WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOV. 19, 1921 9 momen 77.3 15 Activities oF North Shore Clubs = 3 J MRS. Catherine Waugh McCulloch of Evanston, chairman of the committee on Uniform Laws Concerning Women of the National League of Women Voters, will speak be- bo fore the state convention of the Illinois League of Women Voters, to be held at the Congress hotel November 29. The women of the state will commemorate their first year of full citizenship on that date. Prominent speakers from all parts of the state will give addresses. Mrs. McCulloch, who has been an active suffrage leader for more than thirty years, and is a prominent Chicago lawyer, will probably speak on the jury question. The fourth regional conference of the National League of Women Voters will convene immediately after the state convention. A "Better Citizenship Week" will be held from November 28 to December 3, in connection with the big convention. Round-table conferences on Monday with committee chair- men of the Illinois organization will be followed by a convention with election of officers on Tuesday. Mrs. Maud Wood Park, pres- ident of the National League of Women Voters, state presidents and delegates from the seven neighboring states which comprise the fourth region, and officers from the national organization, will hold a conference on Wednesday. The remaining three days will be given over to a forum in efficient government which will be con- Jr., is local representative of the Alumnae association. Vassar Alumnae of Chicago and the north shore are soon to open a Christmas Gift shop, the proceeds of which are to be used toward Illinois' quota in the $3,000,000 Vassar endow- ment fund campaign. Mrs. Ferdinand Bartelme of the Webster hotel, is chairman of the committee who are arranging for the shop. EX-SERVICE MEN AID POLICE The mayor and chief of police of Lincoln, Neb., have endorsed a plan for the employment of jobless ex- service men as night watchmen to aid the police department in suppressing crime. ducted by well-known students of government. & v Prominent women of this commun- ity have been asked to join in a na- tionwide movement to unify the wom- an power of the country along civic, welfare, and patriotic lines through the Woman's National Foundation, whose headquarters are in Washing- ton, D. C. | A request has been re- ceived here from Mrs. Clarence Crittenden Calhoun, president of the Foundation, to organize local centers. November 15 was National Organiza- tion Day. Great enthusiasm for the movement is reported from all sections of the country. Although the Foundation is less than six months old, it has se- cured thousands of members, acquired a million-dollar national site in Wash- ington, and is indorsed and backed by leading financiers, statesmen, edu- cators, and officials. The board of governors of the Foundation includes such nationally known women as Mrs. George Bar- nett, wife of a major general of the U. S. Marine Vorps; Mrs. Stephen B. Elkins, widow of former Senator Elk- ins of West Virginia; Mrs. Oscar Un- derwood, wife of Senator Underwood | of Alabama; Mrs. Charles B. Howry, wife of Judge Howry of the United States Court of Claims; Miss Janet Richards, the noted woman lecturer; Mrs. John Hayes Hammond, Mrs. J. Borden Harriman, Mrs. James Mec- Donald, Mrs. Henry R. Rea of Pitts- burgh, Mrs. Sidney Ballou, Mrs. Ma- rie Moore Forrest, the celebrated pageant writer; Mrs. James Carroll Trazer, head of the Comforts Com- mittee of the 'Navy League; Mrs. Henry D. Flood, wife of Represent- ative Flood of Virginia, and Mrs. Maud Wood Park, national chairman of the League of Women Voters. The Catholic Woman's Club of Wilmette will hold its regular monthly meeting, on Friday, November 25, HoreuR 615 Davis St., Evanston MATINEES 2 and 4 Evening 7 and 9 Saturday 1TAMS 19 EARLE WILLIAM in "Bring Him In" A Play of the Great Outdoors Pathe News No. 91 "Winners Of The West" A Great Picturization of the Famous Trail-Breaking Expedi- tion of Capt. John €, Fremont, in 1848 to the California Goldfields. 1st Chapter--Two Reels Abie db dB NEXT WEEK Mon., Tues., November 21 and 22 Katherine MacDonald (The American Beauty) in "Her Social Value" Wednesday Novemeber 23 ALICE BRADY in "Dawn of the East" Supported by Kenneth Harlan A Spectacular Production with Scenes Laid in Russia, China and America. Thursday November 24 THANKSGIVING DAY SPECIAL Continuous 2 to 11 P. M. BEBE DANIELS in "The Speed Girl" Friday November 25 FRANK MAYO in "Go Straight" Saturday November 26 CONSTANCE BINNEY in "Room and Board" "WINNERS OF THY Wr The Great American History Play Civics class will meet at one o'clock. followed by a business meeting and musical program at two o'clock. Mrs. Edward Llewellyn will play several numbers on the cornet, and there will be an illustrated lecture on, "Oratorio" by Mrs. Harold B. Maryott, lecturer and pianist, and Mrs. Robertina Robertson, contralto. The program promises to be most de- lightful and inspiring. The hostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. A. E. Lamkey and Mrs. Charles Burkhardt. The Bryn Mawr club of Chicago gave a luncheon Saturday last in honor of visiting members of the Alumnae association council, at the Chicago College club, instead of at the Casino, as was first planned. Mrs. William B. Hale of Winnetka is pres- | ident of the Chicago Bryn Mawr [Phones WATE bo MOVES AUTO STORAGE For the Winter Safe, Fireproof build- ing. More reasonable than in a garage. ilmette~ 32 * Evanston 7311 Alumnae club. Mrs. James F. Porter, | ur music is a quiet sort - - but it lacks nothing in syncopation. Instruments blend as they should, and our members are young men of refinement and class. [PianoFviolin and drums, or more pieces may be used - - al your oplion. M ake the arrangementsFnow LYE for your this winter's danc- ing parties. Jes up lo February first are now being booked. arlies in private homes, pri- vate dances al clubs, club or sociely dances. THE EVANSTONIANS 1604 Chicago Avenue Evanston, lll. rn nn nn EN SH QUALITY | DN day it is becoming more evident that quality jewlery is the only kind to purchase. : --that the quality establishment is the only safe one to patronize. --that quality and intrinsic value are in- separable. --that Charles E. Graves & Company have achieved recognition for quality jewelry of good taste the intrinsic value of which is your protection at all times. Charles E. Graves & Company Jewelers and Platinumsmiths Madison and Wabash Ave. CHICAGO 2nd Chapter EE I ie ™\ NE J \&/ \¥, \ oe iddie NoQ. THE STORE FOR CHILDREN 1160 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette AY . The **North Shore' is an ideal home for children--far from the din and smudge of the city. Nestled in the midst of this Fairyland is The Store For Children, with everything to clothe the kiddies, and also to make them glad. Dear Mothers, are you taking advantage of this oppor- tunity, or still trudging over the city, only to find what you might have secured at less cost and effort had you gone right to KIDDIE NOOK? Very choice OVERCOATS are still on sale at such low prices that it would be well to investigate without fur- ther delay. Many new FROCKS, for all occasions, have been received, and they are adorable. We have also received another shipment of those smart SERGE and JERSEY MIDDY and OLIVER TWIST SUITS for boys. THANKSGIVING DECORATIONS are going to be scarce soon. We are also ready for our CHRISTMAS shoppers! aL ode ode odo ode ode ob ode BoB oe Zo oe oe oe BoB obo oe obo oe Be od Be ode Be od deo do dod doko oR RoR RoR eR oR ok ok ob Bol ER GAIRING FINEARTS. PICTURE AND MIRROR FRAMING Complete line of Thanksgiving and Christmas greeting cards. Evanston, Ili. deodeodolobodob dobodopobob dob dob obo obokod 1613 Orrington Ave. ode ode ob ob ole oe ob os of oe oe oe ode ode of od oo ob obo ob ob BoB oR oR oR ORR oR oR oR BR BB RRR RRR I RRR ---.Chandlers --.. of of oe oe of ob oe of ob oko ooo ode de be ok ob RoR BRE o % fountain Sguare « EVAN STON i We are Agents for the : Celebrated Roycroft Ware : MADE BY THE ROYCROFTERS OF EAST AURORA, N. Y. I0IOIOIOX This Line consist of fine gift Ii I articles in hammered metals J I and in leather. Such items as | vases, candle holders, book | Il ends, calendar stands, all kinds : 2 of trays, smokers and desk sets, and many other useful | Il articles. ll Il It Will Pay You to j Inspect This Line m1 o------=10r0r= oor 100 = omd)