Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 13 Mar 1920, p. 6

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WINNETKA WE EKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1920 =? --.-- [ Classified Advertisements hn WANPFED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HOUSE- hold goods of all kinds; we also take old clothes. N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Evanston 103. Night phone Evanston 5512. FOR SALE--HOMES ATES--10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in~ | Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. sertion, 5¢ per line. Copy must be in by HELP WANTED--FEMALE YOUNG WOMEN Have you ever investigated what we have to offer you? Our work is easy to learn. We teach you how to handle calls be-| fore you are sent to an office. We give you a liberal starting salary and advance you frequent- ly thereafter. Prmee------ 'Cozy, attractive rest rooms are provided for your enjoyment. Visit our office and see what a position with us means to you. Young women, 16 years of age or over, wanted for this work. CHICAGO TELEPHONE CO. Apply to Chief Operator at Wil- mette or Winnetka. LT17-1tc WANTED_SECOND MAID; 4 IN FAM- ily. Phone Win. 60S. LTGI8-2te WANTED--SALES LADY; GOOD WAG- es; experience necessary but not essential. Apply Nauioan Tes Co., 623 Vy ailroad avenue, Wilmette. W. Railroad ave Beg ttp WANTED--TY PIST; KNOWLEDGE OF stenography not essential; girl that wants to learn office work; exper- ience not necessary. Apply evenings at 1140 'Chatfield road, Hubbard Woods. LTG18-1te WANTED--A COMPETENT WHITE maid; general housework; no laun- dry; good wages; references. 672 Lin- coln avenue, Winnetka. Phone Win. 554. LTG18-1tp "WANTED_OFFICE GIRL; TYPIST and to answer phone. Paul Schroe- der and Co., Wilmete. TGbH2-1te 'WANTED--NURSE_ WITH EXP. AND references to help him 2 Wileing i ;'white. $15. one n. . children; whi $ nase "WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO HELP with three ghildren at Eifidones by . Phone in, i tue hour LTG18-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE ABLE BODIED MEN FOR laborers; good wages; steady work ; no experience necessary. Apply at plant. Mark Mfg. Co., Evanston, Il. LTG18-1tc WANTED--EXP. ..3ARDENER FOR season; apply immediately at 267 Sheridan road, Winnetka. Phone Win. 460. 60 LTG18-1tp HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED--MAN OR WOMAN GRO- cery clerk; permanent Po ressive Grocery, Winnetka, TIL gressive Grocery, Winne ail 110 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE DRESSMAKER WISHES FAMILY EN- gagements on North Shore; refer- ences. Address O-14, Lake = Shgre News. LTG18-1tp SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERI- enced sick nurse and also by laun- dress. Tel. Evanston 5020. LTG16-tfc AN EXPERIENCED MAID FOR general house work is very difficult to secure; Hoover Vacuum Cleaner solves the girl wanted question; ,housework reduced 75 per cent; sold on easy terms. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston. Phone Evans- ton 654. LTG16-tfc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--ANTIQUE OAK DINING room suite; 54-inch round extension table, sideboard, 6 .chairs, also mis- sion library table; 2 mission rockers with leather seats; all in good condi- tion. Phone Win, 526. TG52-1te FOR SALE--A FINE COLONIAL: MA- hogany dining room suite; excellent condition; 60-inch table; 9 chairs and buffet; price $400, could not be duplicated under $800. Telephone Win. 1058. T52-1te FOR SALE--OAK CABINET; IN GOOD condition. Phone 1236 Win. T52-1te FOR SALE--9x12 RUG; MAHOGANY library table and mission cabinet. Phone 1204. T52-1tc FOR SALE--CHEAP; 1 LARGE MA- hogany sideboard; 1 china cabinet. Mrs. E. F. Taylor, 314 Ridge avenue. T52-1te FOR SALE--LARGE GAS RANGE. Phone Wil. 2080. LTG18-1te FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL ANTIQUE living room table; white enamel bed; mattress; springs; chest of drawers. 231 Franklin road, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 627. LTG18-1te FOR SALE--KNABE PIANO AND player; in fine condition. Price low for quick sale. Phone 156 Wilmette. FOR SALE--ICE BOX, GAS STOVE, baby carriage, porch furniture, rugs, swings. 723 Forest avenue, Wilmette. LTG18-1te FOR SALE FURNITURE--ARTISTIC inlaid cabinet for holding pianola music rolls or sheet music; made to order at Stokes; bargain; mahogany dresser; child's large brass bed; new mattress. Call Glencoe 690. LT18-1tc FOR SALE--FINE, LARGE SWISS music box; electric washing machine; good refrigerator; white enamel bed- stead and mattress. Small white enamel bed-stead and spring; good- sized carpet rug; handsome oak front door with glass panel, brass locks, knobs and hinges, size 7x3ft4inches; washstand commode; fireless cooker; dolls go-cart; small chest of draw- ers. hone Kenilworth 764-M, . LT18-1tp FOR SALE--PIANOS AND FLAYERS overhauled, guaranteed. Steinway, 88-note player $200; Cable, 8S8-note player $275; Howard, 88-note player $375; Cheney piano $85; Emerson piano $140; Bauers piano $295; Beck- er piano $75; other bargain; payments. Patterson Bros., Davis street, Evanston. LTG18-tfc FOR SALE--200 NEW AND. USED sewing machines $5.00 up. New Singer electric $67; new Singer elec- tric $48; shop worn Singer electric $38; used Singer electric $25; West- ern electric $38; Wilcox & Gibbs electric $65; new Singer, style 66, $64; Eldredge two-spool $45. Patter- son Bros. 828 Davis street, Evans- ton. LTG18-tfe FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS, GAS stove, ice box, 12 inch new electric fan; oriental rugs, bed, etc. 228 Green Bay road, Hubbard Woods. LTG18-1tc FOR SALE--AUTOS , passenger touring; winter top; in goodl running condition; looks good; nearly new tires and has starter. This car is not junk. It will be sold very reasonable. Call Mr. Feeley, Evans- ton 579 any time. LTG18-1tp FOR SALE--BUICK, MODEL D 45; engine recently overhauled; new top; side curtains and battery. Phone Winnetka 662-7. LTG18-1te FOR SALE--BAKER ELECTRIC CAR with Lincoln generator for charging machine. 231 Franklin road, Glen- coe. Phone Glencoe 627. LTGI18-1tc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--4-WHEELED GO-CART, practically new; $10. Phone Wil. 1912. LTG18-1te FOR SALE--PONY; CHEAP. CHILD'S pet. Phone Wil. 854-M. LTG18-1te FOR SALE--BUFF ORPINGTON eggs, for hatching--from the first prize pen at the Coliseum show, Chi- cago 1920. A few settings to spare at $10, other pens at $2 per setting; satisfaction guaranteed. John Aitken, Hubbard Woods, Ill. Phone 76. LTG18-4tc FINE GRAND it April 1; one cow, Hol- April 3; 18 qts.; also 1088 W. Elm street, Winnetka. LTG18-1tp HOR SALE--FRESH EGGS. 270 SCOTT avenue, Hubbard Woods. LTG18-1te FOR BSALE--RABBITS; ALL AGES: Phone Win. 334. T52-1tc FOR SALE--ONE piano, take stein, fresh some articles. WANTED--HOMIZS IF YOU HAVE A HOMII OR VACANT in Glencoe, Hubbard Woods or Win- netka for sale, please call us, tel. Glencoe 119, or drop in and list it at our office. 327 Park avenue, Glencoe. Paul Schroeder and Co. TGH52-3te SITUATION WANTED--MALYE SITUATION WANTED--EXP, dener; married; skilled in all br: es, flowers, vegetables, etc, wants steady position for entire coming season; highest references. Address Winnetka Talk 'C-1. T48-tfc WANTED--PAINTING, DECORATING, calcimining, paper-hanging; all work guaranteed. Chester Decorating Co., Phone Evanston 6988. _T46-tfc LANDSCAPE GAR DINING AND house work. Phone Win. 1492. i 5 T52-13te WANTED TO RENT--HOMES FOR SALE--FARM LANDS ARE YOU INTERESTED IN AGRICUL- ture? Southwestern Kansas offers the most wonderful farming proposition in America today. Call and see me regarding next excursion. Round trip only $15.00. Phone Wil. 640. A. R. Eddington, 1157 Wilmette avenue. MISCELLANEOUS IT WILL SOON BE TIME TO SPRAY your trees and shrubs; why not have your work done by men who know when to spray and what to use? We also do pruning and tree surgery. 10 years experience. Phone Win. 1294. WANTED--FURNISHED HOMES IN Winnetka, Hubbard Woods and Glen- coe to rent for the summer months. Send or telephone us particulars. Paul Schroeder and Co., 327 Park avenue, Glencoe. Fhone 'Glencoe 119. TGH2-3te WANTED TO RENT--6 'OR 7 ROOM house in Winnetka; $60 to .$§100. Phone in evening. Win. 629. TH2-1te HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand furniture and household articles Morris Crost, 1004 Emerson street, Evanston. Phone Evanston 189. LTG18-12te EXPRESSING DONE BY TRIPS OR contract; Chicago trips our speciality. When in a hurry for your trunks call Bartz Express Co. Phone Win. 126. T51-4tc LTG18-1tp | FOR SALE--STEVENS DURYEA 7- FOR SALE--TWO APT. WINNETKA home; all modern improvements; fine neighborhood; terms. 752 Sunset road, Winnetka. Phone Win. 638-R. LTG16-tfc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED TO RENT BY MOTHER and adult daughter; one or two un- furnished rooms; bath; by May "1; references. Phone Ravenswood 4604. LTG15-4tc Liquor Bandits in a Persevering Mood Get $1000 Loot from Home of I. A. Bennett; Three Bandits Battle with Watchman at Rosenbaum Estate It's a persevering gang of liquor bandits which is locating the private stocks of the township. The local police department is studying the actions of the gang but due to the speed and quietness with which the raids are conducted, they have not yet been able to secure a definite clew as to their identity. In Kenilworth, I. A. Bennett, head of the Chicago store which bears his name, returned Sunday to his home at 185 Sheridan road, after a pleasure tour in Florida. The house had been ransacked of wines and other liquors amounting to about $1000. The steel cabinets in which the liquor was stor- ed were completely destroyed. About a month ago the first attempt to break into the home was made. Tele- phone wires had been cut but the gang was apparently frightened off. Three times a persistant gang of three bandits has attempted to secure the valuable stock of liquors in the home of Edwin S. Rosenbaum, Sher- | idan road, Glencoe, and night watch- man George Barlow has vowed that the third raid will be fatal for the raiding party. The first time they number of shots at Barlow; the sec- ond time they broke in but failed to locate the object of their search. Last Sunday night they were seen prowling close to the house. Barlow, from a second floor window, sent a rain of small shot towards the gang from his shotgun. Before the three disappeared from sight he had fired three times and believes that one of the men was wounded. . Mr. Rosenbaum has cautioned the servants of the home to take special precautions in guarding the house since the third raid. The attempt to enter the beautiful home has now taken the form of a siege and whether or not there will be a pitch- ed battle in the next assault is a matter of conjecture, HERE IS FINAL ANSWER TO "PROHIBITION" TAX RUMOR Following the annual collection of personal property and rea! estate taxes in New Trier township by Col- lector Hoyt King, residents of the entire township discussed the in- creased tax and made various com- ments on the reasons for the higher rate. A great deal of comment to the eitect that nation-wide prohibition was the principie reason for higher taxes reached the ears of Mrs. L. C. Norton, 370 Walnut street, actively interested in the work of the W. C. T. U. She communicated with Col- lector King and the following answer from his is expected to dispell all thoughts of associating the taxes with prohibition: "The increase in internal revenue tax is due to increased valuation and expense of administration and not due to prohibition.--~Hoyt King, col- lector of taxes in New Trier town- ship." COMMUNITY SING The third community sing under the auspices of the Parent-Teacher association will take place at the Sko- kie school on Tuesday, March 16, at 8 o'clock in the evening. Mrs. Phile- mon B. Kohlsaat will lead the sing- ing. Mrs. Charles Howells Coffin has charge of the affair and will be assist- Eat Wallace Rumsey and Mrs. Lawrence Janney. Everyone who likes to sing or likes to listen to singing is cords ially invited. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY HOtBUR 615 Davis St., Evanston MATINEES 2 and 4 THIS WEEK Saturday March 13 Edmund Breese and Rubye de Remer "His Temporary Wife" Evenings 7 and 9 NEXT WEEK Mon., Tues., Wed. Mar. 15, 16, 17 'Other Men's Shoes' Featuring Craufurd Kent A Drama of Heart Revelation Thursday March 18 Marguerite Clark mn "All of a Sudden Peggy' Friday March 19 CHARLES RAY in "Red Hot Dollars" GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY were unable to break in but fired aed by Mrs. Wallace Chickering, Mrs. roads, or ¢ the copy everywhere Gentlemen: charge the cost, $1.00, to me. (My Name) might like him!" Sometimes banks get ac- quainted with farmers by giving good advice, or urging good among the boys. That last was thewayof one whose story is told in THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN dated March 6. And we'd like to get acquainted with you through this Great National Farm 'Weekly itself. We know that THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN Let's Get Acquainted United organizing calf clubs please tion if weekly ---- ------ -- -- -- p-- p-- p-- p-- p-- p-- p-- po-- po-- -- Winnetka State Bank John R. Leonard, President Henry R. Hale, Cashier (1) Because you know me, enter my name for THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN for one year and or and more money. "One dollar buys it for a whole year-->52 big, friendly, helpful, with THE COUNTRY GENTLE- MAN--you're sure to like it. "Get better acquainted with your neighbor--you That's a pretty good motto for a community like ours, isn't it? Town folks should get better acquainted with country folks; the merchants and the bankers should get to know the farmers--and how they are farming. Speaking for this bank, we'd like to get acquainted personally with every farmer hereabouts--he might like us enough to deposit money with us; we might like him enough to lend him some. Anyway, we could swap ideas--and perhaps add his name to the rapidly growing list of subscribers for helps farmers all over the States to make more It would us to sce you making more money too, so we stand ready to send in your subscrip- you just say the word. issues. Get acquainted Phone Winnetka 10 Cross (2) Here'smydollar. Iwant THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. Pleasesend it tome. (My Address) (City)

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