WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1919 CLASSIFIED ADS | TOL UNG. MY i Rates for classified. advertising in THE LAKE SHORE NEWS WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK GLENCOE NEWS 10c per line first insertion in any paper. Bc per line for each succeeding inser- tion. 15¢ per line first insertion in any two papers. 7 1-2¢ per line for each succeeding insertion. 20c per line first insertion in three papers. 10c er line for each succeeding insertion. inimum charge on one time Ad 30c. Count five average words to a line. Advertisements for the Lake Shore News must be at our office by Wednes- day noon; for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News by Thursday noon. [--- HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--$75 TAKES A 60-INCH slightly used, large size cabinet talk- ing machine and records; bargain; plays all records. See our new talk- ing machines. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG38-tfe APTOMOBELIS FOR SALE FOR SALE--1919 5-PASS. OAKLAND car; 2 months old. Phone Win. 663-J. . T20-1tc FOR SALE ELECTRIC CARS--RE- built Milburn Light Electric; new batteries and tires; repainted; $1400. Write G. H. Morris, 773 @reenwood avenue, Glencoe, or telephone Edge- water 1332. LIG38-1te WANTED TO RENT WANTED--1 OR 2 FURN. ROOMS with kitchen privilege for light housekeeping; 2 in family. Phone Win. 897. 990 Sheridan rosq, XL Y -1te WANTED TO RENT--7 TO 9 ROOM house after Sept. 1; long or short lease. Address 5407 Greenwood ave- nue; Phone Hyde Park 172. Mrs. Frazer. T20-3tc FOR RENT FOR RENT--5 ROOM COTTAGE; MOD. improvements. Call Winnetka 494. T20-1te REAL ESTATE PERMANENT RESIDENT OF WIN- netka, now renting, will buy six or seven room house if well located and reasonably priced; between $5,000 and $8,000. Address W-120 Winnetka Talk. T201tp HELP WANTED WANTED--MAID, WHITE, FOR GEN. work; no laundry; no heavy clean- ing; $50. 542 Longwood avenue, Glencoe. LTG39-tfe WANTED--MAID; LIGHT SECOND work sewing; best wages. Phone 'Win. 58. T20-1tdh SITUATION WANTED GARDEN AND LAWN WORK; PRIV. places taken care of; summer or all year around. J. H. Walsh, 375 Madison street, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 251. TG16-tfe IF YOU WANT AN EXPERIENCED gardener to attend to your flowers, vegetables and garden call Winnetka 694 and get expert service. T20-4tc SITUATION WANTED--AS CHAUF- feur; competent, careful driver with 12 years exp.; married; no children. Phone Win. 989 or 652-7. T20-1tp SITUATION WANTED--FIRST CLASS florist and gardener: fifteen years ex- perience. Address Winnetka Weekly Talk B-11. TG20-tfc WANTED--PLAIN SEWING TO DO AT home. Call Win. 743. T20-1tc MISCELLANEOUS DOMESTIC SERVICE BUREAU FURN- ishes domestic help. Phone Evanston 6998. LTG37-tfe Gross Point News iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiiidiiiiddidids SSS ISIS LS SS 4 Paving has been completed on a one-mile stretch of road in Ridge avenue from Lake avenue to Winnet- ka avenue. The road is expected to be open for traffic on August 6. That portion of Ridge avenue in Gross Point will be paved next spring. The entire project is under the provision of the State Aid Road plan. ..Other stretches of road to be pav- ed next spring are Lake avenue from Ridge avenue to the Township limits and the Glenview road west to Mil- waukee avenue. Henry Zeutschel and John Gold- bach were disappointed Sunday af- ternoon when, after being called to play with the Wilmette nine, they were refused positions in the line- up. The two players are reorganizing the old Gross Point team and will challenge the Wilmette aggregation to a game for Sunday, August 10. The old team, which won fame some years ago as among the best ama- teur nines in the vicinity of Chicago, is certain it can give the strong Wil- mette Orioles a regular battle. "-- Mr. and Mrs. John Bleser and par- ty who left Gross Point two weeks ago on an automobile tour to the Pacific coast, reported arrival at Denver, Colorado, early this week where they are visiting a daughter. They are to visit several relatives in coast cities. They expect to be back in the Village in the fall. Albert Zeutschel has purchased the Wolff property on Ridge avenue. The building formerly occupied by the Wolff clothing store will be remodel- ed, it is said. Joseph Sesterhenn suffered remov- al of a thorn from his right hand this | week. The lancing was necessary to prevent blood poisoning. Nicholas Beese, proprietor of a local meat market, suffered amputa- tion of one finger and badly crushed another finger while working at his shop Sunday morning. Joseph Borre of Armour's is conducting the busi- ness in Mr. Beese's stead. Mamie Ortegel gave a birthday ing at Foster Hall. There were danc- ing and a short entertainment. The Thrifty Little Thrift Stamp You may talk about investments, You have purchased by the block (And some you never mention As, for instance, mining stock). And maybe you have pinched and saved, And everything you've got Is placed on deposits in An ancient coffee pot; Or possibly you'vz tucked it In a hole within the wall-- But the Thrifty Little Thrift Stamps Is the Thriftiest of All! The Thrifty little Thrift Stamp Is a faithful little pal; He warns ws to be provident When we are prodigal. When silly trifles lure us on, He's sure to intzrpose, Which saves a lot of trouble For the foolish, goodness knows! A gleaner, and he gathers All the heads of scattered grain, And plants it for a harvest That shall gladden us again. He helps to clothe an army When th2 country sounds its call-- Say, the Thrifty Little Thrift Stamp Is the Thriftiest of All! --G. B. H. The Liberty Line DR. BROWN HONORED BY FRENCH PEASANTS iContinued from Page One) finished and that she will have a few days' vacation which she will spend with me. I want to go to Paris for the grand celebration on the four- teenth of July. Having missed so many of the celebrations, I shall make a strenuous effort to see this one. I shall probably have to stand up all night in order to secure a place, and have written Charlotte to secure a lodging for us there if pos- sible. Every hotel is crowded and prices have soared beyond compre- hension. I shall be glad to get home again. You know, I feel sometimes as if I had lost two years somewhere, yet I have been very happy with my boys here. Their interests have changed my life. This evening I took a baby goat over to them and you should have seen their joy when I told them it was theirs to guard and feed. A bottle with a nipple was found and filled with warm milk, but the baby would have none of it. The boys saw a goat in the field--you know goats abound here--so they begged me to let them take the baby goat to her to be fed. I gladly gave my consent and they asked the young girl who tended the goats if she would let her mother goat give our baby some milk. She assented, and held the mother, who was not alto- gether pleased with her strange child, while the baby worked hard to persuade its foster-mother to give down the milk. It was all very amusing, and gave our little boys no end of pleasure. I am expecting a letter from you most any day from Water Mill, where I know you are enjoying the sea a group of friends this :2ven- | breeze and the ocean's roar. I will write you when I have secured my passage, let you know on what boat I shall sail. I would like to go home by way of England, but I feel now that I must not delay, but hasten 'back to see what I can do to.get to, work again. I am prepared to be resigned. to the worst, come what may, and shall have no regrets for having had these two years of won- derful experience among the grateful people of France. Remember me most cordially to the friends in Water Mill. Your old doctor, Alice Barlow-Brown. FRANCE CONFERS HIGH HONOR ON DEAN WIGMORE John H. Wigmore, dean of the law school of the NorthwesternUniversity ty, was given the title of "chevalier de la legion d'honneur" July 4. The title was conferred upon him through the general agent of the French government in New York City. It is in recognition of his work as organ- izer and editor-in-chief of the vol- ume "Science and Learning in France, published in 1917. This vol- ume is a tribute to the leadership of France," published in 1917. This vol- learning and served to demonstrate to the American people the fallacy of Germany's arrogant claims to ex- clusive pre-eminence in those fields. The hook was written by one hun- dred leading American scholars, rep- resenting all branches from astrono- my to zoology. Among the colla- borators were Professors Fox, Grant, James, Curtiss, Holgate, Patrick, J. Scott, Brown, Crew, Gault, Deibler and Locy of Northwestern Universi- ty, and Professors F. R. Moulton, Coulter, Judd, Chamberlin, Williston, McLaughlin, Bevan, Phemister, W. G. Hale, Tufts, Michelson, Marshall and Angell of the University of Chi- cago. (The departure of the cook or the maid does not prostrate the lady who knows the effi ciency of the want ads. € And want ad-reading servants are of the desir- able class. (Seldom does a "gil wanted" ad run its full time until a "Stop--gul supplied" order is re- ceived. service. cent more. 734 Elm Street Quality and Service--First Price--Later We will not accept an order if we cannot give quality and Our price represents a legitimate profit to us--not a WINNETKA MARKET A. PETERS PROPRIETOR Telephone Winnetka 920--821 structions. ' ' Phone Winnetka 150 Your Instructions Are Law With Us. When you tell us to clean, press or repair your clothes, pay- ing particular attention to certain things we follow your in- That's Service May we have the opportunity of convincing you that our general line of work is superior. Give us a trial. YE fQOUSE 4 Carlton Building, Winnetka, Illinois B. Nazarian Bros., Props. for investment. in Thrift Stamps and War Savings Don't wait to get that large sum | Stamps and you will soon have Put all the little bits [large sum invested. SUBSCRIBE NOW ~ YITLLL SSL CL SiS. WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK We close at 12:30 en Saturdays EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR] » \ money in the savings bank works . for the prudent depo- sitor. It takes no vacations, it is never sick or disabled. If you work for your money make it in turn work for you. Start a savings account with this bank and let your savings earn you a competency. Formerly BANK OF M. K. MEYER Established 1894 CAPITAL $35,000.00 N N N N N RN N N 3 \ N JIA From Evanston to Glencoe WINNETKA 524 LINDEN STREET Tel. Winnetka 1544 FOR SALE North Shore Property Vacant and Improved HILL & STONE REAL ESTATE OPERATORS WILMETTE 404 LINDEN AVENUE Tel. Wilmette 1644 ALL 10c PACKAGES AT ALL 20c PACKAGES AT RICHELIEU PEAS, PER CAN PAROWAX TOILET PAPER, 6 ROLLS FOR 901 LINDEN AVENUE SPECIAL SALE For Week Starting Saturday, August 2, and Ending Friday, August 8 WITH $2.00 ORDER 5 BARS AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP FOR WITH $1.00 ORDER 5 Ibs. SUGAR, (NO. A. F. SOAP INCLUDED) FOR CHASE & SANBORN'S COFFEE, BULK, PER POUND CHASE & SANBORN'S COFFEE, CAN, (regular 55c quality) 5lc NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY'S GOODS STRICTLY FRESH EGGS, DOZEN CLOVERBLOOM BUTTER, POUND SPECIAL Fresh Fruits and Vegetables received every morning at 10 o'clock. We sell for the cheapest prices possible because we sell for cash and make no deliveries. and Libby brands of Canned Goods. THE HUBBARD WOODS CASH GROCERY SALVATORE DI FRANCESCO, Proprietor. We carry the Richelieu HUBBARD WOODS TTT TU Less Carbon No Friction TUTE FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR MOTOR CI More Mileage Reduce Repair Bills ATE The Best Friend Your Motor Ever Had WINNETKA MOTOR COMPANY