Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 10 Dec 1921, p. 15

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- WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1921 RR RRR EEE 15 Classified Advertisements ) per line. Boe per line fo. each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday at 4:00 P. M. the same advertisement in THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK and GLENCOE NEWS, 20c Black face type charged double price. Rates for J REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--b» ROOM STUCCO RBUN- galow, with breakfast and sun porch- es, fireplace, bookcases, $8,500. 7 room frame; hot water ht.; 2 porch es; 4 bedrooms; bath; shower; large clothes closets; $11,500. 6 room stucco; modern; hot water ht.; fine location overlooking park; a bar- gain at $12,500. New 7 R. Brick & Stucco; hot water ht.; breakfast porch; 3 bed rooms; bath with built in tub; a good home; WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513-4th St. Phone Wil. 1304 LTG5-1tc WANTED--WINNETKA PRO- perty to sell; have customers waiting. W. J. MOIR Temporary office headquarters, Chi- cago Real Estate Board. Res. 848 Ash street, Winnetka. Phone 276. No Sunday Business. T39-1tc FOR SALE WINNETKA CHOICE site; near Indian Golf Club entrance; 174 Linden Ave.; immediate posses- sion; 9 room stucco house; sun and sleeping porches; large living room; fireplace; 3 bath rooms, combination heat. Garage; corner lot; 123x187. $27,500. Owner. Phone Glencoe 590. LTG5-1tp FOR SALE--6 ESTATE HOMES; $5,250 to $11,500; possesion of 1 in 30 days, balance May 1; bringing $50 to $100 rentals; cash or terms by owner ta- king a depression of $500 to $1,000 for immediate sale. Tel. Evan. 1232. LTGb5.2tc FOR SALE -- JUST COMPLETED, beautiful 6 room and heated din. ing porch, brick and stucco resi- dence; h., w. heat. 115 Sixth St., Wil- mette. Choice east location. Phone Wilmette 1935. LTG5-tfc FOR SALE -- BY OWNER, 7 ROOM dwelling, 777 Foxdale, N. E. Winnet ka; $9,700, $500 cash, discount ac cording to cash paid; immediate pos session; only good until Christmas. E. Vail, 175 W. Jackson, Wab. 3620. LTG5-1tc IN GROSS POINT; seven room house and lot 293 by 109, with barn and variety or- chard; price $6,000; terms $2,000 cash, balance to suit buyer. Address Lake Shore News D-T74. LT5-1te FOR SALE FOR RENT--STORES FOR RENT -- TWO BASE. STORES; about 4,500 ft. fl. space; htd.; $75; of- fice rooms if desired. Phone Evan. 1232. LTG5-2tc FOR RENT--ABOUT 4,500 ft. fine hdt. floor spa., $75; office rooms if de- sired. Phone Evanston 1232. LTG5 2tc FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT--COTTAGE, END OF AS- bury Ave., Hubbard Woods, $20 per month. Call Win. 1419. T39.1tc FOR RENT -- HOUSE; UNFURNISH- ed; Phone Win. 186. Address 887 Ash. TG39-1te FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--3 LARGE FURNISHED bedrooms, one.half block from Cafe WANTED--TWO MARCEL WAVERS and general operators; salary $35 per week and commission; hours 9 to 5:30; apply Wil. beauty shop, bank building. Address 1200 Central Ave. Phone Wil." 79. LTG5-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral house work; no laundry work; experienced; good wages. Address 175 Hazel Ave. LTG5-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE CHAUFFEUR; A PRIVATE FAMILY; single; white; aged 35; permanent; mechanic; driven 15 years without accident; any car; safety first; will care for home, furnace and garden; best reference. Phone Win. 381. T39-tfc WILL DO ALL KINDS OF BRICK work, pointing, repairing fireplaces, new fireplaces, brick floors, etc; work done by myself. Otto Otten, Kenilworth 1307. T39-4tc EXPERIENCED WHITE MAN WANTS house cleaning and working around houses; 65¢c per hour. Oliver Hertz- berger. Phone Wil. 2345. LT4-2tp SITUATION WANTED -- MALE AND FEMALE MAN AND WIFE (WHITE) DESIRE position in private family; good ref- erences. Phone Ravenswood 3170. T39-1te _--_-- FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS OVER $20,000.00 WORTH OF OUR sample stocks of talking machines, pianos, player pianos, vacuum clean- ers, sewing machines, motors, man- gles, and a few records, were dam- aged by water when a fire started in the next store to us. On every article on which we were made an allowance by the insurance adjust. ers we will make discounts of from 5¢ to 383 1-3¢. Our regular guaran- tee goes with every purchase. Easy terms if desired. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis St., Evanston. Phone Ev- anston 654. LTG5-tfc COME IN FOR USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS ' Players, Edison Talking Machines, Sonoras, Brunswicks, Singer Sewing machines, Washing machines, Ironing machines, Vacuum Cleaners. Easy Payments on all of them. Patterson Brothers, 828 Davis street. Phone Evanston 654. LTG2-4tc FOR SALE -- ANTIQUE NAPOLEON double-bed; box-spring; new hair mattress; pedigreed male Boston Terrier, 17 mo.; large doll house be- ing furnished for Christmas. Phone Win. 1158. T39-1tp FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, piano, fixtures, plumbing, lumber, stoves, (anything bought, sold and exchanged. Pony-carts). 808 Oak street... Phone Win. 1212, LTG1-tfe FOR SALE -- AN 88-NOTE PIANO player in excellent condition; 25 rolls included; also music cabinet. Address 859 Elm St. Phone Winn. 1325. LTG5-1tc FOR SALE--54 INCH OAK DINING table, 4 leather seated heavy chairs, two arm chairs, $47.50; splendid con- dition. Phone Winn. 464. LT5-1te FOR SALE--MAHOGANY LIBRARY table, $20; gray painted chiffonier and dresser, $25. Phone Win. 885. LTG5-1te FOR SALE -- SOLID OAK BOOKCASE teria and one block from Northwes-| $2500. 420 Oakdale Ave, Glencoe. tern; also a large heated gasps. Aa Phone Glencoe 778. TG39-1to 97ces 1021 Coniral Ave. Gall Wil. THOR VACUTDM CLEANER WITH 40 LL tachments; good condition; $12. Tel. FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM;| Win. 44. T39-1te housekeeping privileges if desired; near transportaiton. Phone Glencoe FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS 704. TG39-1t¢| PRIVATE RESPONSIBLE WILMETTE FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOMS; resident has over 24% carat diamond hot and cold water. 629 W. Rail- ring, worth $1100.00, for $600. Terms. road avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil Address Lake Shore News D-99. 1080. LT47.tfc LTGb5-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM, | FOR SALE--HUDSON SEAL DOLMAN, suitable for two. 806 Elm St. T39-1tc 40-42; in excellent condition; will : | sell cheap. Address Lake Shore FOR RENT--APARTMENTS i News C.25. LTG5-3te FOR RENT--4 ROOMS AND LARGE| FOR SALE -- NAVY BLUE SERGE sun porch; steam heat; furnished| dress, size 36; also Fairbanks baby or unfurnished; $65 per month. 1706 scale, perfect condition. Phone Win. Elmwood. LTG5-1tp 206. T39-1te 7 ~ 0 INT --F FOR SALF--OHIO VACUUM CLEAN- WANTED TO RENT FLAT er; fine shape, with new set attach- WANTED TO RENT--FOUR OR FIVE ments, $29. Phone Wil. 2345. room flat, or bungalow, unfurnished, LTG5-1tp about Feb. 15th, in Winnetka or Hub- FOR SALE--2 BOSTON TERRIERS. bard Woods. C.28. WANTED TO RENT -- ROOM WANTED Address Weekly Talk T39-1te COMPETENT MAID; small house; small family; best wa- ges and good home. Tel. Wilmette 2289. Address 921 Oakwood Wilmette. WANTED -- 4 housekeeping; avenue, TG39-1tc ROOMS FOR must be reasonable. Winnetka or Hubbard Woods. Ad- dress Winnetka Talk C-27. T39-1tp SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WANTED -- BY NURSE; American; 12 years experience; ca- pable of taking full charge, child; In refined Protestant home; would con- sider companion or nurse for invalid OR 5 or elderly lady; reasonable salary; excellent references. Phone _Wil. 1701. LTG5-1tp RELIABLE COLORED WOMAN would like special Sunday cooking; also day work; reference, if required. Write P. O. Box 234, Evanston. Tel. Evanston 104. LT5-1te EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS cooking, serving and cleaning by day y h Win. 533-R. or hour. Phone T39-1tp ASHING TAKEN HOME; ROUGH WN or wet wsh. Phone Glencoe 171. White. T33-tfc A WHITE WOMAN WOULD LIKE laundry work 2 days a week. Phone Wil. 914-7. Tas ip WANTED -- WAITRESS OR DA work. Phone Win. 674-R. T38-2tc HELP WANTED--FKEMALE male; 3 months old; extra fine pedi- gree; reasonable. Phone Glen. 882. LTG5-1te FOR SALE--LIONEL TRAIN AND tracks, terminals, bridge, ete. $25. Also buffet, $18. Phone Wil. 489. LTG5-1tc WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfc MANUAL TRAINING WORK BENCH; also inexpensive dog, Boston Terrier or Irish Setter. TG39-1te FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES TWO BARGAINS 1920 DODGE TOURING, IN WONDER- ful condition; looks and runs like new. Its equipment consists of Shillo winter enclosure with extra summer curtains, 4 Royal Cord tires and extra bumper, gabriel snubers, locking wheel, and carries Dodge Bros." license guarantee; price $750. Model 90 touring, and of the most popular models, with winter body and summer top; this car is in excep- tionally fine condition; practically a new set of tires; price $425.00. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln avenue. Phone Win. 165 LTG5-1tc FOR SALE--A 1919 BUICK, IN FIRST class condition; cord tires; bumper; spot light; looks like new; reason- able. Address Lake Shore News C- 26. LTG5-3te WANTED -- REFINED YOUNG WO- man to care for six year old child from one to seven P. M. Call Glen- coe 649. » LTGbH-1te FOR SALE--1919 OLDSMOBILE SIX cylinder, A-1 mechanically; can be seen at North Shore Garage; price $450.00. LT4-2tc Grafonolas, | MICKIE SAYS DONY WAIT FER TH OTHER FELLER TO ADVERTISE NER BIZNESS FER WE JEST NATURALLY WONY DO GIT B\LIM NERSELR USED FORD CHASSIS FOR SALE cheap. Skokie Motor Co., 554 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 288. LTG5-1te MISCELLANEOUS CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS REPAIR. ed, replaced and all kinds Electrical household appliances repaired and sold. Robert Adams, Wil. 2345. LTG5-1tp Have you seen those parchment shades on display in Parr"s window ? Something different and unique. Adv.-T39.1tc PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Fos- ter. Phone Win. 509-J. LTG50-tfc WANTED TO RENT--WHEEL CHAIR for short time. Phone Win. 1312. T39.1tc LOST AND FOUND LOST -- FRIDAY, DEC. 2, NEAR COM- munity House, small brown and black male cat. Liberal reward. Phone Win. 818. TG39-1te LOST--BLACK FUR BELT AT WIN- netka Woman's club, Dec. 3. Reward. Phone Win. 32. LT5-1te venien I 1% irg LET US SHOW YOU Angert Wire and Iron Works Phone Englewood 7498 6024-32 Grove Avenue CHICAGO GOVERNOR INDORSES "GIFT GRAIN" DRIVE Commends Farmers Upon Campaign to Supply Food for Starving of Near East Coun- tries Illinois Governor Small has indorsed the campaign to send gift grain and grain products from the farmers of Illinois in conjunction with those of other states to the starving orphans and widows of the Bible lands. In a letter the governor wrote to Frank I. Mann of Gilman, Illinois, the chair- man of the Illinois Agricultural com- mittee of the Near East Relief, he said that the pitiable condition of the women and children of the Near East is such that the grain campaign in this state would meet with success. "The plan of your committee to solicit donations of surplus grain in Illinois to feed these starving people has my hearty approval", wrote Gov- ernor Small. "We, in this country, know little of starvation, and we can- not easily realize what it means to see women and children suffering and dying for want of food. If you can bring this terrible situation in the Near East vividly to the attention of our people, I have no doubt of a ready and generous response by them to your appeal." O. D. Center, formerly member of the College of Agriculture of the University of Illinois and more re- cently the farm adviser with the Mc- Lean County Farm Bureau, has been engaged by the Agricultural commit- tee of the Near East Relief to enlist the interest of the farmers through- out the state in the gift grain cam- paign. "Practically all the elevators will receive and load this grain free", said Mr. Center, "the mills will grind it for less than cost, the railroads will haul it to the seaboard free of all costs, and the Near East Relief which has been incorporated by the United States Congress, will transport and distribute the food. Knowing the farmers of Illinois as I do, I believe that they will give liberally to this cause." Committees are being organized in all counties to conduct the grain cam- paign among farmers while in the towns cash contributions are being solicited. Create $7,500 Fund For Tree Planting Experts Figure that Massachusetts Legacy Will Amount to $250,000 in 90 Years The statement has been made in bank advertisement that if $1 had been placed at compound interest in the year 1 it would have grown by now to a sum larger than all the money in the world. Such a statement must have caught the eye of Alfred V. Lincoln, of Charlestown, Mass. His will provides that $7,500 of his estate must be set aside at compound interest for 90 years or until the year 2011. Then the total will be drawn out to plant many trees in Mr. Lincoln's home town. At 4 per cent compound interest money doubles in 17 years and 246 days. In 90 years, Mr. Lincoln's original $7,500 will amount to about $250,000. Shrewdly invested by truse tees, it may turn into millions. Subscribe For Your Local Paper DRY GOODS SALESMEN FOR OUR CHICAGO SALESROOMS We have openings in our Chicago house for several men from 25 to 35 years of age, who have sold under- wear, or work shirts, or dress shirts or overalls, and who have a general knowledge of that class of merchandise. These positions carry a good starting salary, entail no traveling and will lead the right man to a future far above the average. In reply please state age, nationality, experience, and salary desired. Addre ss Lake Shore News, Wilmette, Box J. E. H. Donse BroTHERNS SEDAN PA - * FX) RB wv HalfaBlock NorthefDepoty CN AS Cog Donse Bromiers MOTOR CARS WM. T. WEHRSTEDT, Prop. 562 Lincoln Ave. @--

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