10 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1923 PLAN GEOLOGY STUDY AFIELD| N. U. Students to Go to Superior Region 'Acting on the conviction that geo- logy must be studied in the field as well as the classroom, the department of geology and geography of North- western university has completed ar- rangements for a four weeks' trip through the Lake Superior region, the start to be made August 6. Professor W. S. Grant will have charge of the field course. Northwestern is the oniy university to conduct such an out- door trip. The reason for the selection of northwestern Minnesota and adjacent portions of Ontario was that the stu- dents might study geology of the rocks containing iron and copper. Af- ter leaving Ely, Minn. the rest of the trip will be made by canoe and the three weeks spent on the water will be away from civilization. . The course over the samé territory has been conducted on five earlier years. From it, those participating work up their theses and so far three doctors' degrees and over twelve mas- ters' degrees have been awarded. Students from other universities en- roll in the course. Physicians Enjoy Dinner - Program at Health Resort One hundred north shore physicians and members of their families enjoyed a dinner and musical evening Wednes- day of last week, at the North Shore Health resort as guests of the medical staff of that institution. The guests comprised the Wilmette Physicians' club which has a mem- bérship extending throughout the township. 'Artists who gave the program of music included Mrs. Pauline Fillis, Miss Jessie Wayland, Miss Lucile Turner and Donald Anderson. As Sis as a Bandage The flexible Cantilever Shoe, with its skillfully designed instep, fits and supports the foot arch without stiffness or restraint. The fit is so close and true, and so gentle and free, that it has been likened to the effect of a doc- tor's bandage wound lightly but snugly round the instep. If you are on your feet a large part of the day, either standing or walking, you can realize how delightfully com- fortable and restful such natural sup- port to the arch is going to be when you wear Cantilever Shoes. Should your arches be weak, or on the verge of breaking down, this sup- port of the Cantilever Shoes will give you splendid relief while the free mus- cle action permitted by the flexible shank is gradually strengthening your muscles through exercise. Assuming that your arches are normal, and that you are one of the lucky few to have feet that are in good condition, the Cantilever Shoe will protect your . good fortune. No doubt you know that the small bones of the foot are held in position by muscles and tendons and they will always stay in place if the strength and health of these ligaments is main- tained by exercise and free circulation. So comfortable and so healthful are Cantilever Shoes that good looks would seem to be precluded. But they are as stylish as any other walking oxfords and boots. Come and see how modish they are, and how very comfortable they feel. We are the sole agents in Wil- mette and invite your inspection. We know how delighted are the many women who try their first pair of Cantilever Shoes. Wilmette Shoe Store Z. Rafalski, Prop. 1050 Central Ave., Wilmette ; Kenilworth Happenings L Mrs. W. I. Woodward, 537 Abbotts- ford road, returned home on Monday of last week from Gettysburgh, Pa. where she spent six weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Blocher of that city. Mrs. Woodward's mother and sister, Mrs. I. D. Mayhew and Mrs. Edward Bugby of Richmond, Ind., who have been here during the past month, left Wednesday to return to their home. The "Rector's Aid Society of the Kenilworth Episcopal church held its final luncheon and meeting of the year on Monday. Mrs. Burt A. Crowe, and Mrs. John Rathbone were hostesses and Miss Martha Wilson and her fiance, Rev. Leland Danforth, were the guests of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Southworth who have been staying with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bodine Southworth, 201 Kenii- worth avenue, left on Friday to open their summer home at lake Geneva, Wis. Mrs. W. H. Dent is the guest of Mrs, Henry Taylor, Jr, 431 Essex road. Mrs. D. F. Ellsberry of Fargo, Cal., who has beens pending two weel:s with her sister, Mrs. John Hocks, 24! Melrose avenue, left Kenilworth last Tuesday. The Home and Garden club held a meeting on Monday afternon at the home of Mrs. C. D. Howe, 240 Kenil- worth avenue. Mrs. John M. Roberts, entertained at tea on Friday of last week, at her residence on Warwick road, in honor of Mrs. Frank Nason of Kansas City, the guest of Mrs. Burt C. Harden- brook in Winnetka. Mrs. Frank Nason, formerly a resi- dent of Kenilworth, who has been the guest of Mrs. B. C. Hardenbrook in Winnetka, for a fortnight returned to her home in Kansas City early this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dilling of Kenil- worth sailed Saturday, April 14, for Europe where they will spend the coming three months on a combined business and pleasure trip. Mr. Grant Keehn, 512 Roslyn road, who has been home on his spring va- cation from Harvard Business college, returned to school on Friday of last week. Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, 304 Melrose avenue, entertained her Sewing club at her home on Wednesday last. NEENENENEEEE Ng POULTRY-- Broilers, Frying and Roasting Chickens-- Freshly Dressed Squabs Mrs. Smith 819 Oak Phone 112 WINNETKA NEE EEEE@® rE BE SE EEE EEEN Welch's Cafeteria Wilmette We know of one thinnish lady who put on twenty-five pounds while doing all her eating in our Cafe- teria! That speaks well for the quality of our foods. The Cafeteria way is the best way equipped with 1 Double Roaster and Rack 2 two-quart Stew Pans and Covers Our Annual Spring Gas Range Sale Began Monday, April 9th During this sale we will allow you $10.00 for your old stove (gas or coal) toward the purchase price of our latest improved cabinet gas range THE "LORAIN OVEN HEAT REGULATOR" Or Give You Absolutely Free this aluminum whole meal cooking set, if you purchase a gas range equipped with the remarkable "Lorain" ovenheat regulator during this sale This Beautiful Set Consists of --\ Li iJ) A | 2 three-quart Stew Pans and Covers 1 one-quart Stew Pan and Cover | We Offer this $10.00 Allowance and Premium Offer Only to Induce Early Buying It isn't necessary to pay cash--make only a small payment down if you prefer--the balance in 12 monthly payments makes it easy to own one of these wonderful cabinet gas ranges. -- Now on display at - NORTH SHORE GAS CO. This offer goed for limited time only