Ee . WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1924 CHURCH, DRAMA LEADER COMING Rev. Irwin St. John Tucker to Speak at Christ Church Sunday Morning SPEAKS ON THE DRAMA Sponsors Religious Drama for Chicago Rev. Irwin St. John Tucker, one of the most brilliant pulpit orators in Chi- cago and a leader in the field of re- ligious drama will address the congre- gation of Christ church Sunday morn- ing, February 3, on the subject of "Re- ligious Drama." On the evening of that day at 8:15 o'clock he will speak more informally on the same theme at the home of Mrs. Ernest S. Ballard, 1229 Hamptondale road, the place of meeting having been changed from the home of Mrs. Hermon B. Butler, in view of the recent death of Mrs. Butler's sister, Mrs. James Houghteling. Sponsors Community Drama Dr. Tucker, who is the author of "The Sangreal," now being presented by the Cathedral Players of the Cathedral Players Guild, is one of the foremost advocates of the Community Religious drama, and interested in fostering senti- ment in the churches in favor of that very essential phase of religious en- deavor. "The Cathedral Players," reads a notice, "plan a permanent foundation for the regular presentation of religious and ethical drama on a scale worthy of the theme and of the community of Chi- cago and vicinity. The guild has been formed to support the players in this work." "The Sangreal," one is informed, "is a mystery drama of the Holy Grail and was first presented in St. Luke's church, Evanston. It was hailed by the religious press of many denominations as one of the great productions of the time. "The Bishop and council of the Chi- cago dioscese of the Episcopal church have given the play their endorsement and support. Members of all religious Want General Co-operation It is the purpose of the sponsors of ok ole oe obs ode ole ob ole oo ooo oe oi obo ob oe obo oe oe oe ob oe oe The Frances Shop HATS AND GOWNS Each model individual and de- signed with loving thought and care. WE SPECIALIZE IN HAND WORK 1079 Gage Street HUBBARD WOODS Phone Winnetka 740 FXII ITIL LLL LLL LLL LER] oe oF ode oe of obo oo of obo ob ode obo oe ol Bo Bobo ol oleh Be ob ob ob Bods obo ode ode ode of ode od od boo od ob Boob ob of ood oe the Cathedral Players Guild to have a representative in every parish and in every congregation. Women's clubs, so- cieties, social service groups, literary and dramatic organizations are also in- vited to be represented in the movement. The Guild hopes to establish a Com- munity drama in Chicago that will chal- lenge the world's attention, it is stated. Influence for Peace "You will be proud of having aided an enterprise of this nature," reads the challenge. "Religious plays, when worthily presented, challenge the atten- tion of the world. Oberammergau's Passion play has for centuries drawn millions to witness every presentation. "Out of the turmoil of the Great War, and in the midst of the desolation and distraction that followed it, can there not be produced a drama of consecra- tion that will help turn men's minds away from slaughter to a new and holier peace?" Discussion on Lincoln at Congregation Meeting "Lincoln and American Mythology" will be the subject of discussion at the service of the North Shore Congrega- tion in the Hubbard Woods school Fri- day evening, February 8. The program will be as follows: Prelude Congregational Hymn ...Union Hymnal Introduction and Kiddish Reading and Responses Borshy } TRY (01 0 Gg du Schlesinger V'shomru Solo Readings Solo Address Meditation-- "May the Words" Kaddish Conclusion The services begin at 8:30 o'clock. Lewandowski Rogers "What a terrible cough!" 'Cough Syrup will give |» you instant relief Smiling Service Community Pharmacy CHAS. R. PATCHEN 574 Phone Lincoln Ave. 164 Truly Safe! When your goods are stored with us, they are real- ly and truly SAFE; safe from fire, dust, carelessness and other enemies of stored goods. Be sure that you pick your storage house there's a with difference care; that makes a little investigation worth while! SELLY STORACESTRACE ER @ ~ FIREPRCOF STORAGE PHONE WINNETHA 232 6 PROUTY ANNEX CLAVILUX CONCERT VIRTUALLY ASSURED That the noted "clavilux," an instru- ment reputed to have made the manipu- lation of light one of the arts, will be brought to Winnetka by the inventor, Thomas Wilfred, is practically certain if the expected interest is aroused to defray the cost of the entertainment. W. W. Beatty, principle of Skokie school, who is promoting the concert, announced this week that Miss Rachel B. Kinsolving, Wilfred's manager, had tentatively reserved the Jane Kuppen- heimer Memorial auditorium for the af- ternoon and evening of February 23. She explained to him that the enter- tainer was interested in the Winnetka proposal and would be glad to come here if the people want to hear him. In large theaters where the "clavilux" has appeared, it has met with high en- thusiasm, being hailed by the critics as nothing short of a marvelous achieve- ment. Through a highly complex ar- rangement of lights, colors and shadows, the instrument throws upon the screen an ever-changing flood of hues that lit- erally enraptures the eye as a symphony orchestra pleases the ear. Newspaper excerpts endeavoring to describe the phenomenon are veritable vocabulary exercises, most of them admitting in the end that it beggars description. Mr. Beatty is convinced that the peo- ple of Winnetka will appreciate an op- portunity to hear the master artist and inventor and believes they will respond heartily when he comes to the village. Dr. Harold R. Schildberg Osteopathic Physician 545 Lincoln Ave. Office Phone Winn. 799 Winnetka, IIL Res. Phone Winn. 2041 Associated with Dr. Edwin T. Schildberg A SELECTION FROM Ziegteld Follies "SO THIS IS VENICE." Bennie Krueger - and his orchestra playing a catchy melody from Ziegfeld's latest Follies -what more would you want in dance music? This is a melody that will linger long in your memory. You'll enjoy the interesting Saxophone passages by the inimitable Krueger himself. ; | | SO THIS IS VENICE | 2549 | SAY IT WITH A UKULELE | sc FOX 1RO | Brunswick records are issued daily---there is always some thing new. Don't wait for us to announce them. Just drop ip at any time and make your selection. v, Shop 57614 Lincoln Ave | Winnetka | Phone 1811 Phone 2179 NORTH SHORE FRUIT MARKET SCHMITT BROTHERS, Props. 812 ELM STREET WINNETKA Phone Zi79 afford to mark them We know that you want Fruits and Vegetables that are perfectly free from blemish and of satisfying flavor. And the lower the price the bet- ter! We can satisfy you on both QUALITY and PRICE. We buy only the best groceries and we buy them in such large quantities that we can SATISFY YOURSELF. down to the lowest figures. Call at 812 Elm and FRUIT Sweet and juicy Doz. Florida Grapefruit, thin skinned and juicy, doz. LETTUCE 5¢ 10c 15c¢ Large California Oranges 20735°50¢ 7590c 4 Deliveries Daily VEGETABLES New Carrots SPE CI AL 2 bunches SALE ON Extra Fancy FLORIDA LE SY New Cabbage Ib. iv nein ce wie niu ive nie 25¢ New Beets 3 large bunches Sweet Potatoes Doli he Be EE Los 25¢ : QT. "iy inower # " Coie © Tyg, Cle. 15-20-25¢ CALIFORNIA TOKAY RED GRAPES Ib.....28c GREENING APPLES 51bs. . . . . . . . JONATHAN APPLES BOX .. . . BALDWIN APPLES 4 Ibs . :iiviviiiiid . 2B¢ ... $2.48 25¢ CELERY HEARTS Bunch 25¢ STRING BEANS Qt. 20c