Social Happenings Messrs. Joseph Greeley and Town- send Copeland are acting as council lors at the Kinney camp on Chambers Island in Green Bay, this summer. --p-- Miss Virginia De Lay has returned to her home at 878 Oak St., from the Evanston hospital, having recovered from a siege of scarlet fever. --_---- Miss Elizabeth Taiser left last eve- ning to spend the week-end with the Gonsalves family at their summep home on Three [.akes, Wis. ---0-- Mr. George F. Gonsalves returned Wednesday from a short stay with his family who are summering at Three Lakes, Wis. ---- Dr. Rosanna N. McKenney of Wilkes- barre, Pa., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. McKenney of 752 Fox- dale avenue. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Russell G. Flood and family of 576 Hawthorn lane, have Just returned from a motor trip to Ephriam, Wis. : ---- Mr. S. F. McKenney, 752 Foxdale avenue, returned Tuesday from a visit with his son, Brother Luke, O. P., at Springfield, Kentucky. baad § od Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Erickson and family, have returned to their home at 565 Hawthorne lane, after an extend- ed motor trip around Lake Michigan. ---- Mr. Milton J. Timberlake, 415 Maple avenue, is leaving today for Jackson, Mich., to join bis brother and two sis- ters at St. Charles [.ake. ------ Mrs. C. S. Hancock, 153 Bertling lane, and children, are spending the summer at their cottage, "Lake View," at Clear Lake, Buchanan, Mich. Dr. and Mrs. II. C. Ballenger, 1340 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK -- Bia------------------ a ------ , SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1922 Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Orwig and son, Raymond, arc on a two weeks' motor tour through northern Mich- igan. ---- Mr. Frank D. Fulton, 864 Hill road, is in the east on business this week, stopping in New York, Washington and Boston. --0-- Mrs. Marion Casier, church assist- ant to Rev. J. Austin Richards, has gone to New York city. --( Mr. and Mrs. William Dale, 519 Ash street, have as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Prest of I.os Angeles, Cal. --_--0-- Frank Pavlik, Jr., has gone into the wilds of Kentucky and Tennessee for a short trip. ee (ren Mrs. Frank E. Brown of New York city, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Merritt Lum, 672 Lincoln avenue. ------ Mrs. Clarence Lathrop and Miss Hazel Lathrop, 826 Humboldt avenue, spent last week in Milwaukee. --_------ Mrs. Frank A. Crawford and sons are spending the summer on Long Island, N. Y. --_--0-- Mrs. Howard Hoyt is spending this week-end with Mrs. James Weart at Oconomowoc, Wis. Kenilworth Happenings Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone enter tained twenty guests at bridge Friday weeks. the Evening Bridge Club on Wednes- day. Cresaps, Bentley McClouds and the C. G. Littells spent the week end at the Lake Geneva Country Club. ---- Miss Betty Jane Bright is visiting her aunt in Terre Haute Indiana. Frederick Bright has gone to the Y. M. C. A. Camp at Manitowish. wn (re Francis Allen returned on Saturday from a three weeks business trip for Hart, Schaffner & Marx. ----(-- Mrs. Haynes of the Kenilworth Inn entertained the Bridge Club at luncheon on Tuesday. --(-- Ea. | FH HEMSTITCHING In Gold, Silver, Irish Point, Picoting, Etc. Also Buttons Covere Pleating, Machine Scallop and Hand Embroidery. High Class Work. Transfer Embroidery Patterns for Societies, Church Emblems and General Work. Quick, Personal Service. AM. CARY Phone Wilmette 2354 CLOSED 1 P. M. SATURDAYS During July and August 1131 Greenleaf Ave. open 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. open Mondays to 8 P. M. Near Wilmette Avenue Electric Station Mrs. Joseph Joyce entertained at luncheon and Bridge at the North Shore Golf Club on Wednesday. Mrs. Hugh T. Foresman entertain- ed the Bridge Club at luncheon on Monday. --(---- Mrs Collin Tennant and son left Tuesday for Estes Park. en (ee Mrs. John Rathbone and daughter, Helen, are visiting in California. : a Mrs. Modie Spiegel has returned from a motor trip with friends to Charlevoix. | Mr. and Mrs. Alex Newton and som have gone to Roaring Brook for six (ome Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ellis entertained afternoon, in honor of Mrs. J. Bruce Howard of New York, who is visiting her, and her two sisters, the Misses Edith and Mabel Harmon of Mile waukee. a § a Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone is give ing a musical at her home on Satur day evening in honor of her guests, Mrs. J. Bruce Howard of New York and her two sisters, the Misses Edith and Mabel Harmon of Milwaukee. Asbury avenue, have gone to Cali- fornia for a several weeks' trip. Gs The Hugh T. Foresman, Mark Interior Decorating Paper Hanging Exterior Painting Oscar A. Anderson WINNETKA 1015 Oak Street Phone 1472 You've Noticed Yourself that any business seems to run a little smoother, and a little more efficient when the "boss" is look- ing on at all times. We've got the very finest bunch of men working for us that you could find in the state, but we still maintain that the personal supervision of Mr. Scully, the owner, is to some extent respon- sible for the efficient transfer ser- vice that we are giving. ki | Hil i" Hi i I ti tit { | | : 0 A A Phone pr SG PROUTY ANNEX \ Winnetka 232 SEN TRACE EXPRESSING &'MOVING PHONE WINNETKA 110 LU HARRY PORTER Furniture Moving Expressing Shipping and Packing SPECIAL TRIPS to CITY MOTOR SERVICE 845 SPRUCE ST., WINNETKA IV selecting a cement," says a prominent engineering authority, "the reputation gained by years of successful use is of greater value than the results of a few experiments." Mar- quette Cement has givensatisfac- tion for more than thirty years. Marquette Cement Manufacturing Co. Marquette Building, Chicago Local Distributors ~ Winnetka Coal-Lumber Co. WINNETKA , ILL. Welch's Cafeteria Wilmette -- After a hot sultry day--how nice it is to drive through the cool of ear for dinner. Good Food Good Service Reasonable Prices Dine Today the Cafeteria Way ly evening to Welch's 1559 Sherman PALACE Cash Meat Market Evanston Illinois If you can get good{meats from us it's useless to try elsewhere Native Rib Roast of Beef, I. oo... Tm. Ja 32 Fancy Leg of Lamb, Ib. 35¢ Shoulder of Veal Roast, be soni... 000... 0 22 Very Best Plate Corned Beef, Ib... 5... .. 10c Choice Pot Roast . . . .. 15V5¢ Fresh Flank Steak. .....25c Fresh Brookfield Butter 45c¢ Fresh Dressed Boiling Chickens ..........25V4¢ Fancy Roasting Chickens, Wir. sus... ce ...39Y%¢ Fresh Calves Sweet Breads 65¢c Saturday SPECIAL Pork Tenderloin 55¢ Ib. Very Best Sirloin Steak, 1b wie din din IN. Afe Very Best Porterhouse steak, 1b. be nie veins iB0C Genuine 1922 Fresh Dressed BROILERS Very Best Rib Lamb Chops, 1b. ...... wy 400 Peacock Bacon, whole slab, Ro. 23.05. SE TS rgd 35¢ iid Best Round Steak, Oe vege. nie MEARE CI CRS OO 05 Jc HEADQUARTERS for HOME DRESSED CHICKENS