i" vr - WINNETKA, WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1923 19 SITUATION WANTED--MALE FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers James B. MacFarlane Interior Decorator Formerly with Mandel Bros. 519 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 WANTED--GARDENING AND GEN- eral work by experienced man. Tele- phone Winn, 1783. T7-6tp WANTED--GARDENING AND GEN- eral work by experienced man. Tel. Winnetka 1783. T7-6tp HELP WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE--ONE HOT : POINT VAC- uum cleaner with attachments; one 54-in. fumed oak dining table, $25; one 60-inch Queen Anne buffet, dark oak, $60; one solid mahogany drop- leaf tea. wagon, $27. Tel. Glencoe 348. 760 Grove St. Glencoe. TG12-1te FOR SALE--One Jacobean oak dining table $25; one large tapestry dav- enport, $38; 125 1b. Leonard ice-box, $23; 72-in. solid mahogany dresser, - $75; collapsible brass baby bed, $7; Other articles cheap. Phone Glencoe 440. LTG-31--tp. FOR SALE--ONE "SEVENTY-FOUR inch" Harley-Davidson motor-cycle. Apply 730 Em St, Winnetka. LTG31-1te FOR SALE--PYRAMID TENT, 16x16, fine condition. Cost $45, sell for $18: also several odd chairs, at $1 each. Tel. Winn. 1114. T12-1tc FOR SALE--2 CHILDRENS BICY- cles; mahogany dining table; chest of drawers. Tel. Winn. 1696. TG12-1te LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE--MUST SACRIFICE ON account of death, dark brown ma- hagany Console Victrola, beautiful model, like new; records. Cost $250 will sell for $125. Phone Wilmette 2138. LT-31-1te. WANTED TO BUY--SECQND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG27tfc N. FELL--DEALER IN NEW AND used household-goods. 1644 Maple Ave, Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. YTG-16-tfc. WANTED--YOUNG GIRL (WHITE) to help with three children. Inci- dental housework; experience not necessary. Telephone Winn. 167. TG12-1te WANTED--YOUNG GIRL AS MOTH- er's helper, light duties; small wages. No objection to colored. Hubbard Woods. Phone Winnetka 782. LT-31-1te. WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework--no washing, good home and wages. Tel. Wil. 2258. LTG31-1tc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED SECOND maid, (white), family: 4 children, 3 adults. Telephone Winn. 167. TG12-1te WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO HELP IN confectionery store. Sweet Shop. Phone, Winnetka 1094. T12-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework; no laundry; small family. Tel. Winn. 459. T12-1te WANTED--YOUNG WHITE GIRL FOR nurse. Tel. Kenilworth 1809. TG12-1te WANTED -- NURSE TO CARE FOR five months old baby. Tel. Winn. 121. T12-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE laundress; one day a week. Tel. Winn. 993. T12-1te WANTED -- NURSE GIRL TO CARE for children afternoons. Telephone Winn. 17. T12-1te WANTED--COOK, ALSO WAITRESS; experienced; best wages. Telephone Winn. 58. T12-1te WANTED--MAID; LIGHT SECOND work; good seamstress. Best wages. Telephone Winn. 58. T12-1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE COLLEGE GRADUATE AND EXPERI- enced teacher will tutor summer stu- dents by the hour Special rates for more than one student. Telephone Glencoe 235. TG12-1te THREE COLORED GIRLS WISH places in families at close of school. Address Rev. James Jordan, 1930 Kustan Ave. North Chicago, Ill. T12-1te WANTED -- BY EXPERIENCED laundress washing and ironing to take home. Phone Wil. 834-R. LT-30-2tc. EXPERIENCED WHITE WOMAN wishes ironing, cleaning; or will do other housework. Telephone 935-M. T12-1tp WANTED -- SEWING: 'PLAIN AND fancy dressmaking. Telephone Wil. 2758, or Wil. 2718. LTG31-1te YOUNG LADY 19 WISHES POSITION in store or office. Telephone Winn. 2034. LT31-1te TAILORING BY APPOINTMENT. Phone Evanston 6491. LT-31-1te. TAILORING BY APPOINTMENT. TEL. Evanston 6491. T11-tfe WORK AND FOR SALE--NEARLY NEW FURNI- ture; chairs, beds, dining room set, carpets, curtains, lamps, etc. Leav- ing town. Wilmette 901-M. T12-1tp FOR SALE ITALIAN GARDEN chair; 4 poster bed; carved tea table. Telephone Winn. 58. TG12-1te FOR SALE--ONE LARGE BOHN ICE- box; upright piano; 4 kitchen chairs. Address Lake Shore News, A-190. T12-1tc DOUBLE BED, SPRINGS AND MAT- tress; 48-inch mahogany library ta- ble, bath tub, washstand, kitchen sink. Tel. Winn. 1155. TG12-1te FOR SALE--CHEAP, CENTER PED- estal oak, extension dining table. Tel. Glencoe 311. TG12-1te © FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--AIRDALE DOGS AND puppies -- Russian Wolf Hound-- Scotties--W ire-hair Fox Terrier pup- pies; dogs boarded. Harry Hurst, Northfield, Hopp Road, North~* of Willow Road. LTG31-1te WANTED--NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC magazines; Jan., July, August, Sept., November, Dec. 1920; June, 1921; October, November, Dec., 1922. Tel. Winn. 1696. i T12-1te HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE perfect condition, $150.00. Phone 1873 Winnetka or address, S. H. Bil- lon, 1188 Spruce St, Winnetka. LTG31-1tc FOR SALE--BLACK REED BABY carriage in good condition. Tel. Winn. 474. T12-1tc FOR SALE--CHEAP, 56 FEET BLACK porch screen. Call Winn. 548. TG12-1te MISCELLANEOUS ANY OLD RAGS PAPERS MAGAZINES METAL or IRON? Call us and we will pay you for them EVANSTON SCRAP IRON & METAL CO. Phone Fvanston 905 1311 Foster St.,, Evanston W. KENILWORTH NURSERY LAWNS CUT BY THE HOUR OR BY WANTED--LAUNDRY W contract. Tel. Kenilworth 1089. cleaning. Tel. Winn. 58. T12-1te T10-3tp STORAGE SERVICE STORAGE SERVICE IREDAL SERVIC! STORAGE HOUSEHOLD GOODS QUR SPECIALTY [HLA Figures represent dist ance in miles From EVANSTON [REDALE FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSES MOTORVAN_SERVICE LOCATED on-C-eA-W- C-M-55¢D--- and ~ C-N-S-EM-ELECT. RRLINES 24 Waukegan 21-Great Lakes 16-LaKe Forest 13- Highwood, 12-Highland Park 1g=Ravinia \ 2 a WO nid 4 WINNETKA 3-Kenilworth 2 Wilmette EVANSTON 4-Rofers Park $10 REWARD FOR RECOVERY OF Ranger bicycle taken from M. E. church, Wilmette, Friday eve. May 25. $20 reward for information lead- ing to the arrest and conviction of party taking same. Phone Wilmette Police Dept. or Randolph 3737. ITG31-1te LOST--MONDAY AFTERNOON, WRIST watch on North Avenue, between railroad and Vernon Ave. Hubbard Woods. Reward. Tel. Winn. 1832, T12-1tc ORANGE-PICKING SEEMS STUFF FOR THE POETS Tom Black, former student at New Trier High school, who more recently has been plucking oranges (for pay) in the groves of southern California and Mexico, returned to his school this week and dropped off a bit of verse that merits reproduction herewith. Tom, as people may know, is a rhymster of some distinction. He pens the accompanying with apol- ogies to Walt Mason. Read it: LADY OF THE MOMENT APROPOS OF SPRING In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to many things, to the lady of the moment and the ecstasy she brings, scorning tales of dis-illu- sion, nigh-contented for the while, liv- ing only for the present, the enchant- ment of her smile. Dreaming dreams of hours of worship, paying homage at the shrine to the perfect senorita, the eternal feminine. Thinking thoughts of moonlight evenings sum- mer months will surely hold, fleet- ing thoughts he would not barter for infinity of gold. Evenings on some lazy river, on some lake or on the sea, just the ripple of the water and the one and only she; when the moon has laid a pathway--lane of dreams for fairy feet, and the whisper of the nightwind tells a story old and sweet. Ah, but list'! my younger brother, with your fancy born of spring, with your lady of the moment and your thoughts that ladies bring; though I dare not dim your vision, though I would not mar your dream--even ladies of the moment are not always what they seem. Tom With Apologies to Walt. Well Known Athlete Opens Winnetka Dental Offices Dr. A. V. Thorsen, well known a few vears ago as star athlete at New Trier High school and Northwestern univer- sity, has opened dental parlors at 584 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka. Dr. Thorsen is a native of the north shore. He is a graduate of New Trier. and of Northwestern university schools of liberal Arts and Dentistry. He gained distinction, both in high school and at college, as a crack run- ner, his specialty being the mile and one- half events. He also -starred at basket- ball and baseball. He was captain of the track teams at New Trier and Northwestern. ¥ Dr. Thorsen has practiced dentistry for three years. He spent one year at the Cook County hospital nad two years practicing in Champaign and Pontiac. Auto Dealer Necessity Like Butcher and Baker "The automobile ftealer has now become one along with the grocer, the clothier and other merchants who serves constant community needs" says William T. Wersted, of the Wersted Motor company. "Every community today is depend- ing upon automobile transportation to an extent that makes necessary the constant presence of responsible in- stitutions to sell and service cars. "The operation of the modern deal- er's establishment involves car main- tenance even more than car sales. He is the source of automobile trans- portation in his market. "The dealer who recognizes this responsibility and prepares himself to meet it will be the permanent dealer. Mere car salesmen will come and go." Two New York Telephones Have Grown to Million In 1876, there were two telephones in New York City. They were con- nected by a single strand of wire, at- tached to the supports for the Brook- lyn Bridge, then being constructed, and spanned the East River. In forty seven years the number of telephones in New York has increased from these two until today there are more than a million in the metropolis of the Unfted States. This is one of the striking illustrations of the develop- ment of the telephone industry in Amer- ica within a half century. Katherine MacDonald, film star, was married during the week, this being her second venture into matrimony. She is acclaimed as one of the twelve most beautiful women in America. EVANSTON TRIMS NEW TRIER NINE Errors Prove Costly to North Shore Crew Evanston high hopped on New Trier for the second time on the Evanston lot last Saturday morning, taking the con- test, 8 to 4. Grant Phillips was on the mound for the high school team, and al- though he was nicked for nine hits, they were well scattered, and the New Trier lads were unable to make them count. The Evanston runs were scattered, while the New Trier brought all of their quartet of tallies in in the fourth. Phillips struck out two men, and a third flied out in this frame, bringing the rally to a close, and after that there was no more crossing of the home sack. Roberston, catching for the north shore boys, bobbled three times, Wood, the first man at bat, whiffed, but the catcher dropped the ball, and Wood reached second on it. O'Shaughnessy hit and Wood scored. Soon after, Roberston overthrew second, and the ball rolled to the fence, while O'Shaughnessy legged it home. Vic New took one healthy sock at the apple, making a two-bagger out of it, bringing O'Shaughnessy in from first, in the sixth. Johnson starred on the bases for the losers. He was fast on the sacks and made two hits, as did his team- mate, De Pau. Score: NEW TRIER EVANSTON r-h.p.a.e r.h.p.a.e Smith, 2b. 01230Wood, 2b. 20610 Robert'n, ¢. 102230'Sh'sy, ss.21132 DePau, 1b. 02802New, cf. ..11100 Johnson, p. 12030Adams, 1b.11100 Walb'rg, rf 112 00Pearson, c¢f.10900 Stodd'd, 3b. 100 10D'little, 3b. 00310 Lieber, cf. 01300Gust'on, 1f. 11101 Flint, ss. .01111Phillips, p. 00000 Rohn, lf. 01000Conad'i, rf. 01009 Evanston ... 2. 1:.0.0:-3.2-8 New Trier 000 40 04 Two-base hits--New, Adams, Gustaf- son. Bases on balls--Off Phillips, 4; off Johnson, 6. Struck out--By Phillips, 9; by Johnson, 4. SELL 395,962 FORDS TO DATE THIS YEAR Sales of Ford cars and trucks in the United States alone for the first quarter of 1923 reached the enormous total of 395,962, the greatest sales rec- ord in the history of the Ford Motor company for a similar period of months. This is an increase of 135 per cent over the same months last year when Ford retail deliveries to- taled 168,500. Even these stupendous figures do not indicate the number of sales which could have been made had pro- duction facilities been greater. Every month dealer requirements have been far in excess of the company's manu- facturing ability. For May, dealers' orders reached the enormous figure of 300,000 Ford Cars and Trucks. Following the expenditure of mil- lions of dollars for new machinery, ex- pansion of manufacturing units and enlargement of assembly plants, ne- cessary to maintain the exacting high standards of Ford manufacture, pro- duction has been gradually increased since the first of the year until at pre- sent the company is operating on a schedule in excess of 6,500 completed cars and trucks a day. While reservations now are being put on early predictions that this year would see 3,000,000 cars and trucks produced in the United States, increasing demand for Ford products will, all indications are, keep produc- tion at capacity rate for the remainder of the year, bringing it well over the million and a half mark by Jan- uary 1 next, maintaining the estab- lished Ford percentage of producing as many cars and trucks as all other manufacturers combined. Any man who owns an automobile and remains an old bachelor has no one to blame but himself. Robert Quillen. SING IN MUSIC FESTIVAL Eighth grade pupils of the Wilmette public schools sang in the children's chorus at the North Shore Music Festival, Evanston, Saturday. Every school along the north shore filled its allotment. VILLAGE OF WINNETKA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS GENERAL NUMBER 378091. NOTICE Notice of preceedings for the im- provement of the south ten (10) feet of Lot Twenty (20) and the south ten (10) feet of Lot Twenty-three (23) in McKinney's Subdivision of Block One (1) and Lots One (1) to Four (4) in Block Two (2) in John C. Garland's Addition to Winnetka, being a sub- division of the north one hundred twenty (120) acres of the southwest quarter of Section Twenty-one (21) in Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, in the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, by condemning said ten (10) foot strip for use as a public thoroughfare upon which there shall be constructed a concrete sidewalk six (6) feet in width extending from the present walk along the east side of Ridge Avenue to the present walk along the west side of Forest Street, the center line of which said sidewalk shall coincide with the center line of said ten (10) foot strip hereby proposed to be condemned, in- cluding excavation, grading, cinder base, the removal of all surplus ex- cavated materials, all labor and mate- rials, and engineering and supervision during construction, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. GENERAL NUMBER 378091. STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK VILLAGE OF WINNETKA ITVS] LEONARD H. ROACH and BESSIE O. ROACH, et al. In the matter of the petition of the Village of Winnetka for the ascertain- ment of the just compensation to be made for private property to be taken or damaged for the improvement of the south ten (10) feet of Lot Twenty (20) and the south ten (10) feet of Lot Twenty-three (23) in McKinney's Subdivision of Block One (1) and Lots One (1) to Four (4) in Block Two (2) in John C. Garland's Addition to Win- netka, being a subdivision of the north one hundred twenty (120) acres of the southwest quarter of Section Twenty-one (21) in Township Forty- two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, in the Village of Winnetka, Cook Cook County, Illinois, by condemning said ten (10) foot strip for use as a public thoroughfare upon which there shall be constructed a concrete side- walk six (6) feet in width extending from the present walk along the east side of Ridge Avenue to the present walk along the west side of Forest Street, the center line of which said sidewalk shall coincide with the cen- ter line of said ten (10) foot strip hereby proposed to be condemned, in- cluding excavation, grading, cinder base, the removal of all surplus ex- cavated materials, all labor and mate- rials, and engineering and supervision during construction, all in the Vil- lage of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, for the purpose of making said improvement. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The said Court by order duly entered herein having directed that notice be given to the said defendants and to all whom it may concern by publica- tion as by law required, in the Win- netka Weekly Talk, a newspaner pub- lished in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 70 ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN that the Village of Winnetka heretofore filed its petition in the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, praying for the ascertainment of the just compen- sation to be made for private property to be taken or damaged for the im- provement of the south ten (10) feet of Lot Twenty (20) and the south ten (10) feet of Lot Twenty-three (23) in McKinney's Subdivision of Block One (1) and Lots One (1) to Four (4) in Block Two (2) in John C. Garland's Addition to Winnetka, peing a sub- division of the north one hundred twenty (120) acres of the southwest quarter of Section Twenty-one (21), in Township Forty-two (12) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, in the Village of Winnetka Cook County, Illinois, by condemning said ten (10) foot strip for use as a public thoroughfare upon which there shall be constructed a concrete sidewalk six (6) feet in widtix' extending from the present walk along the east side of Ridge Avenue to the present walk along the west side of Forest Street, the center line of which said sidewalk shall coincide with the center line of said ten (10) foot strip hereby proposed to be condemned, in- cluding excavation. grading, cinder base, the removal of all surplus ex- cavated materials, all labor and matc- rials, and engineering and supervision during construction, all in the Vil- lage of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, for the purpose of making said improvement, and of what property will be benefited there- by and the amount of such benefit, the estimated cost of such improve- ment being the sum of Two Thousand Six Hundred ninety-seven Dollars and fifty-one cents ($2,697.51); that Com- missioners were duly appointed by said Court to investigate and report the just compensation to be made for private property to be taken ar dam- aged for said improvement. and also what real estate will be benefited by such improvement, and the amount of such benefits to each parcel of land benefited thereby, and that said Com- missions duly made a special assess- ment to raise the cost of said im- provement, and duly filed their report in the office of the Clerk of the said Court on the third day of August, A. D. 1922. That said Commissioners filed a revised report in said proceeding. in the office of the Clerk of said Court on the twenty-fifth day of May, A. D. 1928 atetinon a summons issued out of said Court against the defendants above named, and ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, returnable at the County Court House in the City of Chicago, in said County, on the twenty-fifth day of June, A. D. 1923, as is by law required, which proceeding. is still pending. . Now, unless you, the said defendants, designated as ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, shall be and appear before the said Superior Court of Cook Coun ty, Illinois, at the County Court House, in the City of Chicago, in said County, on or before the twenty-fifth day of June, A. D. 1922, and plead, answer or demur to the petitioner's petition, or object to the report of the Commissioners aforesaid, the sams and the matters and 'hings therein charged and stated vwsill be taken as confessed and a judgment entered in accordance with the said report and the prayer of said petition. 3 The following is a aeseripiion oO lots, blocks, tracts, pieces or par- he of land sought to be taken or damaged for the proposed improve- nt aforesaid: Te South ten (10) feet of Lot Twenty (20) and the south ten (10) feet of Lot Twenty-three i23) in Mc- Kinney's Subdivision of Block One 1) and Lots One (1) to Four (4) in Block Two (2) in John C. Garland's Addition to Winnetka, being a Subdivision of the north one hundred twenty (120) acres of the southwest quarter of Fec- tion Twenty-one (21) in Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) east of the Third Principal Mer- idian, in the age of Winnetka, ounty, Illinois. Cok Bh 2 the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois, this DY eaty-Afth day of May, A. D. 1923. SAMUEL E. ERICKSON, Clerk of the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Attorney for the Village of Wiles ; -4te