WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1919 5 ocial H appenings oe North Shore by Ruth Risley N THURSDAY, March 20, the Federated Clubs of the Tenth Congressional District will meet in Winnetka, with the Winnetka Woman's club, as hostess. The morning | session will be devoted to very brief reports of the chair- men of committees of whom there are twenty. Mrs. Marietta Johnson, who gives her first educational lecture here on March 19, has consented to remain over and speak to the clubwomen just be- fore luncheon. In accordance with a new ruling, only 250 delegates and officers will be served with luncheon, others will find service in the two lunch rooms in the Village. As this is the annual meeting and Mrs. Martin K. Northam finishes her term as president the election, which will take place from 1 to 1:30 o'clock, will be interesting. The afternoon program opens at 1:30 o'clock, and is as follows :. Violin. Number» hd... 0 Li Mrs. Harvey Brewer Piano accompaniment, Mrs. Dwight Orcutt. Group of Songs». ........ Mrs. Mary Stevenson Atwood : Accompanied by Mrs. Arthur Dean Address. "Domestic Relations Court ; Some of its Problems." Hon. William N. Gemmill, Judge Domestic Relations Court Address. "The United States of Tomorrow." Preston Bradley, D.D. XTENSIVE PLANS have been put under way by the Rector FE and people of Christ church to extend the most helpful possible welcome to the men of the parish who are now returning from their service in the Army, Navy and Marines. A Welcome Home committee has been organized, which aims not only to express the joy of the parish in the return of the men and the appreciation that it felt of the splendid service which they, in common with all Win- netka men, have offered their country, but also to assist them in the most practical ways to re-establish themselves in the life into which they are now coming back. Of the hundred men whose names are on the Parish Service list, about forty are now home again. In honor of these a dinner will be given in the parish house next Tuesday evening, March 18, at 6:30 o'clock. very man in the parish is urged to attend this dinner and share in this welcome which Christ church is now under- taking to extend. The speaker of the evening will be Major William | McM. Rutter, and addresses will also be made by several of the | | hope, Alabama, and of Greenwhich, | Wednesday evening, Winnetka Wom- jan's club 8:15 P. M. The Fast Willow Street circle was | to meet with Mrs. George Atkins, 556 Willow street on Tuesday after- noon, March 18, but it has become necessary to postpone the meeting one week. assist in entertaining. Contributions are solicited for filling the second suit-case to be sent to Judge Bartel- me for the use of girls in her charge. i Noo ~ Mrs. Marietta Johnson of Fair- Connecticut, will speak on "Educa- tion," as follows. March 19, Wednesday afternoon, Glencoe School auditorium 3:30 P. M. March 26, Wednesday evening, Winnetka Woman's club 8:15 P. M. March 28, Friday evening, Wil- mette Woman's club 8 P. M. The lectures are free to all. PRES Ni) The first informal dance of the spring season to be given at the North Shore hotel, will take place on Friday evening of this week. This affair, which will be in the form of a subscription dance, is arousing great interest among the younger set and particularly university circles. Those who attended the opening formal ball on Tuesday evening of last week, know how beautiful a ball room the North Shore possesses and the perfect setting which it makes for social functions. ai Mrs. Walter W. Doerr of 389 Elder lane, with her small daughter, Jean, came to livanston on Wednesday to spend a few days with her mother. Mrs. W. D. Wilson. She will be there over the week-end. yh Woman's Club The regular meeting of the Win- netka Woman's club was held Thurs- day, March 6, with the president, Mrs. Carrie Prouty, presiding. After the reading of the minutes Mrs. Prouty made the following announce- ments: The members of the club are urged der the direction of the Rug com- to have their rug cleaning aune un- mittee. Mrs. Lieber, 988 Elm street, is taking orders for rug cleaning un- Mrs. James Morley will! by Leonard Merrick, and "Xingu," dramatized by Mrs. Kipper from Edith Wharton's story. The cast of characters was published in last week's issue of the Talk so will not be repeated. Between the two plays Mrs. Kohl- saat led the audience in the singing of favorite songs. Furniture Sale, March 21 The furniture sale at Economy shop scheduled to begin on April 18, will be opened on Friday, March 21, at Economy shop. The early sale was made necessary because the furniture storage room of the shop must be relinquished by the Economy shop, as it has been leased for private use. What Suez Canal Does Although the Suez canal is only 99% miles long, it reduces the distance from England to India by sea nearly 4,000 miles. and judgment. When Mr. Edison Speaks on electrical innovations, Marconi on wireless, or Mr. Schwab on the steel industry, every word has weight. Whenever recognized authority ex- presses itself. we rely upon its opinion When three million owners, all public utilities and the largest corporations standardize 6n Ford Cars and the most substantial North Shore families prefer them for personal driving, isn't that conclusive evidence of superiority? Buy in Evanston Assure yourself of gratis service at home The first warm day will see thousands of buyers who must wait three weeks to two months for delivery. PLAY SAFE---ORDER NOW. Take delivery at your own convenience. men concerning their experiences "over there" and "over here." o * til Mrs. Arthur Barretti's return. The The marriage of Miss Mildred Downing, daughter of Mr. and HL » done by a zeliabis firm, and Mrs. Arnold M. Downing of Glencoe, to Elhanan Pipton Powell, {* "5.5/1? receives a percentage. 3 : | -- son of Dr. and Mrs. T. Elhanan Powell of Chicago, will take place! The Tenth District Federation Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock R.D. CUNNINGHAM EXCLUSIVE DEALER 810 Church Street, Evanston Phone 4884 Mr. Powell has recently been released from military service. _-- Of interest on the north shore is the announcement of the engagement of Miss Helen Carol Horswell, daughter of Dr. and | Mrs. Charles Horswell of St. Paul, Minn. formerly of Kenilworth, | to-Captain Gardner Endicott Johnson, C. A. C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson of Danvers, Mass.' ro. at the home of the bride's parents. | meets with the Woman's club on | meeting. Thursday, March 20, for an all-day The Federation includes forty-five clubs, and their delegates must be given the preference. The morning session is from 10:30 to 12:30, and the afternoon session be- gins at 1:30. Two hundred and fifty guests are expected, and as this num- per is all that can be accommodated hd The New Trier Parent-Teacher association has secured Dr. B. R. Buckingham of the University of Illi- nois, director of the Bureau of Edu- cational Research, for Saturday evening, March 15. The meeting will take place at the New Trier Assemb- ly hall, at 8 o'clock. Dr. Buckingham will speak on the subject "National Crisis of Ikducation." Parents and friends are very cordially invited. The War Relief Committee of the Delta Gamma sorority was in charge of the lecture given Tuesday even- ing at the IEvanston Woman's club, by Madame Helene Delebecque of Winnetka. Madame Delebecque re- ' lated her experiences among French widows and children during the fif- teen months she was abroad under the direction of the American Fund for French Wounded. The purpose of the lecture was to supply funds for the maintenance of the Delta Gamma home in Orrendrect, Holland, which cares for thirty-five little Bel- gian refugees. Just recently Delta Gammas received a special message from the Belgian minister, De Car- tier, congratulating them on their work and urging its continuance. ee Ap The regular meeting of the Mac- Dowell Musical club was held on Monday afternoon, March 10, at the home of Mrs. Charles N. Ascheim, 384 Hawthorne avenue. The follow- ing program was given, preceded by 2 most interesting paper read by Mrs. P. B. Kohlsaat on "The Plan of Music in the Winnetka Schools." In solitude ............000 ub Poldini Allemande | Gavotte" 1: v.00 D'Albert Musette | Mrs. Orcutt Lie "Miroir. clad lai. Ferrari Phe Dove 7... 00000 wn, Schindler The Sailor's Wife .......... Burleigh Mrs. Hansel eRtudes ul ar Hensett FS ICR vip ieis wis amino Raff Mrs. Adams What is-Love? ........ 0. 2. & Ganz IGN Burst. of Melody... 0.00% Seiler Mrs. Hansel a The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. G. Hughes, 1006 Central ave- nue, Wilmette, on Monday afternoon. The meeting will be addressed. by Mrs. Isalel 6. Moody of Wilmette. -_ >a Private Francis Hoesh of the U. S. Marine Corps, who is recovering fron a wound received at Verdun last Ap- ril, is spending a fifteen day furlough with Dr. and Mrs Francis Payne Mason. One of the lovliest of Spring luncheons was given last Saturday by Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone at | her home in Kenilworth, in honor of Mrs. George Miller Spangler Jr. and Mrs. Roscoe L. Gilkey of New York. Co=rs were laid for fifty guests. and each guest received a favor, a pretty pouquet of sweet peas. The home was most attractively decorated in all the spring flowers, and a more attractive setting could not have been found. The affair was one of the prettiest ever given in the Village. Following the luncheon, a program was given consisting of readings by Mrs. Edwin Hedrik and Miss Isabel Lovedale. piano selections by Miss; Eloise Bedlan of Wilmette, a group of songs by Mrs. Seaver, and several numbers by Miss Bessie MacDonald, violinist, of Evanston. By request, Mrs. Rathbone sang several of her own compositions. Rs Mr. T. Philip Swift, who recently married Miss Betty Hoyt, grand- daughter of Mr. W. M. 'Hoyt, is at Green. Cove Springs, Florida, with his wife on a short visit at St. John's Terrcce. Lieutenant Swift was the 331st Field Artillery of the Black- hawk division and was recently dis- charged. Lieutenant and Mrs. Swift call the visit their bridal tour. They are both golfers and are enjoying the tournament at Hibernia. Next week they are to visit Bellair and later Atlantic City, where Mrs. Swift's grandfather, Benjamin Allen, and mother, Mrs.- Phelps' B: Hoyt, -are spending a short season. They will make their home in Winnetka. Mr. Nelson visiting his gr T ce, Gre Landon Hoyt Jr. is andfather at St. John's Cove Springs, Florida. 11 Reserve force. He has in southern: waters, He will reenter 'ornell shortly where he ini h his college course. gi Mr. and Mrs. George W. Blossom ind Miss Katherine, will soon return irom New York and be at the Black- "one hotel a few weeks before open- ing their h «out the middle of April. Mr. and Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt, and danghter, Josephine, returned the first of the week from Green Cove Springs, Florida. ---- fe Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Hopkins and their daughter, Ruth, are at their cottage at St. Augustine, Florida. of | recently discharged from the | g the past three months | expects to! ome in Hubbard Woods, | at the club, the members are asked to get their luncheons at home. In | the afternoon Judge Gemmill will speak on the "Domestic Relations Court and its Problems" and the Rev- | erend Preston Bradley will lecture | on "The United States of Tomorrow." { There will be some attractive music. | Mrs. Harvey Brewer will play, ac-| | companied by Mrs. Dwight Orcutt, | and Mrs. Burton Atwood will sing, | | accompanied by Mrs. Arthur Dean. | | Mrs. Odea gave a report of the bul- [letins issued by the Drama League of Chicago. The play which the bulletin | urges people to attend is, "Tillie," | The Progressive Grocery A. LIPS, PROPRIETOR 5 801 Elm St., Meyer Bank Bldg., Winnetka Tel. 888-889 1 WINNETKA, ILLINOIS Farr Treatment to ALL C. H. BRIGGS, SaLes MANAGE OP HO FOO I OE O Ee O EI O I O EXO dramatized from Helen R. Martin's novel, "Tillie, the Mennonite Maid," | | by rrank nowe Jr. The principal | role is played by Miss Patricia | { Collinge. | There will be an exhibit of pictures | | by north shore women artists at the | club house Wednesday evening, | March 20. The pictures may be seen | before and after the lecture by Mrs. | Marrietta Johnson. The pictures will be on display for the District Federa- tion delegates on Thursday, March 20. It it announced that meetings will be held in the gymnasium at Com- munity House, on three consecutive Sunday evenings beginning March 9. Following the announcements the meeting was turned over to the Art and Literature department, and un- der its direction two clever plays | were. presented in a most charming | | manner. The plays were "The Bish- | lop's Comedy, adapted from a story f | . | It is Far Better to | Buy a FORD Than to '""wish" you had To prove it Ask a large car owner : or see | R.D. CUNNINGHAM | Exclusive Dealer | 810 CHURCH STREET Pnone 4884 EVANSTON = OE 0 El 6 TI 0 Ee O EY O Ee O 1 O Ee O EI OF WHO DEAL WITH US All goods in our store are marked in plain figures. An extra charge of 1c on the dollar or fraction thereof for charge accounts. 5c for each delivery. Large sales and a small overhead expense enable us to quote the following prices. Large Ivory Soap, 2 bars for .................... .25¢ Small Ivory Soap, bar. ....... ol. A alt 8c SPECIAL For week ending March 22 LUX, per package, ... llc Bulk Peanut Butter, 1b. Er a a ea 25¢ Campbell's Soups, assorted .. ....... 10c Tomatoes, can... ie yl rave onli Th 16¢c Tomatoes, dozen cans $1.76 Catsup, pure tomato, bottle .. ................ 15¢ Triscut, phe... oh I 18¢ Fancy Market Baskets, each 50c--60c--75¢ | Butter Cup Toilet Paper, 5 pkgs. for ........ .45¢ The Best Butter and Eggs Obtainable 3-1. 10E30E 10308 Soros or m0 Emm 0 EI 0 EEO EI 0 Fe O EI O ES O EO EE OB O ES O EY O Ey NEW YOKK 14 E, 50th Street CHICAGO 925 FineArts Bldg. C. Victor Twiss Co. Interior Decorators and Furnishers W. H. COLSON Telephone Wabash 619