Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 18 Sep 1920, p. 7

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK; SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1920. 7 | Classified Advertisements Rive per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in~ sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. Copy must be in by \ a HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--LAUNDRESS; EITHER TO come to the house or take laundry home; $8.50 a week for washing and ironing. Phone Win. 1613. 121 Bertling lane, Winnetka. T27-1te FOR SALE--A BROWN LEATHER couch; like new; a bargain at $20.00. Phone Wil. 1258. LTG45-1tp FOR SALE--A LAUNDRY STOVE; Kitchen Maid kitchen cabinet. Tel. Win. 1549. T26-3tc WANTED--EXCELLENT WHITE laundress for two days; permanent place. Inquire 635 Blackthorne road or phone Win. 1679. TG27-1te WANTED--STENOGRAPHER WITH short hand experience; for small of- fice in Loop (Chicago). Neat appear- ing. Phone Wil. 728-M. LTG45-1tp WANTED--COMPETENT MAID FOR general housework; protestant; 5 room house; $16.00; no washing. Phone Win. 491. LTG45-1tc WANTED--A RELIABLE WOMAN TO care for children afternoons and evenings. Address Lake Shore News H-2. ' LT45-1tc WANTED--A MAID; PROTESTANT; white; for general housework; fam- ily two adults. Phone Win. 359. LTG45-1te 2ND WORK good WANTED--GIRL FOR and to assist with children; wages. Phone Glencoe 81. LT45-1tc WANTED--HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO care for baby in afternoons. Phone Win. 243. TG27-1te WANTED--EXPER. DRESSMAKER AT 'once; good wages. Call Win. 1325. LTG44-3tc WANTED--SOMEONE TO KNIT heavy socks for two small boys. Tel. Win. 191. LTG45-1te WANTED--A LAUNDRESS TO TAKE family wash home. Phone Win. 191. LTG45-1te HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--EXPERIENCED GROCERY clerk and also young man to put up orders. A. S. Van Deusen, 1154 Cen- tral avenue, Wilmette. LTG45-1te WANTED--TINNERS HELPER. AP- ply A. C. Wolff. Phone Wil. 158, Wil- mette, 111. LT45-1tc SITUATIONS WANTED--FEMALE MOTHER AND ADULT DAUGHTER would act as care takers of house or apartment in owners absence; best of care and references. Phone Evanston 668. LTG45-1te CAPABLE GRADUATE NURSE DE- sires position as companion; will do secretarial work and travel. Phone Glencoe 650. LT45-1tdh HIGH CLASS DRESSMAKING. FOR appointment phone Wilmette 2332. LTG3R-tfe SITUATION WANTED--MWALE WANTED--PAINTING, DECORATING, caleimining, paper hanging. floor re- finishing: all work guaranteed. Chester Decorating Company. Phone Evanston 6988. 2000 Maple Evanston. WANTED--WORK BY RELIABLE man; experienced in gardening and | housework; special care given to furnace fires for winter. Phone Win. 1549. T26-tfe SITUATION WANTED BY PRIVATE chauffeur; A-1 ref. and exp. Ad- dress Lake Shore News, B-12. | LG45-1tp | FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD OODS FOR SALE--10-PIECE DINING ROOM set consisting of 60-inch table, five straight and two arm chairs; high back; cathedral style; large china cabinet and buffet; all heavily carv- ed: dark early English oak: sneciallv built a year ago; cost $1400.00. Will sell for $750.00. 4880 Kenmore. ave nue, Chicago, 3rd Apt. Phone E water 2344. LTG4 FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE consisting of Kimball player piano, almost new; living room furniture; a duofold, two genuine leather chairs, oak; two bed room sets: two dining room sets, also in oak: kitchen utensils. 1147 Sheridan road, Win- netka. Mr. Benson. LTG45-1te FOR SALE AT LESS THAN HALF price: Solid mahogany dining room set, 60-inch table, five leaves; two with aprons; sideboard; twelve chairs; all in good condition; also gas stove, and refrigerator. Phone Win. 507. TG27-1tp FOR SALE--LARGE ROUND DINING table and six chairs; fine bed room set, box spring, and hair mattress; mahogany chiffonier, and dresser; five piece sun parlor set; refrigerator, roll top desk, portieres; big bargain. 467 Chestnut street. Phone Win. 155. T27-1te FOR SALE--ATTIC GIFT SHOP, COM- munity House, Winnetka. Weathered oak dining table and chairs: an old painting: rare necklaces in coral, amethyst and turquoise-matrix; bar- gains in hats. T23-tf FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS, chairs, rugs, tables, a parlor set, brass bed, ete. Call Saturday or Sunday, Winnetka 527-J, or 1082 Oak street, Winnetka. LTG45-1te HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND CLOTHING bought and sold. Call N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Ev- anston 103. TTG39-tfe FOR SALE--FURNITURE--OAK SIDE board; mahogany table; enamel bed; refrigerator; gas range. Phone Glen- coe 325-W. TG27-1te FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Am leaving for California. 509 Washington avenue. Phone Glencoe 790. TG27-1te FOR SALE--GAS RANGE; IRON BED, with springs; maple washstand; wal- nut table. Phone Glencoe 482. TG27-1tp FOR SALE--PLAIN GRAY CLEAR flax rug: 9x12; excellent condition; $32.50. Phone Win. 1603. TG27-1te FOR SALE--RARE ANTIQUE BED room set; best black walnut. 1114 Merrill street. Phone Win. 536-J. TG27-1tp FOR SALE--GAS RANGE; OVENS side and bottom: good condition; bargain. Phone Win. 1245. TG27-1te WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS HIGH PRICES PAID FOR JUNK-- Buys paper, rags, magazines, iron, and all kinds of junk. Max Weim- man, Ridge avenue near Lake ave- nue, Gross Point. Phone Wil. 1734. LT35-tfc WANTED TO BUY--TEA WAGON OR wheel cart; suitable for moving books from room to room. Phone Win. 850. LTG45-1tc JUNK DEALER -- NOTICE -- OLD clothes and shoes; don't throw away your waste before you see M. Smith. Phone Wil. 1351. LTG44-4tp WANTED TO BUY--ONE WARDROBE Phone Win. 1245. TG27-1te FOR SALE--FORD TOURING CAR, 1918; fine condition; with extra tires. $365.00. 903 Oak street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 599-W. T27-1te FOR SALE--A 1917 DODGE TOURING car; winter and summer top; good condition. Call Wilmette 1432. TG27-1tp FOR SALE--USED CARS. 1920 FORD touring; 1919 Dodge sedan. Phone Win. 165. TG27-1te E. P. MAYNARD & CO OFFER A MAG- nificent residence on the lake with over 2 acres of beautiful grounds at a price of a shade more than half its appraised value. Phone Win. 236. Chicago office, 8 S. Dearborn street. T27-1tc FOR SALE--VACANT LOT 100x187, ON Cherry street; splendid location; sacrifice price; $250 down, balay monthly. E. P. Maynard & Co., Hub- bard Woods, Ill. TG27-1te FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS WHITE CROSS GINGER ALE, ROOT Beer, Orange and Lemon; Cherry Blossoms delivered to your home in cases. Fred J. Lapp, 178 Prairie avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2463. LTG42-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT--A 6-ROOM COMPLETELY furnished bungalow in Glencoe at 510 Woodlawn avenue; possession October 1st; hot water heat; west of tracks; no garage; $60.00. Call at 6 P. M. Address H. S. Matz, Box 218, Highland Park, Ill. Phone Highland Park, 557. LTG43-2tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED EIGHT room house; nine months or year. 500 Sheridan road, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1622, LT45-1tc FOR RENT--SIX ROOM HOUSE, nicely furnished; garage; sleeping porch, two lavatories and bath. Tel. Win. 196. LTG44-2tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED MODERN residence; 12 rooms; 4 baths and garage; immediate possesion. Phone Win. 105. LTG45-1tc FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT--ONE, TWO OR THREE rooms in private residence; furnished or unfurnished; use of kitchen and laundry if desired; must be neat and refined. Phone Wil. 2114. LTG45-1ct FOR RENT--A LARGE PLEASANT front room, furnished, in Winnetka; suitable for two; near transporta- tion. Call Win. 1015. LTG45-1te WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED TO RENT--SMALL HOUSE or bungalow, furnished or unfur- nished; occupancy September or Oc- tober. Phone Win. 913. T16-tfc FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT--HUBBARD WOODS from October 1 to May 1, 1921; room colonial home; large porches; double garage; fine location; $200 per month. Phone Win. 1300. TG26-3te " T= FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--GARAGE; HEATED; central; 1% blocks from depot; room for two cars; $12.50 each; also unheated garage; same location; | avenue, | LT21-tfc | FOR SALE--WINNETKA; COZY 5 room bungalow; $5,000; leaving town. Phone Win. 1689. T27-1tp POSSESSION OCT 1ST. PRICE $7,000. Cozy 5 room Winnetka home. For full details see display '"ad" on page six. LTG45-1tc WANTED--PLEASANT HOME AND good care for 4 year old boy whose N. J. FELLOWS REGISTERED OPTICIAN Eyes Tested Frames Fitted Lenses Duplicated Frames Repaired Phone Room 3 mother, Swedish, is employed. Tel. Winnetka 85 Prouty Bldg. Win. 1150. T27-1tc LOST AND FOUND = -- LOST--A BOY'S TAN COAT ON SOUTH side Greeley school grounds: finder please return to Bob English, 375 Hawthorn lane; reward. T27-1te 1 Portable Garages and Summer Homes ! GARAGES $145 up Why pay Gar- age rent? Investigate? + Send for Catalogue. Delivered and erected in few hours. DUFFY PORTABLE HOUSECO. § 4307-19 W. 24th Place CHICAGO ' Phone Lawndale 1877 \ pp -------- Buy Through Want Ads $10.00. Phone Win. 1245. T27-1te FOR SALE--AUTOS FOR SALE--1919 FRANKLIN TOUR- ing car; run less than 5,000 miles at | a bargain. Phone Wil. 158. | LT45-1te FOR SALE--FORD CAR: 1918 MODEL: fine condition; special heavy fenders; | varnish, paint like new; ex'fras. $360. | Phone Win. 599-W. LTG45-1tc | FOR S A FIVE PASSENGER AP- | person ca in good condition; can be | seen at North Shore Health Resort. | Phone Win. 211. LG45-1tp | FOR SALE--CHEAP; WILLYS 6; RUN 11,000 miles; A-1 condition; continent- al motor; private party. Fhone Wil. 2386. LTG45-1te | Fm ------------------------------ -- ---- --------------------------E--E-------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- permanent We have a few POSITIONS to offer advancement ambitious . young women WITH an attractive salary to start and A which to work. The FUTURE promises rapid FOR YOUNG is a profession where WOMEN play a big part. Call and talk with our Chief Operator. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY pleasant environment in all women, since this valleys. Why You Want This Sedan Now It Gives You Convertible Car Convenience with Light Weight Economy AVERAGING 27.6 miles per gallon, Overland Sedan won the 355~-mile Los Angeles- Yosemite economy run. from snow-lined mountain passes to sun-baked In any weather you have the protec- tion of the adjustable windows and heat-resist- ing top. You have the riding-ease of Triplex Springs, the stamina of high grade alloy steels. Touring, $1120; Roadster, $1120; Coupe, $1630; Sedan, $1785 Prices: Delivered at your Door WINNETKA MOTOR COMPANY WM. T. WEHRSTEDT, Prop. 562 Lincoln Ave. WINNETKA Conditions varied Telephone Win. 165 An Easy Vacuum Electric Washer With Gas Burner Washes, boils and steri- lizes. Saves handling clothes in and out of the boiler, saves the labor, saves buying boilers and saves the extra gas. A Simplex Ironer will do your ironing easy 1n about an hour. These machines pay for themselves with the money they save. Come in or phone for dem- onstration In your home. INCORPORATED AH ULLRICH Pres FOVNIAIN SQVARE - EVANSTON TO "4 eRe eT ak

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