WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1923 -~ Winnetka's Greater Community House CARPENTER.CONTRACTOR ESTIMATES FURNISHED ALFRED M. OLSEN > > y Vv 888 Cherry St. Telephone Winnetka 531-J PHONE WINNETKA 920 921 922 Losey |eurLees : paNTRY |] KITCHEN -- ----],- 1 28'% 14" 28% 2.1" CENTER ROOM 2 65' x 50' L STAGE « MAIN. HALL ' ~ ] 15 4 -- 28°4" "1 CORRIDOR Bar Gc ) STORAGE. SP oo ENET Bn camp-FIRE ROOM] | ROOM -- A 40'x 2.2 AMERICAN i Ware ROOM A new auditorium, rooms devoted to the exclusive use of the Winnetka Post of the American Legion, the Boy Scouts and the Camp Fire Girls, are to be among the features of the enlarged Community House now Details of the plan of the greatest community center will be found in another column of under construction. this issue of the Winnetka Weekly Talk. HNEIGHBORHOOD) | ROOM * sae? For Meats PETERS MARKET A. PETERS, Proprietor 734 Elm Street EXISTING COMMUNITY HOUSE. POPPY SALE TO HELP DISABLED Ask Citizens to Wear Flower May 29-30 North Shore posts of the American Legion, Department of Illinois, are co- operating with their National and State headquarters in the sale of poppies, and it is hoped that every man, woman and child will wear a poppy on May 29 and 30, in remembrance of the thousands who have "Gone West" as the result of the World war. All money derived from the sale will be devoted exclusively to Service work. The Service department of the American Legion is continually called upon to make expenditures along this line which tax its resources, and as their only means of raising the money to carry on this work is from this source, they are mak- ing every effort to assure a large sale this year. Funds For Service Work The Service department of the Ameri- can Legion in this state alone has been responsible for collecting over two and one-half millions of dollars in claims for ex-service men. They have placed more than twenty thousand men in em- ployment, besides interceding for many unfortunate ex-service men who have been in trouble in some way or other. They have taken care of families of hundreds of .men while their claims against the government was being ad- justed. Many of these families would have been County charges, as the physi- cal condition of the men would not per- mit them to work. Fighting the just claijns of all ex-service people. is the first work of the American Legion. Legion's Official Flower Because of a prejudice which exists in certain states and localities against the sale of poppies as the result of un- dignified and ill-advised selling campaigns conducted in the past by other organiza- tions, it has been decided that all poppies sold under the auspices of the American Legion shall bear some distinctive mark. "The American Legion, Department of Illinois," will be stamped on all poppies sold by the organization in this state. This will guarantee to each purchaser that he is not being victimized by irres- ponsible agencies. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Doonan, 1086 Spruce street, are receiving congratula- tions -on the birth of a daughter, on Sat- urday, March 31, at the Oak Park hos- pital. : Church and The Citizen, Richards Sermon Subject Sunday morning, April 8, at the Winnetka Congregational church, Rev. J. A. Richards will preach on "The Church And The Citizens." Hawthorn lane, have moved to the North Shore hotel in Evanston. daughter, Ann, 768 Foxdale avenue, are returning home from Florida, today. Mr. and Mrs. George Roehm, 390 Mrs. Charles IL. Byron and small Welch's Cafeteria It is hoped that the talk will be of | ¢ help to those who are trying to do|« honest thinking about their personal relations to the church. The music will include "The Festival Te Deum" in E Flat by Dudley Buck; "Still, Still With Thee" by Arthur Foote; "I Have Considered The Days Of Old" by James. Annual Scout Night Is Scheduled for April 26 The Winnetka Boy Scouts will hold their annual Scout Night Thursday, April 26 in Community House gym- nasium. There will be demonstrations of Scout activities of all kinds, and ; Wilmette Unique Style Shop 1126 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 2403 Wonderful Bargains 1 New Spring Dresses $8.50 up $| Summer Dresses--Coats-- Wraps and Capes at Prices that will Surprise everybody. Come and See Our Window Here's a picture of one of our happy guests anticipating a delicious dinner. 3 The girl with the many interesting events dre scheduled, to say nothing of a surprise of two. This will be an opportunity for par- ents and the publig, generally, to know at first hand more of the Scout movement. Further notice will be given later, but it is well to keep this date in mind. Mrs. Clarence Happ, 306 Walnut ave- nue, returned last Friday from a ten days' visit with friends in Webster City and Fort Madison, Iowa. Mrs. Florence Preston and Mr. F. H. Deily, have just returned from a ten JEEEESEEEEEE GA, apron offering him as POULTRY-- . a little gravy. He = Broilers, Frying = re . a and Roasting = smilingly declines. - Chickens-- ® Freshly Dressed 5 - Squabs a «Mrs. Smith ®\| The Cafeteria way - 319 Oak ovr one 12 J is-2he best way rEEEEEEEEEER BE © I= = SEE weeks' trip to the Pacific coast. Miss Marion Gramm, a teacher in the Greeley school, spent the Faster vacation in Menominee, Mich. Mrs. S. Frank has returned to her home at 1004 Spruce street, from a so- journ in New Orleans. Mr. Henry Klauke, 1138 Scott ave- nue, is spending several weeks at Sacred Heart Sanitarium in Milwaukee. Dr. Thorvald Lyngholm OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 946 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Hours by Appointment Winnetka 301 i ROT TTT DR. MELVIN B. HASBROUCK having been associated with the late Dr. John L. Ralston an- nounces that he will continue in the general practice of OSTEOPATHY at 353 Park Ave. Glencoe, Illi- nois. Telephone, Office and Res- Read the Want Ads | idence--Glencoe 43. ed ESTABLISHED 1854 C.H. JORDAN & COMPANY FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 69 YEARS 612 Davis Street, Evanston, Ill. 164 N. Michigan Ave. Phones Randolph 1346-1347 Phone Evanston 449 We announce that our Chicago office, showroom and ware- house are now located at the S00 TERMINAL WAREHOUSE 1446 SOUTH CANAL STREET A complete stock of boilers, furnaces and repairs will be carried at all times. Your highly appreciated patronage has made this expansion both possible and necessary. HART & CROUSE CO. GEO. B. COONES, Manager Phone Roosevelt 2070 R. C. MELENEY North Shore Agent Phone Winnetka 614-M