WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1921 _-- I ; = Ii Reilworth Happenings -- "HE wedding of Miss Madeleine Michelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Michelson of Chicago to: Mr. Philip Brooks Maher, son of | Mi. and Mrs. George W. Maher of Kenilworth, took place last Thurs- day afternoon. The marriage service was read at four o'clock in the Church of the Redeemer, Rev. John Henry Hopkins officiating. Following the service there was a reception at the residence | of Mr. and Mrs. Michelson. Miss Beatrice Michelson was her sister's maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Miss Dorothy Michelson Miss Frances Heyworth, Miss Elizabeth Nitze, Miss Madeleine Childs, Miss Harriet Nichols and Miss Rosalind Wright. Little Miss Barbara Stanley was the flewer girl. Mr. Frank Pack- ard served Mr. Maher as best man. The ushers were Mr. Jack Finlay, Mr. Howard Clements, Mr. Archibald Hooker, Mr. Walter Paepke, Mr. Warren Pease, Jr., and Mr. James Bulkley of Detroit. The bride's gown was of white chiffon velvet made with court train and embroidered with brilliants. The tulle veil, edged with rose point lace, was held in place with a rose point lace coronet. The bridal bouquet was of white orchids, roses and gardenia. The maid of honor wore rose em- broidered orchid chiffon velvet. The bridesmaids' gowns were of brocaded chiffon velvet, Miss Dorothy Michel- son and Miss Heyworth wearing | cornflower blue; Miss Nitze and Miss Childs, orchid; Miss Nichols and Miss Wright, rose. All carried Ward roses and lavender sweet peas. Little Miss Stanley wore a white lace frock over blue taffeta and carried a basket of French flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor Jr. have as their guests for the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gerould and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Taylor and daugh- ter, Peggy. Mr. Robert Dyer was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Phelps for over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shattuck en- tertained at dinner Sunday last. Mr. Horatio Chandler spent several days this past week at Grant Park, IIL. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Smith were dinner hosts Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin gave a dance in honor of their daughter, Charlotte, Friday evening. The Sunday school of the Kenil- worth Union church held their an- nual Christmas party last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John V. Rathbone, son Jack, and daughter, Helen, left Thursday for Newton, Ia., to spend New Years. Mrs. Grant Ridgway entertained at luncheon on Tuesday in honor of her daughter, Jane. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Southward gave a dance at their home on Oxford road Thursday last in honor of their daughter, Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stevens gave a dance at the Kenilworth club Thurs- day evening in honor of their daugh- | ters, Elizabeth and Martha. Mr. Roy Jarett who underwent an operation at the Evanston hospital last Friday evening is improving rapidly. " the Motion Picture! The Crowning Triumph of DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in Alexander Dumas' "The Three Musketeers" JANUARY, 4, 5, 6 COMMUNITY HOUSE 4 p. m. and 8 p. m. daily HEH EEE EEEE ESE EE OE ENE EEE EE | HE { } Coal, Chicken Feed Dependable feed for your fowls. corn, oats, Laying Mash, bran, ground feed, oyster shell. Also Hay, Straw, ets., at reasonable prices. Brandl Bros. Dealers in Wood, Building Material HUBBARD WOODS Office and Yard Opposite N. W. Depot. .Mixed chicken feed, Feed Winnetka 128 NH NEE EEE INE EERE EE EW ve 3 ME EEE ESEHNSEEEEREERERB®REB 0, The Evening Bridge club met at the home of Miss Ruth Woodward Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Foresman entertained at dinner Monday last. The Kenilworth with a children's party on Wednesday afternoon and there was a young people's dance in the evening. The Misses Dorothy and Emily Foresman were hostesses at dinner club entertained on Wednesday evening. Miss Hellen Reeves was a dinner | hostess Wednesday evening, and later | took her guests to the Kenilworth club dance. Miss Ruth Woodward was a dinner hostess Monday evening. Clark. Jean, Wednesday preceding the Ken- ilworth club party. Miss Helen Cresap was a dinner hostess Thursday the dance given Stevens. by M CS. -- Judge and Mrs. Walker Everett gave a dinner Wednesday evening for their son, Walker, and their daughter, Caroline. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marx enter- tained at dinner Friday evening in honor of their son, Walter. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway had as their guests over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ellis and son,]i Tommy, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel | Mrs. Walter Marx entertained at luncheon in honor of her daughter, Another interesting engagement is evening preceding - that of Miss Christine Braun and Mr. ' Fdgar | Edward Keil, son of Mr. Matthew Keil of Gross Point. and Mrs. BERGDOLL RIVAL CLAIMS HE IS "SUPER-SLACKER" Jealous of the "honors" bestowed on Grover C. Bergdoll, a man describ- ing himself as P. E. Saylor, Genesee, Idaho, is seeking official recognition of his self-imposed title of "super- slacker of the United States." He has written Gov. Hart, Washington, ask- ing that his name be placed at the top of the slacker list. By moving from city to city and changing his name, the man declares he laughed at the draft. By purchas- ing a soldier's discharge and war medals, he adds, he has enjoyed all the glory of an A. E. F. hero. "You ought to hear me tell the girls about the battles I was in," he writes. Fed- eral agents and American Legion men of the West are searching for him, to bestow additional honors. 7777770700000 562 Lincoln Ave. night" AA Zui Is Your Sedan Window Broken? We install plate glass in auto- mobile windows and wind shields. For several years many of the North Shore car owners have used our "Leave your car in the morning, call for it at The work service. done in an expert way. Prices are way down Complete Service For The Motorist HalfaBlock NorthefDepofy B.< Cori pT | I DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS WM. T. WEHRSTEDT, Prop. Phone 165 Ipmmiizizizzzizz;z:;z 18 WINNETKA, ILL. 00% "Service With A Smile' ¢ For 1922 we wish our friends and patrons all their desires granted-- good health--prosperity and everything that goes to make a HAPPY NEW YEAR. HUBBARD WOODDS GARAGE North Avenue and Center Street HUBBARD WOODS WINNETKA 617 A... hs Ak Ue Ree te ------