.as war work has detained Mrs. Pea- : away six or seven weeks. © They have rented their house to the \ WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1919 a. - appenIngs orth Oh the TD N WEDNESDAY afternoon Mrs. T. Philip Swift gave a shower for Miss Katherine Blossom, whose marriage to William Sutherland Bacon will take place a week from Saturday. Thursday Mrs. William O. Green and Miss Lucretia Green gave a luncheon at Indian Hill club, and the following Monday Mrs. Edward G. Pauling and her daughter, Miss Janet Pauling, will be hostesses at a luncheon at their residence, 1248 Astor street, Chicago. Tuesday Mrs. William H. Mitchell will enter- tain at luncheon at her apartment, 229 Lake Shore drive, Chicago, and Wednesday Miss Blanche Day will give a luncheon at the Black- stone. Thursday Mrs. Charles McAlpin Pyle will be hostess at a luncheon at Onwentsia and that afternoon Miss Helen Hoyne will give a shower for Miss Blossom at her residence in Highland Park. Thursday night Miss Louise Thorne will give a dinner at her residence, 391 Sheridan road, and Friday Mrs. Phelps B. Hoyt will entertain at luncheon at her residence, 483 Sheridan road. That evening Mr. and Mrs. George W. Blossom of Hubbard Woods, parents of the bride-to-be, will give the bridal dinner at the Black- stone. o- HE BUTLER-HOUGHTELING-PEABODY gardens, known as the Hill gardens, which slope to Lake Michigan's edge in Winnetka, now in-the zenith of dense foliage and floral beauty, 'will be the setting for a basket luncheon for the visiting ddlegates of the Garden club of America, who are to hold tH€iriarnual meet- ing in Lake Forest, June 24, 25 and 26. os The Illinois Garden' club, of which Mrs. AX A. "Garperiter is 'chairman, is the hostess. Ph o Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Jones of 730 Bluff street, Glencoe, an- niounce the engagement of their daughter, Hazel Evelyn, to Sergt. Clifford L. Danibls, of* Freeport, Illinois. Mr. Daniels recently re- ceived his discharge}from the medical department of the army. Bridge is to be the popular sum- mer diversion with most of the parties for charity. The afternoon of Monday, June 30, Mrs. Phelps B. Hoyt will give a bridge party at the home of her father, Mr. Benjamin The East Willow Street Circle met with Mrs. Otto Wernecke on Tues- day, for its closing meeting of the season. Mrs. Norman K. Anderson, retiring chairman;. Mrs. Charles Thorne, secretary and treasurer, and Mrs. Charles Pitkin, gave reports of | Allen, on Sheridan road, for the the work of the past year. Mrs. Pit-| benefit of the Passavant hospital kin, who was in charge of the work,| fund. The tables are $10 each. reported that the circle has made: Se 12 navy kits. 120 tapes sewed on. 30 bags for Fort Sheridan boys. 300 Influenza masks. 5S hospital sets. 16 laundry bags. 26 Barrettes. 10 blue serge dresses for children. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Boyden, 725 Pine street, have sent out invita- tions for a dinner dance to be given a week from Saturday evening at the Indian Hill club, for their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Boyd:zn. RR Last Saturday afternoon the pupils of Mabelle Alice Higgins were pre- sented in a piano recital at her home, 1162 Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods. Mrs. Frederick Dickinson augmented the program with a number of read- ings. Those who took part included Dorothy Dickinson, Betty King, Ir- ma Otten, Lucia Durand, Dorothy Hubbard, Marjorie Hatzell, Mabel Forberg and Eleanor Marks. erin i ms At the regular weekly afternoon bridge party, held each Wednesday at the Indian Hill cli), Mrs. Paul Williams was the winner of the first prize. There were interesting golf events in the morning, followed by luncheon and bridge. A. PETERS PROPRIETO, an fin Mrs. R. H. Ripley is giving a mas- querade party next Tuesday evening at her home, 848 North avenus, in honor of her children. wm fom Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Allen will move to their summer home on Sheridan road Monday next. NOTED MISSIONARY TO SPEAK HERE SUNDAY On Sunday morning at the Wil- mette Methodist Episcopal church, the speaker will be Dr. J. M. Spring- er of Africa. Dr. Springer is one of the best known modern missionaries. A few years ago he and his wife regular trade. pon new cus- We've got to take journeyed across lower central Africa where the white man had never before gone. He has been spoken of as a modern Livingstone and as a pioneer has had a most romantic experience. His visit here will be of particular interest to Methodist people becaus=z two of the members of the church, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Dana, who are soon to leave for Africa and will* be supported out of the Centenary con- tribution of the church, will work under his supervision. Speed Demon Clarence Shaw, Edgewater Beach hotel, was fined $200 and costs by Justice Mickey in the Wilmette police court Monday for speeding his auto- mobile through Wilmette Sunday evening, at the rate of 80 miles per hour. He was apprehended #nd ar- rested by motorcyclist Albery Ottone. Be Ready $25,000. If you are thinking of selling, call is over with you. Don't put it o decide on a home quickly. HILL & STO REAL ESTATE OPERATORS WINNETKA ) { 524 LINDEN STREET We: Winnetka* 1544 s up and we will be glad to talk 04/ LINDEN AVENUE T . Wilmette 1644 I am whispering in ybur ear, for the spring is here--as Madame Nat- ure to yourself'be suge--beforz you make a summer ; take care of your coiffuye--it portant--I can curl your hair softZstays permanent. Satisfaction gugrapteed at moderate 18 baby garments for Lying-In hos- pital. & Knitting. A Jubilee Luncheon will be given in Community House on Wednesday of | . next week, at 12:30 o'clock, by tha furnished Entertamment was 8 bY | jocal W. C. T. U. A program of music | PRE He $6 ince a 1 ] Mrs. Edwin Fisher, vocalist, ac-|py Fyerett and Earl Fox, readings | companied by Miss Laura Fisher. | by Harlan Ware, and an address by | | Miss Lillian Norton was the guest|\irs Almena P. MacDonald, will fol- | of the afternoon. Tow. i -- -- -- i Madame Eda Goedecke will pre- Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Case will} sent her advance pupils in recital! occupysthe Harvey Brewer house in| next Tuesday evening at the Adam| Hubbard Woods for the summer. | Schaaf Recital Hall in Chicago. Among the north shore young wom- en who will take part are Miss Ruth | Winthrop Case, who received his dis-{ charge' from, the army in March, is| spending some months in travel be-| ower of Wilmette, Miss Marion | fore joining this family here. | «Osten of Winnetka, the Misses Ruth ge) | Kasten and Ruth Watt of Kenil-| npg 1, A Janey of 669 Walden worth, and the Misses Pauline Pet-| yo. is visiting in Brookline, Mass. | tibone 'and Ethel Flentye of Wil-! Atier July 1. she will 20 to Twin mette. Miss Flentye will appear with Thre Villa. New London, N.-H., to Madame Goedecke in "Capriccio spend the summer, returning to| Brillante," by Mendelssohn, Madame | Goedecke taking ley Brookline early in September. second piano, BRITA | Part. Miss Werra RChustte of Chi | Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Prouty and cago, soprano, will akgment the pro-i..' vn. 5 nt A of ie gram with several sSlections | family will return Monday evening vali 23 is | from a ten days' automobile trip to . PA | Bailey's Harbor, Wisconsin. Mrs. William Ogden Green and : ws her daughter, Miss Lucretia Green, ES : Sit er { y h . bv WN 7 of 1211 Astor street, entertained _ he Took County Ws C. nel] thirty young men and women at ¥ uncheon in the Narcissus Room at luncheon yesterday at Indian Hill Marshall Field's on Wednesday. This | «club, in honor of the prospactive]| followed by addresses by the bride and groom, Miss Katharine Sale trden Miss Her Wood, Blossom and Mr. William Suther- a LTS nls . Demis. our mem- bers of the local union attended. gene Mrs. Leslie Gordon of Hubbard 'land Bacon, whose wedding is to be :among the attractive summer events «on Saturday, June 28. The party was| seated at a large long table on the Woods, accompan! Ly Gozo aunt, screzned porch of the club, and the Mrs. Charles M. Hewitt of Chicago, decorations were masses of colored have returnad from a several week's daisies i sojourn in the east. ih ELV | so bps Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Peabody of Miss Adelaide Morph. £9] Tig Chicago are not opening their home sireet, has been visiting friends in| in Winnetka this season, which has St. Louis, Mo., and is expe tc: to ro turn the latter part of next -- John and Jerome Hartnett and Gre- gory Fahey, who have been attend- ng Campion college, Prairie Du Chin, Wisconsin, arrived yesterday. remained closed during war times, reek. +body in town. However, this 'sum- mer they are going back to thir usual custom of motoring through the White mountains, to Bar Harbor and other eastern pains, 3 little " ater |i s mer, and will sta nt comes later in the summe y Mr 1. D. Ditech 5nd Tomo. of Detroit, Michigan, are guests at the home of Mrs. Dilworth's mother, Mrs. Catherine Murphy, 990 Fig street. ---- Lyman T. Walker, and their daughter, Miss Marion Walker, 651 Prospect avenue, left early this week for Fish Creek, Wis, where they will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. af Miss Caroline Kirkland Sanborn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Edward P. Russells of Chicago for Sanborn of Kenilworth, was award- the summer. Miss Emily Larned, ed special honors in history at the Mrs. Walker's sister, will spend the | COMmmencement exercises at Smith rollegz om Tuesday. month of July with Mrs. Frank R. Fuller, 362 Hawthorne Lana. | --f---- p. Mr. and Mrs.. Frances -C. Prest of 786 Foxdale 'avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Emily Mr. and Mrs. Hébert McNamee and family of 1282 Asbury avenue, Hubbard Woods, have gone to their 'WHEN I hme | price. Delebecy 747 Elm street, Winnetka. Telephone Winnetka 822. Henry Head of Milwaukee visited his school friend, Nicholas Schaefer, 1501 Washington avenue, the early part of this week. Marcellin~ Shampooi 1 Hot Oil Treatment z Hair Dressing Facials Why not tale 2nd Floor 2 J Near Monrof STR f IE COONING Supper S0¢ | Mabel i. Kennedy | a + Elcie H. Brooks | rn 4 We Have a Reason for Everything We Sell Ask us about sell it. Take RYZON for example--a baking powder ommend. Maybe you have wondered why. Well, RYZON is economical and dependable. Eeonomical--because you pay less per pound fthan for other high-grade any product on our shelves--and find out why we that we always rec- successful baking. baking powders. Because you use less. Because it is light in weig are more teaspoong" per pound. ' Because it is absolutely permits no waste from un- Dependable--it is made of a monosodium phosphate. It is less susceptible to moi akes the "guess i The directions call fou ing with accuracy. The RYZON Baking I asefibgut them? Compare our system with the f 'ash-and- n fl superior kind of/phosphate-- re--it is made by a atented process. level" measurements which insures out of baking. Doesn't is count for s 0 buy your groceries from someone who knows you firry plan. 1, than ROAST, pound, . . . 3c Winnetia perative Co. 722 Elm Street, Winnetka Telephones 51 and 52 TZ 2 2 a dd de 2 a dd dl 2d dd dd ddd ddd LLL iiiziaiizs ririilriiriiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiaeilaiiiaaiiaiauiiariaiiiiiiiiiddd, Iz 27 rriiziiiiiiiiiiciid & Frames Repaired Phone Winnetka 85 Room 3 Prouty Bldg. o%% " oS Beautiful Petunias !! All kinds of Gera y others at reasonable prices. GREENWOOD NURSERY 284 South Greenwood Ave. Telephone Glencoe 155 Elizabeth, to John Quick Magie. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ogden Magie, of Chicago, formerly of Winnetka. cottage on the Fox river, to spend the summer. GLENCOE ILLINOIS The North Shore Bootery 1S NOW OPEN andinvites you to step in and view an ~ Exquisite disalayat festionsin fins if wear that will leave little to L--"Dbe desired by the most fastidious. / - t oy = 0 unusual bargains: $6.00 For one week only Ladies' Flexible Wei Ladies" Flexible WJ Calf,at , . $6.50 Ladies' Flexible a Black Gun, at . $6.50 Ledies' Flextle/Welted Tan Cali . . . . . . . $7.00 many others in white canvas, suedes, satins, in sensible military heels as well as in dressy French heels. The North Shore Bootery PACKER and OSTILLER NORTH £IORE HOTEL EVANSTON _-- Tv oe.