24 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOV. 12, 1921 We call it our Bargain Basement It is really a remarkably complete store in itself; we keep the operat- ing expense down so that we can sell you merchandise of dependable character at prices that mean a real saving. Stop in and examine some of the excellent values in apparel repre- sented by the items on this page. I. O R D' S DO rns A. H. ULLRICH, President Evanston, Ill. Babies' Cotton Blankets, of soft warm material, white with pretty blue and pink borders ; an exceptionally good purchase at the price offered ; the pair 59¢ Girls' Medium and Light-Weight Coats in broadcloth and tweeds; the styles are very attractive; sizes 10 to 14 years; the price represents a substantial TRA al pa edna Rn eis se a Ler Laas En ie 4.98 Children's Bloomers of pink cotton Jersey; elastic knee and top, ages 10 a Ase ILLS mast Ea eS de 19¢ Misses' Surplice Style Sleeveless Sweaters; can be worn under the coat; practicalfand serviceable ion co. nL Le 1.49 Boys' and Girls' Heavy Ribbed Cotton Stockings, the pair .............. 20c Boys' Stockings Billy-Goat Make heavy ribbed cotton with double heel and toe ; reliable and econom- ical; just the thing for school Women's Light Weight Cotton Knit Union Suits WERE wesivnusavens ares seves 3% Elastic stitch with tailored top and loose knee. Sizes 38-44. ....... 79¢ Girls' Cotton Stocking, fine-rib- Sizes 46-50... 98¢c bed, good quality in tan and : black, sizes. 6-914». 0 0 oy, 29c¢ Women's Light Weight Cotton Knit Vests Gi : 'M . i Lisle Stocki Elastic stitch with tailored top. Sizes 36-38.................... 35¢ SATS (vercorized Isle Diocmes : fine - ribbed, in brown and Sifesid0-4d Sl 0 as ns 39¢ black 45¢ Siren BGI Ls ordi 45c BER wens STAT Kleinert babies' rubber pants, me- dium and large sizes ......... 45¢ BARGAINS IN BRASSIERES of stout pink coutil, with satin stripes; back fasten- ings. Sizes 32-40... ............ 0s BRASSIERES of fancy pink cambric, extra strong, well made with back fostenting nu. vhe sli vane White Muslin Chemises with bodice top, lace trimmed. Sizes 36-44. .98c CORSETS high and low bust; low bust with elastic tops; white or flesh color; some are Warner make and quality. ..........u.... 98c on Womens Sweaters Some novel and attractive styles in sweaters and sweater coats have re- cently been received from the East. Having been able to purchase these at a special reduction, we are offering them at prices which make them val- ues out of the ordinary. Tuxedo Sweater Coats Loose knit, solid black, green or white. All have long roll lapels faced with white Astrakan cloth ............ 4.98 Women's Flannelette Gowns slip-over style; made of very soft, Slip-Over Sweaters high-grade Amoskeag flannelette; white with blue and pink Crochet-knit, with "belt and long Stripes; sizes Giana Bl po dita. aioe vn vine al a a yn 98c sleeves ; solid black, orange or green, Flannelette Petticoats very good quality ; white with blue and pink 512e8 38-44, i oe ia a 3.49 stripes; made with 8-inch flounce; lengths 36-38 .............. 89c Sli Nainsook Camisoles and Corset Covers embroidery and lace-trim- Cotton J ersey olipover ned Slzest IE Lut, fr pA Bd pats se Manns ene 69c Sweaters Women's Muslin Drawers tucked and embroidery trimmed; very With Peter Pan collar and sash; two special=waluesi ator tin Jo hs aa ee ne 98c pockets; sizes 38-44 ............ 4.49 . bi . Girls' Rain Capes of Rubberized Cloth, with' Women's Part Cotton and Wool Stockings sizes 814-91, offered 2 d at a special price because of slight imperfections .............. 39c Lined Hoo Women's Cotton Stockings light weight, black only, sizes 9-10 ....29¢ Sizes, 10 to 14 years Women's Fibre Silk Stockings in black and brown, sizes 9-10 ...... 89c In Tan .his miele 2 DAO In Dark Blue - - - - 349 Women's Winter Coats Pleasing styles in tweeds, broadcloths, velours, kerseys and silvertones. Colors include brown, green, navy blue and maroon; full-lined, except some extra- heavy ones, which are half-lined $9.95 REMNANTS A large assortment of ginghams, percales, cretonnes, calicoes, voiles, cotton serges and challies in a variety of attractive colors and patterns. Also some muslins and flannelettes. NOTIONS MINUET HAIR-NETS in Cap and Special Fringe, all colors but white, EY Ee a Te PC CT SR Rae ne 25¢ YARNS in maroon, black and khaki, suitable for men's and boy's sweaters ; the hanlt risa ineid. toto iamnicii. «dine soni anata a dona de Asien 59c SHELL BUTTONS, the card «cc cnvidd ddd dn bods dite ss 5c DARNING COTTON, grey, black, brown and white, the ball .............. 4c INITIAL TAPE, 3 dozen ..........iicciiininifiti cases sisi sniies 10c SEWING SILK, 50-yard spool, all colors, best quality, the spool ........ 6c BELTING, all widths, black and white, the yard .........cocovvunn.... 10c Women's Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, with daintily embroidered corners Ee EL i ll i Oe, i LL EL Ek ll eH «denim, 6 pockets, all SPECIALS For the Housekeeper WOMEN'S SLIPOVER APRONS, with tucks and rick-rack trimming, sash: effect, made of fine percale, in blues, pinks, and dark backgrounds, with small and large checks ....1.69 EXTRA LARGE APRONS, Kimona style, with rick-rack trimming and sash effect Lp am Ant rae Teil 1.68 WOOL PANAMA SKIRTS, suitable for housewear, black and navy blue; waist measure, 26-30, specially priced AL a 98¢ BURSON STOCKINGS in out sizes; knit to fit without a seam; no seams in the feet; extra strong at the top For the House TABLE-CLOTHS, with a very at- tractive Japanese design in blue BEOL . r S a 89c FEATHER PILLOWS, 17x24 inches, light blue ticking, flower design ..98¢c BATH TOWELS, all white good weight ; 18x38 inches, very good value SEE Se LL a Sed 29c For the Man of the House OVERALLS, well made of stout blue lock-stitched, Sizes 3244 lth 1.98 BLUE DENIM JACKETS, same qual- ity as the overalls, 4 pockets, lock- stitched, sizes 32.44... 1.98 KHAKI WORK TROUSERS, heavy and well finished, 4 pockets, all lock- stitched, 'sizes" 32-44... 0... = 7 2.49 WORK SHIRTS, of grey zephyr cloth, sizes: 18:17. ooo olive 98¢ HEAVY WOOL SOCKS, dark grey; the double heel and toe assure long WRAL + i fii dard std dentionioie rid s odo, 49¢ HEAVY HALF-WOOL SOCKS, nat- ural color, close knit, size 11-12. .. .45¢ CASHMERE SOCKS, (seconds) black with grey heel and toe; sizes 10-12. Because of a few slight imperfections, these socks are offered at the special price of Jiu sil ci ng 39c MEN'S FLANNELETTE NIGHT- SHIRTS, with and without collars, all VEL EE ea A a 98c MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS, hemstitched cof. oun as i, 8c MEN'S COTTON UNION SUITS, ankle length, with half or long sleeves, all grey, sizes 36-46 .... in. 1.49 Cotton Blankets scft and fine, 68x80 inches; white with blue or pink border. .Un- usually good values at $2.98