12 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1922 Winnetka Weekly Talk often polluted by sewage in a way that excites no alarm in the care- ISSUED SATURDAY OF EACH WEEK | less visitor. There would be a by better report from th al - LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY i > duri : £hs th i 1222 Central Ave, Wilmette, Ill. |Partimen uring the late weeks of summer and through the au- tumn were there a little more discretion exercised by those who SUBSCRIPTION. ........ $2.00 A YEAR spend the summer away from I] Comat mame mane. | their city homes, In nvestigating fompanied by the yame snd address of health conditions with the same @ writer. rticles or pu cation | - : : oo should reach the editor by Wednesday |1Nnterest that is given to considera- noon to insure appearance in current |tion of the opportunity for plea- issue. ' sure and sport. --l- pe ANOTHER STRAW Progressives are rejoicing over the defeat cf Senator McCumber Entered at the postoffice at Winnet- | 111 the North Dakota primaries. ka, Illinois, as mail matter of the sec- Rdpublicans of the old guard are nd class, under the act of March 3, : C1 an not sorrowing. Apparently.noth- ---- ing that the veteran senator has _ SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1922 done 1n his public life has, in the THE VACATION'S minds of his constituency and his | colleagues, so become him as the AFTERMATH leaving oft: Summer epidemics of typhoid| There are gratifying signs of a are beginning to be reported in | healthful state of affairs withi: the news, an ailment that is an at-| the Republican party, signs that that reform for which the Prog- - ressives stood ten years ago is be- almost as certainly as the sea- ing undertaken by the members sun comes. The passion that pos- [of the party itself and is to pro- sesses the person, whose life and [ceed from within outward, the work .lie in the city, to get into Only effective way in which to the coltatry To the weeks that] 22%. the standards of any group, y . "political or otherwise. are granted for rest and recreation rrp A pee is too overruling for time and| In the matter of the smug- thought to be taken to consider |gling of alcoholic drinks into the the sanitary conditions about the |Ountry from the Bahamas and place where the vacation is to be spent. The picnic party uses the water from the well, discov- Telephone ....civveve rics Winnetka 38§ Telephone .............. Wilmette 1920 Resolutions of condolence, cards or thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. tendant of the vacation period, ered by chance, or even from the bubbling brook, forgetful that clear, sparkling water may be filled with the deadliest sort of THEATRE Evanston, - - - - IIL 615 Davis St., Ev:nstoa Phone 4903 MATINEES 2 & 4 EVENINGS 7 &9 EA ---------------------------- Bermuda, the United States finds itself somewhat in the same posi- tion as China when, more than a half century ago, England forced her at the point of the bayonet to submit to the opium traffic. It is a great blot on the good name of a nation that it should debauch another nation that its own cof- fers may be filled. Our own record in allowing the liquor traffic to be carried into Africa is not something in which we can take pride, though perhaps we are not directly responsible in a gov- ernmental way. It is too much to hope that we shall not be made in some way to suffer for our sins, whether of omission or of commission. PAIGE JEWETT SOLD AND SERVICED By TRACY HOLMES MOTOR CO. 1027 Davis St. NEXT WEEK Monday « Tuesday Aug. 14-15 EUGENE O'BRIEN "JOHN SMITH" Considered his best picture Wednesday - Thursday Aug, 16-17 "T00 MUCH BUSINESS" with Tully Marshall, Ethel Grey Terry and Edward Horton. A comedy of bus- iness, children and adventure based on germs, and is surprised and shocked when some member of the gay crowd develops disease that brings weeks and months of suffering and loss. Advertising copy concerning the resort which seeks to attract the summ =: visitor is copiously filled with description of scenery, the character of the fishing and the number and kinds of recrea- en an a oh to be found. But there is too Eo Dp ims Sohudy ivi Pos often a complete silence concern- Sex." Mr. Biggers is the author of ing such important features as "The Ruling Passion," Geo. Arliss' great water supply and sanitary con- --h ditions generally, which are, or Cs HE; should be, after all, the great Flower of the North questions to be determined in the With Terny B. Walthall and Pauline choice of a place to go for the Starke. A thrilling story of the Cana- play time alloted from business. dian Northwest in summer time. In the city the water and the Saturday : Aug, 19 milk supply receive constant at- "Free Air"' tention from the health depart- ment. It is in the country, where there is "pure country milk," that danger lies, where the water is From the Saturday Evening Post story by Sin- clair Lewis, author of "Main Street." An automobile story. Most of the action occurs in Glacier National Park. Save Time and Money The modern business man knows that time can be saved by the use of the long-distance telephone. He does not, however, always realize the great and direct advantage of the personal touch which only the telephone can put into business which has to be done at a distance. Itis possible from the telephone on your desk to reach any one of more than 13,400,000 tele- phones in the United States and Canada. It will pay you to use the service regularly and not merely in emergencies. Getacquainted with the money and time saving features of our "station-to-station" service ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY ra 4 rr nN EN ee SCAT SS iy 'Nippersink Calls --to those of discriminating taste who want sum- by mer homes amid surroundings that offer opportuni- NN ties for the fullest measure of recreation and comfort. N Nippersink Residential Park is distinctly out of the <<summer resort" class. It is an ideal location for the better class of cottages--where you have assurance that your neighbors will be the right kind of people. Located in the Southern Wisconsin Lakes region, on Lakes Tombeau and Benedict, eight miles southeast from Lake Geneva. Delightfully located beautiful wooded lots as low as $500. Splendid 18 hole golf course, club house and dining hall adjacent to the property. A cottage colony--all new from the ground up --is now available for vacations, at reasonable frates. Cottage reservations can be made now for your vacation requirements. Do not pass by the chance to inspect this property if you want a better-than-usual-location for a summer home. Write or phone us for complete details. IPPERSINK. LODGE ASSOCIATION GENOA JUNCTION, WISCONSIN The entrance to Nippersink, Lodge is 1% miles West of Twin Lakes, and 1 mile north and 2 miles east of Genoa Junction, both on the C. & N, WW. R. R. Chicago Office: 201 East Ontario St. Phone Superior 8552 for Northern You're bound to have a good time in Upper Michigan--the land of lakes and woods within comfortable distance"of home---and a really enjoyable trip via speedy electric trains and big, modern steamships. Daily Service by Way of Milwaukee Take a comfortable North Shore train to Milwaukee. Daily connections there with Pere Marquette Steamers Michigan Ludington, Hamlin Lake, Manistee, Onekama, and Portage Lake. Baggage checked clear through--no rechecking necessary. North Shore Line Limited Trains for Milwaukee leave Winnetka every hour from 5:54 a. m. to 12:54 a. m. All Trains Daylight Saving Time. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. Winnetka Ticket Office, Elm Street Phone Winnetka 963