J i i i 1 1 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1921 : 5 os Jocnal Happenings Winnetka.s Hubbard Woods. = by Ruth Risley *_ R. and Mrs. William Brewster Fitch of Kenilworth have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Margaret Fitch, to Mr. William Wood McCarthy, std) son of Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy, 526 Greenwood boulevard, Evanston, Saturday evening, April 2. The ceremony will take place in the Congregational church at Winnetka. Mrs. Courtenay Aten of New York will be matron of honor. Miss Lucy McCarthy, a sister of the bridegroom, will be maid of honor. Mrs. Reed Landis, formerly Miss Marion Keehn, and Mrs. Samuel Loomis Hypes, who was Miss Charlotte. Parmelee, and whose wedding was an event of Saturday, March 12, will be bridesmaids. Little George Woodland, son of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Woodland of Kenilworth, will be ring bearer. Miss Mary Louise Hoyt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoyt of Winnetka, is to be flower girl. Mr. Walter Buswell will serve as best mar for the bridegroom. The ushers will be Mr. Guy Osborn, Mr. Lorenz Devitt, Mr. William Valentine, Mr. Stanley Adams and Mr. Cornelius Reece. " . A reception will follow the ceremony at the Indian Hill Country club. Mr. McCarthy and his bride will live at 904 Elmwood avenue, Evanston, after Jume 1. & A program which promises to be one of the most stimulating yet offered by the Drama Study club will be held on Monday, March 21, at three o'clock in the Winnetka Woman's club. At this meeting Mrs. A. Starr Best of Evanston, ex-president of the Drama League and one of its most active promoters, will speak on "I'he Drama and Its Relation to National Life." "This will be an unusual opportunity for anyone interested in the subject of the drama and is open to anyone in the community, free to members of the Woman's club, and to guests upon payment of the regular guest fee. D> -- v The next regular meeting of the Winnetka Woman's club will be held Thursday, March 24, at 2:30 o'clock. The afternoon is in charge of the Music committee, who have ar- ranged a most delightful recital Mrs. Burton Atwood, the chairman, announces the following program: : Musicale Mrs. Guy Stuart Bailey...... Soprano Miss Zetta' Gay Whitson... Violinist Mrs. Elizabeth Olk-Roehlk... Cellist Mrs. Violet Martens Link | Mrs. Laurence Doty Accompanists rio: : Prelude--Minuet............ Parker Cello: Fament vo. ivi dive sv in Faure Serenade J... 00 ion. Glazounow Tullaby ...........0.05 Marie Wurm Harlequin fa. vio, Popper Songs: The Sweet o' the Year....... Salter Cradle Song. iv. voici sill sie dei On the Day I Get to Heaven... i a ee ae Liza Lehmann In My Garden.... %.....0.0.. Liddle Violin : A Prayer... .......».. Henry Hadley | Wiklog 7.000 E. Walter Kramer | Waltz, a Major..Brahms-Hochstein Americans Dance in E......... aes Fans mean ale Albert Stoessel Trio: By the Brook......... de Boisdeffre Sen-Drift, ives h frien Tey Trio in. G Major....... Holms-Tidy svi itn The MacDowell Musical club was entertained at the home of Mrs. C. E. Karstrom on Elder lane on Mon- day of this week. The afternoon was spent in the study of Indian music and the following program was ren- dered: Paper--"Indian Music"........... Songs--.#t Indian Cradle .Song........ Woodman Rainbow Tand.....c......n: Lieurance Indian. Lament... ...vcuusi- Huerter Mrs. W. A. Thrall, Accompanied by Mrs. C. B. Ewart Piano-- Dagger Dance........ Victor Herbert Indian Love Song...Charles Cadman From an Indian Lodge.... MacDowell Indian Flute Song and Y.ove Call.. Lieurance Chattering Squaw ....... Rhos Lewis Mrs. C. B. Fwart Songs-- Song of the Birch......,..... Berger sis sie vain sain sis Sunie slain inigie «. Cadman . Mrs. Asa B. Cooley, Accompanied by Mrs. McAdams Master and Miss Williams, 'cellist and pianist of Chicago, son and daughter of Mr. Day Williams, 'cell- ist, were the -assisting guests and rendered several very enjoyable num- bers. The meeting was followed by a delightful social hour. --t-- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilder are giving up their apartment on North Michigan avenue, Chicago, June 1 and will move into their new home in Winnetka, where they expect to re- side permanently. ' gp Mrs. Allan Ira Wolf or 352 Ridge avenue, will entertain the Ridge Avenue Circle on Monday, March 21, Mrs. Carl R. Latham of Evanston gave a luncheon on Wednesday of this week for the officers and direc- tors of the Arden Shore association of which she is president. Plans were discussed for the coming spring drive for funds for the maintenance of the camp at Lake Bluff. Now that the Camp is open all the year around, for mothers and children in the summer, and for undernourished boys in the winter, the expenses are exceedingly heavy. Tt is hoped to raise a large sum this spring, so that many of these poor people from the congested districts of Chicago may be benefited by the fresh air and wholesome life at Arden Shore. The following are the officers and directors of the association: Honorary president, Mrs. J. Mc- Gregor Adams. President, Mrs. Carl R. Latham. Vice president, Mrs. Robert B. Greg- ory. Vice president, Mrs. Grant Ridg- way. Recording secretary, Miss Gladys Spry. Corresponding Miss Elizabeth Thorne. Treasurer, Mrs. E. D. Parmelee. Town chairmen: Evanston, Mrs. John C. Slade; Wilmette, Mrs. Joseph J. Siddall; Kenilworth, Mrs. Mark Cresap; Winnetka, Mrs. John Mont- gomery; Glencoe, Mrs. John H. Bull- en; Ravinia, Mrs. Harry A. Sellery ; Highland Park, Mrs. H. I.. Glidden; Lake Forest, Mrs. William E. Cassel- berry; Lake Bluff, Mrs. Otto Kreutz- berg. Directors, Mesdames William E. Clow, Bruce Macleish, Philip S. Post, George B. Dryden, John W. Scott, Charles H. Thorne and Miss Edith Boynton. Members of the Wilmette com- mittee, of which Mrs. J. J. Siddall is chairman, include Mrs. F. L.. Tolman, treasurer, and Mesdames C. A. Lunde- berg, A. W. Boylston, Percy H. Arden, M. W. West, H. J. Smith, L. S. Becker, C. S. Clarke, I. F. Gates, secretary, Heinsheimer, D. J. Davis, J. N. Mac- alister =1.-7T. Ling, B, & Harden- brook and Miss Edna Lewis. me fp en Mrs. William G. Hibbard of 840 Willow street, has gone abroad with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffany of New York and intends to be absent about two months. She is not making a longer stay because she plans to re- turn in order to promote the reclam- ation of the Skokie, which the coun- ty board recently dedicated to the service of the people by making it a part of our forest preserve. As we all know, the late William G. Hibbard was deeply interested in this project, and worked for it for many years. He cherished a scheme to develop through its central and low- est part a waterway which would be a real stream where canoes could be piloted. In the wet and watery sea- son of the year he often punted a flat-bottomed boat up and down which he excavated largely by his own labors in the stretch of the Sko- kie which lies immediately west of the Skokie. lo Mr. T. N. Wheatley, 329 Fairview avenue, has been confined to his at 2:30 o'clock. home with measles. "Honey," a play of southern moun- taineers, will be presented under the direction of Mrs. Sherman Goble at Community House, on Wednesday, March 21, at 2:30 o'clock . Special music will add to the program, which is given by the Missions committee of the Congregational Woman's so- ciety. The hostesses are Mrs. Frank Blair, Mrs. Arlan Converse, Mrs. George Campbell, and Mrs. Samuel Thomson Burke. This is also to be the occasion of a "shower" for the Prucha family. This family, in whom many of the Win- netka women are interested, consists of the father who was a Congrega- tional minister but is now an in- valid, the mother who cares for him and keeps the home, and two bright daughters, who, with insufficient means are struggling for a college education. Almost anything will be accepted ; money, household supplies, linen, food, clothing and such articles as might be needed by two girls in college. The women of the community are cordially invited to come and enjoy the program and to have a part in helping this worthy family. --y oe Mr. R. J. Shortlidge of Walling- ford, Conn., was the guest last week- end of Mr. and Mrs. Russel M. Heller, 559 Provident avenue. Mr. Short- lidge is one of the head masters of Choate School and of Camp Marien- feld, Chesham, N. H. This is the camp described by C. Hanford Henderson in "What Is It to Be Educated?" On Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Heller opened their home for an informal reception in honor of their guest, who has many old-time friends on the north shore. --f Invitations were issued early this week for the marriage of Miss Vir- ginian Olwin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brandt Olwin, to John Rutherford Nicholson of Chicago, to take place on Saturday evening, April 2, at the Congregational church of Wilmette. Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd will read the service at eight-thirty o'clock. Following the ceremony there will be a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Olwin, 820 Lake ave- nue, Wilmette. = Bhemee A family reunion of close relatives of Harry Gordon Selfridge of Lon- don, was held on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Paul Young, 708 Prospect avenue. The marriage of Miss Violette Selfridge, daughter of the London merchant, to Vicomte de Silbour is to take place in the Brompton Oratory church in London early in May. The bridal couple are planning a trip to the States during the coming summer. re 4 ee Arriving from St. Timothy's school at Simsbury, Conn., Saturday, March 26, are Miss Mary Boyden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Boyden; Miss Alice de Windt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heyliger A. de Windt; Miss Barbara Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Scott; Miss Harriet Leonard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Leonard, and Miss Mary Fentress, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Fentress. --f The Winnetka Relief and Aid so- ciety needs clothing shoes and house- hold articles. Everything that can be found during housecleaning time will be used to good advantage if sent to Miss: Kate Dwyer, 858 Elm street, Mrs. Lawrence M. Stein will call for the packages, if you will phone her, Winnetka 170. . ------ Mrs. William S. Hay, of 645 Sher- idan road, and Miss Gertrude Pearce, of Lake Forest, were luncheon guests of Mrs. Irwin Rew of Evanston on Thursday of last week at the Welles- ley Wayside Inn. JHE Miss Jean Alton, 577 Cherry street, is spending a fortnight in New Or- leans, as the guest of Mrs. Basil Thompson. Mrs. Theodore G. Rockwell of 647 | Mr. and Mrs. John T. Boddie of Lincoln avenue, returned to Winnet-|848 North avenue, who are spending ka this week after a trip to Mobile | the winter in California, are now at and New Orleans. i Coronado Beach. tite] san fo) sas fo] Sa fo) seasansii Ra | us Le | Fresh Dressed Chicken For Your Easter Dinner Easter, being one of the biggest feast days of the year, will be suitably celebrated. Can anyone recommend anything more delicious and satisfying than a chicken dinner? Chicken, raised in Winnetka and guaranteed to be of the best quality: Our prices are reasonable: Fancy Roasters, 1b. ............ 45¢ Frying Chickens, 1b. ........... 55¢ Broilers, 1b. . .. .. WLP a ee ..75¢ SKOKIE EGG & POULTRY CO. Phone Winnetka 852 and 910 Note: 3-day Eggs, fine for coloring, at 43c a dozen. : OOOO ------JIOI=IOL --_----) OE EO EI O EI O I OX Your Garden, Lawn and Flower Borders Are an Important Phase of Spring. We wish to offer to the people of Glencoe, Winnetka and Hubbard Woods our expert service in arranging and com-| pleting ike SHA Lg a GARDENS AND LANDSCAPE WORK ROSE BEDS FLOWER BORDERS £4 PERENNIAL FLOWER GARDENS Another specialty is high-grade nursery stock. Spring plants and flowers for flower borders and outdoor budding plants await your inspection at our conservatories. We also sell Plant Life the combination manure and fertilizer, that is proving to be of superior quality and is bringing excellent results to all its users. WEILER BROTHERS 402 Jefferson Ave. GLENCOE Phone Glencoe 585 FACTS ABOUT THE FRANKLIN DO YOU KNOW-- That there are only three grease cups on a FRANKLIN Car? That it is almost impossible to make a FRANKLIN Car skid? 3 GAGE MOTOR SALES CO. 1629 Orrington Avenue, Evanston Phone Evanston 5700 A. H. Howard, W. W. Kerr, E. L. |] power. Did You Save Today? Probably you have some money that you don't have to spend today. Why not save it today? Deposit it. Give it protection and earning The amount may seem small, but keeping it in your pocket or hiding it at home will not make it any bigger. Open a Savings Account and Watch It Grow Then when you have enough buy a good Bond. Repeat this as often as you can, then after a few years, notice how different you feel. from 7:00 to 8:00 o'clock. OPEN SATURDAY EVENING WINNETKA STATE BANK STATE AND CLEARING HOUSE SUPERVISION Elm Street at Lincoln Avenue OO IOI OOO ----IO =X GHEY Ea BBR, 2X EAE SE A recA