A fr a am WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1921 E fr Classified Advertisements the same advertisement in WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK per line. Boo. per line fo. each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday at 4:00 P. M. Black face type charged double price. Rates for THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, and GLENCOE NEWS, 20c { fie REAL ESTATE SITUATION WANTED--MALE 7 R. FRAME; 2 FIRE PLACES; 4 BED- rooms; garage; $7,500. 7 R. Stucco; combination heat; good lot; small cash payment; $9,500. 6 R. Colonial; east side; hot water heat; sun porch; garage; $12,000. 7 Room Stucco bungalow and garage; tile roof; sun porch; 3 bedrooms; bath and shower; fine east location; $20,000. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513-4th St. Phone Wil. 1304 LTG4-1tc BUILD AND OWN YOUR OWN HOME. 10 people only in Hubbard Woods or Winnetka will be able to avail them- selves of the privilege of selecting their own plans, and building their own home on a cheaper than rent basis. Bona fide proposition en- dorsed by bankers and north shore business men. Address Winnetka Talk D-95. LTG4-1te FOR SALE -- WINNETKA CHOICE site; near Indian Golf Club entrance; 174 Linden Ave. Immediate posses- sion; 9 room stucco house; sun and sleeping porches; large living room; fireplace; 3 bed rooms; combination heat; garage; corner lot 103 by 187; $27,500; owner. Phone Glenoe 590. LTG4-1tc FOR SALE--6 ESTATE HOMES; $5,250 to $11,500; possesion of 1 in 30 days, balance May 1; bringing $50 to $100 rentals; cash or terms by owner ta- king a depression of $500 to $1,000 for immediate sale. Tel. Evan. 1232. LTG4-2tc FOR SALE -- JUST COMPLETED, beautiful 6 room and heated din. ing porch, brick and stucco resi- dence; h. w. heat, 115 Sixth St., Wil- mette. Choice east location. Phone Wil. 1935. LTG4-tfe FOR SALE OR RENT--HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT -- IN GROSS Point. seven room house and lot 293 by 109, with barn and variety or- chard; price $6,000; terms $2,000 cash, balance to suit buyer. Address Lake Shore News D-74. LT5-1tp FOR SALE OR RENT_NEW SEVEN room house, 1624 Walnut Ave. Call during the day. LTG4-1tp CHAUFFEUR; PRIVATE FAMILY; single; white; aged 35; permanent; mechanic; driven 15 years without accident; any car; safety first; will care for home, furnace and garden; best reference. Phone Win. 381. T38-1tp TRUSTWORTHY, RELIABLE COLOR- ed man will take care furnace and do other chores in exchange for room and 1 or 2 meals; refs. Fred Henderson, Phone Wil. 2359. LTG4-1tp RELIABLE LANDSCAPE GARDENER, 5 years experience grading, pruning. trimming; also furnish trees, shrubs, perennials; houseman, by day or hour; best references. Michael Sul- livan, 882 Pine St, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1549. LT48-tfc EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT WILL take care of small set of books even- |' ings; also make up income tax re- turns and other government reports. Address D-89, Lake Shore News, Wil- mette. LTG2-3tp EXPERIENCED WHITE MAN WANTS house cleaning and working around houses; 65¢ per hour. Oliver Hertz- berger. Phone Wil. 2345. LT4-2tp MICKIE SAYS \F YA HAD A VOICE AT COULD BE HEARD FORT MILES, WOULLDNY IT HELP VA YELL FOLKS WHAY YA GOY TO SELL? WELL SIR, AN AD WN OLR PAPER WILL GIVE YA A FORTY MILE Voice" sation between Chicago and Califor- nia resulted in the purchase of a site SKYSCRAPER BOUGHT BY HONE $120,000. Murray Wolbach, who was A long distance telephone conver- in California, wanted the site which was owned by Alfred S. Trude. Mr. & Trude, talking from Chicago, threshed | for another big Chicago skyscraper,' out details and concluded the bargain the deal for the land alone involving | over the wire. WANTED--POSITION AS HOUSEMAN, experienced and competent. Phone Kenilworth 994-R. LTG4-1tp SIT. WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WANTED--BY MAN AND wife in private family; good refer- ences. Phone Boulevard 6150. T38-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS COMIX IN FOR USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Players, Edison Tariking Machines, Sonoras, Brunswicks, Grafonolas, Singer Sewing machines, Washing machines, Ironing machines, Vacuum Cleaners. Easy Payments on all of them. Patterson Brothers, 828 Davis street. Phone Evanston 654. LTG2-4tc FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, piano, fixtures, plumbing, stoves, (anything bought, sold and exchanged. Pony-carts). 808 Oak street. Phone Win. 1212. LTG1-tfc YSIS LLL SLL ALLEL SL IL SSSA LL LIL SLL ALLS SSIS SSSA A FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVELY FURN- ished, hot water heated 7 room house; Hubbard Woods; Dec. 1st to May 1st; $100. Phone Glencoe 166. TG38-1tc MFG. AND STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT--ABOUT 4,500 ft. fine hdt. floor spa., $75; office rooms if de- sired. Phone Evanston 1232. --~-- Hn' © LTG4-2tc FOR SALE--BLUE VELOUR OVER- stuffed davenport; very reasonable. Phone Wil. 1672. 857 Michigan Ave. LTG4-1tc FOR SALE -- IVORY ENAMEL AND cane crib; hair mattress; nursery boxes and high chair. 768 Lincoln Ave. Phone Win. 793, T38-1tc FOR SALE--SIMPLEX IRONING MA- chine; very little used. Phone Win. 1457. T38-1tc FOR RENT--STORES FOR RENT -- TWO BASE. STORES; about 4,500 ft. fl. space; htd.; $75; of- fice rooms if desired. Phone Evan. 1232. LTG4-2tc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--WINNETKA FURNISH- ed; in private family; a small room, near bath; or large room with bath adjoining; board optional; exception- al in every way. Address Win. Talk, D-98. TG38-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOMS; hot and cold water. 629 W. Rail- road avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1080. LT47 tfc FOR RENT--2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; near trans. 462 Prov- ident Ave. Win. T38-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM near transportation. Phone Win. 1657. T38-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOMS near trans. 806 Elm St., Winnetka. LTG4-1te BRASS BED, COMPLETE, $35. 1001 Michigan Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 574. LTG4.1te FOR SALE--TWO UPRIGHT PTANOS; good condition; oak cases; $75 each. Phone Win. 850. LTG4.1te FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- BRAND NEW ALASKA seal fur cap, small man's size; a brand new child's mink choker; one Marmot fur scarf, new; large size Hurson seal coat, sable trimmed: comparatively new; reasonable. Tel. Wil. 2299. LTG4-1tc OF INTEREST TO HOUSEKEEPERS Order Riverside Salted Nuts when entertaining at Christmas or during the holidays. Place your order with Mrs. J. R. Fletcher, Tel. Win. 520-W, or Miss Jessie West, Tel. Win _ 972. T38-1tc FOR SALE--2 OVERCOATS; 1 OFFI- cer's overcoat; 1 dress suit; 1 suit; 2 oak chairs; 1 oak dresser; Perfection oil heater. Phone Wil. 855. LT4-1tc FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--SPACE IN GARAGE, $6.50 per month. 467 Chestnut St. Phone Win. 1245. T38-1tc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED TO RENT--7 OR § ROOM, modern house, centrally located, be- tvveen Evanston and Winnetka. Will pay several months rent in advance. » Immediate possession. Phone Wil. 1233, 631 Wash. Ave. LTG4-1tc : HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; family consists of three adults; one 12 year child; only one to prepare lunch for; pleasant room; wages according to ability. Phone Kenilworth 598. T38-1tc WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework; good home; good wages. Apply 831 Forest Ave., Wil.. or phone Wil. 2211. LTG4-1te WANTED -- DESIRABLE WHITE maid for 2 or 3 weeks over holidays, during absence of regular maid. Tel. Win. 807. LTG4-1tc WANTED--SALESLADIES, 18S YEARS or over. Apply at the National Tea Store, 623 W. Railroad Ave. Wil. LTG4-1tp SITUATION WANTED--FEMALR HOUSEKEEPER--PROTESTANT, RE- fined, educated middle aged woman, capable of entire management in motherless home where maid is kept. Experienced in care and training of children, also handling help. First class references. Telephone Beverly 3295. LTG4-1te 'EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS cooking, sewing and cleaning by day or hour. Phone Win. 533-R. T38-1tc WANTED -- DRESS-MAKING AND remodeling; $4 per day. Phone Win. 1639. T38-1tc WASHING TAKEN HOME: ROUGH dry or wet wash Phone Glencoe 171. White. T33-tfc WANTED--BY EXPERIENCED COOK, | white; position in private familv, Phone Win. 547-M. T38-1tp WHITE WOMAN WOULD LIKE LAUN- dry work 2 days a week. Phone Win. 914-7. T38-1tp WANTED -- WAITRESS OR DAY work. Phone Win. 674-R. T38-2tc WANTED -- AT HOME, LAUNDRY work. Phone Win. 1566. T38-1tc FOR SALE A HESS FURNACE; used only 2 years; cheap. Call Hol- land Furnace Co., Win. 1030. FOR SALE -- 2 BOSTON TERRIERS, male, 3 months old: extra fine pedi- gree; reasonable. Phone Glen. 872. LTG4-1te FOR SALE -- COMPLETE SET OF electric trains; good condition. Tel. Win. 1009. T38-1te FOR SALE--LADY'S SUIT, SIZE 18; good condition; also 5 pairs high shoes, size 3%. Phone Win. 628-7. FOR SALE MAHOGANY CABINET Victrola in excellent condition. Phone Win. 260. T3S8.1tc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE -- PACKARD TWIN SIX sedan, $1,500.00; also Packard Twin Six touring car, $1,00.00; can be seen at 226 Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods, or call Glencoe 793. TG38-1te FOR SALE--1919 OLDSMOBILE SIX cylinder, A-1 mechanically; can be seen at North Shore Garage; price $450.00. LT4-2tc WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfe MISCELLANEOUS PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Fos- ter. Phone Win. 509-7. LTG50-tfe LOST AND FOUND LOST--LARGE WHITE SHEPHERD dog; brown head and black spot on back. "Rover". Reward. Phone Kenilworth 1399. LTG4-1te LOST--GOLD WIRE DENTAL BRACE, Nov. 28th Phone Win. 1225. Reward. T38-1te AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor $1695 F. O. B., FACTORY C. H. BRIGGS Evanston 140 154) Sherman Avenue LLL 7 2 222 27777 7 777707777077 William Salmen CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER N ESTIMATES cheerfullyfurnished on New or Repair Work 964 Spruce St., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1055 YLSSLLLASLSLSSLLSLSLLLS LLL SLA SLLSSSSL SSS LLL SSS SSSA 22 7 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE The Local Telephone Directory The Telephone Company and give notice of any changes or corrections that should be made in their listings COMPANY Goes to Press Soon requested to call In theinterest of good service subscribers are To Milwaukee on the SOLID COMFORT Speeding along on a North Shore Train you are scarcely aware of the momentum, so smoothly do the heavy cars glide over the rails. And at- tentive employes are always on hand to serve you. RELIABILITY The "on time" feature of North Shore Service will prove its value to you when you are in a hurry. You are assured a prompt arrival at your destina- tion, no matter what the hour or weather. Limited trains to Milwaukee leavo Winnetka Every hour from 5:54 a. m. to 12:54 a. m. CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE R. R. Winnetka Ticket Office Elm Street Phone Winnetka 963 North Shore Line|