AX GRADUATE NURSE WILL TAKE WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1921 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN'L. HOUSE- work; no laundry; small family; $18 per week. Phone Wil. 2319. LTG10-1tc WANTED--YOUNG GIRL FOR GEN'L. housework or mother's helper; small family. Phone Kenilworth 249, LTG10-1tc WANTED MAID FOR GEN'L. HOUSE- work. Phone Wil. 258. 1101 Green- wood avenue. LTG10-1tp - WANTED--MAID, WHITE, FOR GEN- eral housework; good wages. Win. 1606. T44-1tc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED TO RENT--FURN. ROOM. Address Winnetha Talk W-45. LTG10- 1tp WANTED TO RENT--COTTAGE WANTED TO RENT, IF POSSIBLE, 6 or 7 room cottage in Winnetka, east side, or would buy; May occupation. Mrs. Duncan Bell, Winnetka Weekly Talk, B-65. : T44-1tc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT--FURNISHED, 9 ROOMS, 3 baths, from February 1 to May 1. Tel. Win. 936. T44-1tc WANTED TO RENT--FLAT WANTED TO RENT--FIVE OR SIX room flat or house, March first. Tel. 'Wabash 6696. LT10-1te FOR SALE--AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES--NEW, used, abused; all makes; all prices. Roy Vogel. Phone Lake Forest 617. LTGT7-6tc elderly people requiring more or less care in her own home; refined sur- _roundings; references. A-1. Phone "Glencoe 650. LT49-tfc YOUNG WOMAN WISHES TO CARE for children a few hours a day. E. Roggeveen. Phone Wil. 1080. LTG10-1tp WANTED--BY DRESSMAKER; FAM- ily engagements; references. Ad- dress Lake Shore News S-25. LT10-1tp WIDOW WITH CHILD WANTS POSI- ; tion as housekeeper in small family. Address Winnetka Talk H-10. LTG10-1tp IRONING TAKEN Phone Glencoe 171. T44-1te SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED -- WORK BY RELIABLE man experienced in gardening and housework; also handy with ecar- penter' $ tools. Phone Win. 1549. T48-tfc YOUNG MAN WANTS TO ' RENT room in Hubbard Woods, south and west of station. Tel. Win. 143. T44-1tc "MAN WOULD LIKE ONE MORE DAY - of general housework. Phone Ev- anston 6340. LTG10-1tp A FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE_USED ELECTRIC WASH- ers and vacuum cleaners, cheap; also new display washers and floor samples at about factory cost; we ~~ sell our floor sample machines every two months. These are bargains. See them. We take Liberty Bonds. F. A. Darby Electric Shop, 1104-1106 Davis street, Evanston. Phone Evanston 2230. LTG9-tfc FOR SALE--USED PIANOS; hauled; guaranteed. Lyon & Healy, $70; Everett, $90; Baldwin, $95; J. & ~ C. Fisher, $115; Sterling, $175; Emer- son, $275; Beckwith, $175; easy pay- : ments. Patterson Brothers, 828 ES Davis street, Evanston, Ill. LTG9- tfc FOR SEER GIFD SHOP, DIN- ing chairs, tuxedo coat, coral beads and amethyst necklace, infants em- broidered caps, old paintings. Open /Wednesday and Saturday from three to five. Community House, Winnet- ka, III T33-tf FOR SALE--ONE NICE DOUBLE "bed; one thiee-quarcer bed; one crib, with springs and mattresses. Glencoe 784. 692 Bluff strect, Glen- __coe. y TG10-1te FoR SALE--RUGS, STOVES, 3 : hairs, mirrors, pony, bathtub, sink, Sly beds, sewing machine. We buy, sell and exchange. 808 Oak Street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1212. LTG-2tfc FOR SALE--USED SEWING MA- chines; overhauled; $8 and up:: We have taken these machines in trade on our Singer Electrics. We guar- antee them. Patterson Brothers, 828 Davis street, Evanston, Ill. LTGY-tfc FOR SALE--USED WASHING MA- chines. Thor Electric, $45; Thor, $95; Eden demonstrator, $115. Patterson Brothers, 828 Davis street, Evanston, 11. LTGY-tfe HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND 'CLOTHING bought and sold. Call N. Fell, 1644 - Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Ev- anston 103. LTG39-tfc FOR SALE--USED ELECTRIC WASH- ing machine; and vacuum cleaner; good condition. Phone Win. 44. ron 4 LT10-1te BEDS, SIMMON'S walnut metal, including springs and mattresses; bargain at $70. cash. _ Phone Win. 1506. T44-1tp FOR SALE--WESTERN ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner, almost new; very reasonable. Phone Win. 599-J. T44-1te FOR SALE--A PIANO; IN GOOD CON- dition. Phone Win. 523-R. y LTG10-1te od FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--TWO WARM FURNIHED rooms, with bath; near transporta- tion. Phone Win. 519-W. T44-1tc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS ~ WANTED--FIVE OR SIX ROOMS AT once by responsible party. Phone Win. 621. LTG9-tfe « WASHING home, AND white. FOR SALE--TWIN a H.C.S. i AUTOMOBILE Designed and manufactured by HARRY C. STUTZ Sales and Service ALSO Auburn, Scripps-Booth & Maxwells C. H. BRIGGS 1549 Sherman Avenue "EVANSTON FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--HEATED GARAGE, $10 per month; 467 Chestnut street, near Oak; electric light and running water, gasoline tank and work bench. Phone Win. 1245. T44-tfc WANTED TO RENT--GARAGE WANTED--GARAGE FOR FORD. Phone Win. 156. FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--GENUINE AMERICAN mink choker; never used. Price very reasonable, Address Lake Shore News K-16. LTG10-1te DEFEAT DEERFIELD New Trier High school heavy and lightweight basketball teams defeated Deerfield Friday evening at Highland Park, the former winning 21 to 10 and the lights emerging victorious, 20 to 14. MISCELLANEOUS NORTH SHORE CEMETERY--ON Green Bay road and Eighteenth street, North Chicago; a highly de- veloped modern necropolis; perpetual care for entire area; special individ- ual lot development. For informa- tion call Owen Tenant Smith, 1157 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette. Tel. office: Wil. 640; residence, Wil. 777-M. LTGY-tfc HAVE A POWER SAW WHICH will cut logs on the ground. I can save 100 per cent over the cost of cutting by hand" If you have any 'dead trees you would like to have cut up for firewood, call me. Louis Pantle, 886 Pine street. Phone Win. 549-M. TG44-1te T44-1tc | ARGAIN OVER- | Phone |' Telephone: Evanston 140. J BD ew mo FOR SALE--1920 HARLEY DAVIDSON motorcycle and side ear; perfect condition. Phone Win. 5. Hansel- man. TG44-1te FOR SALE -- A THOROUGHBRED Scotch terrier puppy; female; $15.00. Phone Win. 303. LTG10- 1te FOR SALE--WICKER BABY CAR- riage; in good condition. Phone Win. 554, T44-1tc LOST AND FOUND LOST--SATURDAY, JAN. 8, SOME- where in Winnetka, pearl pin with silver setting, saphire center. Finder please return to Mrs. Henry Tenney, 640 Pine street, Winnetka, Reward. __TG44-1te Batteries at a New Price Level Effective with the publication of this an- nouncement, Willard Batteries will be sold on a new and materially lower price level. The same Willard quality--backed by the same authorized Wil- lard Service. Evanston Battery Station 1646-1650 Maple Avenue Corner Church St., Evanston Phone Evanston 4445 Willard atteries For Sale CHEAP Buildings can be used for Office, Garage or Storage Purposes. HURRY TELEPHONE Winnetka 452 Pop It Yourself! Buy several packages of Santa Claus-- Snow Ball or Little Buster selected Pop Corn and "POP IT AT HOME!" Insist on Dickinson's-- It Always Pops. Your local grocer has it. Packed by THE ALBERT DICKINSON COMPANY CHICAGO MINNEAPOLIS EC IF ALL TEETH ARE LOST WEAR A | Sanitary Metal Plate EXPERT ECHANICAL DENTIST: We are thoroughly experienced in supplying PhS teeth on metal plates. Gold, Silver, Aluminum, Watts" Meta Cast Gold Plates, Gold Lined Plates | -- OurX-Ray will locate your hidden tooth troubles Set of Teeth--Save Half. . $10 Gold Crown Bridgework, per Tooth. . Carfare allowed to parties iving within 40 miles of city. Boston Dental Parlors : 135 S. State St., Chicago HUPMOBILE Sales and Service A very Sensible Car for Sensible People GAGE MOTOR SALES CO. 1629 Orrington Ave., Evanston Telephone Evanston 5700" Arlington Heights Sales and Service Telephone Arlington Heights 9 3 Ends January 22nd 7:04 p Many of the most popular operas .are to be pre- sented at these closing performances; the com- pany has been strengthened by such favorites as Muratore and Garden. You will enjoy the opera more fully if you travel to Chicago on clean, comfortable, convenient North Shore Trains ; Special Grand Opera train leaving Winnetka at . m. arrives at the Congress St. rahe of the Auditorium Theatre, at 8:01 p trains leave Congress St. at 10:59 and 11: is p. m. Elm Street Phone: Winnet "L" Station, the en- mM. 'Return