ag ou . tS VC TY 10 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOV. 26, 1921 Winnetka Weekly Talk ISSUED SATURDAY OF EACH WEEK by LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette, Ill. 556 Center Street, Winnetka, Ill Telephone .........co0000e Wilmette 1920 Telephone SUBSCRIPTION. ....... $2.00 A YEAR All communications must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach this office by Thursday afternoon to insure appearance in current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. Entered at the postoffice at Winnetka, Illinois. as mail matter of the second class, under the act of March 3, 1878. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1921 Thanksgiving Day The founders of this country be- lieved that God is managing human destiny, and that if faithfully obeyed he would guard and preserve those of his children who ventured across the stormy seas into this unknown wilderness. And even before they had gained a real foothold, and while their future looked most ominous, they appointed a day of thanksgiv- ing to God. Now there is the same danger that our people will forget the God who led the fathers, as that some men who pray with all their hearts while in some dogily peril, will forget God when they recover and life seems smiling. But if this republic is to en- dure and be worth preserving, it must not lose that reliance upon the divine force that heartened our forefathers in their hard struggle. Many nations that forgot God and his laws in the past have gone down into the dust, and nothing is left of their greatness but decaying ruins. The American people in their thoughtless way appoint a holiday of thanksgiving to God, and then use it for football games and sporting life. They mean no harm and they need the relaxation. But it would not hurt them a bit to spend some part of the day in Thanksgiving devations. Most people, no matter how diffi- cult their lot, can see some brighter side of their life for which in common decency they ought to give thanks. And as for the nation, it has abund- ant reason for thankfulness, that it LET US SHOW YOU Angert Wire and Iron Works Phone Englewood 7498 . 6024-32 Grove Avenue CHICAGO passed through a world shaking cat- astrophe with less suffering than other peoples. And the real thanksgiving day is no mere thing of personal feeling but it seeks out the poor and needy and makes them share in the gener- al well being. A thanksbiving ob- servance that does nothing for those who are in doubt whether they have reason for thankfulness, observes the letter rather than the spirt of the oc- casion. Blowing It Elsewhere If the government plan for limita- tion of armament goes through, the treasury watch dogs will have to look out that the money saved by a naval hcliday is not wasted by extravagant expenditures in other directions. There is always a tendency, when the economists in eithre national or local governments succeed in saving money, for the spenders to devise new ways of using it up. So it might be in this case. If the people are relieved from a Rr ---- ------------------. T° CH cJcott M"Undertaker I am now in business for my self, conducting the ONLY establishment in Wilmette. Conscientious undertaking service is my motto. 1124 Central Avenue WILMETTE No longer with the Western Phone Wilmette 654 : part of the trmendous load now car- costly projects. Useful as many of ried, by the Hughes plan of arm-!these ideas might be, the first and ament limitation, they want the money used in reducing the taxes. They do not want it blown in for oN m ~- --- LJ > NI ZT NN WATCH FOR VAN'S MOVES ' AUTO STORAGE About $7.00 per month for Touring Cars. . st hones: maton 3511 most essential proposition now is to get the taxes down to the point where business will not be hampered by them. CONVENIENCE AT MINIMUM EXPENSE FORD Prices Touring: =... Lh. $450.00 Runabout .......... 420.00 Sedan .............. 660.00 Coupelet ........... 595.00 Truck Chassis ..... 390.00 SKOKIE Motor Car Company Authorized FORD Agency 552 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka, Ill. FRANKLIN Sales and Service The car everyone would like to own Gage Motor Sales Co. Phone 5700 1629 Orrington Ave., Evanston CO eel OE O EI OE © EO O EX O EI O Id O EI OX (| BUILDING | Headquarters > All shingles aren't alike--there's just one brand that insures a full dollar's worth of good looks and long wear: Re-Roofind? 'CREO-DIPT y 4 CRE STAINED SHINGLES Building? 30 Colors 17 Grades 16-18-24-Inch They last twice as long as brush-coated shingles or natural wood. They are creosoted < against dry rot, decay, worms and weather. Remodeling ? They save time, muss and expense of staining on the job. Best earth pigment colors--no aniline dyes--no wedge-shaped shingles--no waste. Come in or write for Sample Colors on Wood, and Prices. RT BUILDING =) Hubbard Woods Lumber & Coal Company Scott and Linden Avenues HUBBARD WOODS Telephones: Winnetka 451-452 Eye OI Orr OI Om] OE OI OE OY OY) vi a i IGT UNIVERSAL PORTLAND CImaNT CO. [ Er Oe O ee O Em O EI OE O o ll 0 I | o I