WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1921 "Debate to Feature . Men's Club Session Legislative Apportionment for Coun- ties Under Discussion at Meeting Tuesday, March 22 Promise of something unusual in a Men's club program is found in: the announcement of the next meeting and dinner of the Winnetka Men's club, set for Tuesday evening, March 22, at Community House. The speakers who will discuss, pro and con, are Morton D. Hull and E. J. Davis and the question, "Resolved: That the plan of legislative apport- jonment approved by the majority vote of the Constitutional Convention is more preferable than the plan of apportionment on the basis of popu- tation regardless of community boundaries." 3 i Mr. Morton D. Hull will affirm that it is a violation of the principle of representative government. Mr. Davis will deny this and will claim that representation in legislative assemblies should be on the basis of ommunities in conjunction with population, and that most states rec- ognize the community as the basis. Preceding the debate there will be the regular mixer at 6:30 o'clock and dinner at 7 o'clock. Dinner reserv- ations should be sent in as early as possible to Charles F. Simpson, 506 Birch street, Winnetka, phone Win- netka 1563. OUILMETTE BOWLERS ACCEPT LACING IN LAST ARGUMENT Columbus council, K. of C. won two of three games from Ouilmette in the North Shore K. of C. bowling league tournament at Evanston Tuesday evening. Ouilmette won the last of the trio of tilts. ; & The contests Tuesday evening were the final games of the schedule. Uni- versity finished with high honors. Ev- anston's council, Newman, was run- ner-up, Columbus copped third place while OQuilmette was forced to be con- tent with the cellar position. HIGH SCHOOL VACATION Students of New Trier High school will enjoy their spring vacation be- ginning Monday, March 21. The va- cation will extend over a period of one week. DEFEAT K. of C. NINE Winnetka's crack indoor team, with Bailey and Ulbrecht as the battery, defeated Newman Council K. of C. nine Wednesday evening at Commun- ity House 11 to 8. Going into the eighth inning the locals were trailing 8 to 5 but a rally netted six runs and won the argu- ment. ENTERTAIN GUESTS AT "500" Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Raclin, 528 Elder lane, entertained 26 guests at "500" Wednesday evening at their home. Weather forecasts for months ahead will be possible within a few years as a direct result of solar ob- servations. | A" Thousand Motor llls--One Cure HEN a motor has lost its power, lacks compres- sion, pumps oil, fouls its plugs, develops a knock or piston slap, and consumes oil and gasoline out of proportion to the service rendered, it's a sure sign the cylinders need re- grinding and fitting with over- size pistons and rings. These conditions are caused by cylinders which have be- come worn, out-of-round and taper. 'To overcome these troubles, the cylinders must be re-ground. It is an absolute waste of time and money to continue grinding valves, burn- J ing carbon, etc. When a motor develops the above-named symptoms call the Hubbard Woods Garage Tel. Winnetka 617 TIMOTHY FLYNN, RESIDENT HERE 50 YEARS, PASSES ON When death on Wednesday sum- moned Timothy Flynn, 81 years of age, 564 Center street, Winnetka lost one of its pioneer residents, a man who had watched the growth of the village over a period of 51 years. Death was caused by advanced age. Timothy Flynn, for twenty years custodian of Winnetka's public parks was laid to rest this morning at St. Joseph's, Wilmette, following funeral services at Sacred Heart church. Mr. Flynn is survived by two sons and two daughters: Theodore and Edward Flynn, of Winnetka; Mrs. Fred Anhalt of Winnetka, and Mrs. Jacob Baker, of Huron, Ohio. Nine- teen grandchildren also survive. Mr. Flynn was born in Ireland and came to this country and Winnetka 51 years ago. He had resided in the village uninterruptedly through the period of a half century. He was a familiar figure in the village and, could be seen almost daily, in warm weather, diligently attending to the lawns and shrubs in the village parks. TO D. A. R. CONVENTION Mfc. John Orson Barber will leave on Tuesday, March 22, with a delega- tion to represent Chicago chapter at the State Conference of the Daugh- ters of the American Revolution, which is to be held at Jacksonville, IIL. : NOW WINNETKA CITIZENS E. J. Gliatz and family, for many years residents of Wilmette, have taken a home in Winnetka at 1041 Oak street... Mr. Galitz was formerly one of the north shore's leading grocers. CLERK-CARRIER EXAM Application blanks may be secured at the local post office for a clerk- carrier examination to be held on Saturday, March 2. AUTO SALESMAN Stanley Scully has been engaged as an automobile salesman by the Win- netka Motor company. RUBBISH FIRE The fire truck was called out Thurs- day afternoon to extinguish a brush and rubbish blaze at 669 Walden road. ELEVATE GATEMAN'S HOUSE The Chicago and Northwestern Railroad workmen were engaged this week in elevating the gateman's house at the Eldorado crossing. BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Gambastian, 989 Willow street, are receiving con- gratulations on the birth of a daugh- ter, Wednesday at their home. On the afternoon of Tuesday, April 5, a card party will be given at the Winnetka Woman's club for the ben- efit of the Park Ridge school for girls. Tickets may be secured from Mrs. Stanley Clague of 849 Willow street. CHEE Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Scholl, of 519 Sunset road, who are moving to Philadelphia this week, have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Young of Chicago. --rp-- Mr. and Mrs. Hubert P. Harmon have returned to their home at 554 Arbor Vitae road, after a six week's trip to Guatamala and various points of interest in Mexico. pte IER Miss Betty Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Scott, of Hub- bard Woods, will arrive home from Bryn Mawr for the Easter vacation on March 24. --r-- 3 Miss Judith Boddie who is at the Bishop's school, La Jolla, Cal, will spend the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Boddie at Hotel Del, Coronado Beach, Cal. -- Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen of Kenil- worth, announce the engagement of their daughter, Priscilla, to Mr. Ellis Dwinell Slater, son of Mr. J. Ellis Slater of Kenilworth. TH The Hawthorne Lane Circle will meet with Mrs. Stephen Buhrer, 398 Elder lane, on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. William A. Thrall will be the assisting hostess. FRANKLIN Sales and Service The car everyone would like to own Gage Motor Sales Co. Phone 5700 1639 Orrington Ave., Evanston North Shore Baths LLL BRT, (1 SB [1 ) of ATT TI TTT Reducing Treatments a Specialty PHONE. 'EVANSTON 6424 Triangle Garage ALES ERVICE TATION AUTHORIZED AUBURN DEALERS oa & Machine Co. BEAUTY SIX LLL LLL EEE ZZ 27 77 27 277 77 7 7 7 77 77 27777777777 7 LLL Ld Zt dT 0 De Td dL Td Tr dd ddd Td EL Ed dd dd Ld dd dl ddd ddd 22 2707 27727 Here Are A Few Genuine Values In Player Pianos. Chickering & Sons Auto-Deluxe Knabe-Angelus Cable Inner-Player Adam Schaaf Player These pianos have been taken in exchange on the AMPICO REPRODUCING PIANO in the CHICKERING. They are in perfect mechanical condition; the cases have been refinished and cannot be told from new pianos. PHONE WILMETTE 581 Evenings Between 7:00 and 8:00 o'Clock LLL dd Edd ed T7777 72, | LLL LLL TLL LLL LL LLL LLL LLL TET Ld FLL Ld dd EL 2 rrr rrr 77 \ \ N Imported Wall Papers and Decorative Fabrics We do only the best grade of painting and paper hanging. Our Drapery Service can sup- ply any requirement pertain- ing to draperies. Let us assist you to make your Home Beautiful. Hallman &Friedrichs Co. "'Stephens Decorative Service " 520 Dempster St. Phone Evanston 4709 EVANSTON AUBURN, $1695, f. o. b., Auburn Overhauling and General Repairing Done by Expert Mechanics.t Phone Winnetka 1446 557 CHESTNUT STREET WE SPECIALIZE IN THE BEST OF Electrical Appliances North Shore Electric Shop JOHN C. WELTER, Proprietor 554 Railroad Ave., Winnetka Tel. Winnetka 44 May be your color scheme is at fault. My two-tone model effects are not only restful, but washable. PHONE WINNETKA 1127 For the Decorator With Ideas Winnetka men always dress well. Which leads us to remind you to call at our store today or early next week and select that new hat that you are planning to wear Easter. We have many new styles to select from and you are bound to be satisfied. J. HL. DETHLOFF Gents' Furnishings and Shoes 786 Elm St., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1077 EO RECAST Pe 1B ee LLL EE ET ZZ 7 2 a 227 277 2 2777777 77777, LLL LLL LT L772 7 griziirrrirzizziiza 7 77 emo Sa Sp i ma AS rR Si or el PY Ee RAE PED II SR 3 A ep iin atl