Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 20 Mar 1920, p. 7

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1920 7 Classified Advertisements sertion, 5c per line. Ror per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in~ Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News. 20c per line Copy must be in by | | for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. -- HELP WANTED--FEMALE i FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS YOUNG WOMEN Have you ever investigated what we have to offer you? Our work is easy to learn. We teach you how to handle calls be- fore you are sent to an office. 'We give you a liberal starting salary and advance you frequent- ly thereafter. Cozy, attractive rest rooms are provided for your enjoyment. Visit our office and see what a position with us means to you. Young women, 16 years of age or over, wanted for this work. | CHICAGO TELEPHONE CO. Apply to Chief Operator at Wil- mette or Winnetka. LT17-4tc | WANTED--COMF. SEAMSTRESS by the day. Phone. Win. 729. Foster. T1-1te 'WANTED NURSE FOR CHILDREN MRS. AYRES BOAIL, WINNETKA. | FOR SALE Ti-1te | WANTED--AN EXP. SALES LADY; | good pay and good hours. Apply | in person Monday morning, March | 29, G. L. Zick & Co., 803 Elm street, Winnetka. TG1l-1te | WANTED--RELIABLE YOUNG GIRL | to take a baby out in the afternoon. | Phone Win, 679. lst WANTED--MAID; COMP.. WHITE =irl for sneral housework; three in | family; no washing; best wages; | comfortable room. Phone Win. 1182. T1-1te | WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR G ENL. |W 1 1] > | housework; references; $18. honey | Win. 1380. TG1-1te WANTED--COLORED MAID FOR general housework; only two in family; nice rooms above garage; no washing; $12 a week. Phone High- land Park 416. 509 Roger Williams avenue, Ravinia. LTG19-1te WANTED--MAID FOR GENL. HOUSE- work; no washing; small family; must be good cook; high wages. Mrs. F. P. McLoney, 714 Elmwood avenue. Phone Wil. 1866. LTG19-1tc WANTED--MAID FOR GENL. HOUSE- work or second work; good home; good wages. 818 Ashland avenue, FOR SALE--ANTIQUE OAK DINING room suite; 54-inch round extension table, sideboard, 6 chairs, also mis- sion library table; 2 mission rockers, with leather seats; all in good condi- tion. Phone Win. 1526. TG51-1tp FOR SALE--COMPLETE SET OF books; very fine linens and towels; fire grate for open fireplace; kitchen utensils; curtain stretcher; three radiator hoods; window ventilators; flat irons; fruit jars; tools; shovels, ash can and sifter, paper burner, floor brushes, bucksaw; stone and glass jugs, garden hose. 231 Frank- . lin road, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 627. TG-1-1te FOR SALE--WHEELER AND WILSON sewing machine. Phone Win. 820. T1-1te FOR SALE--EARLY ENGLISH OAK dining room set consisting of 54-inch extension table and 6 leather chairs, also 3 living room chairs, 1 mahogany writing table and oak chiffonier. Phone Win. 1137. T1-1te MUST SELL THREE PIECES; PAR- lor suite and golden oak chiffonier; FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED--HOMES FOR SALE--RABBITS; ALL AGES. Phone Win. 334. TG1-2te FOR SALE--CHEAP; LARGE PORT- able garage with strong floor to hold big heavy car; in fine condition; will sacrifice. Call Win. 940. T1-1tec IF YOU HAVE A- HOME OR VACANT in Glencoe, Hubbard Woods or Win- netka for sale, please call us, tel. Glencoe 119, or drop in and list it at our office, 327 Park avenue, Glencoe. Paul Schroeder and Co. TE52-3te FOR SALE--BABY BUGGY; GONDOLA style; . frosted black; $20. Tel. Win. 1013. T1-1te FOR SALE--BUFF ORPINGTON eggs, for hatching--from the first prize hen at the Coliseum show, Chi- cago 1920. A few settings to spare at $10; other pens at $2 per setting; satisfaction guaranteed. John Aitken, Hubbard Woods. Ill. Phone 76. LTG18-4te FOR SALE--SHETLAND PONY; 4- wheeled 2-seated, rubber tired cart; 10 or 15 8 to 10 foot spruce trees for garden decoration; also house- hold articles. Fhone Win. 490. LTG19-2te FOR SALE--WHITE ROCK COCKER- els; standard bred. Phone Win. 68. LTG19-1tc WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS wagon. Phone Win. 545-7. T1-1te WANTED--SECOND HAND TRUNK; also little girl's second hand bicycle. Phone Win. 497. T1-2tp WANTED--TWO VELOCIPEDES; IN good condition; for boys five and seven years of age. Phone Win. 1206. T1-1te ANYONE WISHING TO SELL A small go-cart; in good condition. Phone Win. 582, T1-1te HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HOUSE- hold goods of all kinds; we also take old clothes. N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Evanston 103. Night phone Evanston 5512. LTG17-8tc bargain. Call at 1010 Pine street, Winnetka. TG1l-1tp SITUATION WANTED --MALE FOR SALE--A LARGE ANTIQUE | WANTED--PAINTING, DECORATING, French plate mirror; antique Con- sole; handsome bronze; Limoges plates and antique furniture, suitable for high class residence only. 315 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, Kenil. 167. T1-1te FOR SALE--VERY REASONABLE; suite of colonial mahogany dining room furniture, consisting of buffet, 60-in. table, 9 chairs; all in excellent condition; could not be duplicated for $800. Phone Win. 1058. T1-1te FOR SALE--200 NEW AND USED sewing machines $5.00 up. New Singer electric $67; new Singer elec- tric $48; shop worn Singer electric $38; used Singer electric $25; West- ern electric: $38; Wilcox & 1ibbs electric $65; new Singer, style 66, $64; Eldredge two-spool $45. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG18-tfe GAS RANGE "RELIABLE" porcelain back side and doors, oven 14x18x21, slightly used, $50; refrig- erator, 100 lbs. capacity, enamel food chamber, three shelves, $35; two porch rockers, two large crex rugs, garden tools, lawn mower, 75-foot hose. 829 Ash street. Phone Win. _ 1307. LT19-1tp FOR SALE--PIANOS PLAYERS overhauled, guaranteed, 88-note player $200; Cable, player $275; Howard, S88-note $375; Cheney piano $8 piano $140; Bauers piano | er piano $75; other barg payments. Patterson Davis street, Evanston. AND Emerson ains; easy 31'08., 828 LTG18-tfe FOR SALE--NEW WALNUT VELOUR two-piece overstuffed living room | set, chairs and davenport. Phone | 'Wil. 1847. LTG19-1tp | | FOR SALE--TWO OAK COUNTERS; | six-burner gas range; large ice box; all in good condition. Phone Win. 1047. LT19 Ce Ba he A A ae on FOR SAL MISSION BOOK leaded glass doors; reasonable. Elmwood avenue, Wilmette. TO RENT . NREL Ww URNISHED HOMES IN! Winnetka, Hubbard Woods and Glen- | coe to rent for the summer months. | Send or telephone us particulars. | Paul Schroeder and Co. 227 Park avenue, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 119. TG52-3te YOUNG COUFLE DESIRES SMALL modern two or three room flat, housekeeping rooms, unfurnished, near North Shore line; references. Winnetka Talk 10-W. TG1-1tp WANTED-- FOUR OR FIVE ROOM flat; unfurnished; along north shore. Mrs. Virginia E. Noe. Phone 248. 746 Elm street. T1-1tp WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE; UN- furnished; by family of four adults; Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2135. at least three bedroom and bath; LTG19-1te possession April 30. Phone Win. 840. ""WANTED--COMPETENT GIRL FOR T1-1te general housework; no laundry;| WANTED TO RENT--AN UNFURN. small house; near transportation; house by May 1. Phone Win. 1086. $14; Phone Win. 1122. LTG19-1te Marc Newman. T1-1te "WANTED--COMPETENT GIRL FOR housework; 4 in family; good wages. Phone Wil. 1997. Worthington, 1011 Forest avenue, Wilmette. LTG19-1te WANTED--MARCEL WAVER; SAL- ary $30 a week. Apply Wilmette. Beauty Shop, 1200 Central avenue, 'Wilmette. LTG19-1tp HELP WANTED--MALE YOUNG MEN, 17 UPWARD, DESIRING Railway M=ail clerkship, $110 month, write for free particulars examina- tions. J. Leonard (former Govern- ment Examiner) 208 Equitable Bldg. 'Washington, D. C LTG19-1tp SITUATION WANTED --FEMALE. WANTED--TWO OR THREE ROOMS, with or near board for couple with ten year old daughter for summer or longer. Man alone at present; will occupy at once. J."H. Darrah, 1130 Insurance Exchange, . Chicago, Ill LTG19-3te WANTED--SMALL HOUSE OR 4 OR 5 unfurnished rooms and bath. April 15 to September 1; for 2 adults. Tel. Wil, 416, LTG19-1te YOUNG COUPLE DESIRES SMALL modern 2 or 3 housekeeping rooms unfurnished near North Shore line; references. Tel. Win. 1020. LT19-1tp AN EXPERIENCED MAID FOR general housework is very difficult to secure; Hoover Vacuum Cleaner solves the girl wanted question; housework reduced 75 per cent; sold on easy terms. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston. Phone Evans- ton 654. LTG16-tfc WANTED--WASHING AND IRONING by the day by Swedish woman. Tel. Wilmette 2486. LTG19-1te ; SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERI- enced sick nurse and also by laun- dress. Tel. Evanston 5020. LTG16-tfc WANTED TO RENT--3 OR 4 UNFURN. rooms near Northwestern, Phone Wil. 1847. LTG19-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR SALE--TWO STORY S10LCCO bungalow; four bedrooms; two blocks from station; $6,500. Pos- session May 1. Lot 50x180. 796 Pine street. T1-1tec IMMEDIATE POSSESSION FOR SALE--6 ROOM MODERN STUC- co house; sun and sleeping porch; hardwood floors; newly papered; hot water heat; 5 blocks from depot. FOR RENT $13.000. Phone Win. 944. LTG19-tfc FOR RENT--SIX ROOM FLAT. 180 +'OR SALE--SEVEN ROOM HOUSE: Chestnut street. T1-1tc all improvements, FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSE; § ROOMS. 3 sleeping and dining porch; one bath; vy possession May 1. Address Winnet- ka Talk, O-15. T1-1tc " FOR RENT--FURN. ROOMS. PHONE 'Win. 533-M. LOST AND FOUND a . LOST--BROWN FIN SEAL LEATHER " hand-bag containing gold thimble, pair of gloves, check book and other articles; reward. Phone Win. as. THE -1te T1-2te sleeping porch, furnace heat; convenient to railroad station. Price $7,500. 684 Center street, Winnetka. LTG19-1tp FOR SALE--TWO APT. WINNETKA home; all modern improvements; fine neighborhood; terms. 752 Sunset road, Winnetka. Phone Win. 638-R. : LTG16-tfc Steinway, §8-note | player | 95; Beck- | | LTG19-1te | calcimining, paper-hanging; all work guaranteed. Chester Decorating Co., Phone Evanston 6988. T46-tfc LANDSCAPE GARDENING, house work. Phone Win. 1492. T52-13tc WANTED TO BUY--BOY'S EXPRESS WANTED TO EXCHANGE AUTO WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR Indiana farm or will sell cheap. 1522 Sherman avenue. Phone Evanston 720. LTG19-1te FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--GARAGE. 873 WILLOW street, Winnetka. T1-1te MISCELLANEOUS EXPRESSING DONE BY TRIPS OR contract; Chicago trips our speciality. When in a hurry for your trunks call Bartz Express Co., Phone Win. 126. TH1-4te IT WILL SOON BE TIME TO SPRAY your trees and shrubs; why not have your work done by men who know when to spray and what to use? We also do pruning and tree surgery, 10 years experience. Phone Win. 1294, LTG17-4te HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand furniture and household articles Morris Crost, 1004 Emerson street, Evanston. Phone Evanston 189. LTG18-12te Effective Printing means good type, good presses, good workmen and good paper. We have the equipment and the workmen for you, and use Hammermill grades of bond, safety and cover papers. Let us show you. LULL LLL LLL LZ rrr rrr, LIST YOUR HOUSE We can satisfy you. with us for quick sale. a demand for desirable homes BEFORE BUYING see us for WILMETTE, KENILWORTH, and WINNETKA property. We have 405 LINDEN AVENUE 7777777777 772d ddd dd ddd ddd ddd ddd dldd ddd lll dd ddd lizzy M. E. Barker & Co. LLL LLL ddd dd ll ddd ddl ddd bd Ld El ETT Edd rd ZT Td TZ 77 adr 777, End of "L" Phone Wil. 484 WILMETTE, ILL. J SSS SLSLSLSSLIS SIS LSSS SSS SS SSS SSS SSS SSS SITS SSS LS SSIS LISS SSS SSIS SSL SAS SS SASS SAS 4 '§| 510 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON Scales Motor Company Nash, Stearns-Knight and Dodge | Brothers passenger and business cars PHONE EVANSTON 6636 North Shore Distributors of 2h Last. and Grade MER. I FOR SALE--VACANT Ee = FOR SALE--LOT; SECOND FROM corner on Elmwood avenue near For- est avenue. Fhone Wil. 1665. A WE WANT you to use OUR LUMBER WE KNOW you want Repairs on your home to WE ARE SURE that if you get OUR ADVICE as to the Proper Kind WE have then secured a SATISFIED CUSTO- OE O00 Winnetka Coal-Lumber Phone 734 Company Phone 735 EARL L. WEINSTOCK, Manager J gm I sil i Ih mmm mm yom

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