TY) 3 2 ic x qf vio nT VY SE A AEs = CR g tases "sR Le i enti, Miss Constance Kroh, of at a an early date, TF Jocial Happenings af =? Jy Hubbard Woods. . by] Ruth Risley», aif] LL LL LL LL LLL LLC TEEPE OE TE aan ', Lett ACs ZN NNOUNCEMENT has been made of the engagement of Cleveland, Ohio, to Captain War- ner B. Gates, United States Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Gates, of Wilmette. The wedding will take place @- at the La Salle hotel. Of interest on the north hore is the announcement of the mar- riage of Miss Marjorie Davis, daughter of Samuel Davis of Chicago, to Lisle M. Albright, son of Adam Emory Albright, of Hubbard Woods, on Thursday evening, February 24, at the Ravenswood Con- gregational church. At present, Mr. and] Mrs. Albright are stopping o& 4 Mr. and Mrs. George Pa set for the wedding. rk, of Glencoe, announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Dale, to Cecil W. Boyle of Evanston, and of Greencastle, Ind. Mr: Boyle was formerly in- structor in chemistry at New Trier high school. No date has been * Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. McElroy, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. &-- v Van Ness, of Wilmette, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Mabel Rutt, to Robert H. Robert H. McElroy of 704 Sheri- A large group of representative men and women from Chicago and the north shore attended the "in- spection tea" at the Winter Camp at Arden Shore on Saturday after- noon of last week. This camp, which in summer is open to mothers and children from Chicago tenements, in winter is the home of undernourished boys sent out by the Chicago Board of Education to be built up so that they may qualify for working cer- tficates. . The new recreation hall, the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Hamill of Lake Forest, was formally opened on this occasion, and a short and to-the-point informal talk was given Mr. Clow, in whose employ there are a number of the boys who have been dismissed from the camp. Assisting Mrs. Carl Latham the president of Arden Shore Associa- tion, in receiving were the follow- ing officers: Vice-president, Mrs. Robert B. Gregory and Mrs. Grant Ridgway; Treasurer, Mrs. E. Parmelee; record- ing secretary, Miss Gladys Spry; corresponding secretary, Miss Eliza- beth Thorne, district chairman, Mrs. John Slade of Evanston, Mrs. J. J. Siddall of Wilmette, Mrs. Mark Cresap of Kenilworth, Mrs. John Montgomery of Winnetka, and Mrs. Frederick Penfield of Glencoe. nip The marriage of Miss Charlotte Parmelee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Parmelee of Kenilworth, to Mr. Samuel Loomis Hypes, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hypes of Evans- ton will be solemnized on Saturday evening, March 12. In the wedding party will be Miss Muriel Hypes; as maid of honor; Mrs. Frank A. Gerould, as matron of honor; and Miss Margaret Pitch, Mrs. Reed G. Landis, Miss Priscilla Allen and: Miss Clementine Eastman. who will be bridesmaids. Mr. Frank Gerould will attend his brother as best man, and the ushers will include Messrs, Edward K. Parmelee, Dwinell Slater, esley Behel of Lake Bluff, Albert atters of Johnstown, Penn. and Donald Pettit of Princeton, New Jersey. ame rons An interesting bit of news comes to us from Palm Beach regarding the water sports program that was held at the Casino on February 24. The contests were held in the pool, while the spectators sat about the large tank. The ladies' race included the entire length of the pool, a distance of fifty yards. There were five entries, of which Miss Dorothy Klotz of Winnetka proved to be the fleetest. In the relay race, booked for mixed doubles, with a distance of 200 yards to swim, Miss Dorothy Klotz and her partner again took the honors. Among the ladies, Miss Klotz also proved to be the best diver, which, according to the "Palm Beach News," is saying considerable in her favor as there were some very strong competitors among those whom she defeated. rot ig Mrs. Phelps B. Hoyt and her father, Mr. Benjamin Allen, left Thursday for New York, where they will be for a couple of weeks before proceedi- to Virginia Hot Springs. Mrs. Hoyt's daughter, Miss Emily Hoyt, who is in school at Dobbs Ferry, will go south with them. Mr. Allen will re- open his home on Sheridan road May 1. a On Wednesday afternoon, March 9, the Social committee of the Woman's Guild of the Congregational church will hold the second of a series of the hours of 2 :30 and 5 Ddork, teas at Community House between' dan road. The wedding will take place in September. ~The wedding of Miss Frances Ste- vens to Mr. Zero Marx took place on Friday evening last at the Kenil- worth Assembly hall. The bride wore a lovely gown of brocaded tafetta,! beaded in a dainty flower design.' Her veil of tulle was held in place! with a wreath of orange blossoms. Mrs. Stevens who attended her! daughter as matron of honor, wore a* gown of apricot chiffon, and an at- tractive hat of brown tulle. The bridesmaids wore attractive frocks of taffeta and lace, with taffeta pic- ture hats to match. The hall was beautifully decorated in a lattice work of leaves and pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. Marx are spending their honeymoon in Jamaica. fbr At a recent meeting of the Board of Trustees of Williams college, Wil- liam P. Sidley, of 739 Humboldt ave- nue, was elected a permanent trustee to fill the place of the late Francis L. Stetson. Mr. Sidley was of the class of 1899 at Williams and served for the last three years as an alumni trustee. a Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sumner Bige- low, of Chicago, entertained at a dancing party on Saturday evening of last week for Miss Jessie Cain of Hubbard Woods, Addison Burbank and his sister, Miss Eleanor Bur- bank, of San Francisco. Miss Cain and Mr. Burbank will be married in April. ---- Mrs. J. Allen Haines and her sister, Mrs. William Paul Martin of Lake Forest, are in Boston and later will visit in New York, returning home in about ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Haines who have been at the Webster all winter, expect to open their home here early in April. FURY HRA Tuesday afternoon, April 5, is the | date reserved at #he Winnetka Woman's club for a benefit card par- ty, the proceeds of 'which will be de- voted to the House at Park Ridge which is supported by the Chicago Woman's club. "Mrs. Stanley Clague of Winnetka is chairman of the com- mittee in charge. Hila EU Miss Cleta Filar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Filar, of Evanston, has chosen Tuesday afternoon, March 29, at the date for her marriage to Harold Schafehen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Schafehen, of 846 Cherry street. The young couple are plan- hing to make their home in Winnet- a / tr nn Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Washburne and two daughters, Margaret and Beatrice, of 467 Chestnut avenue, are visiting -in the east this week. Mr. Washburne is attending the conven- tion of School Superintendents, at Atlantic City, and later will join his family in New York City, where he will visit several of the schools. They wil all return to Winnetka on March An all-day meeting of the Woman's society of the Congregational church was held on Wednesday at Commun- ity House. During the morning ses- sion, Mrs. Frederick Dickinson read the play, "Lady Windemere's Fan." Luncheon followed and during the afternoon Mrs. Henry Newman, who is interested in Quaker Relief work, gave an interesting address on this subject. yd The Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union will meet with Miss Lil- lian Struggles, 879 Cherry street, on Monday, March 7, at 2:30 o'clock. The program will be in charge of Mrs. Jonathan C. Drake of Wilmette, Superintendent of Child Weifare and Americanization of Foreign mothers. w-- i Another clipping from the Palm Beach News which will interest many of us, makes note of the fact that Charles Klotz, Jr., has entered the men's tennis singles for the an- nual championship at this famous southern resort, to be played this week. ---- June 25 is the date set for the wedding of Miss Olive Bulley, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bulley of Kenilworth, and Ward Starrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Starrett of Washington, D. C., formerly of Ken- ilworth.. The ceremony will take place in the Union church. EY Mr. and Mrs. Reed Landis of New York, arrived in Chicago last Satur- day, and are the guests of Judge and Mrs. K. M. Landis, at the Edgewater Beach hotel, while they are house- hunting in Winnetka, where they hope to make their home indefinitely. mia At the annual meeting of Chicago chapter of the American Red Cross on Thursday the following Winnetka and Glencoe men were re-elected on the managing board of the chapter for the term ending January 1, 1924: Calvin Fentress, Howard W. Fenton, John W. Scott of Winnetka, and James Simpson of Glencoe. i Among north shore women who sponsored the card party given yesterday at the Wellesley Wayside Inn, are Mrs. Bruce MacLeish of Glencoe, and Mrs. William Sherman Hay and Mrs. James Fentress of Win- netka. FUE dls An all-day meeting of the Woman's Guild and Auxiliary of Christ church will be held on Monday, ta the Par- ish house. Luncheon will be served at noon, followed by an address by Miss Leila Houghteling on, "The Work of the United Charities". wi Mrs. H. M. Hess, 1082 Pine street, has been enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. Richards, of Benton Harbor, Mich. Mrs. Richards returned home the first of the week. Special Sale of Spring Suits and Dresses UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. COPLAN, Proprietor 1126 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE Phone Wilmette 2403 paren) BLISS KNAPP, C. S.B. Tuesday Evening, March 8, 1921 COR. CENTRAL AVENUE AND TENTH STREET BY OF BROOKLINE, NASSACUURETIES Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, ist, in B » Mass. At 8:00 o'Clock IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE WILMETTE, ILL. JRO AEE oN LUT TTT Report to Chicago Closting House February 21, 1921 Loans and Discounts ..... Bonds and Securities .... Real Estate . RESOURCES see csecc0c0ss eens Furniture and Fixtures ...............oooooiinn. Cash and Due from Banks ... Capital DE I A A IY LIABILITIES "hws Semiates visemes ss eirsnnensd Surplus and Undivided Profits .............0000. Deposits ess sss sass an ss00 cece LTB ETB U Winnetka State Bank ceensennensses. $267,073.07 cresesscascnces.. 224,635.39 109,611.31 $614,369.77 eva a sees Veta 566,727 Reserved for Taxes sess esiveirasiee sas resevansio ees Contingent "Account. ........... cover ensesmes GE EN 2 i: 12,350.00 © 70000 25,000.00 11,475 1,167 10,000 i? $614,369. HENRY R. HALE, Cashier URL EE EE EE EE ET EE CT TT CL LL For the TRIBUNE'S $20,200 BEAUTY CONTEST Every North Shore Girl Should Enter This Contest Hoyburn Building WE WILL MAKE YOUR PHOTO EUGENE L. RAY PHOTOGRAPHER EVANSTON Phone 2238 Mail or Present this '"Ad" for Appointment SPECIAL EASTER;CRUISE Leaving Chicago, Sunday, March 20, taking boat at Cincinnati, visiting Memphis, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, New Orleans and West Baden. ALIFORNIA TORID ST amo Triangle Garage : ALES ERVICE TATION Phone Winnetka 1446 AUBURN, $1695, f. o. b., Auburn Overhauling and General Repairing Do & Machine Co. AUTHORIZED AUBURN DEALERS BEAUTY SIX | Signs of an Early Spring-- Wild geese flew northwest Wednesday Arrange for Your Spring Decorating and Painting