Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 9 Apr 1921, p. 12

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} 1 F i I WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1921 I Classified Advertisements ATES--10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. sertion, 5c per line. for first insertion. Copy must be in by J REAL ESTATE WANT A HOME? SEE THESE Cozy and attractive bungalow in splen- did East location; nearly new; newly decorated; hot water heat; 2 glassed porches; fine lot; reduced to $13,500. Nearly new 9 room stucco near lake; a tasty and artistic home, in splen- did condition; a real bargain at $16,- 500. Owner gone East. must sell. Fine 8 in finest location; in room stucco beautiful condition; glass sun and sleeping porches; double garage; beautiful wooded lot; $17,500. Owner leaving; will sacrifice 9 room stucco in finest location; splendid finish; hot water heat; a clever, at- tractive home on wooded lot 75x200; garage; $20,000. Make offer. M. E. BARKER & CO. End of "L'" 405 Linden. Tel. Wil. 484 LTG22-1tc FOR SALE--$5,250; 7-ROOM HOUSE in Hubbard Woods; lot 50x200; old house; needs some money spent on it; fine location. Hubbard Woods; Colonial large, light rooms; nice $15,000. Hubbard Woods, frame house; $11,500. Hubbard Woods, 8-room frame house; modern and up-to-date; 5 bedrooms; 2 baths; garage; $17,500. Winnetka, Indian Hill section; south west; English brick and stucco; 5 bedrooms; 3 bath rooms; 2 sleep- ing porches; large sun porch; at- tached garage; bargain; $25,000. FRANK A. REID. 933 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods - Winnetka 1300 HOME BARGAINS WE HAVE A DOZEN OR MORE homes in Winnetka, Hubbard Woods and Glencoe that must be sold this month; prices range from $7,000 up as high as $60,000. If you are look- ing for a good buy it will pay you to see us before deciding; reasonable offers will be seriously considered. 'Will show property week days after 6 p. m. by appointment. HILL & STONE innetka Office West of Depot. Win LTG22-1tc FOR SALE BARGAIN FOR HOME and investment; 2 family house in fine location near transportation and school in Winnetka; 5 rooms and bath and very large enclosed porch on first floor; 4 rooms, enclosed porch and bath on second floor; well built and in splendid condition. Owner leaving Winnetka will sacrifice for $9,300. Tnauire 377 Bln St.,, Win- n inn. 5 _ netka or phone frdaiic FOR SALE --RED BRICK HOUSE, nearly new, in Glencoe; 7 rooms; hot home, 7 location; side, 7-room lot 50x150; east garage; water heat; lot 66x400; Bargain, $10,500. Inquire 877 Fh ot, Win- hone Winn. . Rete TY LTG22-1tc WANTED TO BUY--HOME WANTED TO BUY--QUICK, IF AT- tractive priced, 8 or 9 room house; fairly modern; Hubbard Woods or Glencoe preferred; state terms. Ad- dress Winnetka Weekly Talk B-35. TG4-1tc WANTED--SMALL: HOME 6 OR 7 rooms; cash or terms; Kenilworth to Glencoe; state location go aress i kly Talk B-40. Winnetka Weekly Ped The WILL PAY CASH FOR SMALL HOUSE near lake in best location; give low- Box 23, Wilmette, BEAUTIFUL FRONT ROOM; 3 WIN- dows; 4 blocks Hubbard Woods sta- tion; breakfast if desired. Phone Glencoe 787. TG4-1te FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. CALL at 430 Elm or Phone 1240. T4-1tc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE WISHES two or three rooms in Winnetka or Hubbard Woods. Call McLean, Win. 1681. T4-1tc WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD WANTED--2 ROOMS WITH BOARD for 3 in or near Winnetka; refer- ences given and required. Address Talk B-34. T4-1tp WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD FOR mother and child for July and Aug- ust. Address Weekly Talk, B-16. T5H1-tfc HELP WANTED--FEMALRE COMPETENT LAUNDRESS FOR 2 days; steady place; must understand washing machine and mangle. Ram- say. Phone Glencoe 204. LTG22-1tc WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework; two in family; bunga- low. 705 Gregory Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wilmette 521. LTG22-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework; 38 in family. 848 Fox- dale Ave. Winnetka or Phone Win- netka 1349. TG4-1te WANTED--COMPETENT WOMAN BY the week; good cook; light house- work; two in family. Phone Win. 519-W. T4-1tc WANTED--NURSE GIRL FOR 3 YEAR old child. Call at 384 Hawthorne lane or Phone Winnetka 969. T4-1tc MAID -- WHITE, FOR GENERAL housework; private room and bath. 804 Forest Ave. Phone Wil. 14. LTG22-1tc COOK AND SECOND MAID; WHITE; experienced; good wages; small adult family. Cali Rogers Park 1064. LTG22-1tc WANTED -- NURSEMAID; WHITE. light duties; highest wages; refer- ences required. Phone Win. 1425. LTG22-1tc z 3 TAINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN By GENF 3YRNES poi -- STUPID, wHO HAS A Large BANK ROLL AND INSISTS ON SPENDING (TF SORRY TO HAVE INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CON. _. 'M VERY, VERY MET YOV | HOPE IT NEVER OCCURS --- ers v Sve FOR SALE--BED; LAUNDRY GOODS; wicker drop leaf table; fernery, tea cart and stool; art lamp. Phone Wil- mette 243. LTG22-1te FOR SALE--ELEVEN STORM SASH, 2 ft. 6 by 4 ft. 6 and door; brass bed and other household furniture. Phone Winnetka 317. LTG21-1te FOR SALE--FINE KIMBALL PIANO; quarter sawed oak; excellent condi- tion. Phone Winnetka 1349. TG4-1tc EARLY DINING SET, BED DAVEN- port, 2 brass beds, springs and mat- tresses. 899 Oak street. T4-1tc WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN'L. HOUSE- work; three adults; $20 a week; no laundry. Phone Win. 803. TG3-1te FOR SALE--3 PIECE PARLOR SUITE, ash sifter, pool table. Call Winnetka 31. T4-1tp WANTED--MATID (WHITE) FOR GEN- eral housework. Phone Kenilworth 1104. TG4-1tc WANTED --WHITE GIRL FOR GEN'L. housework. Phone Wil. 906-7J. LTG22-1te GIRL WANTED FOR OFFICE WORK. Tel. Winnetka 1125. LTG22-1te HELP WANTED--MALE HELP WANTED--MAN FOR GARDEN- er and housework. Apvoly at 352 Linden street. Phone Win. 803. T4-1te WANTED--ASST. GARDENER, AP- ply C. A. Stonehill, Glencoe 174. Ap- ply head gardener. LTG22-1tc WANTED--MAN FOR GENERAL GAR- dening work. Phone Win. 206. T4-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE OR FEMALE WANTED--YOUNG MAN OR YOUNG lady about 18-20 years old to work in drug store and wait on soda foun- tain; must be neat and come well recommended; none other need ap- ply. Hubbard Woods Pharmacy, Hubbard Woods, TIL. T4-1tp SITUATIONS WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--GENERAL HOUSE CLEAN- ing and laundry to do. Address or est price. P. O. Phone 118-W, Zion City, Ill. 38100 mn LT22-1t0 | _Bnoch Ave. Mrs. Brister. LTG22 tfo WANTED TO BUY--VACANT YOUNG LADY WISHES ENGAGE- WANTED --BEST NORTH SHORE VA- cant $3,000 will buy; give size and location. Address Winnetka Talk - TG4-1tc FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT -- COMPLETELY _FUR- nished 5-room bungalow in Glencoe near Hubbard Woods, west of track; $60; May 1st to Oct. 1st. .Address H. S. Matz, Box 218, Highland Park, I11. LTG22-tfe FOR RENT--8 ROOM RESIDENCE. 932 Oak street, Winretka. Call after 5 P. M. or phone Win. 318. LTG22-1te WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED -- FURNISHED HOUSE from May 1st to October 1st; will consider one year lease. Phone Edgewater 6674. LTG22-1te WANTED -- TO RENT SMALL FUR- nished house for two months, July and August. Call Win. 46. T3-3tc FOR RENT STORE FOR RENT_STORE ROOM IN WIN- netka. . F. Gonsalves, 558 Center St., Winnetka. LTG22-1tc FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT -- CEMENT GARAGE; heated; electric light, running water, work bench; $9.50 per month. Also Carriage house, electric lighted; use- able as garage; room for two or more cars, $6.50 each per month. Oak. Phone Win. hestnut near Shestnyt T2-3to FOR RENT--GARAGE AT $7.00 PER month. 872 Pine street. Phone Win. 1657 T2-3te FOR SALE--GARAGE FOR SALE--STUCCO GARAGE WITH servants' quarters and shower bath; in Winnetka. Call Rogers Park 1064. LTG22-1tc FOR RENT--ROOMS ments; plain sewing and mending. Address Lake Shore News, B-45. LT22-1te WASHING TAKEN HOME: ROUGH dried or ironed. Phone Glencoe 171. White. TG50-12tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED -- WORK, BY RELIABLE man; experienced in gardening and housework; also handv with car- penter's tools. Phone Win. 1549. T48-tfc MAN WANTS HOUSE AND GARDEN work. 8. Brychta, Box 51, Kenil- worth. T1-4tp WANTED BY YOUNG MAN--GARDEN or housework. Phone Win. 736. T51-tfe AND SITUATION WANTRED--MALE FEMALE WANTED--BY COLORED COUPLE, cooking and housework. Address Winnetka Talk B-43. T4-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--MAHOGANY UPRIGHT piano, fine tone; dining room set: 54 inch table; buffet; 6 chairs; two liv- ing room chairs; new single white iron bed, springs and mattress: 1 white chest of drawers; gas range almost new; Seegar refrigerator 125 1b. capacity; 3 Vudor porch shades; swinging porch seat inlaid linoleum 9x10 small oak dresser; Smith Pre- mier typewriter. Phone Wil. 312. LTG22-1tp ONE 52 INCH MISSION DINING ROOM table and 6 chairs; one mission li- brary table and comfortable living room chair; one double bed and felt mattress; all reasonably priced. Tel. Glencoe 583. LTG22-1te FOR SALE--DOUBLE SPIRAL SPRING for a single bed; mahogany table; medium size girl's bicycle; Hurley No. 4 vacuum cleaner. 775 Sheridan road, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 99. LTG21-2te FOR RENT -- TWO ROOMS WITH private bath, ensuite; 11% blocks to depot; east.; con. to lake. Mrs. Peter Johansen, 158 Bertling lane, Win- netka. Phone Winnetka 769. T4-1tc FOR SALE--OAK CHINA CABINET, oval glass front: hall seat and mir- ror; mahogany divan and two chairs to match. Phone Wilmette 862. FOR RENT--TO PERSON EMPLOYED, large furnished , bedroom; $5.00 a week. Hubbard Woods. Tel. Win- netka 1423. T4-1te FOR RENT_FRONT BED ROOM; suitable for one or couple. Phone 'Win. 1061. o: T4-1te Rigs 303 @ Ein LTG22-1te MAHOGANY FOUR-POSTER BED, mattress and springs; two other beds; reasonable. 483 Hawthorne lane, Winnetka. Phone Win. 244. T4-1tc GAS STOVE, $12. CALL WINNETKA ¥ 007. T4-1tc TWO WHITE IRON BEDS; COUCH; dresser; 2 chiffoniers. Call Glencoe 257. T4-1te FOR SALE--AUTO FOR SALE -- DCDGE ROADSTER; runs and looks like new: right price. For quick sale. Phone Win. 256. LTG22-1te FOR SALE--FORD ROADSTER: $150; excellent condition. Phone Win. 5. T4-1tc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS 4 FOR SALE--ALASKIAN SELECTED nine skin mink cape with eighteen tails, assorted, at bottom of cape, with again as many little claws; lined yyith satin and brown geor- gette crepe; practically new; $75. 815 Gregory Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wilmette 492. LTG22-1te FOR SALE -- CATLLE 2 H, DP. ROW boat motor; $65; baby scales with white canvas tray, $5; picture of "THE FORUM," 22x36, suitable for office or library, $5; full size coil bed springs, $1. Tel. Wilmette 1003. LTG22-1te FOR SALE--RUGS, STOVES, TABLES, chairs, mirrors, pony, bathtub. sink, cases, beds, sewing machine and com- bination cook stove. We buy, sell and exchange. 808 Oak street, Win- netka. Phone Win. 1212. LTG14-tfc FOR SALE--ATTIC GIFT SHOP, DIN- ner chairs, tuxedo coat, coral beads and amethyst necklace, infants' em- broidered caps, old paintings. Open to five. Community House, Winnet- ka, TI. T33-tf FOR SALE -- USED TYPEWRITERS Underwood $50. L. C. Smith $55. Remington $62. Also other makes. We do repairing. Patterson Bros, 828 Davis St. Evanston, III. LTG-17-tfe FOR SALE----CHILD'S WHITE EN. amel wooden bed with sides: gray enamel tricycle and boy's mail car; all in first class condition. Phone Winnetka 685. T4-1tc FOR SALE--EGGS FROM OUR PEDI- greed S. C. W. Leghorns; winners of cups, ribbons and sweepstakes; $3 for setting of 15; guaranteed. Tel. Wilmette 708-M. LT22-1te FOR SALE--GUARANTEED STRICTLY fresh eggs and fresh dressed poul- try. Skokie Egg and Poultry Farm. Phone Win. 852. T50-tfc FOR SALE -- PRACTICALLY NEW embroidered serge dress; size 36; also new. spring hat worn twice. Phone Wil. 2258. TG3-2te FOR SALE--PONY BARN AND SMALL chicken house. Address 794 Rose- wood Ave. Winnetka. Tel. Win- netka 1525. LTG22-1tc FOR SALE -- BOSTON TERRIERS. male and female; fine pedigreed stock; $50 and up. Phone Glencoe 882. TG4-1te FOR SALE--40 FEET OF PRIVATE hedge. Tel. Winnetka 1525. T4-1te WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLA NEOUS WANTED TO BUY SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston Ill. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfe WANTED--TO RENT OR BUY painter's extension ladders. Tel. Winnetka 1127. LTG22-1tc OLD BOOKS BOUGHT. SIMON, 719 Oakton street, Evanston. LTG20-4tn WANTED -- A REED GO-CART. Phone Win. 1122. T4-1te MISCELLANEOUS GET YOUR WOOD CUT BY POWER and save money. Phone Win. 549-M, T52-tfe NORTH SHORE CEMETERY -- ON Green Bay road and Eighteenth street, North Chicago; a highly de- veloped modern necropolis; perpetual care for entire area; special individ- ual lot development; accessible Steam, Electric and Auto roads. For information call Owen Tenant Smith, 1157 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette. Tel. office, Wil. 640; residence, Wil. 777-M LTG13-tfc WE DO TRADING--TRADE IN YOUR old piano or talking machine, if not in use, on a piano, player piano, talking machine, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, mangle or type- writer. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis St., Evanston, Ill. LTG22-1te FREE . ONE BEAUTIFUL ENLARGEMENT with each five dollar kodak work; developing and printing. Mail us your films; we guarantee satis- faction: our work is the very best. H. E. Chandler & Co., Evanston, Ill LTG22-1tc PAINTING AND DECORATING, CAL- somining and painting, paper hane- ine and paner and calsomine cleaned: we guarantee our work: estimate =iven over nhone: work done at anna, Phone evenines after 6 p. m. Phana Na. Diversav KFR49, TA-1+n MAGAZINE AGENCY NEW <rre, sovintinne and renawals aplinitad, Wm, A. Hadlev. 912 Oak St. Win. netka. Phone Win. 323. T47 -tfn I BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND clothing of all descriptions . Phone Evanston 103 and I will call. N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue LTG17-tfe PHONOGRAPHS REPAIRED--WE RE- pair all makes of talking machines, Patterson Bros. 828 Davis St.,, Evans- ton LTG-18-tfc VACUUM CLEANERS REPAIRED. WE repair all makes of vacuum cleaners Patterson Bros. 828 Davis St. Ev- anston. LTG-18-tfc LOUIS PANTLE, LANDSCAPE GAR- dener; work by contract or hour. Phone Win. 549-M. LT20-tfe LOST AND FOUND LOST -- A LADY'S GOLD WRIST watch on April 4th between Provi- dent Ave. Elm St. and Cherry St. Phone Winnetka 1191. Reward. T4-1ta LOST--SMALL LIGHT BROWN FUR neck piece Wednesday. Phone Win, 938.. Reward. T4-1te Athletic teams and bands using the name of the American Legion must be made up exclusively of Legion~ naires, according to a ruling made by the executive committee of the Min- nesota Department of the Legion. SELF-REDUCING 0(0 2651 Jj I oh wR The Modern Cigar They could be smaller - But not better for our Premium Catalog No. 4 I. Lewis Cigar Mfg: Co. NEWARK. N. J. Largest Independent Cigar Factory in the World. Smoked by men who appreciate the utmost in Cigar my BEST aN) [0B = { [ccf 25% gi al [9-1 = permanent We have a few POSITIONS to" offer young Women, advancement ambitious WITH salary to start and A pleasant environment in which to work. The FUTURE FOR YOUNG is a profession where WO ME N Call and talk with our Chief Operator Wilmette, Winnetka or Glencoe an attractive promises rapid all women, since this play a big part.

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