2 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1924 READY TO SELL RAVINIA BOOKS Winnetka Committee An- nounces Plan to Make Canvass of Local Homes CALLED BIG BARGAIN Group of Prominent Women Recruited Winnetka members of the Ravinia club are making a canvas of residents to reserve tickets for the Ravinia musical season which opens June 21. The season tickets will be sold for $18. The ticket campaign committee has sent out a special notice urging the lo- cal residents to back the operatic activi- ties at Ravinia park this summer. The Winnetka members who can supply sea- son tickets are here listed so that local people may obtain them from their own community. The committee letter has the folloiwng to say: Committee Pens Letter "Another summertime and Ravinia! It hardly seems possible that Ravinia park--the wonder place not only of the middle west but of the musical world-- can be looked upon in a matter of fact way by those who live at its very gates but in too many instances it is true! "It is true that every year a com- mittee of the enthusiastic few must can- vass your neighborhood and tell you all over again that you owe Ravinia your support through the advance ticket sale because you as a resident of this north shore, have a personal and civic pride in this institution! "But surely the committee will not need to "sell" Ravinia to you this year? The most wonderful cast of singers, the new operas and all the great season plans have been given publicity through the press and pamphlets mailed to your door and most of all you know what to expect because you enjoyed Ravinia last year and the years before that! "World's Greatest Bargain" seven hd. "The ticket books are eighteen dol- lars this year and a saving thereby over separate gate admissions. Don't argue with your solicitor about the price of the tickets as you are getting "the world's greatest bargain" at the advanc- ed rate and you know it. Do you dis- cuss the price of the tickets with the man at the boxoffice when you go to the opera here and when you go to New York, or buy tickets for the "Follies" or. the baseball games or the movies? Call up your neighborhood solicitor be- fore she calls on you and tell her how many books you want! That's real Ra- vina enthusiasm and the spirit that makes Ravinia an immortal place, as immortal as Beyreuth and Oberamma- gaul" Local Organization The local organization comprises : Mrs. Arthur R Dean, chairman; Miss H. Josephine Landon, first vice chair- man; Mrs. Archibald W. Shaw, second vice chairman; Mrs, John Vennema, third vice chairman and Mrs. Chester F. Sargent, secretary. Mrs. Norman K. Anderson, Mrs. Bur- ton H. Atwood, Mrs. Harry H. Bar- num, Mrs. Percy W. Bradstreet, Mrs. Thomas M. Brooks, Mrs. E. V. L. Brown, Mrs John C. Cobb, Mrs. Ham- ilton Daughaday, Mrs. Frank F. Ferry, Mrs. Howard W. Fenton, Mrs. George E. Frazer, Mrs. Dudley K. French, Mrs. I. K. Friedman, Mrs. Neil H. Gates, Mrs. John W. Hansel, Jr., Mrs. Everett I. Harris, Mrs. William Sherman Hay, Mrs. Thomas H. Holton, Mrs. N. Lan- don Hoyt, Mrs. Ralph M. Jaeger, Mrs. Philemon B. Kohlsaat, Mrs. Francis A. Lackner, Mrs. Isador Lang, Mrs. John C. Marshall, Mrs. William D. Mec- Adams, Mrs. Samuel N. McCaulley, Mrs. William C. Moffat, Mrs. George S. Parker, Mrs. Louis G. Schmid, Mrs. Lloyd R. Steere, Mrs. Elmer E. Stults, Mrs. Ezra S. Taylor, Mrs. William A. Thrall, Mrs. William D. Truesdale, Mrs. John N. Vander Vries, Mrs. Ernest C. Von Ammon, Mrs. Fritz Wagner, Jr. Mrs. Roland D. Whitman, and Mrs. Ira J. Wilson are the other members of the Ravinia club who will canvas Winnetka residents. FISHERMEN! ATTENTION! The Chicago & North Western Ry. has just published a new booklet which contains a large scale map of the Lake Region of Northern Wiscon- sin and Michigan, the Land of 7,000 Lakes and a Million Pines. Invaluable as a 'guide. Call or address M. H. Lieber, Ticket Agent, C. & N. W. Ry., Winnetka, Ill, for free copy and catal- logue of bargain fares. --Adv.--T12-1te OAK TERRACE LAUNDRY KIDS CLEANERS AND DYERS OUR WORK. MAK A DIRECT APPEAL -- 5 TO POLIS WHO LIKE Bi GOOD SAVARE DEAL g If you want to get a fair, square laundry deal come or phone hither. It is no secret that ours is a satisfactory, san- itary service and that our man- ner of doing business is as polite as our laundry work itself. Wetwash, 20 lbs. $1.00 Rough Dry, llc per Ib. This includes flat pieces ironed. Oak Terrace Laundry For information: Phone Highland Park 87 Read All the Want-Ads Bright and Beautiful? and Lustre, cleanse them oR YOUR EY Your Eyes! Do you give Your Eyes the Care theydeserve tokeep them Dust, Wind and Strain make them appear Dull and Lifeless. To preserve Natural Charm Carefully as the Skin and Teeth. For Daily Use or when your EYES are Tired, Dull and Heavy, Murine is most Refreshing and Beneficial. Murine has been used Successfully over Thirty Years. Does Not contain Belladonna l R | N E> or any other harmful ingredient. Write for Free "Eye Care" or 'Eye Beauty" Book THE MURINE COMPANY ES De pt. 19 9 E. Ohio Street Chicago, U.S.A. as maintaining a repair depart- ment for watches, clocks and jewelry. HE finest jewelry shop on the North Shore, Plaza Ieweler LIBRARY PLAZA HOTEL EVANSTON Consider Linden Avenue deliberation until June 3. Paving at Hearing, June 3 The village board of local improve- ments announces a public hearing for paving of Linden avenue in Hubbard Woods. * Because of a misunderstanding, the hearing on this matter, set for May 20, was poorly attended, with the result It is hoped that a representative attendance will be found at the postponed hearing. The hour is 7:30 o'clock and the place of hearing in the council chambers. Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the | that the board of local improvements deemed it advisable to postpone its Read the Want-Ads village hall to consider the proposed FOUR-SQUARE HOUSEHOLD TOOLS Choose the tools you need for use about the home from our full line of Stanley Four-Square Household Tools. 32 tools in all--made especially for the every day jobs in the home. Individually packaged and tagged with their own retail prices. Eckart Hardware Co. Ta 735 ELM STREET Tel WINNETKA, iLL. 844 844 Are Your Brakes Safe? 15,000 persons killed last year and most of these accidents were preventable. The trouble is that many owners neglect their brakes. They wait until it is too late. Make your car safe. Have your brakes relined or adjusted. Glad to inspect them without charge. We are brake experts. Our shop is equipped with special brake service machines. Correct method for attaching Brake Lining with Tubular Brass Rivets Properly Countersunk. WERSTED MOTOR CO. WILLS SAINTE CLAIRE DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS MOTOR CARS 562 LINCOLN AVENUE