WINNETKA EKLY TALK, SATURDAY, TOPPINGTON GOLF COURSE LATEST ON NORTH SHORE There is an organized movement build a modern golf course and club house in the immediate vicinity f Libertyville. After many meetings nd considerable controversy con- -erning the purchase of land in this section of the country suitable for golf course purposes; and during the course of much conjecture and spec- ulation relative thereto, several un- usual tracts in and adjacent to Lib- 'ertyville were" seriously considered. At a recent conference, however, which was incidentally marked by an "atmosphere of finality and complete- ness, negotiations were practically completed wheregy the organizers of ~ Toppington managed to secure a lease embracing 137 acres of the G. T. Push- man estate with an option to purchase. Plans which are declared to be the most original and complete ever devised for successfully financ- ing a golf club, have been agreed upon, and the organizers are Now busily engaged in securing members. ~ Many prominent residents of the north shore colony and Chicago have become interested in this new or- ganization and a partial list of those actively engaged will be offered for ~ publication shortly. ~The drive is on, and with human ~ dynamos of nervous energy, dominat- ing an intensified spirit that will eventually attach itself to the civic pride of the townspeople of Liberty- ville, and the north shore, the new Toppington project bids fare to occupy an enviable: stellar position in golfdom. ~ PHOTO-STORIES SERIES : ATTRACTS NORTH SHORE Burton Holmes will begin his series ~ of five Photo-Stories of Travel in Chicago, Friday evening, February 18, followed on the following afternoon, Saturday, with a matinee, 1n Or- ~ chestra Hall and will appear on five successive Fridays and Saturdays. giving one subject each week. He will open his course with "Con- ~ stantinople," that famous city of the Turkish empire, which has been so conspicuous in present-day history. "Jerusalem" will follow in the sec- ond week; every Christian, every Jew, those interested in the politi- cal progress of the day, as well as students of military occupation, will Reina Queen Olives 90c pound $3.50, this sale find in this subject much that is of great interest. Mr. Holmes' third topic, "The Garden of Allah," appeals to every man, woman and child, in its pic- turesqueness and the memories it revives of the stories of the Mediter- ranean, the tales of the days of Sara- senic pirates and their blood-curd- ling deeds. "Spanish Cities," the fourth subject, is interesting to the American business man as well as to the tourist who is a lover of the beautiful. The final subject, "Venice and the Italian Lakes," is a story of Mr. Holmes' wanderings in the charming old city of canals, and of the beautiful Italian lakes, the lovliest spots on earth. ¢ ; BREAKS ARM CRANKING FORD John P. Warble, of the Warble - Storage and Furniture company, sustained a fractured right arm on Tuesday afternoon when the crank of his Fotd truck "kicked." A bone in his wrist is also dislocated. ~ PRICES SLASHED MISCELLANEOUS Rex Toilet Paper, 15¢ value, large roll . .10c Cane Granulated Sugar, lb With order of $3 or more, 10 lbs... .. Richelieu Raisins, pkg. Richelieu Prunes, 30-40 size, pound... .27c Shelled Almonds and Walhuts, regular price Richelieu Strawberry and Raspberry Pure Fruit Jam, 5 Ib. stone crock, regular at Richelieu Strawberry \ 5 7 / = = IE) # 7 / RAITT, LH HTT RE Tj LT FERAL "2k ao INELLALCE Yor seffreliance grows QS 20 pIdly as does your Savings Rccound - - - QELE reliance is the good ship that takes us through the stormy seas of trouble. If Wisdom is at the wheel, and savings Whether you are tall or short, stout or slim, it makes no difference to us, because we put the tape around you and make your clothes to your individual measurements. Then our tailors know how to make clothes so that no matter what your figure is, you look "dressy." Come in now and order that suit and overcoat you need-- in a few days you will be a well-dressed man. Furnishing goods, hats and caps. account anchor is abroad you will ride the breakers safely. Why not open that ac- count now? : Y WINNETISA {| TRUSY © SAVINGS CAKES J. HL. DETHLOFF Gents' Furnishings and Shoes 786 Elm St., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1077 CLEAN OUT ATTIC WITH A "FOR SALE" AD To Saturday, February 19 FOR BAKING Mazola Cooking Oil, 1 qt. 8c 14 gallon Wesson Oil, 1 qt. Yoaallon rn 0) hss eansiers Dr. Price's Baking Powder, can. : TEAS AND COFFEE Richelieu Midas Orange Pekoe and Basket- Fired Japan Teas, regular price $1.50 per pound, for this week only 88 $2.65 Bulk Coffee, 3 Ibs. and Raspberry Jam, Richelieu Midas Coffee, pound CANNED GOODS Junior Sugar Corn, can 15c¢; doz. $1.75 Muscat Grapes, No. 1 can, flat, reg, 25c value for 17c; dozen $1.80 Colton California Bartlett Pears, 21, size, 39c a can; dozen $4.2 Jones' Finnan Haddie, reg. 35c¢, for... .25¢ Thank You Sliced Peaches, No. 1 can 25c; dozen : $2.75 Plymouth Rock Sweet Corn 18c value, No. 2 can, l4c; dozen $1.50 Richelieu Superfine Peas, Early June Sifted, can, 35c; 3 cans for $1; dozen New Jap Crabmeat, 14; Ib. tin B | i 0 a B | § Mixed Hard Candy, reg. 60c quality. ...39¢c Yellow American Cheese, fresh, pound. .38¢ Blue Rose Head Rice, 4 lbs. 27c; Ib.... .8¢c College Brand Queen Olives, extra large, net weight, 1414, oz. bottle 60c Jello, all flavors, package, 1c; doz.. .. Richelieu Grape Juice, pt. 38c; qt. Steel Wool, reg. 20c, bargain at 2 for. .25¢ LENTEN SPECIALS Richelieu Boneless Codfish, pkg. Red Wood Red Alaska Steak Salmon, 1 pound flat can 45 Jones' Finnan Haddie, can Sunshine Norwegian Sardines, in pure Olive Oil, can wees +100 Pink Salmon, 40c value, can .. FOR THE LAUNDRY . Armour's Lighthouse Soap, 10 bars... .59¢ Gold Dust, large pkg. viene dle Washboards Oriental Clothes Line, 50 feet, regular 60c value at ls vy vas ein S0 Lux, 10 packages 1 Ib. jar, dozen $6.10, each 55¢ Richelieu, Chase & Sanborn's Manor House and Yuban Coffee, lb. 47c CEREALS Shredded Wheat, package Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs. for .... Quaker Oats, 2 pkgs. for Cream of Wheat P. & G. White Naptha Soap, 10 bars. ... American Family Soap, 10 bars FOR THE FURNITURE O'Cedar Furniture Polish, qt. can standard price $1.25, our price O'Cedar Furniture Polish 12 oz. bottle standard price 60c; our price . ..49¢ Tobey Furniture Polish, qt. reg. $1.00 for a 89c Tobey Furniture Polish, 12 oz. reg 60c for TR, LL Tobey Furniture Polish, 4 oz. reg. 30c : Tan 2DC Plymouth Rock Tomatoes, No. 2 can l4c; dozen : vena 31.50 Richelieu California Ripe Olives, qt. can 65¢ +1 1b. tin California Peaches, No. 2 can, doz.....$3.35 Richelieu Catsup, pt. 28¢. 5 pt. . Richelieu Sliced Pineapple, doz. California Bartlett Pears, No. 214 can. .39c Morning Glory Pears, No. 2%; can, per dozen ..$5.75 Congress Imported small Sardines, can 18c Richelieu Small Sifted Early June Peas dozen Calif. Pears, doz. Sublime Olive Oil, Italian Lucca, qt. $1.75 1, gal. $3.25; gal. Log Cabin Syrup, gt. 75¢; table size .. Campbell's Soups, 2 cans for Henry Early June Telephone Peas, can 16¢c; dozen $1.75 Brockport Red Pitted Cherries, can... .42¢c Luxury Apricots, heavy syrup, reg. price 50c a can at 35c; dozen $3.50 Richelieu Soups, assorted, can Monsoon Bartlett Pears, No. 1 tall can 28c; dozen : $3.00 Monsoon California Yellow Cling Peaches, No. 1 tall can 28c dozen Tehama Cal. Ripe Olives, 5 oz. can 10c; We have on hand broken lots of canned fruits, standard brands Peaches, Pears, Apricots, Cherries, Ete. Will Sell at Practically COST Prices ubbard Woods Cash Groce Telephone Winnetka 400 HUBBARD WOODS 901 Linden Avenue 10 ------1 010010 E----) ===] O10 ------IO CIO L=------IO0E=10