Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 27 Mar 1920, p. 7

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1920 --_ a _ a a --_™n Ra FOR SALE--TRUCKS FOR SALE--1%--2 TON FORD TRUCK with open express body; excellent condition; used only 2 months; reasonable price; time payment if desired. Phone Win. 165. LTG20-1tc Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. Copy must be in by J, HELP WANTED--FEMALE YOUNG WOMEN Have you ever investigated what we have to offer you? Our work is easy to learn. We teach you how to handle calls be- fore you are sent to an office. We give you a liberal starting salary and advance you frequent- ly thereafter. Cozy, attractive rest rooms are provided for your enjoyment. Visit our office and see what a position with us means to you. Young women, 16 years of age or over, wanted for this work. CHICAGO TELEPHONE CO. Apply to Chief Operator at Wil- mette or Winnetka. emer. ------ LT17-4tc WANTED--WOMAN, THOROUGHLY competent to care for child 9 mos. old during mother's absence, one week. Phone Win. T2-1te WANTED--YOUNG SADE fC CLERK i h ams armacy. in drug store. A Ta 2 ANTED--GIRL TO WORK IN DELI- AE ER good wages. John Smith, 819 Oak street ts Us 'WANTED--AT ONCE; YOUNG WHITE AS of refinement for child 3 years old; must do upstairs work; protest- ant: good home; expect to spend the ichigan. PhoneWin. 1121 summer in Michigan en WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN'L. housework; no laundry; small family; $16 a week and hones: Broa i tka. one n. . avenue, Winne TLR WANTED_WOMAN _OR__ GIRL TO stay day-time with elderly woman requiring little assistance, but can- YOUNG MAN DESIRES FURNISHED room close to town. Address Week- ly Talk C-31. T2 1tp WANTED--SUITABLE ROOM FOR two young ladies. Phone Win. 211. T2-1tc longer. Man alone at present; will occupy at once. J. H. Darrah, 1130 Insurance Exchange, Chicago, Ill. LTG19-3tc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--THREE ROOMS WITH bath, for light house keeping. Phone Win. 1055. T2-1tc ---- eC eT0 NC FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS. Phone Win. 533-M. T1-2tc FOR RENT--LARGE ROOM; SUIT- able for two people. Phone Win. 599-W, T2-1tp WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--FOR SUMMER months, house with 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, bath, gas stove. State price and conveniences. Mrs. J. E. Korshak, 839 Sunnyside avenue, Chi- cago. LT20-1tc WANTED TO RENT--IN ANY NORTH shore town, desirable four or five bedroom modern house. Communi- cate Major Henry 8S. Wygant, 522 north Linden avenue, Highland Park. LTG20-2tc WANTED TO RENT--FURN. HOUSE, seven or eight rooms, in Wilmette or north shore for one year or longer from June 1, 1920. Address Lake Shore News A-35. LT20-1tp WANTED TO RENT--IN KENIL- worth, Winnetka, furnished house, 4 adults, for the summer months, gar- age preferable. 415 Surf street, Chi- cago, Ill. T2-1tc A CAREFUL YOUNG COUPLE ARE VERY ANXIOUS TO SECURE A small furnished house or apartment for summer months, May 1 to Oec- tober 1, or longer; can not pay over $75 a month but owner will be sure his property is properly cared for. References. Albert E. Lindquist, 820 Lumber Exchange, Chicago. Phone Majestic 8004. T2-1tc WANTED--FURNISHED HOMES IN Winnetka, Hubbard Woods and Glen- coe to rent for the summer months. Send or telephone us particulars. Paul Schroeder and Co., 327 Park avenue, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 119. TG52-3tc WANTED TO RENT---IN WINNETKA, house with 5 bedrooms; will con- sider 4 bedrooms. Address Winnet- ka Talk, 0-20. T2-1tc 1 YOU HAVE A TOME OR VACANT in Glencoe, Hubbard Woods, or Win- netka for sale, please call us, tel. Glencoe 119, or drop in and list it at our office, 327 Park avenue, Glencoe. Paul Schroeder and Co. TG52-3te WANTED--FURNISHED HOUSE FOR summer four or five months; pos- session May or June; about 7 rooms; 2 adults; residents of Chicago, ac- customed to taking care of fine household equipment; highest ref.; willing to rent unfurnished per- manently, Address No. L.-9, Winnet- ka Talk. TG2-4tp FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS _ FOR SALE--REFRIGERATOR, $5; wheel-barrow, $2.50; 30-inch sq. table, $5; small desk, $4; morris chair, $56; porch tea table, $4; lamp- shade, $2; large doll's folding go- mot be left alone all day; light work cart, wire wheels, $5; two white and short hours. Phone Wil. 1255 iron beds, $7.50 each. Mrs. V. C. after 6:30 p. m. LTG20-1tp Sanborn, Kenilworth, LT20-1tc ANTED--WAITRESS; GOOD |OUR SALE--200 NEW AND USED aL steady. North Shore Cafe, sewing machines $5.00 up. New . ilroad avenue, Wilmette. 631 W. Railr STR WANTED STENOGRAPHER, EXP.; with some knowledge of book-keep- ing preferred, for Chicago real estae office, handling north shore property; intelligence and tact, chief requisite. Good salary and future. Address Winnetka Talk 0-30. LTG20-1te HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--GARDENER IN WINNET- ka; three days a week; all season; leave name and address with Week- ly Talk office. _T2-1tc 'WANTED--GARDENER AND HOUSE- man in Winnetka; reliable married man preferred; apartment in gar- age. Phone Win. 39. TG2-1te WANTED--BOY TO DELIVER AND clerk in drug store. Adam's Phar- macy. _T2-2tp WANTED--GOOD GARDENER FOR at least three days a week. Apply immediately. 651 Prospect avenue, Winnetka. Phone Win. 152. LTG20-1tc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE AN EXPERIENCED MAID FOR general housework is very difficult to secure; Hoover Vacuum Cleaner solves the girl wanted question; housework reduced 75 per cent; sold on easy terms. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston. Phone Ev- anston 654. LTG16-tfe SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERI- enced sick nurse and also by laun- dress. Phone Evanston 5020. LTG16-tfc < DESIRE POSI- tions as * and cook in same household. Martin Beig, 3713 Broadway avenue, Chicago. T2-1te MARRIED COOKING AN SEWING A SPECIAL- ty. Phone Glencoe 284. North Shore Employment Bureau, Glencoe, Ill. TG2-3tp WASHING OF LADIES FANCY clothes and table linen exclusively. Phone Gleiicoe 284. TG2-3tp SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--PAINTING, DECORATING, caleimining, paper-hanging; all work guaranteed. Chester Decorating Co., Phone Evanston 6988. T46-tfc SITUATION - WANTED BY EXPER. gardener and poultry man; private or assistant on larger estate. Ad- dress 094, Winnetka Talk. TG2-tfc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED--TWO OR THREE ROOMS, with or near board for couple with ten year old daughter for summer or | Singer electric $67; new Singer elec- tric $48; shop worn Singer electric $38; used Singer electric $25; West- ern electric $38; Wilcox & Gibbs electric $65; new Singer, .style 66, $64; Eldredge two-spool $45. Patter- son Bros, 828 Davis street, Evans- ton. LTG18-tfe FOR SALE--PIANOS AND PLAYERS overhauled, guaranteed, Steinway, 88-note player $200; Cable, 88-note player, $275; Howard, 88-note player $375; Cheney piano $85; Emerson piano $140; Bauers piano $295; Beck- er piano $75; other bargains; easy payments. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanstan. LTG18-tfc FOR SALE--GAS RANGE "RELIABLE" borcelain back side and doors, oven 14x18x21, slightly used, $48; refrig- erator, 100 lbs. capacity, enamel food chamber, three shelves, $32.50; one 3X10 crex- rug, $3; 19-inch lawn mower, $6, 829 Ash street. Phone Win. 1307. LTG20-1tp FOR SALE--CHINA, ICE BOX, GAS stove, laundry stove, Jacobean oak buffet, china closet, chiffonier, bed and washing machine; must sell. 228 Green Bay. Road, Hubbard Woods. ir a LTG20-1te FOR SALE--LARGE REFRIGERATOR $10. 524 Provident avenue. Phone Win. 1382. T2-1tp FOR SALE -- WEATHERED OAK living room table; English period, white iron bed, brass bed, sanitary couch. Win. 1537. T2.-1{p FOR SALE--MAHOGA NY LIBRARY table; plate glass top. Phone Wil. 27 T2-1te NT HOME FOR any rockers, closet. Will sell each, china closet : Splendid value these Phone Winnetka ESE 1ina $10 for prices. SALE chine; 3125, new; cost $1 Foster, Lor 550 Cedar s HAVING SOLD MY LARGE Ww orth home I will dispose of a num- ber of pieces of furniture, among them one (1) Birdseye maple ward- robe with large plate mirror; one three (3) piece oak bedroom ser: one (1) white enameled ice box, cap- acity 100 1bs.; one (1) oak dining rcom table; one (1) garage stove, one (1) complete set of porch furn- iture; 6 Navajo Indian rugs. Tele- bhone Kenilworth 256 or call 158 Melrose avenue. aul Schuize, : TG2- Ite KENIL- FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--TEN BROWN LEGHORN laying hens, $2 each; also a few settings of White Rocks. Phone Wil. 729-M. LTG20-1te FOR SALE-- ONE PAIR OF HEAVY portieres, $15; 1 long Persian lamb neckpiece, $10. Phone Wil. 1912. LTG20-1te FOR SALE--BUFF ORPINGTON eggs, for hatching--from the first prize hen at the Coliseum show, Chi- cago 1920. A few settings to spare at $10; other pens at $2 per settings; satisfaction guaranteed. John Aitken, Hubbard Woods, Ill. Phone 76. LTG18-4tc FOR SALE--CHEAP; PURPLE VEL- vet trimmed with squirrel; warm bathrobe; two silk dresses; size 40; practically new; also sterling silver mesh bag and string of coral. Phone Wil. 1912, LTG20-1te FOR SALE--SHETLAND PONY; 4- wheeled 2-seated, rubber tired cart; 10 or 15 8 to 10 foot spruce trees for garden decoration; also house- hold articles. Phone Win. 490. LTG19-2te FOR SALE--WHITE ORPINGTONS cockerels $5; laying pullets $3.50; R. I. Red eggs from 200 egg strain $3 per setting of 13. Phone Glencoe 316-M. LTG20-2tp FOR SALE--FINE SHETLAND PONY, harness, cart and wagon. Phone Win. 534. T2-1tc FOR SALE--RABBITS; ALL AGES. Phone Win. 334. TGl-2tc FOR SALE--REED STROLLER; IN good condition; for child 20 mos. Phone Win. TG2-1te 7 EE EEE ee Classiied Advertisements Ro per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in~ sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. FOR SALE--WHOLE REED BABY carriage; in excellent condition. 904 Elm street. Phone Win. 670-W. T2-1te FOR SALE--SECOND HAND BICYCLE for boy 6 to 8 years old; $10. Phone 'Win. 1239. T2-1te FOR SALE--ONE BLACK BABY CAR- riage; in excellent condition. Phone Win. 1043 T2-1te = FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR PASS: car; 3% blocks from depot; $6 per month. Phone Win. 1404, LT20-1tc LOST AND FOUND LOST--BLACK NET SCARF WITH gold spanglers, probably on Ash street east of the tracks, last Satur- day night; finder please notify Mrs. M. L. H. O'Dea, 601 Ash street. Phone Win. 367, and receive reward. T2-1te A N 7 Any Home is Made the Better with a Bet- ter Home for Your Car Private Garage Delivered to your home on a few hours notice. Built in sections ready to erect quickly and sub- stantially. Pro-slate garages with their rough, stucco-like moss-green walls, paneled off by English timber work; and the roof a crushed slate, dull, Indian red, present an appearance of unusual beauty. Fire and Weather Proof The outside materials being of crushed slate rock makes these garages fire-safe. The construction itself renders them weather and windproof. There are no cracks in the Pro-slate walls to open up in dry weather and let in the dust. The beautiful stucco-like finish never requires painting, thus eliminating the expense of upkeep. The woodwork is already painted; the roofing is a part of the roof panels themselves; the doors and windows are all glazed; and all hardware is included. Garages for Large and Small Cars Many sizes of garages are included in the Pro-slate line. There is one of just the right dimensions to fit your requirements. the size. the same in all. The Pro-slate Double Garage (illustrated above) $335.00. The Extra Long Single Garage, $310.00. The Standard Single Garage, $235.00. / The Ford Special, $165.00. The difference in the price is made only by the di'ference in The construction, materials and workmanship are You must see a Pro-slate Garage to really appreciate its beauty, its substantial construction and its econ- omy. Call and inspect our exhibit. Make it today if you can If you need anything in Lumber or Building Material, we have it. Hubbard Woods Lumber & Coal Co. RAILROAD NEAR SCOTT AVENUE Phone Winnetka 452

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