Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 16 Sep 1922, p. 15

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1922 15 HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED--MARRIED COUPLE GENER- al house work. Must be competent. Cooking, etc., family of 4, ref. required. Tel. Wil. 1555, 519 Laurel Ave. LTG45-1te YOUNG LADY FOR FULL TIME IN drug store, or young man part time. Apply Snider & Cazel Drug Store, Wil- mette. LTG45-1tc WANTED--AN ELDERLY WOMAN OR man to give a two-year-old child a two- hour airing five days a week. Tel 'Winn. 261. T27-1te FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Before you buy your talking machine see our new Period Models in the _ Sonora, Brunswick and Edison. They are wonderful. PATTERSON BROS. Evanston 654 828 Davis St., Evanston LTG45-1te FOR SALE--GREENHOUSE 25x30 IN good shape; suitable for private estate. 1,000 feet of 1% and 2-in. pipe in it for heating, with headers and brass valves. Everything complete. Owner would ake down and measure same. Addr. Winnetka Talk A-S8. TG27-1te FOR SALE--6 TUBE COMPLETE RADIO outfit at a bargain. Also 3-A roll film Graflex. F4:5 lens. Tel. Winn. 855. LTG45-1te FOR SALE--LLOYD GONDOLA BABY carriage used one year; cost $50, will sell for $10. Can be refinished, good as new. Tel. Win. 1519. LTG45-2tc FOR SALE--NO-KOL SYSTEM, IN PER- fect condition. Tel. Winn. 1385. Also gas range, 6 burner, good condition. LTG45-1tc FOR SALE--EDEN COPPER WASHING machine, $50; Franz-Premier Cleaner and attachments, $18.00; good condition. Phone Winnetka 44. LTG45-1tc FOR SALE -- COMBINATION RANGE, two fumed oak chairs, Sturgis folding sulky. Tel. Winn. 564-W. TG27-1te FOR SALE--CHEAP, BABY BUGGY, kiddie coop and table. Tel. Glen. 267. 499 Jefferson Ave., Glencoe. TG27-1te FOR SALE--GIRL'S BICYCLE, $15. TEL. FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES Used Ford Bargains Skokie Motor Co. Ford Dealers Winn. 1295. T27-1te OR SALE--ALASKAN SEAL COAT, $25. Phone 430 Glencoe. TG27-1te WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG17-tfe WANTED--BICYCLE FOR A T7-YEAR- old boy. Tel. Winn. 523-R. Res. 789 Burr Ave., Winn. T27-1te 554 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka LTG45-1te FOR SALE--1921 FORD SEDAN, NEW paint, good tires. Good mechanical shape. Bargain. Call Glen, Evanston 7745. LTG45-1te STORAGE SERVICE STORAGE SERVICE 4 a REAL ESTATE 3 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SPECIAL BARGAIN LOT. PROVIDENT | NORTH SHORE LANDSCAPE GAR- WAN I ADS Ave. lot, 52x165. $1,500.00 will buy this dener thoroughly experienced in plant- - if sold before Oct. 1st. See us today. ing and gardening work. Estimates on P. W. BR ADSTREET fruit trees, shrubbery, hardy field . . : grown rose stocks. I am taking orders Benquarters Winnatke 24 Estate for fall planting and I shall be pleased hones 162-147. : : ; A ; hal dil ate TS Sve Rates--10c per line for each in- || FOR SALE -- WINNETKA BUSINESS | Daffodils, Narcissus, Lilies, Peonies and . 0s . property and store, $18,000.00. Also Hub- all hardy perennials. I also take care sertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy bard Woods Business oh Jin ' £000 of private places during vacation. Ed- : house. Price just cut to ,500.00. In- ward Siegrosser, 1030 Central Ave. Wil- 2 must be in by Wednesday at || ' house. Price just cut to $10.500.00. _mette. Tel. Wil. 708-M. T24-tfe 12 p.m. Rates for the same ad- TED LISTINGS OF REAL LL WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US 3 H WANTED-- D S submit estimates on your landscape yerusements in The Lake in Winnetka, Hubbard Woods, Glencoe, work; trees, shrubs and perennials for Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Highland Park, A R. Eddington sale; pruning, trimming and grading; ~ i & Co., 1157 ilmette Ave. ilmette. trees and stumps removed; also drive- vo and Glencoe News, 20c per line, Ph Wil. 640. "_TG24-tfc| ways put in: ean furnish house-man Black Face Type Charged Dou- || WANTED -- PROPERTIES, FARMS, experienioed and Competent. M. J. Sul- : autos, etec., for exchange. Can match ivan, Mgr., 882 Pine Street, Winnetka. ple Price. any trade. State your wants for what | Tel. Win. 1549. LTG24-tfc 4 you don't want. Describe fully. Addr. WANTED--FIRST CLASS CHAUFFEUR ! Lake Shore News B-97. LTG45-2te willing to take care of furnace during - i xX i fs. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--VACANT winter. State experience and re -- Address Box A-4 Weekly Talk. T27-tfc W. J. MOIR SUBMITS | OWNER WILL DIVIDE DEEP HOME- ud EL eon ~ IN WINNETKA--Attractive 7 r, stuc- | site vacant restricted to 2-story resi- | WANTED--GENERAL WORK, GARDEN co in wonderful condition. Glazed sun dences costing $10,000 or more. This is and house by the hour; also furnace and slp. pchs. tile bath; toilet and lav. large pe. in best W. Winnetka section, work done reasonable if furnace is in- 1st fl.; fine lot; 2-car gar.; $16,500 pust being cut up. A bargain at $40 ft. cluded. Call Winnetka 1783. 3 reas. terms. Near lake, schools and | incl. hiwrovemens, Aad. Laie Shove : TG23-5tp ~ transp. News E-36. LTG43-3te | gi" WANTED--BY EXPER. CuaUr i tN WILMETTE =FIAN0 TOW MIbSIAL- | FSCANE FOR HATO TOUTE So AND, foo contol Ras br a, ong tial 6-rm. Stugeos 0 il) 2h hborhood. | $900 each. Some cash, balance a little | LTG45-1tp hreakfasi nook; or enen TS11.000, Reas. once in a while. F. Pavlik, Tel. Kenil. fing lous 1020 bis) Ba Key at our| 2016 before 9 a. m. mornings. HELP WANTED--FEMALE ; : . LTG43-2tp ow office. % - --- ANTED--GIRL. ABOUT 4 HOURS pan IN GLENCOE--New Solid Brick Colo- (FOR SALE--4 LOTS, 75x300 EACH, ON to to care for child 1 1-2 years : i : a 'Wilmette Ave., Gross Point, 15 min. i ; we rs .nial, 8 rms., 2 tile baths, 2nd. fl.; gl. an walk to depot. $13.50 per front foot old in Winnetka. Also girl for general htd. sun and slp. pchs.; large attic con- Tel. Wil. T15-W. : LTG27-tfe housework. Write Mrs. Saville, Box vertible into more rooms. Ivory trim x 1/102. rradotic 272, Lake Forest or phone Lake Forest ® throughout; htd. gar.; finely wooded i LOTS Bor, SALE oF Law goon 73. LT45-1tc | 105x165;; inst. h.w. heater; only bathing, fishing; oating; choice lo- 2) -- - 4 $26,000. Make offer. cation. Price very low. E. L. Stafford, WANTED 0D COOK. AnD CINE FOR SALE--NORTH EVANSTON| 936 Sheridan rd. Wilmette. LTG45-1tc ouseworx gir. for family of two adults sacrifice; unique 6 r. Dutch Colonial; FOR SALE--HOUSE ind fons y sur ont boys nus be compe- = deep wooded lot; near Lincolnwood; h. SALE-- ent an ave satisfactory references. w. heat; ivorized birch trim throughout; Octob Bride's Attenti A good place for the right one. Tel. / gar.; must see inside to appreciate plan ctober riae's ention Winnetka TRE eR LTG45-1te / and construction. Owner must sell | Beautifully furnished new 5-room bunga- | WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN'L HOUSE- ie < Make offer. Easy terms. 2511 Hartzell.| low for the price of one unfurnished;| work, 2 adults and two children. No bE ~ Key at 2411 Park Pl best plumbing, built-in tub, finest light- | family washing; must be clean, intelli- WwW MOIR ing fixtures, hot water heat, mahog.| gent, experienced and have good refs. . I- trim living room, ivory dining and bed No other need apply. Good wages. Tel. y WINNETKA 254 rooms, maple kitchen. Owner on prem- Wil. 905-M. LTG45-1te Ee 556 Center St., just n. w. of N. W. depot. | ises. 1023 Seward St., Evanston. = oS i ymewaite] LTG45-1tp 3OIAHYIS IOVHOLS { FOR SALE--WILMETTE SPECIALS FOR RENT--HOUSE £ 8 Rm. frame house in fine east location, | gag RE; RENT--WINNETKA FROM OCT. A all 'large rooms, fine deep wooded lot, | ™ yi 15 May 1st, 1923, new Colonial house, 3 $2000 cash, balance like rent to Tespon- | 4 bed rooms, 2 baths, sleeping porch, 3 wile Duyehaser Zricesiasn. colia| Dot water heat, heated garage, near (0. akwood Ave., 3 ro. 8 | =n rE ior, " ' brick home, superior construction, h.w. | OH ITL SC WHERPLER me ok heat, ivory finish throughout. Deep | L / wig ull B71 oJ > wooded lot. Buy now and dccorate| Tel Win. 142 728 Elm St. Yr to suit. Rasy terms. $16,500. | LTG45-1te 906 Forest Ave. modern 7 rm. stucco with | FOR RENT, WINNETKA--FURNISHED " sun parlor and breakfast porch-fireplace, | (r unfurnished, part of double house 3 all large rooms, immediate POSSeSsion, | unusually attractive, conveniently lo- | LI $18,500. | cated, heat furnished, rent reasonable. § oR v To. RENE Vout. ott Address L. S. News A-T. LT27-1tc | m. stucco, modern throug , ste EE re rr 7 . FOR RENT--HUBBARD WOODS, EAST . heat, near "L" $125. all Puraishod cotiie 2 *\ 7 Rm. stucco, new, will decorate to suit,| Small furmeled Silage fof CouPIS Auy 1 h.w. heat, garage, $150. gl gE 127-1tp ob ; 3 8 Rm. brick, a wonderful home, 2 years wis : : Moe Soe ' : old, h.w. heat, 3 baths double garage, WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE 1721.27 BENSON AVE. $300 per month. WANTED TO RENT--BY A RESPON- EVANSTON, ILL. HILL & STONE sible party, three in family, a seven or eight-room house with two baths in End "L" Wilmette North Winnetka or Hubbard Woods. - Willing to make a two®™or three year LTG45-1tc | jease. Rental not over $150.00. Can pay REAL ESTATE SPECIALS Beautiful new 7 rm. stucco; 2 large glazed pchs. water ht. firepl. extra shower. Opposite park. Large wooded lot, 2 "car gar. Leaving city. Best in town for $15,500. 7 Rm. brick; large wooded cor. lot facing park. Reduced to $11,500 for quick sale. Charming 7 rm. home, glazed pcas. large wooded lot hot 2 blks. from trans. 2 car gar. $9,500. Em. stucco, 300 foot wooded lot, stucco garage, east. Going at sacrifice. $11,500. A wonderful home for this price. 6 Rm. house. Party leaving account of sickness. Sacrifice at $4,500. L Last Vacant left 1-2 block from lakes and t Sher. Rd. Beautifully wooded. Worth $175. This can be bought for $110 this week. Call for our list of vacant. M. L. MOODY & CO. 511 Fourth Street Wilm=tte L0G45-1te ; FOR SALE--WINNETKA HOMES be New Shgl. Col. 4 B. Rms., Sun pch; Gar. attd; Lot 100x100, Nr. schools and | transpr. Price $10,500.00. Terms. New Clap. Col. 3 B. Rms; bath; Toi and Lav 1st; Sun and Slp pchs; Wooded lot 50x187, 2 car gar. with toilet and water. Price $14,000.00. Easy terms. To Rent--7 Rm. Stucco, Nr. lake and transpor; 3 B. Rms; Sun, Slp. and bkf pchs; Hw. H. 2 car gar. Lot 100x160, Wooded. E.E. STULTS REALTY CO. (OVERTON) 790 Elm St. Win. 1800 LTG5-1to WILL BUILD YOUR HOME FOR CASH or monthly payments. CHARLES H. BRETHOLD Loans, Fire, Liability, Theft and Auto Insurance, First and Second Mortgages. 545 'W. Railroad Ave. Tel. Wil. 65. LT36-tfc GLENCOE TTA high class home near Green Bay Rd. f and transportation. There are 6 rooms and a breakfast nook, with vapor heat. The construction is of hollow tile, cov- ered with brick and is the best that money can buy. Lot 50x230. Price i $14,350. JOHN. F. HAHN 1619 Sherman Ave. Tel. Evans. 2382 LTG45-1tc ATTENTION A Sheridan Road frontage will more than ~ double in value over today's prices. A Now is the time to secure a desirable home site embracing wonderful specu- lative possibilities. Come in and let us show you the best buy today. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513-4th St. Tel. Wil. 1304 LTG45-1te SCHAEFER & GOLBACH Investments, Insurance Real Estate 434. Wilmette 1038 See us for acre tracts in Trier Township LTG40-tfc OWNER WILY, SELL 50x180 WITH NEW 6-room res, in best W. section Winnet- ka, restricied to $10,000 2-story homes, convenient to trans. 25 ft. adj. may be included at $44 ft. $2,300 cash, $100 mo. New Home is mod. in all details. Occupancy after Nov. 10th. Refs. Address Lake Shore News B-87. LTG43-3tc 2248 | FOR RENT--LARGE FOR RENT--TWO-CAR GARAGE, ALSO | FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED ROOMS | FOR RENT--ONE DOUBLE; 1 SINGLE first year rent in advance. Stein, 380 'Woodlawn Ave. Tel. Winn. 916. T25-tfc WANTED TO RENT--2 OR 3-RM. APT. or part of house with kitchen privileges by mother and daughter employed. Per- manent. Preferably Winnetka. Phone Win. 1059. T27-1tc WANTED TO RENT--COUPLE WOULD like to rent small house, unfurnished, reasonable. Address Lake Shore News B-99. LG45-1tp WANTED TO RENT--SMALL HOUSE or flat, no children, by the first of Sept. Tel. Winn. 456. LT39-tfc WANTED -- SMALL FURNISHED house in Winnetka for 3 months. Tel. 'Winn. 534. T27-1tp WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE, WITH or without option of buying. Tel. Glen. 430. TG27-1te FOR RENT--GARAGE You have ooh the Outside of Watchousss A Safe place to store your Household Goods MOVING, PACKING, SHIPPING STORAGE SERVICE PHONES Evanston 955 Wilmette 1332 Winnetka 1332 Iredale Fireproof Warehouses Ser the Intide of Ours. wf 560-562 CENTER ST. WINNETKA, ILL. he. sonst rrr -- A a---- komad § HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN"L HOUSE- work or for cooking and first floor work, in Hubbard Woods. No laundry. Tel. Winn. 220. Scandinavian preferred. TG27-1te LIGHT GARAGE, $10 per month. Tel. Winn. 889. Ti18tfc living quarters, in exchange 679 Hill Rd. Tel. Winn. 1733. FOR RENT--ROOMS for help. to permanent part., private bath, priv. home, near Trier H. S. and Kenil Grammar school, 2 blocks trans. C. and N. W.,, N. 8S. Mil. Elect. two blocks. Will serve breakfast. Call Kenil. 1696. LTG45-1tc room, good location. Convenient to North Shore Electric and "L'. Private family, breakfasts. Tel Wil 721-M. LTG45-1tp OR RENT--LARGE FURNISHED ROOM and bath, close to schools and trans. Suitable for business man or woman. Tel. Winn. 1541. LTG45-1tc FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE CORNER room, well furnished sunny and com- fortable, private lavatory, gentleman, ref. Tel. Wil. 844-J. LTG45-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE FRONT ROOM, twin beds if desired, hot water heat, nr. transportation and cafeteria. 873-J after 6 p. m. LTG43-tfc FOR RENT--TWO ROOMS, SINGLE OR together, light housekeeping if desired. Tel. Wil. 1394. LTG45-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED RM. STEAM heat. 556 Center St., Winn. Tel. Winn. 1186. T27-1te FOR RENT--LARGE, FURNISHED RM., convenient to trans.; gentleman pref. Tel. Winn. 519-M. TG27-1te FOR RENT--ROOM; GENTLEMAN PRE- ferred. Tel. Winn. 1470. T27-1tc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED--YOUNG LADY WANTS board and room for short time, refer- ences exchanged. Address Lake Shore News A-1. LTG45-1tc WANTED TO RENT--ROOM FROM OCT. 1, with breakfast; elderly woman. Addr. Weekly Talk A-6. __T27-1tc WANTED--FURN. ROOM WITH LIGHT housekeeping privileges. Addr. Win- netka Talk B-100, T27-1te PIANO ACCOMPANIST PIANO ACCOMPANIST WILL ACCOM- pany vocalists, violinists, etc., during practice period. Winnetka 1424. T27-1te PIANOS TUNED PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-7. LTG15-tfe ay HELP WANTED--MALE fo WANTED--YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN hardware store; must be a worker and capable. Apply E. B. Taylor & Co., Winn. T27-1te WANTED--A GOOD WHITE NURSE girl to help with 2 children. $12 per week. Apply 241 Walden Drive, Glen- coe, or phone Glen. 211. LT45-1tp WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN'L housework; good cook; no laundry; best wages; references required. Tel. Kenil. 506. 222 Cumberland Rd. LTG45-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL OR WOMAN for general housework from 9 to 5 o'clock every day except Sunday. Tel. 'Wil. 1158. LTG45-1tc WANTED--IST CLASS WHITE LAUN- dress; washer and mangle; 2 days. Ph. Glencoe 52 or call 540 Washington Ave., Glencoe. LTG45-1tc WANTED--EXPER. MAID FOR GEN'L housework. Ref. Two in family. Tel. 'Wil. 1810. 1238 Ashland Ave., Wilmette. LTG45-1te WANTED--EXPER. GIRL FOR GEN'L housework; small home; no washing. 1054 North Ave. Tel. Winn. 1654. T27-1te WANTED--COMPETENT WHITE MAID for general housework. No washing. 730 FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE . FOR SALE--Leaseholds and household ef- fects in one home in Glencoe, three in Highland Park and one in Highwood. Price $350 to $650. Rents $40 to $85. Will take automobile in exchange. All modern and good furniture. Address H. S. Matz, Box 445 Highland Park, Ill. LTG45-tfc FOR SALE--USED SEWING MACHINES Overhauled, guaranteed. Domestic $10. Wheeler & Wilson $10.00, White $15.00, Standard $15.00, Singer $18.00, Wilcox & Gibbons $20.00, Singer $25.00, Other bargains. PATTERSON BROS. Evanston 654 828 Davis St., Evanston LTG45-1tc FOR SALE: TWO BEAUTIFUL LUXURY chairs of solid mahogany, new uphol- stered in satin damisk, mahogany and real leather bed davenport, practically new, Tel. Glen. 336. LTG45-1tc FOR SALE--VERY HANDSOME, AN- tique mahogany secretary and other pieces of furniture, Ice box, gas stove, 642 Cherry St., Winnetka. Tel Win. 1603. LTG45-1te FOR SALE FURNITURE, RUGS, cart, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and ex- changed. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212. LTG35-tfc FOR SALE--ENAMELED BOHN RE- 1183. T27-1te WANTED--GIRL, WHITE, FOR COOK- ing and first fl. work; good wages. Ref. required. Tel. Winn. 113. ~~ TG2l.1tc WANTED--RELIABLE YOUNG GIRL TO care for child of 3 in afternoons. Tel. 'Winn. 679. T27-1te WANTED--LAUNDRESS, WHITE, 2 days a week. Washing machine and mangle. Phone Win. 986. TG27-1te WANTED--GIRL, WHITE, FOR PLAIN cooking and 1st floor work, with exper. and refs. Phone Win. 986. T27-1tc WANTED--HONEST, WILLING MAID for genleral housework. Go home nights. 67 Warwick Ave. T27-1te WANTED--SECOND MAID, WHITE. Tel Winnetka 1353. LTG45-1tc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SIT. WANTED--BY REFINED PROT. American lady, highest ref., living on N. Shore, as traveling companion to lady of means. Could be left in charge of home or any responsible business po- sition. Am 1st class business woman. Address Winnetka Talk B-98. T27-1tc EXPER. WHITE WOMAN WISHES cooking, serving, cleaning or ironing, by day or hour. Tel. Wil. 1080. Room 27. LT45-1tc HIGH CLASS DRESS MAKING BY THE Ashland Ave. Tel. Wil. 1506. LTG45-1tc | frigerator, white enamel gas range, WANTED--MAID FOR GEN"L HOUSE- single metal bed, spring and mattress, work; 2 in family. 719 9th St., Wil. lawn mower, garden hose. Tel. Wil. 602 Tel. Wil. 1967. LTG45-1tc LT45-1tc WANTED--EXP. NURSE FOR THREE | FOR SALE--25 USED PIANOS, OVER- children. Best ref. required. Tel. Win. hauled. Guaranteed, $75.00 up. day. Katherine Jones, 411 Jefferson St., Glencoe 814, LTG45-1tp PATTERSON BROS. Evanston 654 828 Davis St., Evanston FOR SALE--OAK DINING RM TABLE and 6 chairs; 3 dressers; bookcase; 2 small tables; 6 chairs; portable gas stove. Phone Wilmette 455. LTG45-1tc FOR SALE--VERY CHEAP, HOUSE- hold furniture; must sell at once. 246 Maple Hill Rd., Glencoe. Tel. Glen. 250. TG27-1te FOR SALE--VERY FINE MAHOGANY bookcase and china cabinet. Tel. Win. 602. T27-1tc FOR SALE--UPRIGHT PIANO, MAHOG- any case; made by Blasius & Sons. Tel. Wil. 455. TG27-1te FOR SALE--LARGE KIMBALL PHONO- graph, practically new, for $125. Tel. Winn. 620-7. LT45-1tc MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Before you buy your Vacuum Cleaner see the New Hamilton Beach. Won- derful. PATTERSON BROS. Evanston 654 828 Davis St., Evanston LTG45-1te MARRIED MAN WANTS A POSITION as caretaker of estate for winter in return for small flat; has been gardener on big estates before, but have part time occupied with other work now. Would Cadillac Motor Car Co. Evanston Branch 1820 Ridge Avenue Open evenings Tel. Ev. 4841 CADILLAC, TYPE 57--VICTORIA This is our four passenger coupe model. It is in very good condi- tion and is equipped with five tires, two of them new, bumper, stop light, spot light, and motometer. If this car is purchased as it came in to us, we can offer it for $1,250.00, which is below the market price. CADILLAC, TYPE 51--TOURING Seats seven comfortably. It is in good condition and fully equipped. There is also an excellent winter top for this car. A bargain at $550. MITCHELL, 1920--SEDAN Five passenger, in excellent condi- tion throughout. All new TU. S. © Royal Cord tires, bumper and stop light. This is a bargain at $900. LEXINGTON, 1921--TOURING Five passenger--in good condition. All five tires are new. This is the popular sport model and is a bar- gain at $900. CADILLAC TYPE 53, 8-CYL. SEDAN 5 passenger with folding seats for two more. Paint, tires and me- chanical condition all good. This Is an exceptionally good car. Our price, $700.00. OLDSMOBILE, 1921--TOURING 5 passenger touring, excellent condition. bumper, spot light, ers, extra tire. gain at $675.00. PIERCE-ARROW LIMOUSINE, 6-38 . Just overhauled and repainted and is absolutely in first class condition. It came to us from the original owner and shows very little wear, The body was built by C. P. Kim- ball. It seats five in the rear com- partment very comfortably, We are offering it for $1,500.00. LTG45-1tc 1 cylinder, in 4 new tires, , shock absorb- This is a real bar- BEFORE YOU BUY A USED CAR SEE THE NEW GARDNER GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR $895 LEXINGTON CHICAGO CO 1008 Davis St. EVANSTON LTG37-tfc consider position as gardener in spring. TG27-1te FOR SALE LIGHT DELIVERY FORD, pane ody, good shape, cheap. Mollahan, Evanston 1956. Pe ren RE

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