Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 31 May 1924, p. 14

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| Si Merlot! 50° by | | | | 14 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1924 et WANT ADS BUY AND SELL QUICKLY TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. papers. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS I Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. , MINIMUM CHARGE the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. Nomdl: 4 Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the , WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. 20 cents per line in all three 50c. Average of five words to FOR RENT--HOUSES SITUATION WANTED--MALE FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS EXPERT GARDEN WORK DONE BY hour or contract. Call Winn. 1902. LTN27-tfc HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- WHITE LAUNDRESS; have good laundry with good elec- tric washer and ironer; good place for good woman; references. Tel. Glencoe 459. TN12-1tc FARROW CHIX; IN 100 LOTS. LEG- horns, $8.50; Barred Rocks, Single Reds, $9.50; Rose Reds, White Rocks; $11.50; Wyandottes, Buff Orp., Minorcas, $12.50; assorted, $7.50. D. T. FARROW, CHICKERIES, PEORIA, ILL. LTN18-22tc COLLIE PUPPIES; EXCEPTIONALLY beautifully marked; female; reason- able. Tel. Wil. 1370. LTN35-1te MAID; WHITE GIRL OR WOMAN; settled, general housework; good cook; no laundry; private room; 3 in family; references; salary, $18 per week. Tel. Glencoe 827. TN12-1te FOR SALE--ONE ACME BALLBEAR- ing lawn mower, $5 Tel. Winn. 1704. T12-1tp amt ---------------------------- AE WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED--RELIABLE YOUNG WOM- an to stay with two children three afternoons a week from 3 to 5 P. M. Call evenings. Mrs. John Ritchie. Tel. Winn. 1579, T12-1te FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE For Sale 5-ROOM, BRICK BUNGALOW, 2-CAR garage, on cor. lot 50 by 177. $12,500. 6-room 2-story brick residenec on 124, just completed. $15,000. i T-room 2-story residence on cor. lot 75 by 177, garage and fruit and shade trees. $14,500. 9 acres of very choice property, good buildings, ideal location for mediate sale in acre tracts. $22,- 9 acres on State road, along R. R,, wonderful investment. $22,500. 5 acres conveniently located, bar- gain. $10,000. Schaefer & Golbach 909 Ridge Ave. Wilmette Phone 364. LTN35-1tc Specials FINE 50 FOOT CORNER LOT IN S. W. Glencoe, offered below market at $70.00 a foot. 72 foot lot on Walden Road, Win- netka, among lovely homes, at only $100.00 ft. 7-room home (stucco on tile) in East Glencoe; has large living and sleeping porches; h. w. heat; 8 blks. to station. $18,000. According to agreement all offices will be closed from Friday to Sun- day inclusive on account of Decora- tion Day. See or Phone us Monday. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 10 Carlton Annex Phone 1800 Opposite Main Station WINNETKA LTN35-1tc Gitieds om & ; Deerfield Acres NTPITAATTA TA TT TA = OF ImNTINGr SAE, ; Vernon and Ridge COUNTRY HOME SUBDIVISION SMALL ACRE TRACTS, $850 to $925 per acre. Easy terms. Location, Saunders Rd. just south of Deerfield Rd. Agent on premises. Smart & Golee, Inc. 1580 Sherman Ave. Evanston Evanston 285 Rogers Park 0272 LTN35-1te NORTH EVANSTON: FRAME DWELL- ing; 8-rooms; 4 bedrooms; new fur- nace; close to school and transpor- tation; newly decorated and painted; immediate possession. $11,000; $1,- 500 cash; $50 per month and interest. Isabella Street, North Evanston; 5-room frame residence; 2 bedrooms; furnace heat; immediate possession. $6,800; $1,000 cash; $50 per month and interest. Mitchell Brothers 2546 W. Railroad Ave. Ev. 961. LTN34-2tc For Sale BEAUTIFUL HOMES AT NEW LOW prices; large list of North Shore desirable bargains, Kenilworth, Win- netka and Glencoe property; phone Kenilworth 1522 or address-- Heinsen& Clark, Ine. 556 Center St. Phone Winn, 254 (Formerly W. R. R. Ave.) LTN85-1te IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON 10 YEARS TIME OR MORE Location--Sheridan Road, Chestnut Ave.,, Ashland Ave. Elmwood Ave., 7th Ave, 10th St. Lots 2,7 and 10, B. 1; L. 2, B. 2; with riparian rights, L. 4, B. 5; Ll. 3'and 4, B. 9; L. 9,10 and 12, B. 10; L. 5, B. "18; 1. 1 and 3, B. 11; L. 1§, -B. 18, John P. Gage, Vineland, N. J. LTN29-tfc $5,000 CASH BUYS CHOICE OF two new 6-room Winnetka houses on Cherry St., Nos. 1066 and 1070; nr. Skokie school and golf course; all improvements in and paid for, price $15,500. Call 877 Elm St., or Tel. Winn. 1689. LTN30-tfc COUNTRY COLONIAL; 7-ROOMS; 3 bedrooms; sleeping porch; breakfast room; garage; '"Arco" heating sys- tem; 2 blocks from transportation and business district; $15,000; cash payment, $4,100. Tel. Wil. 3086. Buy direct from owner. LTN35-1te ON ACCOUNT OF OWNER'S REMOV- al from Illinois will sacrifice large frame home with five bedrooms and sleeping porch and 3 baths on wood- FOR RENT--HUBBARD WOODS; 11- rooms; 2 baths; hot water heat; 300 ft. frontage; convenient to transpor- tation--$225 per month; long lease if desired. Phone Winnetka 265. LTN35-1tc FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--5-ROOM FLAT, LARGE, light and airy rooms; good location; newly decorated; possession June 1st; $75 per month. HILL & STONE Winnetka 1556 T12-1te TO SUB-LEASE IN THE ORRINGTON, a furnished one suite apartment, bath and kitchenette, for one or two months or longer. Tel. Evanston 8700, room 820. TN12-1te FOR RENT -- APARTMENT; FUR- nished; 5-rooms and sleeping porch. June 15 to Sept. 15. Apply, 1151 Chatfield Rd., Hubbard Woods. Phone Winn. 652-W, TN12-1te FOR RENT--JUNE 15 TO SEPT. 1; furnished 4-room apartment. Tel. 'Winn, 1645. Call at 1073 Gage St.; after 5 P. M. T1-1te FOR RENT---APARTMENT; ALSO OF- fices. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. Winn. 62. : i TN12-1tc FOR RENT--ROOMS KENILWORTH INN; WELL FUR- nished suite with private bath for summer months; also one large rm.; garage accommodation and excel- lent board. Xenilworth 167. T12-1tp TWO LARGE, LIGHT FURNISHED rooms; single or in suite; near lake, transportation; private bath. Tel. 'Winn. 1543. TN12-1te CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms; steam; hot and cold running water. 629 Main St. Tel. Wil. 1030. LT1-tfe FOR RENT--PLEASANT FURNISHED room; near station. Tel. Winn. 415. LTN35-1tc FURNISED SIX ROOM HOUSE; 3 months; very low rental. Tel. Winn. 806. TN12-1tc FOR RENT--WELL FURNISHED RM. for gentleman; nr. transportation. Tel. Winn. 1921. TN12-1te FOR RENT--MODERN 7-ROOM HSE. % Tel. Winn. 596-J. TN12-1te WANTED--GIRL TO HELP WITH children and light housework; either resident or by the day. Tel. Winn. 986. TN12-1tc EXPERIENCED WHITE MAID; GEN. work; perm. position; small hse.; nr. station; good wages; 3 in family. Tel. Kenilworth 2897. LT35-1te KENNELS HAVE ROOM FOR FEW DOGS IN private kennel for the summer. Give your pet the benefit of a summer in the country. For particulars. Tel Northbrook 83. TN12-1te WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash St. LTN1-tfc WANTED TO BUY--BABY STROLLER in good condition. Tel. Winn. 666-J. T12-1te WE HAVE A SPLENDID OPPORTUN- ity for someone desirous of making money at home in spare time or full time. Ray Studio, Evanston, IIL LTN32-tfc WANT 100 YARDS CLEAN FILL OR ashes, etc.; in Hubbard Woods. Tel. Kenilworth 1399. TN12-1tc enee-- . PIANO TUNING WANTED GENERAL HOUSEWORK girl; small house; no washing; 2 children school age. Tel. Winn. 1604. LTN35-1tc EXPERT PIANO TUNING; REPAIR- ing; old pianos made new. L. W. Foster. Tel. Winn. 509-J. LTN29-tfc WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN TO take care of 4 year child few after- noons or evenings; 25¢c an hour. Kenilworth 2790. LTN35-1te WANTED--YOUNG SCHOOL GIRL TO take care of walking baby. Tel. Kenilworth 1021. LTN35-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED COOK; best wages. Tel. Winn. 58. TN12-1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE CONCERT PIANIST AND TEACHER of music in college, desires a posi- tion for the summer as companion, tutor or governess. Write to I. B,, 1906 Prairie Ave. Chicago. T12-1te EXPERIENCED COOK IN SMALL family; white. Tel. Wilmette 1417. 1228 Greenwood, Wilmette. T12-1tc GOOD LAUNDRESS WANTS REGU- lar work; references. Mary Webb, 35 Illinois Road, Lake Forest. TN4-1tp NEAT, LIGHT COLORED GIRL SEC- ond, personal or parlor maid; will- ing to leave city. Phone Atlantic 3053 with Box 2, Winnetka. TN12-1tp WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE home; finished work and rough dry. Will call for and deliver. 418 Prai- rie Ave. Wil. Tel. 1351. LT35-2tc COOK, CATERESS, FIRST CLASS; luncheons, afternoon teas, dinners a specialty; Mrs. S. Thomas. Tel. Glen- coe 438. LTN34-2tc HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE, COMPE- tent to assist in office, typing. Tel. Wil. LTN35-1tc WANTED--LAUNDRY WORK; NORTH Shore references. Tel. Douglas 4932. T12-1tp WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS BY YOUNG BUSINESS MAN OF WIN- netka; living room and bedroom; with bath if possible; also break- fast if convenient and use of piano occasionally. First class references furnished. T12-1te WANTED--BORDERS, ROOMERS A WIDOW, CENTRALLY LOCATED, will give room and board to work- ing woman or young girl for some service in the A. M. or P. M. Tel Wil. 2563 Sat. P. M. LTN35-1tc FOR RENT -- LARGE SOUTHEAST room with board for two adults. 731 10th St. Tel. Wil. 992-J. LT35-1tp HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--WHITE, EXPERIENCED chauffeur; must do some lawn work. State age, salary, nationality, ad- dress Talk, A-219. T12-1tc WANTED -- GARDENER; MUST speak English and be able to drive a car. Call after 7:00 P. M. 33 In- dian Hill Road, Winnetka. T12-1tc BOY TO CUT GRASS EVERY WEEK; 1125 Gage St., Hubbard Woods. Tel. Winn. 1967. T12-1te WANTED--MAN TO TO TAKE CARE of lawn regularly. 260 Fairview, Winnetka. TN12-1te SITUATION WANTED--MALE FOR DRESSMAKING CALL MISS Carlsten; Winn. 911 before 8:15 A. M. T10-tfc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS BARGAINS IN NEW AND USED SEW- ing machines; Drop heads, $9.00 and up; Portable Electric Singers, 'White's, etc. from $24.50 up. Patter- son Bros. 816-818 Church St, Ev- anston. Bet. "L" and Postoffice. LTN35-tfe FOR SALE CHEAP; HOUSEHOLD articles of all descriptions; also 300- 400 empty fruit jars and jelly glass- es; everything must be sold by June 1st as I am moving then. Call any time, day or evening. 513 Main St. Wilmette. Tel. 1944. LTN35-1tc WASHBURNE UPRIGHT PIANO for sale; used very little; in exc. Tel. Winn. 1198. TN12-1te FOR SALE--ENGLISH OAK CHAIR and rocker; also library table to match. Call at 511 Main St. LTN35-1te FOR SALE--DINING ROOM SET WITH buffet. Tel. Winn. 631-J. LTN35-1te condition. LOST AND FOUND LOST -- NEWFOUNDLAND PUPPY, black; 5 months old; heavy legs and paws; strayed from Indian Hill Club grounds; reward. Call Wil. 2877. Robert Stevenson. LT35-1tp FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES BRAND NEW BUICK "6' TOURING; at a bargain. Slocum Motor Sales Moon Dealers Tel. Evanston 10194 1029 Davis St. EVANSTON LTN35-1tc RENT-A-CAR DRIVE IT YOURSELF PAY BY THE MILE IDEAL FOR Salesmen Pleasure rides Doctors Week-end trips Collectors Fishing trips Realtors Hunting trips or While your car is in repair or paint shop. Open car, 13c¢c per mile. Closed car, 16c per mile. These cars are insured for your pro- tection. WERSTED MOTOR CO. Tel. Winn. 165. LTN35-1te Dependable Used Cars 1921 FORD TOUR. casera riviesese $125 1523 FORD SEDAN, exc. cond. 1922 FORD DELY, good cond. .... DODGE BROS. CARS, $450 to $1025 WERSTED MOTOR CO. Dodge Brothers and Wills St. Claire Demlers Tel. Winn. 165. LTN34-1tc FOR SALE--1923 JEWETT DE LUXE sedan, fully equipped with heater; Clymer spotlight; automatic wind- shield wiper; bumpers; motometer; stop light; trunk; mirror, ete. List price is $1,824;--for quick sale, $1,224; cash or terms. Tel. Winn. 617 or Winn. 567. LTN35-1tp Used Cars -- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Evanston 140 Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers LTN29-tfc WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND | furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTN24-tfc FOR SALE--VELIE, MODEL 48, 6- cylinder, new 8-R-continental motor, new radiator cover, newly painted, new curtains, new brake lining--a real bargain; will demonstrate. Tel. Wil. 2220. LTN35-1tp NORTH SHORE HOUSE, LAWN AND GARDEN SERVICE House and window cleaning, floor waxing, lawn and garden work, first class references. Walsh. Tel. Winn. 1035. LT25-tfe HARDWOOD FL.LOORS Laid, scraped, cleaned, Our own patent sanders Advance Floor Co. A. WASLEFF, Prop. 542 So. Dearborn St. ed lot 756x150, in very choice N. E. section of Winnetka. Price reduced to $18,600; for information call at LTN31-tfc No. 416 Willow St., or phone Winn. 581-J. LTN35-1te HOUSEMAN AND HANDY MAN, WANTED TO BUY--VACANT American; references; permanent position wanted. Address Talk, BUILDER WILL BUY FOUR OR FIVE| A-218. TN12-1tp lots in good neighborhood. Will con- sider frontage of 50 to 100 ft. for each lot. Give size, location and best cash price. Address Wilmette Life, A-66. LTN29-tfc NORTH SHORE WINDOW & HOUSE Cleaning Co., 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winnetka 1994, Winnetka, Ill. T9-tfc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS Worth Investigating Get into the silver fox busi- ness, double your money each year, we raise and care for them, unbelievable profits, cash or in- stallment plan, get the facts. Windswept Fox Farms, Branch Office 564, Lincoln Ave., Win- netka, Phone Winn. 314. j TN12-1te BLACK DIRT, MANURE $2.50 per cubic yard in Glencoe and Winn. $2.75 per cubic yard in Wil- mette, delivered. Landscape Gardening MATT CARETTA 409 Randolph St. Phone Glencoe 885 LTN34-tfe FOR SALE--BOY'S SECOND HAND pycicle; "Prince;" made by Mead Cycle Co.; in good condition. Price $20. Tel. Wil. 2399. J. C. Phillips, 1159 Wilmette Ave. LTN34-tfc Well known Railroad Man Enters Realty Business Edward W. Bell, passenger agent for the Chicago and North Western railway, with offices at Clark and Adams streets, Chicago, has opened a real estate and insurance business at 1108 Washington avenue, Evanston. Mr. Bell's acquaintance with the folk of this district extends all over the north shore villages and he re- ports the initial week's business of the new venture as far in excess of his most sanguine expectations. He is dealing in exceptionally choice vacant and improved properties, it is announced, and will make a specialty of automobile and fire insurance. FIRST GARDEN SHOW On Friday, June 6, the members and friends of the Little Garden club will gather at the home of Mrs. Ewer, 1111 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, to view the first annual Spring Flower show of the club. A sale of plants and seedlings from the gardens of the club members will be a feature of the show. N. U. HONORS GLENCOE GIRL Margaret Shippen Elected to Mortar Board Margaret Shippen, of Glencoe, is among ten girls of the junior class of Northwestern university who have just been chosen to membership in Mortar Board, the senior honor society for which scholarship, loyalty, strength of character and general ability are the chief requisites for membership. Miss Shippen is a graduate of New Trier. To be a member of the Mortar Board has become one of the things devoutly to be wished by girls of the junior class, as they reach the closing days of their third year as collegians. Election is held at this time each year at Northwestern and the names are withheld until finally called out at the annual May Day fes- tivities, which were held this year on Thursday, May 22, on the lovely na- tural amphitheatre of The Meadows of the Evanston campus. The ceremony was quite dramatic. The seniors were drawn up in black cap and gown upon the natural stage, while below in purple robes were the juniors. 'The present Mortar Board members had (positions well forward and toward the center. As the name of the honored junior was called, the young woman left the ranks of her class and walked forward, up the green hill and dropping to her knee before the Mortar Board girl who was to induct her into office, had her own hat removed and in its place, the black mortar board head- piece of the senior honor society 'was substituted. There was tremendous ap- plause as each "lady knight" strode for- ward and was awarded the new insignia of her rank. Mortar Board takes an active part in all of the constructive campus move- ments and initiates many of them with- out any clamour or cry of praise. In fact, Mortar Board is an inspirational body which keeps in the background but whose influence is always for that which is best. It ranks with Deru, the men's senior honor society, at Northwestern. BRASOR GALLERIES LOCATE IN EVANSTON The removal of the Brasor Art Gal- leries from Edgewater to their new home in the Orrington hotel, Evans- ton, caused the Edgewater News to make the following flattering com- ment in its last issue: "The Brasor art store, which has for the past twelve years been located on Broadway, just north of Bryn Mawr, have moved their stock to the Orring- ton hotel in Evanston. This is an institution that Edgewater can ill af- ford to lose. For more than a decade their store has been the Mecca of those amongst us who were seeking artistic decoration for the home; their show windows, always tastefully and beautifully arranged, stopped the cas- ual passer and created a desire to pos- sess some one of the dainty and use- ful articles of display. We regret see- ing them leave, as we would regret seeing any institution leave FEdge- water, whose objective was to beautify. Their departure leaves the field open, and we have no doubt that many of their former customers will seek them at their new address. Don't Forget to Vote For Judge Next Monday The voters of this village are urged to go to the polls Monday, June 2, to cast their ballots in the judicial election in which a justice of the supreme court to represent the seventh district, including the north shore, will be chosen. Candidates in Monday's election are Judge Frederick R. De Young, repub- lican, who is now a judge in the superior court, and Agnus Roy Shan- non, democrat. Both of the candidates are well known in Chicago and vicinity and merit careful consideration of the electorate, it is explained. Regular polling places used in the recent general primary election will be used for Monday's balloting. The polls will be open from 7 in the morn- ing until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. School Athletes Eager For Big Tournaments More than one-half of the boys en- rolled at the New Trier high school are taking part in intramural athlet- ics. The advisory room tournaments in soccer, baseball and tennis are at- tracting the attention of most of the students in the school The keen competition between the advisory room groups is keeping the interest of the students in athletics at a high pitch during the last weeks of the school session. These tournaments will be finished by the end of the school term so that the winners in each of the sports may be undisputed. a a

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