' Lloyd George has had such a com-| of ing a _has ever known. He is popular. with | WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1919. 3 fe : 5 Winnetka Weekl T 1k able portion of this amount could not y a | be utilized for the construction of a S | filtration plant without holding up ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK |. oqqary improvements to the water by {and light plant as well as the con- The Lake Shore Publishing Company struction of a much needed municipal 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette, Ill i yard and utility building. le An additional reason for a bond Business Telephone. ..... Wilmette 1921 | issue at this time lies in the fact that Bditorial Telephone. ..... Wilmette 1820 | the filtration plant is essentially an Winnetka Office Telephone... Winn. 3888 improvement of the water depart- { ment, and should be financed there- SUBSCRIPTION. ........ $1.00 A YEAR by. as a matter of good bookkeeping. Strictly in advance | It is the customary method by which -- : et any corporation provides for the ress all communications to the orowth or improv f its Si- Winnetka Weekly Talk, Wilmette, IIL | = {oc Ips ovement of its busi Anonymous tommunications will be| ness and constitutes a clear cut.pro- passed to Hie waste basket. The same | position, whereby improvements to applies to rejected manuscript unless the wa p . id , return postage is enclosed. Articles i ° p: fer department are paid for by for publication should reach this office | the future earnings of that depart- by Tuesday afternoon to insure appear- | ment. ance in current Issue. | Another consideration lies in the the Village Resolutions of condolence, cards =] fact that has invested thanks, obituary poetry, notices of | $45,000 of its present cash surplus in entertainments or other affairs where Liberty bonds, and will probably sub- aa _aqrilitarce Charge Will De mage scribe an additional amount to. the at regular advertising rates. fifth loan, which bonds it would be necessary to sell at a considerable loss in the near future as we did not, resort to a bond issue for construct- ing the filtration plant. While authority Entered in the postoffice at Winnetka, | Mlinois, as mail matter of the second elass. under the act of March 3, 1879. for the issuance FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1919 | a filtration plant is recommended by | the Council, it is quite possible that bi only a portion of this amount may be . 5 ' ._ | actually issued, the balance being President Wilson 13 not alone 1} held in the Village treasury until the the unpleasant experience of having | funds are actually needed. This will . : | . . his government at home sending mes- | the Council against any : | sages demanding that he do thus and | ; . | structing the projects needed, enab- { ling it to adjust the available amount cash on hand to the financial all times. Hearing From Home guarantee so at the peace conference. Premier munication from the British House | needs, at of Commons, insisting that he make | out a bill against Germany for the full cost of the war, present it to " ~ A a " (YY = iba - -- - Germany, compel the German gOV=- citizens of Winnetka, with our strong ernment to acknowledge it, and then | recommendation for its active sup- begin the discussion of the ways and port. means dor its payment. The Premier | William D. McKenzie, President, replied by a threat to appeal to the | Clarence E. Cook, Trustee, country in a general election, forc- | Nina D. Davis, Trustee, y 2 sim { Raymond E. Durham, Trustee, governmental crisis, Russel M. Heller, "Trustee, though he must face his constituents | Walter F. Wallace, Trustee, without the head of the Kaiser or | _T. N. Wheatley, Trustee. a promise of full reparation Village Council of 1918-19. Germany. | : { trom} Yohn S. Miller, President, | Ayres Boal, Trustee, Clarence E. Cook, Trustee, Russell M. Heller, Trustee, Harriett W. Huddle, Trustee, The foregoing program, both as to nature of improvements stated, and proposed method of financing the same, is herewith presented to the even | David Lloyd George is one of the] shrewdest politicians that England | of bonds in the amount of $90,000 for | financial handicap in promptly con-| ' Walter F. Wallace, Trustee, T. N. Wheatley, Trustee, Village Council of 1919-20. Your heirs will not be very happy when they open your safe deposit box, especially if they find it stuffed with tax receipts--evidence of lost opportunities! But they will dilate with gratitude if they find a gener- ous bundle of Liberty bonds. USED AUTOMOBILES EHTS EE LF a CT HTT We offer a select line of late model cars that are guaranteed. You can save the first depre- ciation and purchase a practically new. Come in and inspect our stock or telephone car, | us and we will call for you LT TT HTT CTE | EE TH TT TE [TTT HII 514 Davis St., Evanston | Telephone5712 «© | ws the people: He is looked upon as| their savior from defeat at the hands of Germany. He probably feels that he has sufficient strength 'to go through such a crisis as he threatens, a sense of security that is lacking to the members of the Commons, who seem to be bringing their fate upon their own heads. Every once in a while events sug- gest the thought that David Lloyd | George, the humble Welshman who | has risen to the highest position in England, under the crown, has not in vain studied the methods and the ways of that other commoner who also rose to eminence, Benjamin Dis- Price is $10,500, fine condition. por heat, garage, price $30,000. raeli, WINNETKA Their Work :Done : '| 524 Linden Street - Phone Winnetka 1544 A study of the nationality of the WINNETKA HOME BARGAIN Stucco house, colonial interior. mahogany and enamel woodwork, 4 bedrooms and 2 baths, hot water heat, sun parlor. t is located in a good east side neighborhood and is modern and in High class residence, thoroughly appointment, wonderfully well constructed, large pleasant 6 of them, with 3 tile baths, huge sun parlor and sleeping | HILL & This property modern and complete in every chambers, rar STONE WILMETTE 404 Linden Avenue Phone Wilmette 1644 thousand aliens who embark for their | homes each day would be interesting. It might, for instance, give rise to | speculation as to about how many | of our, friend the enemy were here | which being accomp- | unnecessary by | for a purpose, lished or rendered the conclusion of the war, permits | their return to the places that knew them be ure they embarked upon their secret mission. A thousand a day is a good many, | but there is good reason to suspect | that the Cerman secret service was | pretty geuerously provided with | American territory for its operation. | COUNCIL PLANS MANY VILLAGE IMPROVEMENTS | + (Continued from Page One) | | Village Hall ....... 080 a, 90,000 | Retirement of 5 installments | of filtration bonds with in- : | fEresSt Lill. ua aes 36,000 ¢ » > Provision for other desiral! { nymous. RISD ' x ¢ ReE.CTY Od Tusa bl, Coilr 7023 ingencies, eC. ....vsreirians 47 07. : hag ; pi RN than Cheap Groceries. Lining CALE Ya $276,073 Filtration Bond Issue Recommended The adoption of this program will enable the Village to secure the real- ization of those improvements which have been under consideration for several years, at the same time leav- | ing =n adequate reserve in the water soc olectric department for contin- gencies of operation. By the issu- ance of bonds for the construction of a filtration plant, at this time, the re- ces of the Village are made more ymediately available, so that work may be started during the coming construction season without further. delay. ; While the present cash surplus is ultimate economy. Aspegren X Company TEL. WILMETTE 420 EVANSTON 466 GOOD HEALTH AND GOOD GROCERIES GOOD FOOD is indispensible to good health. In a great sense Good health and good Groceries are syno- Good Groceries are, in the end, far more economical The initial cost may be a little more, but the saving effected, in other ways, through the purchase of good groceries make their purchase an You wouldn't serve inferior food to guests, then why serve it to your own family? We are sticklers for quality--quality and: service are two things we always insist upon, and it's upon that basis we solicit your patronage. approximately $121,000, any consider- F.S. JOHNSTON &CO. | | A Few Reasons Our garage is five feet wider than the average, making it easier and safer to drive in and out. We handle a complete line of accessories and tires. We sell the famous Willys-Overland Motor Cars, *'A Car for Every Need and Every Pocketbook." ESTABLISHED 1909 TEE new Milburn Light Elec- ITH plenty of speed for all tric, now being displayed, ordinary needs, amply power- promises to eclipse the success ed for a full day's driving de- of all former Models. mands the modern electric, the Milburn, is the natural choice 1 has larger tires and batter- wherever its advantages are un- ies. Greater convenience and derstood. comfort are secured by our ex- EE these newer, finer Milburns clusive seating Established 1848 arrangement. The Milburn before you buy. Wagon Company GEORGE H. MORRIS, &:: Office, 5218 BROADWAY, CHICAGO Telephone Edgewater 1332 Residence, 857 GREENWOOD AVE, GLENCOE. Tel. Glencoe 203 Demonstration Without Cost or Obligation Toledo, Ohio Sales This paint will be dry in the morning Have you a worn, discol- ored or dingy floor whose appearance you want to improve andstillusetheroomwithoutinter- ruption? Solve the problem with The Guaranteed Homestead Floor Paint It will dry over night and give the floor a hard, glossy surface that will look well and wear well at a small cost. The next time you refinish your kitchen floor, use Homestead Floor Paint. We'll guarantee that you'll be well satished with the iob. We have eight colors for you to select from. E. B. TAYLOR & CO., Hardware WINNETKA, ILLINOIS PAINT DEVOE PAINT A -