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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 12 Aug 1922, p. 16

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ON §5 WANT ADS WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1922 FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR RENT--ROOMS SITUATION WANTED--MALE FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--6-ROOM, 2-STORY RESI- dence; glazed living and sleep. porches, garage, playhouse. Bargain for quick sale. Address Winnetka Talk A443. T22-1te Rates--10c per line for each in- sertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday at 12 p.m. Rates for the same ad- vertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face Type Charged Dou- ple Price. REAL ESTATE A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Phn. Wil. 640 4-R. cottage, splendid condition, beau. lot, extreme KE. loc. only $8500. Att. 6-R. house, slp. pch, E. loc. conve- nient transportation, excellent cond. snap, $12,500. : Substantial 6-R. stucco house, adjacent to lake, 2-c. garage, massive trees, beau. lot, W. heat, $19,500. LTG40-1tc Do not fail to see most att. 8-R. new stucco, exclusive sect. lge. liv. room, beau. lot. W. heat, $19,500. LTG40-1tc WILL BUILD YOU HOME FOR CASH or monthly payments. CHARLES H. BRETHOLD Loans, Fire, Liability, Theft and Auto Insurance, First and Second Mortgages. 645 W. Railroad Ave. Tel. Wil. 65. LTG36-tfc EXCLUSIVE HOMES IN GLENCOE--NEW SOLID BRICK Colonial. 8 rms.; 2 tile baths, 2d fl; gl. and htd. sun and slp. pchs.; large attic convertible into more rooms; htd. gar.; finely wooded lot 105x165; h. w. ht.; inst. h. w. heater; $28,000 if bought quickly. Make offer. IN WILMETTE--ARTISTIC ASHLAND Av. home. 9 rms. 2 tile baths; gl. sun and slp. pchs. and large screened open pch.; h. w. ht. efficient piped vacuum system; garage; beautiful, deep, wooded and shrubbed lot. $27,000 if bought this week. Make offer. W. J. MOIR, EXCLUSIVE AGENT 656 Center St., Winnetka. Phone Win. 254 LTG40-1tc M. L. MOODY & CO. 511 Fourth St. Wil. 2248 Modern, very attractive ideal location; 9-rm. Brick, glass por. and gar. Most complete in all details. Brand new Fr. glazed and screen por.; 3 bedrooms, h. w. ht. $17,500. §-r. St. brand new, porches, fine loca- tion. $11,000. : 6-r. just completed, good sized lot, good high location. Cash $1,000--$9,500. f-r. bung., large wooded lot, near sta- tion; must sell soon on $7,500. Choice vacant wooded lot near lake; a good buy for $105. We have a large quantity of vacant rang- ing from $12 per ft. up. LTG40-1tc WANTED--LISTINGS OF PROPERTY in Winnetka, Hubbard Woods, Glencoe and Highland Park. A. R. Eddington & Co., 112, Wilmette Ave., Wilmette. Ph. Wil. 640. TG18-tfc FOR SALE--HUBL, RD WDS.,, SPLEN- did location near aggot and school, at- tractive 5-room home, 2 large porches, h. w. heat; garage; $11,000. FRANK A. REID 933 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods. Ph. Winn. 1300; or 82 W., Washington St., Chicago, Tel. Central 5309. TG22-1tc SCHAEFER & GOLBACH Investments, Insurance Real Estate 434 Wilmette 1038 See us for acre tracts in New Trier Township LTG40-tfc A HOMEY HOME IN NORTH EVANSTON 2617 Hartzell St. Worth $14,000; can be bought now for $11,000; 7 rms.; beauti- fully wooded lot; choicest neighborhood. Must see inside to appreciate plan and ¢onstruction. W. J. MOIR, EXCLUSIVE AGENT 556 Center St., Winnetka. Ph. Win. 254. LTG40-1tc WINNETKA Bungalow, 3 rooms, one bath, fire place, wooded lot 50x187. A snap, $45,000. JOHN F. HAHN CO. 1619 Sherman Ave. Tel. Evans. 2382 LTG40-1te WANTED--LISTINGS OF PROPERTY in Wilmette, Winnetka, Kenilworth, Hubbard Woods, Glencoe and Highland Park. G. B. Bartlett, manager, Lake Shore Realty Co., 220 So. State St., Suite 1716, Chicago, Ill. Tel. Wabash 9180. LTG40-2tc FOR SALE--HUBBARD WOODS, OPPO- site small park, very attractive bunga- low on large grounds. For quick cash sale $7,500. Also lot in Winnetka 50x177 ft. $1,850. Inquire' 877 Elm St. Ph. Winnetka 1689. TG22-1tc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED, FOR six months, from Nov. 1, or unfurn. for one year, house with 2 to 4 bedrms. Garage. Mrs. W. Dow Harvey. Tel Win. 184. T22-1tc WANTED TO RENT--SMALL FURN. 'apt., Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka. Oct. or Nov. 1. Address Lake Shore News B-T79. LT40-1tc WANTED TO RENT--SMALL FUR- nished or unfurnished house. Adult family; best of references. Tel. Winn. 1520. T22-1te WANTED TO RENT--SMALL HOUSE or flat, no children, by the first of Sept. Tel. Winn. 456. LT39-tfo WANTED--SIX OR SEVEN-ROOM HSE. with a two or three year lease. B-78. LTG40-1tc FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT--6-ROOM HOUSE, FROM October. Year or longer, furnished ori unfurnished if desired. 3 blocks from Northwestern R. R. H. W. heat, porch in front and back. 839 Ash St., Tel Winn. 1028. LTG40-1tp FOR RENT -- FURNISHED 7-ROOM house, 2 baths, garage, two blocks west of Sheridan Rd., one block to gram- mar school, 3 blocks to High School, Sept. 1st to May 1st, $200. Address Weekly Talk B-77. T22-1te FOR SALE--NEW 6-RM. HOUSE WITH sun parlor; 2 complete built-in baths; hot water heated. Foxdale Ave., $13- 500. Tel. Winn. 1782. T19-tfc FOR SALE--VACANT FOR SALE--4 LOTS, 75x300 EACH, ON Wilmette Ave., Gross Point, 15 min. walk to depot. $13.50 per front foot. Tel. Wil. 715-W, LTG27-tfe WANTED TO BUY--VACANT WANTED TO BUY--QUICKLY, RESI- dence lot in Winnetka or Glencoe, 50 to 75 foot frontage, near transportation. Phone Winnetka 1591. TG22-1te GARAGES FOR SALE GARAGES FOR SALE--ANY SIZE OR kind that you want. We furnish best quality at lowest prices and can give occupancy in twenty-four hours. It will pay you to see us before you buy and to examine one of our garages that are up and in service. Cairo Wood Prod- ucts Co., 1230 Leon Place, Evanston, Ill. ; Phone Evanston 7614. LTG40-4tc FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--GARAGE, $10 PER MO. 490 Hawthorne Lane, Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 766. T22-1te FOR RENT--LARGE, LIGHT GARAGE, $10 per month. Tel. Winn. 889. T18-tfc WANTED TO RENT--GARAGE WANTED TO RENT--GARAGE, NEAR Winnetka Heights, for 7-passenger Buick. Tel. Winn. 1744. T22-1te FOR RENT--TWO NICELY nished bed rooms, suit single person or married couple, near transportation; reasonable. Breakfast if desired. Tel. Glencoe 976. ate family, near transportation. Tel. Winn. 1541. FOR RENT -- LARGE front bed room, 564 Center St., Win- netka. $5 a week; Northwestern depot. Wil. 935-M. LTG40-1tc FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVELY FUR- nished large light room and bath, priv- LTG40-1tc | FURNACE FURNISHED half block from LT40-1tc | GOOD ALL AROUND MAN FOR RENT -- WELL FURNISHED rooms with hot and cold water. Tel. LT40-1tc FUR- | WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man experienced and competent . M. J. Sul- livan, Mgr., 882 Pine Street, Winnetka. Tel. Win. 1549. LTG24-tfc CLEANING, GUTTERS, spouting and jobbing; best of work; satisfaction guaranteed. Ed Price, 220 Nanzig Ave., Wilmette. LT40-2tp WANTS several heating plants to take care of for steady employment. S. F. Useek, general delivery, Winnetka, Ill. Tel. Winn. 265. T22-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM, PRIV- | FURNACE REPAIRING AND CLEAN- ate family, gentleman pref. Tel. Winn. 1686. T22-tfe VACANCIES AUG. 19 AND SEPT. 1. Also room with bath for six weeks. Kenilworth Inn. T-- ing. Tel. Evanston 919. T22-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSE SOLD--FURNISH- INGS IN WINNETKA , RESIDENCE; ORIENTAL RUGS, WINDOW DRAPES, CHINA, GLASSWARE, BEDS AND BEDDING, DAVENPORT AND VICTROLA. NO DEALERS. 708 PROSPECT AVE. TELEPHONE WINNETKA 1503. T22-1tc FOR SALE--THREE QUARTER BRASS bed and springs, $8. Hair mattress, $10. Mahogany hand-carved rocker, electric copper perculator. 821 Fox- dale Ave., Winn. T22-1tc FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, cart, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and ex- changed. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212. LTG35-tfe FOR SALE--COPPER WASHING MA- chine, swinging wringer, good condi- tion. $60. Tel. Winn. 44, LTG40-1tc HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--COMPETENT WHITE GIRL for general housework; small family. Small house, near "L' station. Tel. FOR RENT--ROOM, GENTLEMAN PRE- 'Wil. 1475, or call 700 Laurel Ave. ferred. Tel. Winn. 513-W. 22-1te LTG40-1te FOR RENT--LARGE, FURN. ROOM. | WANTED--FOR COOKING AND DOWN 784 Elm St. Ph. Winn. 1719. T22-1tc stairs work, capable person in family HELP WANTED--MALE of three, good wages to experienced party. 791 Bryant Ave. Tel. Winn. 1658. T22-1tc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED PORTER | (FANTED--W HITE GIRL BY THE DAY. for restaurant, North Shore Cafe, 633 W. R. R. Ave. Phone Wilmette 34. general house work, 2 adults and one infant. Call 231 10th St., after 6:30 in LTG39-1tc | the evening. LTG40-1tc WANTED--MAN WITH €AR TO SELL | WANTED -- COOK, PROTESTANT, best low-priced Cord Tires made. $100 per week and expenses. Graham Tire Co., 791 Canal, Benton Harbor, Mich. family of 3 adults, good wages, refer- ences required. Scandinavian preferr- ed. Tel. Winn. 414. T22-1te T22-1tp | WANTED--GIRI, . FOR GEN. HOUSE- FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES to you at cost. Dodge Roadster, 1920. 1921 Gardner Touring. 1918 Oakland Touring. 1918 Saxon Touring. Special built Ford Speedster. Ford Delivery truck, panel body. BARGAINS IN USED CARS These cars have been taken in during the past few days on new Lexington and Gardner sales. Therefore, we can afford to sell them 7-Passenger Hudson Sedan in good condition. 1922 Dodge Touring, practically new. 1920 Chandler Sport--four passenger, overhauled and repainted. 1920 Lexington, rebuilt and repainted; guaranteed. LEXINGTON CHICAGO CO. 1008 Davis St. Telephone Evanston 6975. LTG40-tfc work, between 30 and 40 yrs. old. 4 in family. Wil. 2209-1117 Ashland. LT40-1tc WANTED -- MAID OR ELDERLY woman for general housework; good cook; no laundry. Tel. Wilmette 1873. T22-1tc WANTED--MAID FOR SECOND WORK; good home. Pleasant surroundings. Ph. Winnetka 243. LTG40-1te WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN, GENER- al housework; good home and wages. Tel. Wil. 2357. LTG40-1tc WANTED -- EXPER. LAUNDRESS, white woman preferred. 4 in family. Tel Winnetka 682. T22-1tp SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SIT. WANTED--HIGH-CLASS DRESS- making, $6 a day. 411 Jefferson Ave., Glencoe. Tel. Glen. 814, Katherine Jones. TG22-1tp WANTED--LAUNDRY WORK TO DO at home by first-class colored laun- dress. Tel. Glen. 987. LTG40-1tc NURSE WILL CARE FOR AGED IN her own home. Tel. Glen. 430. LT39-2te NEAT COLORED WOMAN WANTS plain sewing by the hour. Tel. Winn. 978, Hattie Rapier. T22-1te NURSERY GOVERNESS. 12 YRS. EX- perience; full chg. Winnetka 1042. TG22-1tp SIT. WANTED--CARE OF CHILDREN or light house work by the hour. Tel. Winn. 911. T22-tfe WASHING TAKEN HOME. WASHING and ironing. Tel. Glen. 171. T12-tfc MISCELLANEOUS LOOK YOUR BEST Cadillac Motor Car Co. Evanston Branch Sales and Service 1820 Ridge Avenue Open evenings Tel. Ev. 4841 CADILLAC, TYPE 59-- Victoria. This is our popular Coupe Model that seats four comforta- bly. It has been rebuilt and re- painted a beautiful dust proof gray. The lamps and radiator are nickel plated. The five tires are all good. This car has not been run 9,000 miles and carries our ninety day guarantee. Our price for this car is $2800.00. 1920 WILLYS-KNIGHT 5 passenger sedan. In very good condition throughout. Equipped with 4 practically new cord tires. Anyone desiring an economical car to run and one that will give most satisfactory service should buy this car. Real bargain at $1,150. MITCHELL, 1920 5-pass. sedan, in excellent condi- tion throughout, all new U. S. Royal cord tires, bumper and stop light. This car is a bargain at our price, $900. LTG40-1tc USED CARS Ford Sedan--1921 TIRES GOOD, UPHOLSTERING GOOD, has demountable rims, wheel lock, speedometer, clock, bumpers, spot light, gasoline gauge, accelerator, service brake on rear wheels and other extras. This car is in good condition and ready | to start for anywhere. 6-30 or 35-A Chalmers 5-passenger touring, just out of the paint shop; finished in a beautiful maroon with a gold stripe. This car has been gone over thoroughly, new light weight cast iron pistons and piston rings insul- ated, rear end overhauled and connect- ing rods taken up. It looks and run like a new car. Buick Cabriolet D-45 Three-passenger upholstered in leather. Tires and body good. Mechanically in good condition. Willys Knight-1919--88-8 This is a seven-pass. touring car; has only been driven 13,000 miles. Is mechanic- ally perfect; has five wire wheels. This is an exceptional buy. Overland Tour 83-B This car is equipped with five good tires. The engine and rear end are in good shape. A bargain at our price. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winnetka 165 LTG40-1tc FOR SALE--FORD TOUR. CAR, LATE model, perf. run. cond., all new tires, tire carrier, spare tire and cover, elec. starter, demount. rims, foot accelera- tor, cut out, large wheel and lock, oth- er extras. Looks like new. Best cash offer takes it. 457 Ash street. LT40-1tp BEFORE YOU BUY A USED CAR SEE THE NEW GARDNER GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR $895 LEXINGTON CHICAGO CO 1008 Davis St. EVANSTON LTG37-t SHAMPOO, MANICURE AND MARCELL $3.00 at your home, For appointment tel. Seeley 1134. LTG40-2tp MACHINE AND HAND HEMSTITCHING done to order; reasonable prices. Call Glen. 616. 336 Washington Ave., Glen. Mrs. L. Dillard. LTG40-2tp FOR SALE--FOUR PIECE REED SET. Call 234 Franklin Rd., Winn. TG22-1te WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189, LTG17-tfc WANTED--BABY STROLLER IN GOOD condition. Tel. Winn. 1492. T22-1tc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--KIDDIE COOP, COMPLETE with mattress and canvas cover, oriole mahogany hall console, chaise longue. 84 Abbotsford Rd. Tel. Kenil. 2190. T22-1tp FOR SALE--AMERICAN IDEAL BOIL- er rating 750 feet, with 450 feet of radi- ation, valves, piping and covering com- plete. Tel. Winn. 1030. LTG39-2te FOR SALE--2 USED WARM AIR FUR- naces. Call Holland Furnace Co. Ph. Winn. 1030, LTG39-1tc FOR SALE--SADDLE HORSE, GENTLE, easy riding, 6 years old, gaited. Will sacrifice. Tel. Winn. 941. 320 Linden Avenue. LTG40-1tc FOR SALE--CHEAP, 225 AMPERES storage battery just rebuilt, new sepa- rators. Tel. Wil. 67. LTG40-1tc FOR SALE--USED FURNACE, GOOD condition. Tel. Winn. 1686, T22-tfc HEAP INDIAN SPRINGS Colorado has upwards of 1,000 cur- ative springs, equalling the celebrated Spas in Europe, according to such authorities as Solly, "equal the waters of Ems and are superior to Nauheim and Spa." Steamboat Springs is re- puted to contain the largest and most varied group in the world, having 150 springs with ninety-nine different Finds of water, known to the In- ians. The Smertesta d WeDo. roasen omen in have thor re Sport and Week End Skirts Made at THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP HMada with ans "Made with your own material" SUITE 1418 STEVENS BUILDING Randolph 3219 CHICAGO 16 N. Wabash 17 N. State Call Rogers Park 7574. HAVE BEAUTIFUL AUTO AS FIRST payment on small home near transp. LTG40-1tc PIANOS TUNED paired; expert; best references. Foster Phone Win. 509-J. Patronize the Winnetka Talk Advertisers PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- LTG15-tfc or accountant Office Help--Always in Demand Four calls last week, though it is the vaca- tion period. No matter what the condition of business, the efficient stenographer, secretary, good pay. New term September 1. EVANSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 634 Davis Street is assured of a situation and are the FORD SE in any other car, M. P. LOUEN Sales Mgr. Phone Evanston 4884 "For Country Driving' On your next trip over country roads, make it a point to verify this fact. DAN and FORD COUPE. on country roads. The most trustworthy, neatest and most popular cars for rural travel Large car owners are beginning to realize that the comforts safety and protection from dust as well as all weather conditions are not found Note the number of Farmers who having tried large cars now use FORD ENCLOSED CARS. They know which is best for country use. Place your order now for future delivery. Sedan price $707.00 deliv- ered Evanston, or $280.00 down and $45.00 monthly, Time plan includes Wheel Lock, Fire and Theft Insurance and all interest. R. D. CUNNINGHAM Authorized dealer with facilities to render real service FORD & LINCOLN 810 Church St. EVANSTON han od

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