WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1921 9 -.. -- one of the founders of Garrett Bibli- cal Institute. The building was never rebuilt following the fire which de- "stroyed it several years ago. : chairman of the Civics and Legislative department of the club, under whose direction this class has been arranged. Heck hall, located between Swift hall of Engineering and Memorial hall library, was dedicated July 4, 1867. It was named for Barbary Heck, The Woman's Christian Temperance Union was entertained at the home of Mrs. I. E. Blunt, 1008 Oakwood ave- nue, Wilmette, on Monday. The nom- inating committee, Mrs. William Ca- rey, chairman, brought the report of the nomination of the former board, Mrs. L. C. Norton, president; Mrs. W. |S. Hamm, secretary, and Mrs. Isabel {| G. Moody, treasurer, which was un- animously elected. The November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Carey, 883 Oak street. You Will Like Re-Nu Lemon Oil Polish RS. Aagatha Haenel of Chicago, an artist pupil of Howard Wells, is giving a piano recital in Milwaukee, and NORTHWESTERN PRESERVES Excellent for House Cleaning RUINS OF "HECK HALL" will be under Mr. Neumann's management and appear in Chi- 3 fusion o the Athenian Aun gag pecitals in Apel "heipen breserve The anstent rae oY Ho Use it on your Dust Cloth and artist of charm and intelligence. i hall, its oldest permanent building, as 2 M | Mrs. Haenel will appear at Win- | a reminder to oncoming students of 3 your Dust op ] netka Woman's club at the first | the ie of te Fisiaion, fo au 2 { musical of the season, on Octo- Ap hced the ar Es chiet- = bo ber 36, Mes noston Ml, Atwood | grounds. A Ba : If you Furniture has a Dead l of Winnetka will sing some 5 Tn { charming songs illustrating the : Finish use | subject of the day's program. THIS CHRISTMAS RE-NG Broossts | This is the regular meeting of Ticioa. HLS : the club, and guests will be ad- THE HOUSE OF mmm" Re-Nu Varnish Re-Newer | mitted upon payment of the ! K! RCHBE RG DD | usual guest fee. DIAMONDS The course in appreciation of | FOUNDED 1867 | music will be continued by the Watches, Jewelry, Silverware Music committee this year. A Mrs. Agatha Haenel 1 Door Ei E. B. Taylor & Co. : program will be presented each oF Copotioi Fires > { month, and the course is open to wi Hem par of the club. The Srnilioion motchetinios fe soureu motos 546 Center St. { rograms have been arranged with the design o mmteresting the Purchases Com be Made hy Mat . _ : Be music lover as well as the trained musician. -- hy Masaity a Telephone Winnetka 998-999 Mrs. Emory Cobb Andrews is chairman of the Music com- | | : mittee this year, and is assisted by Mesdames Harvey I. Brewer, ey | J Jerry Rothschild, Louis G. Schmid and Roland D. Whitman. : Wilmette Woman's club activities] "The Conference for Limiting Arm- opened for the season on Wednesday afternoon, when the first meeting of f the club year was held at the club- : house, with an excellent turn-out of the members. In the receiving line were Mrs. John C. Mannerud, Mrs. | Joseph J. Siddall, Mrs. Theodore J. Moreau, Mrs. Charles A. Eldridge and aments". "Irish Peace Negotiations". "Political Situation in Illinois". "Russian Famine and Its Conse- quence." "Some South American Problems". "Divided China". "Unemployment". Le -- i... a other officers of the club. a delightful greeting given by the president, Mrs. Mannerud, to the members, and numerous announce- ments made by the various depart- ment chairmen, the afternoon was turned over to three delightiul ar- tists, Margaret Conrad, violinist, Paul Mallory, tenor, and Preston Graves, pianist, who presented a program which proved most enjoyable. Violin and Piano Duo= Scene de. Balet--Second Hungarian Rhapsody ..... 7 De. Beriot-Liszt Miss Conrad and Mr. Graves Vocal-- aA Memory... aia Park b) Do Not:Go, My Love ......ih..... AEN Ee Tagore-Hageman CY Tally Ho ..... 5.0 ve hovesses Leoni Mr. Mallory Piano-- Russian Octave March ..... Kowalski Mr. Graves Violin Solo-- First Grand Concerto ....Vieuxtemps Miss Conrad Vocal-- ay A Living Godiol.. his. O'Hara b) A Fairy Tale'..... Thomas-Morris ¢) Wreck of the Julie Plante..O'Hara Mr. Mallory Piano-- Sp Rigoletto Paraphrase ..... Veri-Liszt Mr. Graves Violin-- : Airs: Bussesiiy in: .. 0. Wieniawski Miss Conrad Trio-- aYlongin® oo. viens Hathaway b) Serenade-..... Lu... Allitsen Miss Conrad, Mr. Mallory and Mr. Graves The Woman's Library club of Glen- coe held its opening meeting of the year on Thursday afternoon of this week. President's Day was celebrat- ed, and a delightful musical program was presented by Miss Emily Ruby, a mezzo-soprano of note, and Miss Amanda MacDonald, a well known pianist. Mrs. S. J. Gilfillan is the host- ess for the month of October. The first meeting of the season of the North Shore Catholic Woman's League will be held at 2:30 o'clock, Thursday, October 13, at the Winnet- ka Womans' club. It will be Bundle Day. There will be a reception and Rev. N. K. Kremer will speak. Music- al numbers will complete the pro- gram. ny FUR SALE 1 [} ; } Offering a marvelous opportu- § nity to secure fur garments from 1 I an old established WHOLE- : } SALE HOUSE at incomparable 1 prices. : : SEAL COATS, H 1 Martin Trimmed } 1 JAP MINK ) : SEAL DOLMANS ' ] SQUIRREL : } GLASS & GLASS i i 8th Floor ! i 32S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Il. 1 Following | "The Task of Congress". "The Far-East Republic". "Conditions in the Near-East". These are some of the subjects that will he dealt with by Mrs. E. S. Adams and Miss Julie Adams at the Current Events Class in the Wilmette Wom- an's club on Wednesday, October 12, at 2:30 o'clock. This class is fortunate in securine the services of Mrs. | Ad~ms and it offers an unusual oppor- i | tunity to all the women of Wilmette. Miss Martha Jenkins is | and vicinity. Gra SSE By, 4 THE MEN'S FURNISHINGS SECTION IN THE NICEST STORE IN TOWN The Small Boy Many a worthy woman has him against green apples, wet feet etc. following : "High heels menace not only the health of the women who wear them. into the world'--Dr. Smith. of Boston. "To overcome the unnatural strains. Such a brings about decreased respiration. a fenders," adds Dr. Evangeline W. Youne, one of Boston's hest known women physicians. "It is the girls who are on their feet most wha per- sist in wearing the highest Sensible women have learned that thev can increase their efficiency and even earn bigeer salaries by wearing shoes build for solid comfort and health." And if some day vour children (or vour mneighbor's children) are par- ticnlarlv annoving. let this woman writer in the New York Sun lead von to happiness -- the happiness that rames from wearing sensible shoes like Cantilever Shoes. "Sometimes the hou-ewife's head- aches are dre to her shoes. There is nathino co irritating to the nerves as standing in tight or wrongly bnilt shoes. Her cure will come hv dis- carding the hich heels and ticht shoes for romfortable shoes during work- ine hours." Rv wearin Cantilever Shoes vou will be in such good humor all day that 'even your neighbor's children will not annov vou. Let us explain in detail the delightful qualities of these oood lookine shoes. Just ask for "Cantilever Comfort." -- For Sale on North Shore by NORTH SHORF. ROOTFRY North Shore Hotel Building 529. Davis «St... .Cor..«Chicaro Avenue Telephone Evanston 6757 Open Saturday Evenings Warns His Mother cast gloom over a small bov by warning On behalf of the bov, we beg to call the woman's attention to the | | but also the health and chances of | the children these women may bring | R. Kendrick | forward thrust which high heels give, the body is forced to subiect itself to posture lessened richness of the blood and a less lively circulation. All the pelvic "Working women are the worst of- | heels. | || Made of Silk Striped Madras, they are White" Silk La-Jerz, Collar band, French cuff style are 6.50 ' at 2.00 organs become congested through being thrown out of balance and and others of blue black or lavender. oressed upon by the abdominal or- gans." Snappy are these New Cravats Priced at New Fall Ones! there are fine quality percales, in novel- ty stripes, in combinations of colors, those made of madras in a splendid quality can be bought. There are blue, | . lavender, black and green stripes. 75.1% 330 200 Good Looking and Reasonably Priced at 2.50 they are made of heavy rep, blue, black and lavender striped. Being Wilson Bros. garments, service and good ap- pearance are assured. al 3.50 5.00 Pajamas Made of barred dimity, have frog fasteners and sell at 2.00 There are others made of white and striped 2 50 soisettes which have Vee necks; they are Firm Madras makes another group which for service as well as appearance cannot be 3.50 equaled-- Their price is