WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, =" - A RS : 7, WW RNA CE NST 285 &3, £7 ; Winnetka s Hubbard Woods. - by RuthRisley = = Weld) Boyd, as likewise Jocial Happenings i oul rrr ISS Emily Matz, daughter of Mrs. Rudolph Matz of Sher- 8, idan road, has chosen Saturday, June 25, as the date for her marriage to Darrell R. Boyd, son of Mrs. George AA is Miss daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Leonard, to become the bride on ------ -- LLL LLL Ud anal MINS qT al TICE Mary Elizabeth Leonard, the same day, of Hibbard Casselberry, son of Mrs. William Evans Casselberry of Lake Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Markham Beresford Orde of Greenleaf avenue, Glencoe, have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Catherine, to Mr. Nelson Landon Hoyt, Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt of 435 Elm street, to take place on Saturday evening April 23, at 8:30 o'clock, in the Glencoe Union church. The Old Log Cabin's door on North road, Hubbard Woods, will be wide open to welcome friends on Sunday afternoon, April Y7. The Nominating committee of the Woman's Society of the Congrega- tional church, of which Mrs. Barret Conway is chairman, reported the following nominations at regular monthly meetings of the association on Wednesday of this week: _ President, Mrs. Carrie B. Prouty. First vice-president, Mrs. Wallace D. Rumsey. Second vice-president, Mrs. Ralph S. Childs. : Corresponding secretary, Mrs. H. C. Ballenger. Recording secretary, Mrs. D. K. French. Treasurer, Mrs. E. P. Farwell. Chairman of committees--Work, Mrs. David S. Lasier ; luncheons, Mrs. Charles Thompson; missions, Mrs. William Ayer McKinney; flower, Mrs. Alfred Freeman; neighborhood circles, Mrs. Hoyt N. McLain; house, Mrs. Frank Ferry; social, Mrs. John Vennema; members-at-large, Mrs. E. Hubert Allen, Mrs. I. B. Connor, and Mrs. J. D. Pierce. The ticket will be voted upon at the meeting of the association on May 4. wi Mrs. J. Williams Macy entertained with a children's party at her home, '975 North avenue, on Wednesday aft- ernoon in honor of the birthday an- niversaries of her two sons, John Williams Macy, Jr., and Lawrence Shaw Macy, Billy Carlisle, John Han- sel, Jr., Joan and Marilynn McAdams, Frank Mymond, Jr., Constance and Mary Louise Connor, John 'Williams and Robert Aldrich, of Winnetka; Marion and Anne Agry, Peter and John Irwin, Walter Neilson and Nor- man Parker of Evanston, and Mary Jean and Eleanor Lewis of Wilmette. iA i The Oak Street Circle will be enter- tained on Tuesday of next week at the home of Mrs. Bacon at 903 Ash street. Miss Struggles will be the assisting hostess. At this meeting plans for the dinner to be given at Community House on April 23 will be completed. An urgent request is made that everyone plan to attend the dinner and reservations must be made to Mrs. R. FE. Childs, 906 Oak street be- fore April 18. ---- Dr. Charles M. Jacobs of 860 Burr avenue, Hubbard Woods, has left for Coronado Beach, Cal, to join his fam- ily. ! ---- Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Parsons and daughter, of 518 Hawthorn lane, will leave Wednesday for California to be gone about a month. The Rosewood Avenue Circle will meet Tuesday, April 12, at two o'clock in two sections, one at the home of Mrs. David J. Gillespie, 781 Linden avenue, and the other with Mrs. Nor- man S. Quinn and Mrs. James W. Harris, Jr., in the latter's home, at 1055 Chatfield road. Sewing will be done for the Babies Friendly society. The program will consist of some delightful musical duets by Mrs. Charles B. Watson, contralto, and Mrs. Jirah D. Cole, soprano. Ra. The Drama Study Class of the Winnetka Woman's club will have the opportunity of listening to an exceptional program on Monday aft- ernoon of next week at three o'clock. Mrs. Dudley Cates, a student of Ben Greet, and one of the Chicago Little Theater Players under Maurice Browne, will read Paul Claudel's "The Tidings Brought to Mary." All mem- bers of the club are welcome, and guests, on payment of the guest fee. diy WN The Woman's Society of the Con- gregational church will give a musi- cal tea at Community House on Wednesday, April 13, from three to five o'clock in the afternoon. Mrs. Harvey I. Brewer, Miss Mary Porter Pratt and Mrs. John W. Hansel, Jr. will give the program. All who are interested are cordially invited. _---R The Lincoln Avenue Circle will have an afternoon meeting on next Tues- day with Mrs. Frank R. Greene, 776 Prospect avenue. The card party and dance held this week at Community House proved to be most enjoyable, and a success from every standpoint. ---- On Sunday Mrs. J. E. Peterman entertained with a home-coming party for a large number of friends, in honor of Mr. Peterman, who has just returned from a several months' trip abroad. re Wf On Wednesday evening of this week Mr. and Mrs. William D. Mc- Adams entertained informally at their home, 734 Lincoln avenue, in honor of Mrs. William S. Graham of Nor- folk, Va. NE Mrs. Charles Summers, of Portland, Oregon, is spending several weeks as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Jones in Winnetka. Mrs. Summers was formerly Miss Janet Jones. RAR Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Frank, who have been spending several weeks in New Orleans, have returned to their home at 1004 Spruce street. a th'ng is well done it is twice done. pay a little more, have your decorating done right. It will look twice as well and last twice as long. PHONE WINNETKA 1127 For the Man Who Knows How Then why not rk Announcements have been received here of the marriage of Miss Con- stance E. Kroh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Kroh, of Cleveland, Ohio, to Captain Warner B. Gates, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Gates, of Wil- mette, which was solemnized on the afternoon of March 5, in the Cathe- dral of St. Paul's in Los Angeles, Cal, Dean McCormick reading the ser- vice. Captain and Mrs. Gates spent their honeymoon at Coronado Beach, and at present are making their home in Monrovia, Cal. Captain Gates has received orders to move to the Pre- sidio, San Francisco, this month, where he will take charge of a balloon company. The Public Speaking class, which has been conducted undgr the auspic- es of the Educational committee of the Woman's club, by Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber, on Wednesday afternoons at the clubhouse, will close on Wed- nesday of next week. This is to be Guest Day, and each member is privileged to bring one guest. Tea will be served. sien Mrs. Charles Ware of Kenilworth has issued invitations for a recep- tion to be given in honor of Mrs. Campbell, the new president of the Tenth District, Federation of Wom- en's clubs on next Wednesday after- noon at her home on Abbottsford road. Mrs. Ware is the retiring pres- ident of the federation. NLP Mrs. James F. Porter of Hubbard Woods left last evening for Cleve- land, Ohio, where she will attend the annual convention of the League of Women Voters, which is to conven there next week. SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1921 . Dr. and Mrs. Walton-Ball have sold their residence in Wilmette, and have purchased a bungalow at 754 Fir street. nn i re Mrs. Franklyn Rudolph of Sher- idan road, returned on Thursda from a six week's sojourn in Cali- fornia. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Blossom have returned from California, and are at the Drake until they open their residence in Hubbard Woods forthe summer. onion The Kippy Orchesra will give a dancing party this evening at the Winnetka Womna's club. WALTER CHAMBERLAIN Golf Instruction : APPOINTMENTS MADE NOW FOR LESSONS ON OR AFTER APRIL 15 TELEPHONE WINNETKA 155 J. L. WOOLSEY Florist and Landscape Gardener Trees and Shrubs, Perennials, Grading, Garden Work. GARDEN WORKERS by the DAY, HOUR or WEEK PHONE WINNETKA 885 917 WILLOW STREET Phone Winn. 201 813 ELM STREET WINNETKA Excavating Crushed Stone B. W. BLO Concrete Material Road Material Black Dirt Sand GENERAL TEAMING - cars. 00 Vice-Pres. and Treas. 0 ummm Announcement Gage Motor Sales Co., Main Office, 1629 Orrington Avenue, Evanston, Illinois, Phone Evanston 5700, wish to call the attention to the motor car owners of the north shore that a branch agency is being opened with offices at No. 2 Prouty Annex, Winnetka, Illinois, Phone Winnetka 254, where Mr. Adam Scott will be pleased to look after your requirements in F RANKLIN and HUPMOBILE With the sales and service station in Evanston em- ploying twelve men and the two others, one at Arlington Heights, Phone No. 9, under the direction of Mr. R. Wilke, and the one at 2533 N. Sacramento Avenue (near Logan Square) Chicago, Phone Belmont 3669, under the direc- tion of Mr. R. H. Dunk, we will be able to care for your service requirements wherever you may be in the territory. GAGE MOTOR SALES CO, 1629 Orrington Avenue, Benj. E. Gage, N. H. Peterson, w President Secretary Ey H. A. Thompson, S. E. Asher, rr sm Gen. Service Supt. NNN Evanston, Ill. / SIGS |