WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1919 Winnetka Weekly Talk ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK by The Lake Shore Publishing Company 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. bands of men and women redeemed from lives of degradation by the min- istrations of the army itself. Nothing is farther from the truth as the public has come to realize since the light of Business Telephone .... Wilmette 1921 .. Wilmette 1920 Winnetka Office Telephone Winn. 388 Editorial Telephone .. knowledge has dawned with the serv- ice of the Salvation Army to the boys in the front line of battle. They know Address all communications to the Winnetka Weekly Talk, Wilmette, nm e passed to the waste basket. The same applies to rejected manuscript unless Articles for publication should reach this office by Tuesday afternoon to insure appear-, Anonymous communications will return postage is enclosed. ance in current issue. now that 'years of training, absolute consecration to the work that they undertake, stern discipline, are re- quired for those who become officers in the ranks of this army that builds up rather than tears down. They have given their confidence, because they have seen confidence deserved. The week's drive for funds ought to Resolutions of condolence, cs: thanks, obituary poetry, notices entertainments or other at regular advertising rates. cards of of affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for be accepted by the public as an op- portunity for good works by proxy. an opportunity not to be scorned. Entered in the postoffice at Winnetka, Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of March 3, 1879. Open Country Day School Oct. 6 The North Shore Country Day school? successor to the Girton school, will open October 6 instead of FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1919 His Audiences The Président is not doing good to his cause by his speaking tour in be-i half of the League of Nations. Were his speeches confined to the people who hear him give them, the effect might be all that is desired, but the audience of the President that re- ceives his message through the print- ed page is many hundred times larg- er than that which listens under the influence of his personality and the excitement of a crowd inspired by pa- triotic fervor. Cold type day after day reveals the many weaknesses, even that the President himself is hot al- waysaltogether sure of what is in that wondrous document that was formu- lated at Versailles. The habit of newspaper reading has grown marvelously in the United States since the 'breaking out of the war. People who never before had any interest in public affairs became vitally interested at the moment that their sons were taken into the mili- tary or naval service of the country. The government became then for them a definite thing, composed of men. whose judgment was to be weighed and measured because upon it depended the safety and the ul- timate return to them of the loved ones that they had seen march away in the nation's uniform. That habit is staying by the Amer- ican people still, and they turn to the printed word as a means of find- ing out what it is that the govern- | been | ment to which so much has entrusted is doing. In a driven three weeks such the President has undertaken in his tour it is impossible that every word should be weighed with the care that it ought to be when a matter as im- portant as the League of Nations is at stake, either to be adopted or to be rejected or amended. Tt is im- possible that he should know just what he is going to say upon each occasion, but it is a great pity that he cannot be supplied with the offi- cial reports of his speeches that he might be kept informed as to what he has said. Tt would from "monie a blunder free him, and foolish no- tion." as The Salvation Army The Salvation Army drive which is to begin on Monday of next week and to continue for seven days de- serves the kind of support that similar drives during the war period received. There is work to be done this side of the Atlantic in patching up those whom life has injured, just as there was work to be done to minister to the victims of the Ger- man guns and the German hatred. For years the Salvation Army has served the spiritually wounded, serv- ed without recognition of the serv- ice, worked handicapped by lack of funds, using energy and people for the collection of stray pennies that could with so much more effective- ness have been put into the actual work of the salvation of both body and soul which is the purpose of the organization. The Salvation Army had never been revealed to the American people un- til the war brought out its sblendid organization and, its efficient form of service. The prosperous, who had September 25 as previously announc- ed. Owing to the building trades' strike there has been such a conse- quent delay in repairing in the build- ings as to make it impossible to open before that date. Entertains for Brides Miss Ellen Regan, 1040 North ave- nue, Hubbard Weods, entertained Monday evening for three young women who will soon enter the matrimonial state. The young wom- en in whose honor the farewell par- ty was given were the Misses Irene Kolte, Asbury avenue, Lucille Trapp of Linden avenue, and. Mary Klauke of 1173 Asbury avenue. Business Manager Returns Lieutenant Lloyd F. Hollister, former business manager of the Lake Shore Publishing company, returned to the north shore from overseas this week after three years' service in the United States army. He has resum- ed his work with the company. On Vacation R. E. Cazel, 860 Pine street, clerk at the Winnetka post office, is spend- ing his visiting relatives. friends in Cincinnati, Ohio, before re- turning about October 1. in Olney, Illinois, He will also visit vacation [! - WILDROOT will improve hair or we pay you WET 77 a Wildroot isa guaranteed preparation which goes right at the hidden cause of coming baldness--the scaly, itchy crust of dandruff. Wildroot removes this crust -- allows nature to produce the thick lustrous hair normal to any healthy scalp. Wildroot Liquid Shampoo or Wildroot Shampoo Soap, used in connection with Wildroot Hair Tonic, will hasten the treatment. HY BEE FILA -- = THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC For sale here under a money-back guarantee ADAMS' PHARMACY (ARERR RRR Raa AS RRR RR EER ELL It reads like an epic and a fairy | tale combined, with its deeds of heroism and ready facing of death | for a cause. It is much more than | worth the cost of the magazine and | the fifteen minutes that are required | for its reading. Picnic for Soldiers The fourth party for wounded soldiers will be held Friday, Septem- ber 26, when a committee, with Mrs. Frederick B. Thomas in charge, will | entertain 100 of the wounded lads | from Fort Sheridan, at the Communi- ty House. ; Movies at Community House | S-- Fred Stone is at the Community | House today in "Johnny Get Your | Gun," and Carlyle Blackwell will ap- pear next Friday in, "Love in a Hurry." Kinogram pictures are shown as an extra feature each week. Winnetka Defeats Niles Center With Hanselman in the box Win- | netka defeated Niles Center Sunday | 8 to 6 on the losers' diamond. Hansel- man, who is also a motor cop, pitch- ed a good game, particularly in the pinches. PAINTS Of all kinds in large and small cans WALL PAPERS, PAINTING & DECORATING | Floor Finishing a Specialty | RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE FREE PAINT INFORMATION FREE T = . 3 Now Displaying a Complete Line of Furs for Fall and Winte Every ar ticle made in my own establishment by expert furriers and every garment guarante ed Anytking in the Line of Fur Wraps made to order promptly LEAVE ORDERS NOW MEYER MILLER Phome Randoiph 1768 13 E. WASHINGTON ST. Venetian Bldg. CHICAGO "REASONABLE RATES & EXCELLENT SERVICE Are what the local people have been on the lookeut for, and now this long-felt want is supplied by Fjellman Bros. {ean woons TELEPHONE WINNETKA 1384-83 BECAUSE THE FIRE recently destroyed my place of business at 805 Elm St., I am now located at 24 Prouty Annex, where | am prepared to give the same commendable brand of service as before. HE EE EE EE EE EE EEE EE EE EL EE EE A ALT EEE Martin Engel, Shoe Repairer 24 PROUTY ANNEX N. J. FELLOWS REGISTERED OPTICIAN Eyes Tested. Frames Fitted Lenses Duplicated Fr. mes Repaired Phone Winnetka 85 Room 3 ! Prouty Bldg. Cleaners Best in the world SRD PHONE WINNETKA 999 for Hardware, Paints, Oils, Tools and Cutlery HH ! n E. B. TAYLOR& CO., Hardware. Phone 989 Columbia School of Music CLARE OSBORNE REED, Director 509 SOUTH WABASH AVE, CHICACO Winnetka Branch---Boal Bank Building Phone Winnetka 974. : KATHLEEN AIR, Principal Nineteenth Season Open PUPILS REGISTERED AT ANY TIME It Beats, Sweeps, Sucks Don't buy any other EASY PAYMENTS Patterson Bros. 828 Davis St., Evanston Tel. Evanston 654 Tel. Wilmette 526 no. need to call upon it for help, were disposed to look upon the workers as | High Cost Special Sale Beginning Saturday, September 20, and Ending J Friday, September 26 1-8 bbl. Flour, with $2.00 order (no sugar, soap or butter included) for Prices Like These Help Defeat the of Living Brooms, best quality, reg. price $1.00, for ........................ 75¢ Lewis' Lye, reg. price 15c per can, special at 2 for ................ 25¢ Mazola, Douglas or Wesson Oil, pint, reg. price 45c, for 40c; ( quarts, regular price 85e, fort... i... 2 im dil ira Pres utes ane vee 75¢ Potatres..weclk i i 000. nad ai ita Fo BR toad Tee 4 le BAaT le 63c Best Lard, pound fv... covers civiinvine niin eens iis i a 35¢ wicneieu uaupourted Pure Olive Cil, reg. price for quart is $2.00, special tal i se a Re Re ae ple hy EP $1.60 Fresh Eggs, dozen .......... a ia dre he 3 say ATE a Se le 55¢ Campbell's Tomato Soup, Cams. ot. ull ful, ve sins cnione sins sims 11c Mason Jars, per dozen, large $1.05; small ........................ 90c Jelly Glasses, regular price 60c per dezem at ...................... 50c Jar Rings, dozen ........ ce ee, os nics suds uns vie sn sla iauites dt 10c SPECIAL Fresh Fruits and Vegetables received every morning at 10 o'clock. . We sell for the cheapest prices possible because we sell for cash We carry the Richelieu and Libby brands and make no deliveries. of Canned Goods. The Hubbard Woods Cash Grocery SALVATORE DI FRANCESCO, Proprietor 901 LINDEN AVENUE Telephone, Winnetka 400 . HUBBARD V/OODS Free Demonstration : LULL LULL LLL LLL LET LL LL Ll dd Ld dll dd PLL TZ dd 2 Fv dar Fr Fa ZF 20a ar 7 77707 Quality First--Price Later Never will we sell a pound of meat unless we are absolutely certain that it is of the best quality. This determined, our price represents a small legitimate profit to us. VOLLMAN'S MARKET 796 Elm Street s Winnetka, Illinois 2 i de Dre og ed SILLS SELLS SLIS STILL AIS ISLS 15 SSSI LSS SSS ISIS SSSI 4 ASTLSL SEL STL ISIS AGP ALLIS SP ee ------ ee Cattitions Mem Let us Clean, Press and Repair their Clothing for they have learned from experience that our methods of doing this kind of work develop the greatest amount of ves 05S a tis fa cti on Buewecs TRY US TEST US wz Ya TveHouse Phone Winnetka 150 4 Carlton Building Winnetka B. Nazarian Bros., Props. Jy