WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1919 ; i 4 Superintendent Explains Winnetka School System to Teachers at Lee County Session ISSUING AN "EXTRA" IN BANO The editor of the Bano Daily News (Africa) does not have to trouble over such matters as circulation or the high cost of paper. When he gets a piece of news, he smooths off some slabs of wood, writes up the story in his best editorial style, and then gives the slabs to his office boy, who runs off with them and hangs them in yf conspicuous places so that he who i runs may read. Superintendent C. W. Washburne last week gave a series of lectures on educational subjects to the teach- ers of Lee County at their annual Institute at Dixon, Illinois. In the first of these he, at the request of the County Superintendent of Schools, outlined his general plans for individualizing the work in the Winnetka Public schools. "The ultimate goal of this work)" he said, "is to permit each child to go forward through the schools at his own. natural rate of progress, un- hampered by slower pupils. and un- hurried by faster ones. volve ultimately the promotion of children at any time during the year when their work is completed. The preparation for this," Mr. Washburne | of the children's faculties of reason- : : © said. "is to be very gradual, and will |ing, concentration, judgment, etc. Un- | | f fh i ; d I | gad, yg ; Nes sion, gment, . | : . JF IR ae = ry E require several years for its com-| fortunately for the high school | S OI su 1clent importance, an its uitime fe' use 1s of sufficient © pletion." psychology has definitely. proved that | 3 : i 2 ; . 1 i ¥ 1 5 In his second talk Mr. Washburne there are no such faculties as these. necessity to W arrant utmost Care€ In selecting your dealer k told the teachers of Lee County what This will in-' all civilizations of the past. He main- tained that the only real hope of re- taining what is good in this civiliza- tion lay in a new type of education which would replace dead facts in history and geography and useless processes and complications in arith- metic, with direct training for citizen- ship and such teaching as would , make the children grow into man- hood and womanhood with the vivid realization that their welfare depends upon the whole. His fourth lecture was before the high school section of the Institute, and dealt with the problem of hand- dling discipline. "Much of our high school subject matter," he said, "has Reasoning as such does not no other purpose than the training | xist. We | PENCE EEE RIESE Your Purchase of an Automobile the Winnetka teachers are doing in |May reason Shore prathematies Or We | px 3 : the way of clarifying the course of [may reason about politics, but our | pm A re } 1 ] - re h -f [3] i - fhik Yau 5¢ Of reavoning in one sabject. does not] t our store the purchaser derives the benent of the know ledge, Y : ' yossibly help in the least our reason- | mm . : od BT : 5 . ey > "Too many courses of study he [Possibly help in (he east our reasons 18 skal], facilities and experience of our organization. This is ar said, "are expressed in terms of the |, =. ,° * Ww thot : '18 ativil,. L110 lo di number of pages in a book to be covered in a certain length of time. We are getting away from that in Winnetka. In place of it we have a perfectly definite statement of the goals; the children are striving to reach--what facts they are to know, and what abilities they are to devel- op. As we get these goals clearly we are going to take the children into our confidence, and let them see clearly what they are_ working to- ward, so that they may work intelli- gently and on their own initiative." In his third talk Mr. Washburne discussed: the danger of the present . civilization failing as utterly as have cult politics. We should logically choose expert chess players to command armies, for their reason- There is no more widely accepted fallacy than the one of letting mathe- maticians to handle all of our diffi- ren's minds and make them better thinkers in other fields. There is no evidence to support this claim. There is, on the other hand, a great deal of accurate experimental evidence to prove that training is specific, and does not transfer from one field of 'learning to a different one." AMERICAN LEGION TO HAVE BENEFIT SHOW Local Men Join in Ticket Campaign For Victory Re-union and Circus Hippodrome To Be Staged At Amphitheater Fifty thousand men who have serv- ed in the army, navy or marine corps from Cook and Lake counties have| The contract requires about 68,000 pledged their support in the ticket campaign which opens for the Am- erican Legion Victory Re-union and Circus Hippodrome to be held for the benefit of the Legion November 8 to 16, at the International Amphi- TRADE PUBLICATION OFFERS COMMENT ON WINNETKA'S PAVING The following article taken from the Portland Cement company pub- lication affords a comprehensive idea of paving work under progress in Winnetka "Winnetka, Illinois, is now build- ing some five and one-half miles of | reinforced concrete street pavements rin what is known as the Southeast i Improvement District of the Village. square yards. "As one means of stimulating pub- lic interest in the progress of the jwork, a sign-board has been erect- ced by Frank Windes, of Windes & | Marsh, the supervising engineers on , the contract, which presents a chart logically choose our greatest mathe- | mathicians to handle all of our diffi-| ing and judgment and concentration | have been admirably trained in chess. | RUEENSERNEOERDEEEnERES important consideration in your purchase. We are always glad to talk over your purchases whether you intend buying immediately or not. C. H. BRIGGS Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Ave. Columbia Six and Maxwell NPE RSNEREEEEERR ERE EEER NET RE ENED N ERE ESEREERD er - or me em a ahi SPECIAL SALE! From Saturday, Oct. 25, to Friday, Oct. 31, at the HUBBARD W00DS CASH GROCERY "wr, '- theater, Chicago. gherauss this is| illustrating graphically the progress 1 the organization of men who have made by the contractors in each main : , i fought for their country and are de- | division of the work. 901 LINDEN AVENUE, HUBBARD V O0DS | termined that after their upholding | "Mr. Windes believes that publici- the ideals of the nation through the |ty in the form of a concise report of | war these ideals shall not be for-|the work's progress has been bene- gotten, and that the Americanism ficial in centering the interest of the With $4.00 d Hou} . x Sa their spi stion sal) be Lepavery on tel investment, and a $4. a er Ga. our, sugar, soap, 1 1b. can Rumford Baking Powder for 25¢ backed by a strong body of American| has also stimulated the contractor utter and eggs included) will sell . "men, these members of the posts of [to earnest effort to maintain his pro- 5 Ib Te ) 65¢ Argo Starch, 5 Ibs. 47c; 3 lbs. 28¢; 1 1h. 10c the Aerican Legion are fons oress and thus really merit the ap- S. sugar ror ............ ral iyin ee Gold Dust, large pkg. 32c; small, 2 for ..9¢ everything in their power to make of | proval of those who are paying for 1 . : hie their first great re-union and enter-|the work." Sinan Yos.:o... Cieaaanea. a fre Dis = Z2cans for... ey 25¢ 'tainmient. a huge success. es olatoes, per peck . ......o0 i050 Cc ux, pac BABE vr rl Ln al 11c . Plans Completed ; Baker's Fresh Grated Cocoanut, can ..15¢ Lard, pound 00... of nag 3ic ! ag Intemstiony] 3 ohithemeer Monsoon Prunes, new shipment, lb. ....26c Crisco, pond can ......0........ 0% 38¢ with a large space for a dancing be Fresh Dates, bulk, reg. price 60c a lb., 40c Brooms, reg. price $1.00 for ........ .. 75¢ for the young people, a tea room anc CRT . ive . : 3 2 a reception room for service men. In Richelieu Sliced Pineapple, No. 2 can 40c Carnation, Pets Libby and Richelieu brands another part will be the circus ring No:2L5 can fori... 5.0000 wii. 55¢ evaporated milk, tall can .......... 15¢ and palual sdges tor there i Cy Apples, best cooking, 3 lbs. for ........ 25¢ Blue Eanel Asgosted Pure Fruit Jams, 1 g ag arg : ; ou de Vry, for many years animal LA Ralston Wheat Food, large package ..23c C ty or L Fpl pra, LCR RT 40c i ands . orn . { er at the Lineoly Park Zoo. aie hant | Luray Sliced Peaches, No. 3 can, very akes, package 12¢; 2 for ....... 23c will be playing everywhers. ! ' Ralston Wheat Food, packa Prominent welfare orgsnisadons fine, i RE hE Ss 48¢ Richelieu Salad D » P ge RARER EL So hare yas American Family Soap, 5 bars for ...... 43c Yacht Club an Ww t} Wi ng, pound Jar :33¢ { Cross drive, the Y. Tis 5 2 2% Y. Seni-Flush, can... 000, on 25¢ Sar o hi S20 Dressing 33c . % A. the ay 5 0 Nik 1 Ss Old Dutch Cleanser .............%.... 10c : una Fish, 7; Ib. can for ....28¢ e Chicago Ba fe res 4 x und, Movior's Salt 9 Vinegar, gallon 50c whose workers will conduct the tea orton's Salt... uo LB nal c i haa pent is alle t adage : : i . ) Bingo Chi | room; the Fort Sheridan Recast Brer Rabbit Molasses, Gold Label, 115. Zioz. Ingo | inook Salmon, flat can ........ 35¢ : under the direction of which the ' Richelieu Tall Salmon 4 \ werk OF Shaan Joidiers 2) Pos Bor Bh a 14c Bichelion Flat Sahimon. 2 Lot Oc : Sheridan will be shown and sold; elieu Flat Salmon ........ 0000 42c f the Service League -for the 'Handi- Green Label, Y ib. 2002. .. 0.00. cA, 19¢ Richelieu Salmon, 4 1b. she " capped, the Sul thei Soeyen: Princess Tomatoes, No. 2 can ......... 15¢ Ss ur's Red Ala r Sal ae " ra llUe " son emorial lodging house, the x e aska Salmon, regular price i National Park Seminary day nursery LS rodded Convio package i Ses se 00 $or us cte tn as iia Ai ise and many others. aker's Brazil Brand Cocoanut ........ c A : ERR : ; rm & Hammer Brand .Bakin t SELLS FORDS IN LOTS Wheatena '........ ..... err ereternes 18¢c pound package ........... Lh A r8ods, 1 OF HUNDREDS OR OVER Cream of Wheat, 12 oz. for .......... 25¢ Kingsford Corn Starch, package ....... l4c 5 Three hundred Ford runabouts in California Asparagus, good quality, 15 oz, Monsoon Brand Peas, reg. price 25¢ for 2ic one lot yere purchased rec sly by Cony... ied i ae a iii a a ae 29¢ Monsoon Peaches, No. 21 can, regular price LB Ln to 1 da Fresh Egus, dozen -.... 0... 00... 5 62c 50c for 40c or 3 cans for .......... $1.05 4 iis fave g ee $50 TO $ 1 000 Boulevard Brand Extra Fine Chase & Sanborn Coffee, Ib. 55¢ Richelieu Coffee, regular price A investigation into Sifted Peas, reg. price 30c, 25c Yellow and White Corn Meal, 60c,ipettnd 0 nr 55¢ the serviceability and economy of FIRST PRIZE FOR TONE Richelieu Small Peas, can 25¢ Package. o., 00000. 00, 14c Quality Guar:nteed Tomatoes, \ the Fora: i Of (Siher We carry all the best makes Richelieu Tel. Peas, can ..20c Minute Tapioca, pkg. ...... 14c No. 214, ca:, reg. ?5¢ can 4 ars w Cons > re salc : > e . rans ) 1 --_ made. ; EASY PAYMENTS Menor Hoss, Cotes: re galas Bwsacdown Pancake Flown Per tan rere iasaisienean.. 20c The Winchester Repeating Arms price 60c, per pound .... BCHAGE sven sruserersesen Reina Qlives, 8 oz. jar ...... 34c £ company, also of New York City, P H fr Br @ Honey Sweet Peas, can ....17c Aunt Jemima's Fancake Flour, Biz Woods Sugar Corn, regul i has purchased forty-one Ford coupes a € $Cn 0s i Snowball. Pop Corn, pkg. ..15¢ Packame ~.....-.0. 0. 0... 0 16¢ Price 25¢c; 2 for i ) aad Lweniyeoial Yord Famabous or 828 Davis Si. Evanston Chase & Sanborn Bulk Coffee, Richelieu Pancake Flour, All National Biscuit Co goods ] its outsi ei. J ) ars, : : : . ! 3 ir . il calls ~ TRY IT, pound. ........... Oc Padkage .......c..0000, 15¢ 11 pk Bc: 4 : which were sold by Albert Hirst, Inc, Tel. Ev. 654 Tel. Wil. 526 TRY IT, pound 4 g small pkgs. 8c; large ....16¢ of New York City, are expected to Open Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Eve's ; ; ; ! increase the business-getting pos- You can see us from the "L" = " Ann HITT HIRT i it HEH THER HIE Hien y Li sibilities of the salesmen. EE Ts she