2 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1920 rs -s -- REXALL PIGEON RACE INTERESTS WINNETKA Adams Pharmacy To Release Pair of Homer Pigeons in Big Contest on September 25 Local interest has been aroused to a high pitch in the Rexall Pigeon derby to be flown at St. Louis, Mo., on September 25, and in which a pair of homing pigeons, to be released by Adams Pharmacy of this town will participate. In all 5000 homing pigeons are to take part in this race, each having been bred, hatched and trained in the Rexall Pigeon Lofts, St. Louis, Mo., the largest in the world. These lofts were built espegially for the birds that are to compete in this race. More than 500 homing pigeons of the very best strains obtainable were purchased and established in the lofts as breeders. From this nucleus the younger birds have been bred until, today, the loft boast more live pigeons than any other in the world. A large corps of trainers and at- tendants are required to care for and train the pigeons and to this end the United Drug company has spared no expense. The cost attending the feed- ing of so many pigeons itself consti- tutes a heavy item. Entries In Pairs The race will be confined to Rexall druggists doing business within a five hundred mile radius of St. Lous, Mo. Each of these druggists will enter a pair of pigeons in the race, the birds being shipped to him from the St. Louis lofts. The birds will be released for the speedy flight to St. Louis at a specified hour, handi- caps as to distance having been care- fully worked out, and the first bird to "trap in" at the St. Louis lofts will receive the golden prize. In each town, as here, a local pro- gram will be arranged in connection with the release of the pigeons. The mayor, either in person or through authority delegated to some pretty girl, will speed the pigeons on their way with a written message beneath their wings for the Govérnor of Missouri who will greet the little racers upon their arrival. The occasion of this race is for the amusement and entertainment of the 8,000 or more Rexall druggists of the United States who assemble in St. Louis, Mo., on September 25 for their annual corvention, made especially interesting this year because of the inauguration of the new factory the United Drug company has just completed in St. Louis for the manufacture of Rexall products. Signal Corps Observe Of course pigeon fanciers, the world over, are focusing attention upon this race and the Pigeon Section of the Signal Corps, U. S. army, will of- ficially observe the race and keep close check on the time made by the Rexall pigeons, Frank P. Lucke, president of the International Feder- ation of American Homing Pigeon Fanciers, will be one of the judges of the race and he is keeping close watch of every step of progress made in its preparation. EVIDENCE OVERWHELMS "NO LIGHTS" DEFENDANT Mrs. Paul Schroeder Assessed $5 and Costs; Mr. Schroeder Acts as Counsel Evidence of four witnesses, includ- ing that of three taxi-cab drivers, figured in the disposition Saturday of the "no lights" case of Mrs. Paul Schroeder in Magistrate D. M. Mickey's Wilmette police court. The case had been continued from Saturday, September 4, to permit patrolman Borre, who made the ar- rest and was the complainant, oppor- tunity to rally together his witnesses. Saturday's proceedings were most interesting from every viewpoint. Mrs. Schroeder had been accused by patrolman Borre of parking a car at night on Linden avenue near Fourth street without the essential lights. Mr. Schroeder, who, it is claimed, is well versed in justice and police court procedure, acted as counsel for his wife. He conducted a grilling cross examination of the witnesses, Mrs. Schroeder at frequent intervals introducing the ugly little word in protest of adverse testimony. * The hearing was interrupted momentarily while another and im- patient "no lights" defendant, plead guilty to carelessness and paid a fine of $5 and costs. | The Schroeder case resumed and oie obs obo ol of of of of oe obs obs ob ob obo oe od ol ob ole ob obo ode oe ode od ood oh BoB ob Bolo ol oR oR bool sb Bol ook ook bob RoR ol ob UR display of one worthy of your inspection. Youwill be extremely pleas- ed with our Hats and our prices. HITT gn $4,000,000 | 332 Linden Ave. Bok odode ode of ode ode ob ole oB ood odo ook ood ob ode od oF of oo of oe oo of oo oo oe of of oe oo of oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oo obo ob ob oR oF oF oF oF obo oF ob oF oe oF cB ooo oe ode od ode ode oo ode oe oF ode oo ode oe ode oe oF of of oe ode oF oe oF oe ode ode ode ode oo ode oo od ode ode ob ob ol oo op The HAT SHOP ELE HERE EEL EE TET ECE TL TU LTH :WHMETTE the testimony concluded, the defend- | ANNOUNCEMENT ant was assessed $5 and costs. M. Josephine Anderson. Studio, 817 It is said the case may be appealed | Kimball Hall, corner, Jackson and Wabash. Piano Instructor. Ravens- to a higher tribunal by Mr. Schroeder. wood 1847 or Glencoe 650. European fundamentals in Technique, Touches, ITS COMING Phrasing, Scales, Chords, Standard THE MOLLYCODDLE. WATCH FOR | Graded Studies, Classics. IT NEXT WEEK. OHO Ome OE QO reel QO EX © --Adv. T27-1tc! --Adv.LT45-1tdh Autumn LUT UTE TTT TT ST We draw your attention to some seasonable things you can pur- chase in our store-- Leaf Rakes, Leaf Baskets, Wheelbarrows, Coal Scoops, Ash Sifters, Ash Cans, Garbage Cans J. F. ECKART CO. Hardware, Paints, Tools Cutlery, Glass [o] i Oo Phone Winnetka 844 736 Elm St. Qo | Oo I ; 0 | [ Oo BEE EEL EL EEE EE EL LL EE EE EEE EEE LE EE EL EE EEE EE EE EL LLL (8) me {6 ) mmm s. { ¢ CIO IOE=IOE w N.S AF ul Be Wi SF PE 3 RPE STN abs CARE 9 Eo (Wanted to buy 20 Large Elm Trees 8-10 inches in diameter. If you are contemplating putting in a new driveway or remodeling your estate, let us quote you a price on the trees that will be in the way. --_--1 Do not cut trees or harm them, before calling us. experts. Of an Estate depends on the grandeur of its trees. | ing, I rimming, Transplanting, Sur- gery and SPRAYING. A consultation will not obligate you in the slightest. Che Value Why not: have them cared for by | | Our service includes Prun- THOS. J. LYNCH & CO., Tree Surgeons 2 Prouty Annex WINNETKA Phone Winnetka 1294-313 |