Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 12 Aug 1922, p. 4

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4 = WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1922 RAILWAY WANTS T MIS ON PEENLEI Petitions Utilities Body to ' That Effect "T" rails will be laid on the Chica- g0, North Shore and Milwaukee Elec- tric railway right-of-way along Green- leaf avenue, Wilmette, if the Illinois Public Utilities commission acts favor- ably upon a petition about to be filed with the commission by the road. Attorney Bradley, speaking in the interests of the North Shore line, ap- peared before the Wilmette Village board Tuesday evening, August 1, and formally made known the fact that the petition of the company was pre- pared and ready to be filed with the commission. Villagers Protest Action Several residents of the village at- tended the meeting and offered ob- jections and it was stated officially that Village Attorney Crossley would appear at the prospective hearing be- fore the commission to enter formal objection in the name of the village. Attorney Bradley appeared before the board in conformance with a prom- ise made by him some time ago to the effect that he would give the vil- lage officials due notice before the pe- tition was filed. Explains Situation The proposed new right-of-way along East Railroad avenue in Wil- mette and Jenks street and its con- tinuation in North Evanston is so involved in litigation, Mr. Bradley asserted, that it was not probable the proposed route could be projected for some years. He declared the laying of "T" rails along' Greenleaf avenue was a matter of public safety and that it would hava the effect of lessening the noise attendant upon the traffic over the present time-worn roadway. Book Reviews By John Philip Morris OUR VERY OWN We of the north shore freely admit our superiority to the rest of Chicago and her other suburbs. Of the three million, we have the most culture, the greatest love for the best and beauti- ful. Moreover with us to think is to achieve, We do not say with Chica- go "I Will" but with Calogne "It is done." Let us then sustain our repu- tation by showing that with us the proverb about the lack of honor ac- corded 'a local prophet is a paradox and so give Mr, Mark Odea of Win- netka the homage that is due him. Here is an inconspicuous gentleman in quiet garments and unliterary spec- tacles going among us and sharing our daily tasks and talks and in whom is burning a spark of that rare flame that illuminated Shakespeare and made Moliere a blazing comet. I have just finished RED BUD WOMEN, Mr. Odea's book of four one act plays and in my opinion they are only excelled in America today by Eugene ONeil, whose new collec- tion containing THE HAIRY APE and the immortal Anna lie also be- fore me. Where Mr. O'Neil deals principally with the physicology of the male Mr. Odea studies the reactions of the fe- male and where Eugene goes to the slums and sink pits, Mark has chosen the lonely farms and windy fields for his raw material. Mr. O'Neil is so firmly enshrined that one can only say that each new work shows his great genius the more and that his plays read as well as they act and vis a vis, but it is a pleasure to tell all my friends about Mr. Odea. He is one of those choice men who understands and can translate a woman's thoughts and who can make out of a trivial incident in every day life a strong, gripping, meaty mouth- ful. He is earnest, so earnest that his comedy is much weaker than his tragedy. Have you ever gazed listlessly out of the window of a flying train and asked yourself as you passed some WINNETKA FRUIT STORE] Fresh 1it- POULOPOS BROS. PROPRIETORS 801 Elm Street Winnetka Phone 1371 Lima Beans ...... Sweet Corn, doz. ears. . Peaches, basket .... Grapes, b. ........ Cantaloupes, each .. Potatoes, pk. ...... Plums, basket Green and Wax Beans, 10c qt . oe Tomatoes, Ib. 15¢; 2 Ibs... ... Green Beans, qt. ....... Zo wamniie «3 for 25¢ ...3 qts. for 25¢ al, SC A Transfer {| Company move your goods. It them quickly, nomically. It must guarded from theft. Service. ny Phone \ Winnetka has much to do besides merely safely and eco- protected from the elements and to it that all its employees are courteous and obliging. All these things and more you will find attended to in Scully must move keep them It must see 232 7, / EXPRESSING &'MOVING 6 PROUTY ANNEX WINNETKA , ILL. solitary farm or clusterette of houses "How do those people live?' RED BUD WOMEN strives to answer a little of this question. It is a duty and a pleasure which you owe to yourself to read this book, and to persuade our club to produce one or more of these episodes next winter. When they are better known the cement walk leading to that pleasant house on Ash Street will be well worn with the footsteps that point the way to genius. Mr. Stephen Leacock is the Pro- fessor of Political Economy at McGill University, Tornoton, Canada. Re- cently in the pursuit of knowledge he journeyed to the Mother Country. His experiences there are now offered in book form under the title MY DISCOVERY OF ENGLAND. For an earnest seeker for information that will strengthen the bonds with our late ally the book is a disappoint- ment. It will also terribly fail to please those who wish to see the shrines of the homeland thru Mr. Lea- cock's eyes. He was so overwhelmed with trivialities that he found no time for the Better Things. For instance he starts out for the historic Abbey and instead of entering and describing that sacred edifice he tells us how he bought some safety razor blades. Fancy! He tells us not of Lady Asquith, Lloyd George, Carpentier and other notables but takes instead a whole chapter to describe the uncouth and unknown chairmen who introduced him to lecture audiences. The book is full of misprints. In speaking of drinking in Scotland he states "The percentage of the work- ing class drinking beer is 125; the percentage of the class without work | drinking is 200." Wither the proof reader is at fault or this Professor 1s singularly ignorant not to know that 100 is the highest possible percentage. It is interesting to hear that the Scotch never use whiskey as a bev- erage but only as a medicine or for some similar good reason. I am assured by a prominent physician that this fact is being realized among us and that he finds a genuine and creditable awakening among laymen of the medical value of the drug. Messrs. Dodd Mead & Co., the pub- |lishers state that seven people have laughed themselves to death over the book. That there should be such a wide recognition of the absurdity of |the views and impressions of Mr. Lea. cock is really a good sign. Well per- haps if you want to laugh get the book--but it is the sort of thing that would never do with us. EVANSTON W. J. Anglemyer, 730 Mulford Av. W. Tudor ApMadoc, 2200 Sheri- dan Rd. S. E. Bailey, 1823 Grant Av. Dora M. Birch, 618 Colfax Av. Anton Block, 1622 Oak Av. A. H. Bowman, 1316 Maple Av. Earle A. Bronson, 800 Simpson St. H. E. Brown, 631 Hinman Av. G. H. Buckley, 734 Milbourn Av. ' John S. Burchmore, 2407 Harri- son St. Geo. Cannon, 1309 Emmerson St. Geo. D. Casgrain, 1308 Maple Av. C. F. Champlin, 2436 Orrington Av. J. A. Clement, 2665 Orrington A v. F. B. Cozzens, 1327 Church St. C. A. Curran, 920 Elmwood Av. Dr. Frank Dakin, 1134 Hinman Av. A. F. Dorsey, 2639 Virginia Ter. Mrs. Florence M. Evans, 230 Main St. E. A. Fargo, 821 Forest Av. C. H. Fischer, 1246 Maple Av. John Forbes, 940 Forest Av. Chas. E. Galloway, 822 Monti- cello St. D. C. Gent, 2514 Sheridan Rd. Andrew M. Haarvig, 816 Monti- cello Av. E. R. Hankins, 1108 Maple Av. Dr. H. P. Harder, 910 Hinman Av. Louis A. Hippach, 2802 Sheridan Rd. C. A. Holmes, 1405 Lincoln St. May M. Huff, 1017 Ridge Av. Elmer E. Jones, 1115 Church St. Walter B. Jones, 1242 Maple Av. R. Knupfer, 722 Clinton Pl John Hugh Lally, 1131 Oak Av. J. F. Lamy, 719 Judson Av. Mabel C. Lawrence, 2737 Broad- way Re Leffingwell, 1840 Sheridan a Louis Lloyd, 711 Judson Av. Jas. MacDonald, 1225 Michigan Av. C. P. McAssey, 732 Judson Av. J. J. McCauley, 1219 Elmwood Av. L. R. McKee, 1914 Orrington Av. Chester N. Marthens, 731 Lin- coln St. Arthur Milnes, 2657 Broadway E. N. Muldoon, 823 Gaffield Pl. August Nelson, 1618 Oak Av. G. A. Nichols, 1235 Wesley Av. Jas. A. Patten, Lake & Ridge A v. D. H. Perkins, 2319 Lincoln Av. Jurgen Peterson, 544 Sheridan S a. Jos. Poole, 2717 Harrison St. F. S. Pooler, 1207 Elmwood Av. Samuel Reese, 1518 Hinman Av. H. G. Hipp, 2606 Harrison St. T. W. Robinson, 1620 Ridge Av. F. R. Robbins, 1014 Hinman Av. C. P. Rex, 1124 Judson Av. C. T. Roome, 904 Judson Av. G. R. Ryerson, 1904 Lincoln St. E. W. Seymour, 1227 Maple Av. Kw: H. Smythe, 2741 Harrison t. Arline L. Sprinkle, 2444 Hartley Y B. D. Stevens, 830 Milbourn Av. Rot Stevenson, 2134 Orrington v. TELEPHONES--Chicago Central 7832 Automatic Oil Heating for Homes What the North Shore Thinks of - Nokol The best evidence of what your neighbors think of Nokol is the number of installations in the North Shore towns. These home owners are rid forever of all the dirt and drudgery of building fires, of shoveling coal and carrying out ashes. installed in any home heating plant, burns oil without soot or odor. Its operation is controlled automatically by a thermostat. The heat comes on and off just as it is required. Let us show you Nokol in operation. by far the greatest home convenience in which you can invest. Look over this partial list of owners--you'll find friends among them. S. C. Stewart, 2131 Orrington Av. W. A. Stutts, 1519 Hinman Av. Dr. C. J. Swan, 1818 Hinman Av. J. H. Taft. 916 Elmwood Av. P. A. Tonk, 2226 Hartzell Av. O. S. Tweedy, 1316 Church St. Edw. P. Uhl, Jr., 2760 Broadway J. J. Waber, 1622 Oak Av. J. Weber, 715 Washington St. Ronald Webster, 905 Greenwood H. K. Webster, 1411 Maple Av. T. K. Webster, 1403 Maple Av. F. M. Wheeler, 639 Forest Av. H. J. White, 2344 Sheridan Rd. Dr. Geo. W. Whitfield, 1518 Hin- man _ Av. N. J. Wilcox, 921 Ridge Av. John E. Wilder, 1622 Forest PI. D. S. Wiley, 2761 Woodbine Av. WILMETTE A. W. Allen, 803 Chestnut St. Percy W. Andrews, 411 Lake St. W. A. Battye, 210 9th St. Dr. E. A. Bertling, 315 Washing- ton Av. C. C. Brackett, 1004 Lake Av. J. E. Caps, 329 4th St. D. H. Carter, 1227 Greenwood Av. B. A. Clepp, 1011 Forest Av. A. J. Coburn, 915 Linden Av. $5. C. Colton, 600 Central Av. Dick Crotteau, 1025 Ashland Av. Mrs. Annie S. Daniels, 1135 Elm- © wood Av. jamuel H. Darst, 727 Central Av. Mrs. W. B. Davies, 530 Forest Av. J. F. Donahue, 907 Elmwood Av. Paul H. Fieberg, 101 Michigan Av. Leo. L. Glendon, 705 Gregory Av. A. N. Grossman, 410 Wash. Blvd. C. A. Groves, 619 Lake Av. M. J. Hammers, 807 Greenwood Av. Arthur C. Hammond, 500 Greg- ory Av. H. H. Hitchcock, 906 Greenleaf Av. . F. James, 327 Central Av. C. Jones, 1423 Gregory Av. H. Kraft, 1236 Greenwood Av. Kuehne, 1525 Spencer Av. H. Kuhl, 630 Maple Av. W. E. Lindblad, 338 Greenleaf Av. R. H. Lindman, 614 Laurel Av. C. A. Lundberg, 1538 Walnut Av. W. ¥. McClure, 219 Broadway Clarence Mark, Indian Hill Sta. W. D. Matthews, 830 16th St. C. C. Mitchell, 814 Linden Av. W. S. Moore, 531 Wash. Av. Susan Northam, 731 10th St. J. A. Paasche, 310 Greenleaf Av. G. L. Panushka, 1041 Forest Av. J. K. Parshall, 127 Woodbine Av. Chas. N. Reese, 727 Forest Av. P. H. Saunders, 1015 Forest Av. Paul Schroeder, 418 Greenleaf Av. H. Seideneck, 317 Greenleaf Av. R. A. Smith, 1334 Elmwood Av. W. A. Smith, 109 4th St. H. K. Snider, 730 Wash. St. B. B. Udell, 302 Park Av. : Hans Von Reinsperg, 726 Laurel Av. Milton P. Vore, 526 8th St. C. M. Ward, 714 Ashland Av. Thos. H. West, 1027 Central Av. E. O. Wiederandres, 1507 High- land Av. Marvin Willard, 925 Central Av. R. Williamson, 701 Elmwood Av. KEHOE THE CHICAGO NOKOL COMPANY 215 North Michigan Avenue Protected by Doble Detroit Fatents Approved by National Board of Fire Underwriters You will agree that it is Kenilworth 507 Nokol, KENILWORTH A. D. Adair, 320 Melrose Av. I. A. Bennett, 185 Sheridan Rd. A. J. Brock, 520 Warwick Rd. Edgar Burchard, 310 Oxford RA. R. C. Danly, 336 Essex Rd. John C. Everett, 423 Abbotts- ford Rd. Grover M. Herman, 82 Essex Rd. 4% M. Spangler, 219 Sheridan WINNETKA S. A. Gaylord, 20 Warwick Rd. F. S. Orth, 16 Warwick Rd. iL L. moins 71 Warwick Rd. erman artholoma - thorn Rd. ay. Back G. Bettle, 693 Walden Rd. S. B. Briarly, 164 Woodland Av. Mrs. F. Cordo, 13 Warwick Rd. C. H. Dodd, 127 Bertling Lane H. B. Franklin, 942 North Av. James P, Gillies, 1148 Oakley Av. John B. Guthrie, 730 Walden Rd. Rd Hagen, yi Scott Av. . Sara oring, - a al g, 146 Wood Donald H. Jeffris, 811 Bryant Vv. W. I. Lamson, Nort - dae 250 h & Sheri - A. MacGibbon, 738 Lincoln Av, Ce. McDermott, 354 Forest Av, John Mangel, 490 Sunset Rd. Alfred Manierre, 969 Elm St. J. S. Miller, 827 Prospect Av. H. V. O'Brien, 630 Blackthorn C. W. Patterson, 944 Fig St. Geo. K. Spencer, 703 Walden St. J. Stevenson, 138 'Woodland Vv. D. A. Stoker, 72 Abbottsford R Frederick B. Thomas, 680 Woy: My Rd. - BE. Town, 57 Warwick £ Christ Walcott, 302 Forest ii nE Webster, Jr., 696 Prospect v. Frank Young, 519 Sunset Rd Mr. Zeiss, 738 Lincoln Av. L. H, Barber, 1238 Scott Av. HUBBARD WOODS Mrs. M. K. Barrett, 250 Went- worth Av. A. D. Burgess, 1239 Scott Av. | O. J. Caron, 1086 Laurel Av. 3-4 Dickinson, Jr., 859 Burr v. or N. M. Eberhart, 1857 Asbury v C'S. Jackson, 1195 Asbury Av. Cian T. Northrop, 1144 North Vv. H. W. Stannard, 115 Mary St. Walter A. Strong, 1377 North Av. % Geo. F. Suker, 1138 Oakley v. Wm. C. Van Horne, 757 Linden Av. J. L. Walker, 228 Mary St. E. H. Wilder, 1168 Asbury Av. GLENCOE Ida I. Browne, 750 Vernon Av. B. T. Duncan, 465 Grove St. Howard A. Gray, 540 Drexel Av. Gustave Natho, 63 Crescent Dr H. E. Hoover, Green Bay Rd. H. P. Williams, 730 Bluff Av.

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