Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 24 Mar 1923, p. 14

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1923 | DON'T FORGET! That the business stand- ing of any concern de- pends largely on the strength of the bank with which it does business. That the strength of the Winnetka Trust and Sav- ings Bank has stood ev- ery test, and has meant success to many. Your account is wel- come no matter what its size may be. WINNETKA TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ROOMS a CHARLES H. BRETHOLD FIRE, LIABILITY, THEFT AND AUTO INSURANCE First and Second Mortgage Loans REAL ESTATE 545 Main Street Wilmette, Ill. Telephone 65 LTG-20-tfc FOR SALE--MODERN STUCCO HOUSE in perfect repair. Third block from Sher. Rd.-Willow St, Winn. 6-R. brkfst, sun and slpg. pch., large ga- rage, fruit trees, garden, must sell for cash. Phone Winn. 1277. LT22-1te FOR SALE--WINNETKA, NEAR DE- pot, owner just ready to leave will accept $12,500 for new red brick bun- galow. Reduced from $14,500. In- quire 877 Elm St., phone Winn. 1689. LTG21-1te LOR SALE--SMALL BUNGALOW ON Washington Ave. Wilmette, W. side, $2,000 cash, bal. easy terms. Address Lake Shore News, A120. LTG21-1tp WTD. TO BUY--NEW OR NEARLY new residence north of Wilmette to Glencoe, 3 or 4 b. r. Not over $14,000. Address Lake Shore News, A-123. T2-1te FOR SALE--ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM house, beautifully wooded lot, im- mediate possession. 1086 Oak St. Phone Winn. 139. T2-1tc FOR SALE--CHOICE property in Hubbard Woods--your opportunity. Address A-129, Weekly ATTR. FUR. RM, IN PRIVATE FAM- ily. H. K. privileges; near trans. After May 1. Call K. Main 5100. T5H2-tfe FOR RENT--PLEASANT ROOMS, PRI- vate bath, near trans. Phone Winn. 713. TG2-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS. ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M. Nr. all trans. LT5-tfe FOR RENT ROOM NEAR TRANS, 725 Prairie ave. Gentleman only. Phone Wil. 442. LTG21-1te FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED room Phone Winn. 746. T2-1te LOST AND FOUND LOST--SABLE COLLIE, ABOUT ONE year old, answers to name of Bob, child's pet. Liberal reward. W. Bross Lloyd, 830 Sheridan Rd., Winn. Phone 'Winn. 133. LTG21-1te LOST -- SUIT CASE CONTAINING working man's clothes and shoes; between Winnetka and Wilmette. re- ward. Phone Wil. 389--ILeo Schulte. LT-21-1te LOST -- TUESDAY AFTERNOON, A girl's dark blue pleated skirt, be- tween North Shore Country Day school and Oak St. Finder please telephone Winn. 679. T2-1te. FOUND AT SKOKIE SCHOOL WED- nesday night--one pair lady's long gray gloves; one short black glove, Owners may have same by calling at WTD.--7 OR 8 R. HOUSE IN WIN- netka, 4 B. R.,, 2 baths. Good loca- tion. Call Winn. 1188. T2-1tc FOR SALE--ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM house. beautifully wooded lot, 1086 Oak St. Phone Winn. 139. T2-1te INVESTMENTS FOR SALE--MORTGAGE ON VALU- able Winnetka property just sold for $10,500. Property has first mort- gage for $3,500, and advertiser owns 6% second mortgage for $2,500 due in 1 year and 3 months which he will sell at 95% of its face value, thus netting purchaser at the rate of 10% per annum. Total mortgage debt less than 609% of property value. Write Lake Shore News, All7. T1-2tc FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT--UNUSUALLY ATTRAC- tive home, 6 R., bath, slpg. pch., lge. beaut. lot, choice location, June 15th to Sept. 1st. Address Lake Shore News, All9. T2-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED OR UN- furnished, modern 5-R. home with large sun porch, garage for 3 cars. Phone Winnetka 692-W. T2-1te FOR RENT--BUNGALOW, 3 R. BATH, slpg. pch.,, and basement, best loca- tion in Winnetka, $60. Address Lake Shore News, A121. LTG21-1tc FOR RENT_FURN. 5 RM. BUNGA- low for 2 mos. from April 15. Reas- onable to right party. Phone Win- netka 1959. T2-1tc FOR RENT §8-ROOM BUNGALOW furn. from May 1 to Sept. 1. 936 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 1065. LTG21-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED 7-ROOM house, 3 porches. Choice location, east. Phone Winn. 273. LTG21-1te FOR RENT 8-ROOM STUCCO HOUSE, furn. or unfurnished. Phone Ken. 419. WANTED TO RENT HOUSE ---- Rates-- price. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . Classified advertisements will be charged only to General Notices-- Evanston to Glencoe inclusive, persons who are regular subscribers to either The Lake Shore News, 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three papers. Average of five words to the line. Classified advertisements will be acce Deadline for Insertions-- Lake Shore News or all three paper Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glencoe News. whose names appear in the telephone directory, or to Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. pted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for The 8s; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Telephones WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 388 persons living in the district from Black face type charged double SMALL: FURNISHED HOUSE WITH garage, from about May 1st to Sept. or Oct, in Wilmette, Kenilworth or Winnetka, by family of three adults. Own home being built in Winnetka. Address Winetka Talk, A-165. T2-1tc WANTED -- FURNISHED COTTAGE or bungalow, residential part of Wil- mette for summer. $100 to $125 per month. Address Lake Shore News, A-125. L21-1tc WANTED A HOUSE, 6 OR 7-ROOMS in Winnetka, by May 1, will lease for one or two years. Willard W. Beatty, Skokie School. Phone Winn. 850. T51-tfe REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE W. G. STACEY & CO. SPRING SPECIALS Wilmette Complete pressed brick veneer 5- rm. bungalow, sleeping pch. living rm. 19x16, dining rm. 16x12, near "L", good value, $14,500. Beautifully arranged 6-rm. stucco, sun pch., sleeping pch., water ht, arage, pretty wooded location, 13,500. Nearing completion, 6-rm, stucco, sun parlor, heated sleeping pch,, water ht. garage, 3 blks. "L", rare chance $15,500. Attractive 6-rm. stucco, all light rms., best cond. dble. garage, excel- lent location for everything, $20,000. Choice 7-rm. stucco, sun plor., slp. pch, dble garage, beautiful grounds 96x160, choicely dec.,, most conven- ient location, $24,500. Pretty 2-year-old colonial, 7 rms. sun plor.,, slp. pch., toilet and lav. on 1st flr, stucco garage, deep wood- ed lot, only 4 blks. to lake, $25,000. Exceptionally well built solid brick, 8 rms. 5 chambers, 2 baths, sun plor., slp. pch., dance rm. enc. front pch., canvassed walls and ceil- ings, oversize dble garage, $28,000. Brick Colonial, 7 rms. 2 baths, ex. lav. on 1st fir.,, sun plor., dining pch.,, slp. pch.,, dble. brick garage attach d and htd., 1 blk. from lake, $38,500. Very beautiful 9-rm. stucco, most attractive plan, 4 bdrms. and 2 baths on 2nd flr, maid's rm. and bath on 3rd fir.,, sun plor.,, 2 sleeping pchs.,, lge open side pch., garage blt in and heated, artistically landscaped and fenced, $45,000. Winnetka Pleasant Colonial 8-rm. stucco, 5 bedrms., 2 baths, well blt., east side, high ground, close to Elm St. sta- tion and stores, bargain $17,000. Pretty 6-rm. stucco, blt. 1 year, sun plor.,, slp. pch., open pch., de- lightful kitchen with br'kfast nook, built-in cabinets, east side, 4 blks. to lake, $15,500. Exclusive design 8-rm. Spanish stucco, 5 bedrms., 4 baths, htd sun pch,, garage, wooded section 3 blks to lake, $30,000. Glencoe Choice remodelled frame, 6 rms. slp. pch., lge. front pch., water heat, lot 66x135, newly dectd., unusual chance, $11,500, only $3,000 cash., bal. Z terms. Pretty 6-rm. brick, enc. and heated dining pch.,, vapor ht. wooded lot, east side Hubbard Woods sec., $18,500. The above homes can be seen by appointment only. 336 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 308 LTG21-1te LATEST OFFERINGS WINNETKA: 6 RM. HOME, 3 B. R, Sun and slp. pchs.,, H. W. H., lot 50x 140, $9,850. New 6 room Col. 3 B. R., sun and and Slp, pchs., H. W. H., Gar; wooded lot 88x187; East side, $18,500 8 Rm Col, N. BE. section; 5 B. R., 2 baths, Bkfst. rm., Sun Plr, lot 90x 150, nr. lake and transp. $30,000. Glencoe: Fine Col. 4 airy B. Rms, 2 baths, sun and slp pchs.; attd. gar.; immense wooded lot. $23,000 Attractive 7 Rm. Col.; Hubbard Woods: 4 B. R.,, Sun pir.,, H.W. H, Ex. lav. and toilet, 1st fir,, gar. Lot 7Hx180. $25,000. Unique 7 Rm. home; N. E. section; 4 B. R.; Reception hall, sun plr.; open court; Billiard room in basement; attd. gar., htd.; Ravine lot 100x300. $29,000. HEINSEN & CLARK, INC. 556 Center St. Winn. 254 LTG21-1te FOR SALE--BARGAIN IN WINNETKA best N. W. section, well built, new brick Colonial 5 B. R., 2 baths, h. w. heat, $35,000 > 11 R brick and stucco, beautiful wooded corner, block from Sheridan pa. B. R., 2 baths, 'h. w. heat, $35,000. Best bargain in Wilmette, east side near school and trans, rm. frame, 5 B. R., sewing rm., 2 baths, living rm. 29 ft. long, very attrac. panelled dining rm. beaut, h. w. finors, latest elec. fixt., w. heat, $15,500. 8 R. stucco, sun, bkfst and slpg. pchs, 2 tile baths, h. w. heat, garage, fine residential street, east side near trans, bargain at $24,000. Wallace B. Clore, Jr. & Co. 1177 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 1750 LTG21-1te All My Vacant IN WILMETTE GAGES ADDITION TO WILMETTE, located on Chestnut, Ashland, Elm- wood, Sheridan Rd. Tenth St, and Seventh St., comprising Lots 2-7-10 Bl 1-L2 Bl 2 with Riparian rights L 4&8B15L4B16L 3-4 Bl 9L 9-10 &&12B1 10.513 L1& 38117 and L 16 Bl 18. Seven Wilmette them to you. JNO. P. GAGE, Box 2639 St. Peters- burg, Fla. Agents to show LTG 20-tfc REAL ESTATE NEW AND MODERN, 7 ROOM _STUC- co house, hot w. ht.,, garage. Close to lake. Only $9,000.00. Lots on Sheridan Road. Call for list of good bargains. The last lot left in Wilmette at the price of $25 per foot. Cash required $200. See our Lot 3 blocks to lake. Close to "L", choice section. Bargain. $48 per foot. Needing money. New and modern 6-r stucco. H. W. heat, large wooded lot $11,500. 9-Room stucco, semi-bungalow, 3 rooms on second floor, large wooded lot, 2 car garage, $12,500. M. L. MOODY & CO. End of "L", 511 4th St. Ph. Wil. 2248 LTG21-1tc Winnetka Vacant Winnetka Hts, 100x138...... $ 90.00 Garland Ave. S0x159...... 87.50 Sunset Rd. 350x190... 110.00 Sunset Rd., wooded corner...... 105.00 Elder Lane 75x165...... 68.00 A finely built 5-R. stucco bunga- low, slp. pch.,, h. w. heat, double garage, rooms all large, value $13,500. New 6-R. brick colonial, bkfst R., slp. pch, h. w. heat, 2 baths, irreg. 67x130, good value at $22,000 McGUIRE & ORR Lincoln Ave. Winetka 672 T2-1te Service You Will Like WOODED CORNER 90x175, 90x90 or f5x90, trans 4 blocks, $55 to $70 per foot. Attractive 6 Rm. stucco bungalow, cor. lot, bargain $10,500. Two 4 acres properties adjoining Indian Hill club, below market. 50 ft. lot close to school, lake and Indian Hill station, cheapest lot in this section. E. E. Stults Realty Co. Phone Wil. 1800 790 Elm Street LTG21-1te 198 ACRE FARM, FOUR MILES FROM city in central Wisconsin. 90 acres under cultivation, 20 acres hay marsh, remainder woodland and pas- ture. Three fountains, six-room house, barn 30x65 feet, tool house 20 x36 feet, granary, etc. On telephone and mail routes. Price $12,000. Phone Winn. 633-J. LTG21-1tc FOR RENT--CORNER STORE IN AT- tractive block in Kenilworth. Just the place for a drug store or might rent for other lines. McGUIRE & ORR Phone Randolph 2981 69 W. Washington St., Chicago TG52-3tc 541 WTD. TO RENT--3 OR 4 BEDROOM house between Wilmette and High- land Park, rent not over $125 per month. Address Lake Shore News, A-122. T2-1tc WANTED--FURNISHED HOUSE; TWO baths, slp. pch. June 15--Sept. 15, season's rental in advance. Win. 1604, T52-3te WANTED TO RENT AT ONCE 7 OR 8§ ROOM HOUSE; GOOD LOCATION. H. W. heat, 1 yrs. rent in advance if desirable. Phone Wil. 1304. LLTG21-1tc WANTED TO RENT--APT, HOUSE- keeping suite or small house for two months or longer. Phone Winn. 990. LTG21-1tfe WTD. TO RENT--6 TO 8 ROOM house, Wilmette to Glencoe, reason- able rent. Phone Kenilworth 419. LTG21-1te SMALL HOUSE OR FLAT BY YOUNG couple, reasonable. Phone Winn. 662-R. T2-1tp FOUR OR FIVE ROOMS, SMALL COT- tage or flat by May 1st. Tel. Wil 895-Y-3 T2-2tn. WTD. TO RENT-- FURN. HOUSE Apr. 1st, 3 adults. Phone Wil. 252, L21-1te YOUNG COUPLE WANT TO RENT flat or small cottage April or May ist. Tel. Wil...357, L19-3tp LT21-1tc, Talk. T2-1tc Adams Pharmacy. T2-1te FOR SALE--CHOICE HOME ON THE __ " T ) Lake, in best section of Glengos wi | FSTBIFION BELL DOG, BROWN 2 Dargain. Address A-30, eekly feet. Finder please call Kenilworth 490 and receive reward. T2-1tp HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted--Experienced book- keeper capable of handling Accounts Receivable ledg- er and billing; steady; typ- ist preferred. Lloyd Holl- ister, Inc. Phone Wilmette 1920. LTG21-1te WANTED TWO WHITE GIRLS, ONE for cooking and first door work, the other for second floor work and help with children, best wages. Phone Winn. 986. LTG21-1te WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WHITE maid for general housework; no washing; own room and bath; good wages; 2 school children. Phone Winn. 1619. LT21-1te WANTED WHITE eral housework; family; MAID FOR GEN- no washings; small references. Call Winn 320. 946 Oak Street, Winnetka. LTG21-1te WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO HELP with general housework; private family; must go home nights. Tele- phone Wil. 1383. LT21-1tp WANTED WHITE WOMAN TO HELP with housework, several hours each day. Reference; 33 Crescent Place. Phone Wil. 2608. LTG21-1te WANTED EXPERIENCED MAID FOR general housework. Reference, small family. 290 Forest Ave. Winn. 1705. LTG21-1te WANTED MAID; MUST BE ABLE TO serve well; none but first class 'need apply. 878 North Ave. Winn. Phone Winn. 1090. LTG21-1te WANTED COMPETENT MAID FOR general housework; near trans. no laundry; 5 in family. Call Winn, 1748. LT21-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED BOOK- keeper, tvpewriting ability preferred. Phone Wilmette 1920. LTG21-1tp WANTED--A MAID, MUST BE GOOD cook. Best wages, call Wil. 1353. TG2-1te. WANTED--GIRL TO WORK IN CON- fectionary store. Call Winn. 1217. TG2-1te. WTD--COOK, WHITE, MUST BE first class. Phone Winn. 1217. TG2-1te. WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral house work, four in family, Phone Winn. 1367. T2-1te. WTD--FIRST CLASS COOK REFS. Address Lake Shore News A128. T2-1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE TRUSTWORTHY GIRL OF FIFTEEN wants a home in a C. 8S. family to attend Skokie school, and assist in dining room, and care for babies. Phone Winn. 1765 before 9:30 a. m. T2-1te DRESSMAKING--IRENE BRABHAM, 330 Randolph St., Glencoe, will be away until April 1. call Glencoe 187, For information evenings or Sun-~ days. TG47-tfe DRESSMAKING AND REMODELING gowns and frocks. Myra Lewis wishes to announce her new location is 412 Madison Ave. Glencoe. Phone 1030. T2-2tp TWO GIRLS WORKING IN OFFICES would like to work evenings after five o'clock. Address Lake Shore News, A127. L2-1te DEPENDABLE WOMAN WITH daughter of eleven, as cook or house keeper. Protestant. Phone Winn. 1765 before 9:30 a. m. T2-1te WANTED SEWING BY THE DAY; also serving dinners. K. Meier. Phone keeping, gas. ished: private bath: portation: reasonable. mette 2795. FOR RENT__.3 rooms first floor. Also pleasant well furnished bed- room. Gentleman preferred. Rest location. Telephone Wilmette 1327 Li18-tfe FOR RENT--SUITE OF ROOMS, PRI- vate kitchen and bath, garage, conv. to Skokie Club, lake and transporta- tion. Available May 1, for summer or longer. Phone Glen. 557. LT-1te FOR RENT 2 LARGE FURN. ROOMS, light and heat furn- close to trans- Phone Wil LTG-1tn LARGE HSKEETPING Partly furnished. in private residence, well lighted. steam heat--near station. Phone Winn. 415. LTG21-1tc FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED front room. private familv. garage x fn Wil. 738-W. LTG21-2te FOR RENT--ROOMS "TO DO DRESSMAKING BY THE FOR RENT 3 LARGE ROOMS FURN-| day--tailoring a specialty." Phone ished or unfurnished, for light house- Wilmette 2690. LTG21-1te SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERI- enced Infants nurse. Phone Wil. 816- CW. LT21-1tp LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations. Phone Winn. 911 before 8 A. M. T47-tfe HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--LABORERS FOR TREE planting. Winnetka Manor West end Oak St. dailv 7:15 A. M. PFUND NURSERY CO. T2-1tp. PIANOS TUNED PIANOS TUNED -- EXPERT PIANO tuning, repairing. L. W. Foster, piano maker. Call your home tuner, Tel. Winn. 509-7. LTG49-tfe HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE WANTED--WHITE COUPLE FOR gen"l work. Man to drive car. 1302 : : il. 738-W. Chestnut, Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 2637. if desired. Phone Wi Tot Tie Vil, 2087 CENTRAL HOTEL--NICE CLEAN WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS outs. rms., steam heat, hot and cold | RESPONSIBLE COUPLE DESIRES rung. water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main two rooms for light housekeeping. St, Wil LT5-tfc Call Winn. 1493. T1-2te

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