WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1921 o 7 [TAILLE STS gi [ii y BON) &7 Mrs TTT wl] I init OCI ) | R. AND MRS. C. E. MILLER will give a reception at 9 their home, 7 Indian Hill road, on Monday, December 26, to introduce their daughter, Miss Virginia Miller, who od] has just returned home from Bryn Mawr. . Miller aud her daughter will be Mrs. Robert Bennett and the Assisting Misses Alice Boak, Dorothy Klotz, Mary von Hofsten, Lois Coffin, Virginia Lewis, Marjorie Farwell, Olivia Fentress, Rachel Foster, Margaret Boyden, Harriet Nichols and Marion Holt. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Leonard and Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard 113 Casselberry will be seven o'clock at "Wildacre". at home" on Monday, January 2, from four to oH -- Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliam Cowper Boyden, 725 Pine street, have issued invitations for a reception to be given on Sunday, January 1, to meet Baroness Bistina of Poland. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Olof von Hofsten are giving a dance for their daughters, Miss Frances von Hofsten and Miss Mary von Hofsten, Wednesday evening of next week, at their home, 773 Pros- pect avenue. Mrs. Catherine E. Murphy of 990 Fig street, announces the en- gagement of her daughter, Rose June, to Mr. Frank J. Gagen of Chicago. & The December meeting of the Mac- | Dowell Musical club was held on the afternoon of the twelfth at the home of Mrs. Ewart, 744 Ash street. Mrs. Wampler, pianist, of Evanston, was the assisting guest and delighted the members with her numbers. The following program was given : Current Events in Music. .Mrs. Byron Trio--It Shall Come to Pass........ Steir ae x See ne From Holy City Lift Thine Eyes ........ From Elijah Mesdames Conley, Hansel, Atwood Farewell Sonata--3 movements. ... dpe Peieis «wars inte va ale he ale Beethovlen Farewell--Absence--Return Mrs. Anning Arid from Isaiah... 00% Patten Cry Aloud--Spare Not And a Highway Shall Be There Mrs. Atwood Fantasie Impromptu--C Minor .... $a3iate'd o's ce Ae pa ES ie Chopin Prophet 'Bird... ..... 5 Schumann March: Mignonne ............. Poldini Mrs. Wampler Aria from the Messiah--Behold a Virgin Shall Conceive No Candle Was There............ Fire Was There The Christ Child... .. Peter Cornelius Mrs. Conley Oh! Lovely Peace (From Judas Mac- cabeashs. Joni ha A Handel 'Mesdames Atwood and Cooley A social hour was enjoyed during which refreshments were served. wena Miss Kathleen Arr, assisted by Miss Hedglin and Mrs. Breyfogle of the Winnetka branch, Columbia School of Music, entertained their pupils at an interesting Christmas party and Beethoven program on last Monday afternoon. In opening the program Miss Mary Miller gave an interesting resume of the life of Beethoven, which was followed by various themes and variations written by this com= poser and rendered by the Misses Marion Alschuler, Ruth Weil, Emma Rummler, Katherine Roach, Dorothy Reach, Frances Alschuler, Ruth Ham- burger, Margaret Whipple, Mary Lutz, Elizabeth Sanford, Helen Youn- ker, Hazel Cooley, Bernice Abraham- son, Margot Atkin, Helen MacMor- ran, Barbara Burlingham, Betty Horsman, Helen Bell, Laura Richards, Eleanor Sherman, Lucy Ruby, Dor- othy Dickinson, Mary Marble, Jean Markley, Susan Burlingham and Virginia Wallace. Miss Phyllis Ogan told a group of Christmas stories, and little Diantha Schmid played the accompaniment for her brother, David Schmid, when he rendered the Christmas Hymn, "Silent Night, Holy Night." ~Re- freshments were served. Local alumni are very much inter- ested in the concert which is to be given on Friday evening, December 30, in the ballroom of the Blackstone hotel at eight-thirty o'clock, by the combined Musical Clubs of the Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology, under the auspices of the Technology Club of Chicago. This is the first con- cert to be given by the Technology Musical Clubs in Chicago since the one given on their last western trip in January, 1917. The patronesses for the concert are Mesdames Frank D. Chase, Frederick K. Copeland, Robert S. De Golyer, Samuel M. Felton, Louis A. Ferguson, Samuel D. Flood, Leonard S. Flor- sheim, John M. Frank, Morris L. Greeley, George Bayard Jones, Henry W. Kern, Clifford M. Leonard, Ken- neth Lockett, William H. Merrill, Charles W. Pen Dell, Theodore Rob- inson, Richard E. Schmidt, Howard Van Doren Shaw, John IL. Shortall, Meyer J. Sturm and Daniel A. Tom- linson. fee Mrs. Justus Chancellor of 549 Oak street, will have as her guest over the holidays her brother, W. Grant Hellar, Jr. Mr. Hellar is in his fresh- man year at Yale. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Boddie are back at the Maryland Hotel, Pasa- dena, after a motor trip of two weeks. Their daughter, Judith, from the | Bishop's school, Ia Jolla and son, ! John, who is attending the Harvard Military school, are with them for the holidays. EE Dr .Alice Barlow-Brown has gone to Vienna to study for a month or two in one of the hospitals, before she starts back to the United States, after an absence of nearly two years. The doctor says conditions in Vienna are very deplorable, and that the rich and poor are both suffering terribly. The Americans are the only ones who find cheap living in Vienna. Dr. Brown will return to Serbia to complete her work there before sail- ing for America. ---- Mr. Edward Porter has returned from Morristown, N. J., where he is attending school, to be with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Porter, in Hubbard Woods. Miss Nancy Porter, who is teaching in a rural not returning home for the holidays, and neither is her brother, Elliott Porter, a student at Harvard, who will spend Christmas with friends in Vermont. --f The Suburban Neighborly club will entertain at the Winnetka Woman's |club on New Year's Eve. Too Busy Making Good IY LILLSS LS LSS SSSI SILLS LSS SASS S LISS SS LL SSE S SS SS SSSA SSSA LSS SAA A 7 (7 EE To Do Anything But Wish You 'MERRY CHRISTMAS, Things - MRS. SMITH 819 Oak Street Winnetka 112 LLL LLL EZ 2d 7 dd dd Td ddd did dddd dei school at "St. Ignatius, Montana, is| | | The next meeting of the North Shore Catholic Woman's League will be held on Thursday, January 5, at the Winnetka Woman's club. Alpha Omicron Pi sorority will hold their formal dance at the Win- (netka Woman's club on Saturday evening, January 7. . The Winnetka Young People's Club will give a masquerade party and dance at the Community House gymnasium on New Year's Eve. -- Miss Louisa May Greeley, 655 Maple avenue, is leaving Sunday evening to spend ten days with friends in New York. Mr. Sidney Greeley, who is in business in Framingham, Mass., and Mr. Joseph May Greeley, who is a freshman at Harvard, are both remaining in the east for the holidays. " Mrs. Harry S. McLeod, 915 Elm strect, left last week for Pass Chris- tian, Miss., to spend several months. Mr. McLeod expects to join her later in the winter. Dr. and Mrs. Fred- erick Christopher of Chicago are oc- cupying the McLeod home during their absence, and incidentally, wait- ing for the completion next May of their new home in Winnetka. om i Miss Katherine Kay Strotz arrived Thursday from New York City to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Strotz of Winnetka, who are residing at the Webster hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Strotz have gone to Boston to spend Christmas with Mrs. Strotz's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Perkins. ie On Wednesday evening, the North Shore Dancing party is giving an en- joyable affair at the Woman's club. Big or little, deep or shallow, quickly disappear when ELLO AR A is used in accordance with directions. Marked im- provement in two days' time. PHOEBE JANE 747 Elm Street, WINNETKA Phone Winn tka 822 WILLIAM FOX presen ts WILLIAM FARNUM DRAG HARLAN BY CHARLES ALDEA SELTZER D'RECTED BY Siero EDWARDS | COMMUNITY HOUSE Friday, Dec. 30th January 4-5-6 DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS "The Three Musketeers'. Tickets on sale now. Mrs. Magdalena Baker, 549 Provi-, Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Aiken, Jr, dent avenue, has returned home by and children have returned from New motor from the east, where she "| Orleans; Mrs. Aiken and the chil- dren have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aiken, Sr. tended the wedding of her son, J. Frank Baker, in Brooklyn, N. Y. To all the new customers who have found our new Store A Merry Christmas ULL LLL LLLLLLL LLL LL LLL LLL LT TT TZ EZ ZZ ZT 7777 WINNETKA FRUIT MARKET Pouloplos Brothers 801 Elm St. Winnetka 1371 209 N. Michigan Blvd. CHICAGO- Randolph 3900 "Do Your Christmas Shopping Early' An ideal and greatly appreciated gift for the Houes- keeper is some article for lightening her labor. WE HAVE THESE ARTICLES! THE LAUNDRY TWINS--"EASY WASHER and "HORTON?" Ironer. The "EASY" is a Vacuum, Electric Washer with or without a heater attach- ment. The "HOR- TON" open end, foot-con- trol Iron- er, solves the iron- ing prob- lem quick- ly and easily. M. A. Andrews, resident representative Phone Winnetka 546-R KJ) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) # #9 3) 3) 3) o Best Wishes for a Very Merry Xmas and ahappy and pros- 'perous New Year. Boe / bd John A. Blomdahl 805 Elm Street Winnetka 1108 oA le Te eT Te A Te Te Te A A A RRRRRRRRRLRLDRVDDRDDRDRRRRRR SE ee LL LH LL HH Ho ER