetka, one ABEL cL IE en rat 13 : Le : ; 1 taly Ob isettiement of $500 bonds. The time signed "Square Deal? rt Teh at 9 o'clock in the evening. Ad-|den in the Village is to be inspected|any nation in the world Their! tor a"Hearine: will be determined by ed "dquare Deal", stating at a i nd : 14 a hea g I be determine ) » h of 3 s wild bv on 3 Franch vicitore | and reported upon at regular »r- | democracy was f ded or 3 a | 14 i ris . certain registrant should be made to French yisttors fs ported, up boregular ante SIMO ray wa ounded on the three the extent of the injury to the chief. : : Lig ta ser will be feat.) vals: words liberty, equality, and fraterni- | > . : git # change his or be inducted | 2 oe Tal Ee La ; { Peterson recently returned from into the service the Selective 1 as ckie number un Sg LI FE ty, and they have been and con-!p, nsacol: Florida. where he had Dithe service. the del ei F . . rN ' > ? sistant Ave tho thie i . | x'ensacola, rida, wh a Service regulation this man has als, direction of Raymond C. BOB O'LINK PRESENTS sistently are living this kind of een engaged in government work wer) eguianion. th man has a A 16vie" acter A atietie ~ ~ § I | democracy. Mr. Parker dwel as Engaged An gover mi 'work, perfect right to con a his A. movie actor will auction AVIATION EXHIBITION ji Hils ey ri ed % ;gwelt very | He "has. been the' chief 'of the present worl SE RANEY of vegetables and award a EAR | strongly upon their unfailing optim-| Winnetka police . th t sent work as 1t 1s not c¢ted by : Navid So i; 1 : ddl 5 nice ing € pas r . > ; for the most attractive vecet North e T¢ nvi ism, and the « ~ipline an owe |» \ i ] pds the "Work or Fight" order. Another 1 the most attractive vege "dean a 1 y ted re € C1] e and power « four vears and is considered one of . . . . 5 a youquets 11 ye | LO attend a ret xhibi : army. +} 1 - 1 . communication signed "Red Cross Yt ha he : . i : 5 2 2 \ " re ses 1 1 - the best rifle and revolver shots in Worker" totally mis-states the facts Twenty-five cents whilejtion ito pe cond: the 500 AL tne conclusion he SpoRe OF OUT} he vicinity fof Chicago." He has dlso as re ards the re " t an : d in ad-| EY in uniform will be admitted free | O'Link Golf club 1d Park | own boys and of the effect that the] | a reputation fc ; his bility j s regards the registrant, and ad-=pt 0, . " : : . 1 4 a reputat for his ability in or Rl ; S yf charge on Saturday, july 4. t contact with this superb race would} : ¥ dition to this our records show that | charge y ) Ys of all t o 11 > gt! tH 'thi iperi wk won'e and house- : s ; Satie SER o'clock, in honor French | have upon them, upon our flag and : : the man was enlisted on the 2nd day Viators and for Ap i Ee : y > finger-print of January, 1917. @vintors .and Jo; ; of the) upon our country, system. 'He is extremely well-liked > A children of the French aviators| The meeting was closed by the|. ot anlv i . \ i > Your very truly, GC A ° | Rified. Ta acta and 0 , Ss! notre of ee nn Ae {not only in police circles but among Tad idl 1 actio and the Americs singing America, the benediction ah IRI Fils Local Board for Division | arden dbice ; ; : 10 (the Americal ee NECICHon | villagers as well, who are expressing 3 ra rw ahh Fund for French Wounded | being pronounced by the Reverend | 1 ; : = No. 3, County of Cook, State ; ; p ng, A133: {the hope for a speedy and complete ARG: Ae l A feature of the occasion will be|E. F. Williams. (oan of lilinets, an exhibition flight | Lieut jrecoverr Krad 3 \ | an exh mn tight by Jaqeutenant | | George J. Pope, This week pull young tender beets | Flachaire at 4 o K AM ato! | TATE Chairman. | and carrots for canni | Flachaire at 4 o'clock. There will al- | £ m-- | 2 an. | and Spree or gunning and plant | so he a reception for French officers | ] ENDEAVOR SOCIETIES --_---------- second crop in their i | ; : 2 ROB 9 WILMETTE HOUSES Storage. Diny (Leake ei yand spsschay hy Aneof Basthelomy] War Emergency Notes | ENJOY BEACH PARTY s ge. ant second bs' where-| 1 ieutenant Flachaire z ors ; 5 achaire and others. ! BUT LOOT L| ever possible--remember half a row sic wi : ta] y 007 18. SMAL is IE than none and that a an It ii hi Se furnished by a Jackie] : - One hundred young people of the : a € at a stlaliibhand fr Z < ave Y J . a Ff : . 1x. | empty space in a row will grow a fine | train; Dm tue Oreat Lakes naval) Guilford Windes is now at the Har- north shore, members of Christian Burglars had a busy time in Wil-j 02 °C © "ali r A ME | training station, a cafeteria supper | "0 rir : Endeavor societies - of the North mette eafly last Friday. Within 2 wi ; eal age Jeans for canning will he served and there will be danc- vard Radio school, Cambridge, Mass. Shore division of the Chicago Chris 2 may be planted at any time up to; H 3 aT > a8 ag rh ¥ ac S an) ling in the evening. -- bn OR Tos BO er ce re antire doce | the first week in August 3 : Word has | red Ty thelr rs pu az ) Sy 3 1 N A | rere / Or as ee cetv y atte 2tRite Y p by thi itire Residents are' 'rejnested heiore] H ™ | ord has been received by t 1e| Wilmette bathing beach at the foot being a gold watch, $3, a thrift stamp, leaving on vacation to arrance with oratio . Powell Dead | parents of Melvin and Ivan Albright | of Elmwood avenue last Saturday af ; A rn aving acation to arrange with | a Fo aie oy ou hs $ € last: a - and a pair of trousers. i a neighbor to use.' garden produced ps i 4 | of their safe arrival overseas. ternoon and evening in the annual W. H. Pruden of 631 Central aven-| gq 87 00 = oF & are tie riends of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. | -- picnic of the division. Endeavorers c absence oO t e : - rD eis D, , 5 S e, < y ue scared one of the burglars away | ww... I= . 373 ei Powell of Ravinia, formerly residents | Son ; i the Wi Prashoterys ») from his house. The burglar took War Emergency Union office, Win-| of Winnetka, will be grieved to lear James Scheiner has enlisted as a or the Wilmette Presbyterian church « h se. g | etka' 1000. FO a will beg d to learn| o/oman at Great Lakes. acted as hosts and provided the beach with him, however, a gold watch be- | | of the death of their son, Horatio M. | | supper. longing to Pruden, who gave the] prey Powell, which occurred at Gettys- ~~ | Prior : 1g ) ga 1€ | Liye 3 Ta . ra ' ' ys-) : 4 ' : rior to the supper hour there was alarm. : Requests are coming into the office burg, Pa., on Wednesday, July 10, fol- | Floyd Voltz has enlisted in the|an indoor baseball game. bathing and : Before being seen leaving the Pru- i surplus vegetables for canning |lowing an operation for appendicitis. | Marines and is at Paris Island, South | games Following the outdoor | Ss ve ave eo fer |e . < . 24lles, g £ den home, the burglars entered the | bat as yet none have been. offered. | Funeral services were held on Mon-! Carolina. | luncheon there was a storv and song homes of Philip Huegenin, 506 Lake Please Seply the office promptly if | day afternoon of this week at two | = | hour and a brief address by Reverend \ street; J. B. Gray, 627 Lake street; |? i Wii have surplus vegetables | o'clock, from the late residence. In- Sidney A. Williams of 857 Ash | George P. Magill of the Wilmette } re Ive a <temat. | either to sel iorigive away. {terme . Ven cols . . : PETG, ; Cg J.B. Greiner, 631 Lake street: S.| » sell or give away te rent at Graceland. { street, who was honorably discharged | Presbyterian church. Swanson, 636 Washington avenue; E.| Tt st a A : Mr. Powell was twenty-seven vears | from the service last fall, has re FARIA SEY King, 714 Laurel avenue; Joseph 1€ instructions for canning and) of was enlisted in the tank | enlisted in the Signal Enlisted Re-| g, 3 ; 130s Ji } ] ] : was st c he Signa ) ted Re-| N : e es a | ino have not bee Stra ; | orth Shore -- Dillon, 206 Woodbine avenue; Robert | drying have not been received from | service. | serve Corps. jis Men Win Ranks i Stoddard, 524 Lake avenue, and Bur-| Washington, although they are ex- ills rs a ! -- | Sergeant Charles G. Cameron, 922 ton "Toms, 300 Lake dvenue. {pected any day and will be distributed | Scout Leader Resident Here Harold: Gri A : ~ | Ashland avenue, Wilmette and Priv- | promptly. when they arrive. This | 3 He d Gi ya 1s rd at amp ate Wells W. Miller of Kenilworth ven (ahs mata tare SE ATI 3 ; . : . | Hill, Newport News, Virginia. or Is eel ra A pA WESTMORELAND BOYS' | however should not interfere with Walter E. Dorland. Scout Executive | I | were this week commissioned Second | the work of the housewives, as ap-|of the Boy Scouts of America is a | Lieutenants in the United States GOLF TOURNAMENT | nr : gi 3 : { 1€ Boy Scouts ot America 1S now | A t Furl L LN . v { PIovee modern methods of canning | a resident of Winnetka having moved | Tiasitong on Furlows Marines! The men have heen assign. The juni Bocce 'Ww land drying are receiving much atten- | here with his family to a residence at | -- ed to duty at Quantico, Virginia. players ¢ Jestr -| t1o & nagazines at apers ride av | 7 i fhe Junior 2 2: 0 ; i nove, tion in current magazines and papers. | 466 Provident avenue. John T. Armstrong who is now a a an pi RY ne i 2 50 ri The i ' Yer. Ae ---- { yeoman on the U. S. S. Stephen R. Schaefgen Overseas _ A every otheg lriday morning. ri he issue of June 28 of the State | Commercial Men Meet { Jones is visiting his parents, Mr. and| News of the "safe and sound", ar- stamps are offered for prizes. Last | Council News contains the following | = | Mrs. Percy W. Armstrong, 861 Bluff | rival bverseas of Geo S h f $4 .: 3 . . . a | pA S. A « ATMS g, : § 4 v £ Friday's event was won by Burton|item and we advise housewives to! The nex : : : 1 ' : gy ; rge: wchaeigen. " Melon Jr a] a To RE § 1e next regular meeting of the N.| street, Glencoe. He recently return-| Gross Point, was received by relat- 1 gee, ot gi) ne e is e hese : ae e Sam has hinted | T. C. A. will be held at the Communi- | ed from France and has experienced |ives in the Village early this week ' 1 : 4 ; . ye r . 4 - . Tone Bn... 82 Ro: Sve iat 1f one doesn't can one's own ty House in Winnetka, Monday, July | some of the thrills of the war on|Schaefgen is a national army man I te with hii pong gore , 22, at 8:30 P. M. Arrangements will | high seas. His ship sails again for|an ®pleft for Camp Grant late last was, ecend F.| . (Continued on page three.) be made for the annual outing. the other side at an early date. Nearly Everybody In Winnetka Reads The Talk VOL. V1I, NO. 18. WINNETKA, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1918 FOUR PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS fail i

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