Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 4 Apr 1925, p. 23

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a \ } EY 4 WINNETKA 'WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1925 23 Glencoe TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. papers. the line. No black face type used. WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to inclusive whose names appear who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. MINIMUM CHARGE 350e¢. Rates for Display type on application. : i Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the in the telephone directory, or 20 cents per line in all three Average of five words to o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Winnetka 2000-2001. -- 1 REAL ESTATE ? REAL ESTATE North Shore Homes for FOR SALE FIREPROOF BUNGALOW WITH SUN Everyone pch.; slp. pch.; and garage; $14,000; Several houses on our last week's make offer. list already SOLD. BUY NOW if you 8 rm. stucco; 5 bedrms.; 2 baths; want the choicest offerings. If you large lot; $17,500. want to SELL your house quickly, list rm. brick; tile roof; $19,000; it with CLORE, BUDINGER & SMITH. Wilmette rms. furn. heat. $200 cash, rms. hw. ht, easy terms. rms. DANDY BUY; redec. rms.; new sh. col.; ex. loc. rms.; east gar.; redecor. rms.; s-sl. pch.; SACRIFICE. rms.; s-sl. pch.; hw. ht.; gar. rms.; new brick, best east. New Eng. Col.; 4 brs.; 3 baths. Brick 13 rms.; oil ht. Forest. Evanston New 5 rm. bung.; LR. gar. 7 rms.; ex. loc.; $1,500 cash. 6 rms.; beaut.; lot gar.; terms. 10 rms.; 2 bath; hw. ht. Bar- gain. We are agents for the following properties. Look at these and then phone us for an appointment to go through them. We want an offer this week on each of them. Act quickly or [= or Ed < << Soman w $11,000 24x14 12,500 you may be too late. 1520 - Walnut... ov esvrres core $10,500 807 Forest 18,500 1229: Hill oooann 10,000 1746 Washington "au vandaag 15,500 2716 Woodbine, Evanston....... 12,500 1311 Ashland... iver iney 19,000 31050 "Linden... vv din dia vent we 212,000 For these and other choice properties on the Shore, see or phone Clore, Budinger & Smith Phone Wil. 1750 1177 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette. Ill. Op. Village Hall 1LTN27-1te We Recommend: NEW 6 ROOM VITROFIED TILE CO- lonial; brkfst nook; h. w. ht.; fine gar.; choice northeast Winnetka. Owner must sell. May take $16,000, easy terms. TT: RM. STOC.; H.W. HT,; 2 CAR GAR,; choicest southeast Winnetka; $17,000. 7 RM. STC.; 3 GLAZED PORCHES; ON finest lot in Hubbard Woods. Only $18,000. NEW 6 RM. BRICK; HTED. SUN AND slp. pchs.; h. w. ht.; fine northeast Winnetka. 8 RM. STC.; 2 BATHS; GLAZED SUN porch; h. w. ht.; garage. Owner leav- ing town; will sacrifice for $17,500. Beautifully wooded lot. RM. STC.; TILE ROOF; 2 BATHS; brand new; h. w. ht.; garage at- tached; east Winnetka. $20,500. Easy terms. 7 RM. STC.; 2 BATHS; VAPOR HT.; garage; wonderfully wooded lot in choicest southeast sec. $26,000. NEW 7 RM. BRICK; 2 BATHS; H W. ht.; 75 ft. beau. wooded corner; own- er will trade for vacant--$27,000. 8 RM. COLONIAL; 3 BATHS; H WwW. -1 ht.; garage; immense wooded lot; choicest southeast section; $27,500. Make offer. 8 RM. STC.; 3 BATHS; H. W.; OIL HT.; 2-car garage; lot 110x160; beautiful- ly wooded; east Hubbard Woods. $30,000; spring or fall occupancy. Owner may sacrifice. Heinsen& Kroll, Inc. MOVED TO 720 (EAST) ELM ST. WINNETKA. Phone Winn. 254 1LTN27-1tc Winnetka 1100 TOWER RD. 6 RMS.; NEARLY new, shingle, H. W. ht. slpg. and open pchs.; 2 car gar.; 65x137, $19,500. NEW BRICK HOME, BLK. TO LAKE, tile roof; 2 car att. htd. gar.; 6 rms.; 2 baths; sun pch. $27,000. Kenilworth 8 RM. DUTCH COL., 2 BATHS, 60 FT. wooded lot, $21,500. Vacant S. W. COR. LAKE & WOODLAWN, Glencoe. Below market at $80 ft. Here are 2 real bargains: GREELY AVE, WILMETTE, 1 ACRE and 7 rm. hse.; $6,800. CHERRY ST. NR. WINNETKA GOLF Course, 1 acre well wooded, and 8 rm. hse. $12,850. Easy terms. WANTED LGE. MODRN. HOME--6 master bed rms. 3 baths and serv- ant's quarter, with 1 or 2 acres of land. We "have complete and attractive lists of furnished and unfurnished homes for rent, terms from 3 mos. to 3 vrs. All prices. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 10 CARLTON ANNEX Phone Winnetka 1800 1ILTN27-1tc FOR SALE -- ENGLISH COLONIAL house in Winnetka; six rooms and bath; living room and one bedroom, very large; porch; heated garage; hot water heat; automatic water heater; heat regulator and water control; one block from school and three blocks from station; 65 ft. frontage; wooded lot; built for a home but removal from city puts this desirable property on market. Price $23,500. Address Winnetka Talk A-512. 1T3-tfe small down payment. Beautiful, 1ge. 6 rm. house on lge. lot, $23,500. New 6 rm. house with cottage rear; $13,500. E. P. MAYNARD & CO. Phone Winn. 236 1048 Gage St. 1T4-1te in $10,000 BUYS ATTRACTIVE HOME IN HUB- bard Woods with beautiful Skokie view. 5 rms. and slp. porch on 1st floor; 2 finished rms. in attic; large basement, plastered and partitioned; attached garage and nice lot with fruit trees. FRANK A. REID 956 Linden Ave. Phone Winn. 1300 Hubard Woods 1TN4-1tc FOR SALE--EXCEPTIONALLY WELL built 7 rm. stucco; oil H. W. heat; extra lavatory; 1st floor; large attic; pipe for heating space for maid's room and bath; 2 porches; beautiful landscaped lot; ideal location; near school and transp.; bargain at $22,500. HILL & STONE 543 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka Phone Winn. 1544 1T4-1te FOR SALE--WILMETTE HIGH GRADE, WELL BUILT 7 house with finished rm. choice N. E. location. Conv. to trans. schools and churches; 4 blks. to Sheridan Rd. and lake; large liv. rm.; natural wood fireplace; fireplace; 4 splendid bed rm. chambers, 2nd floor; RM. in attic; in 1 car garage; abundance shrubs and flowers; splendid buy at $18,500. Phone Wil. 2066. 1LTN27-1te BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE HUBBARD WOODS HOUSE--ALL IM- provements in; 4 bed rms.; 2 sleeping pchs.; sun pch.; breakfast rm.; Arco h. w. heat; lot 50x159 ft., $16,500. Also vacant lot 50 ft. front adioin- ing for sale either with the house or separately, $90 front foot. Phone Winn. 1640, or address Winnetka Talk A-466 1TN4-1tc WANTED A HOME MUST HAVE 4 OR 5 BED RMS.; EX. lav. on 1st floor; convenient to In- dian Hill station; not over $30,000; can pay about 13 cash. Address Win- netka Talk A-517. 1T4-1te WANTED--MODERN 7 ROOM BRICK house with 2 baths and sun parlor in N. E. section of Wilmette or Ken- ilworth or Winnetka. Will pay $40000 00 or more for the right place. C. 8. McE.,, Lock Box 123, Wilmette, 111. 1LT27-1tp 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES DON'T GIVE UP! TRY A WANT AD § WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES | 115 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE FOR RENT--GLENCOE, 859 VERNON Ave., 5 room bungalow; newly dec- orated; hot water heat; 2 porches; large shady lot; garage; adults; gentiles. Phone owner, Rogers Park 2063. 2LTN27-1tp FOR RENT--FROM JUNE 1 TO SEPT. 1st; comfortably furnished 8 room house; 3 bedrooms; slp. porch; break- WANTED TO RENT--6 ROOM HOUSE unfurnished. Must be strictly mod- ern, in good neighborhood, anywhere . near North Shore or suburban trans- portation. With garage preferred. Will also be interested in purchasing same on 3 months option. Walt Bloeser, 410 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Central 6432. TLTN26-3tc fast room; reasonable; 968 Fig st, | WANTED TO BE SMALL FURN- cor. Walden 'Rd. Phone Winn, 1s24.| ished house in Winnetka, beginning 2T4-tfe about June 1st. Address Winnetka Talk A-516. 7T4-1tc FOR RENT--5 ROOMS AND BATH; 2 glazed porches; furnace heat; 1|9 WANTED TO RENT-- block from depot; good for office or APARTMENTS light business. Phone Wil. 1724. 2 b 2LL.TN27-1tc | WANTED TO RENT--3 OR 4 RM. APT. or small house; unfurnished; near FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE IN trans. Address M. 8. Diller, 1609 Hubbard Woods from June 20 to Spencer Ave, Wilmette or phone Wil. Sept. 8; near trans.; four bedrooms;| 1114. 9TN4-1tc 2 baths; sleeping and dining porches. Phone Winn. 1755. 2T27-1tec | 10 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS 6 ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT--BATH,; 2 porches; hot water heat; garage; near transportation; $100.00 per mo.; immediate possession. Phone Winn. 283. 2T4-1tc FOR RENT--S8 RM. HSE.; 1240 TOWER Rd.; 4 baths; $500 per month; June 15th to Sept. 15th. Fhone Winn. 498 for appointment. 2T4-1te ron RENT--7 RM. HSE.; 2 PORCHES; W. heat; nr. trans.; 2 garages, 5 car capacity. 467 Chestnut St., Winn. Phone Winn. 730, Owner; University 7348. 2T4-tfe FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE from June 15 to Sept. 15; 7 rms.; 2 baths; reasonable rental to responsi- ble party. Phone Winn. 2120 for appointment. 2LTN27-1tc FOR RENT--6 RM. HOUSE; BATH; 2 porches; H. W. heat; garage; near transportation; $100 per mo.; imm. poss. Phone Winn. 283. 2T4-1te FOR RENT -- MODERN 6 ROOM house in good location. Fhone Wil. 515. 2LT27-1tp 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED room with light housekeeping or kitchen privileges. Phone Winn. 2031. 10LTN27-1tc 11 HELP WANTED--MALE Chauffeurs Wanted A FEW STEADY MEN AS DRIVERS for cabs. Apply University Cab Co., 1823 Benson Ave. Evanston. 11LTN26-2te WANTED--YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE car; general houseman; ref. required; must live in Glencoe, Winnetka or Wilmette. Address Wilmette Life A-513. 11LTN27-1tc SALESMAN WANTED FOR LUBRI- cating oils, greases and paints. Ex- cellent opportunity. Salary or Com- mission. THE JED OIL AND PAINT CO., Cleveland, Ohio. 11LT27-1tp HELP WANTED GARDENER TO fill position temporarily; made va- cant by sickness. Phone Winn. 39. 11TN4-1tp WANTED--AN EXPERIENCED GAR- dener for 2 days a week. Phone Mrs. Stanton, Winn. 1183. 11T4-1tp FOR RENT--3 ROOMS AND BATH IN residence; newly decorated; private entrance porch; lawn; garden; HA W, heat; conv. all trans.; garage if de- sired. Fhone Wil. 844-J. 3LTN27-1tp FOR RENT--SMALL FURNISHED apt.; large porch and yard; $55 per mo.; 7 blks. west of H W. depot. Phone Winn. 977. 3LTN27-1tp FOR RENT--NEW APARTMENT OF 5 large rooms; tile bath; 2 bedrooms; very light and airy. Address Wil- mette Life A-515. 3LTN27-1tc FOR RENT--2 AND 4 RM. MODERN apartments; steam heat; janitor service. Phone Wil. 2399. 3LTN24-tfc FOR RENT--A COZY 5 RM. APT; fire place; H. W. heat; poss. May 1. 752 Sunset rd. Phone Winn. 573-R. 3T4-1tc FOR RENT--FOUR RM. APT.; MAY 1; ice box; gas stove. Phone Winn. 409. 3TN4-1tp FOR RENT--SMALL KITCHENETTE 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--MOTHER"S HELPER OR nurse; white; references required. Infant 10 mos. old; boy 4 yrs. Ad- dress Wilmette Life A-514. 12LTN27-1te WANTED -- GIRL; GEN. HOUSE- work; exp. not necessary; Swiss or German; help with laundry; private rm. and bath; $15. Winn. 1792. 12TN4-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. hse. work; exp. unnecessary. Apply Monday 932 Oak St. Phone Winn. 2207. 12LTN27-1te WHITE LAUNDRESS WANTED--A-1 for Monday; electric washer and ironer; ref. req. Phone Winn, 1843. 12TN4-1te WANTED--EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR gen. hswk.; ho laundry; good wages; ref. required. Phone Winn, 1843. 12TN4-1te WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK.; must be good cook; no laundry; apt, furnished. Phone Wil. 1868. pleasant home; good wages. Phone 3LTN27-1tp Winn. 1587. 12T4-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED 3RD WANTED--COMPETENT WHITE floor to lady employed; $60. Phone girl for gen. housework; family of Wil. 574. 3LTN27-1te 2. Phone Wil. 931-7. 12LTN27-1te 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. FOR RENT--NICE LARGE FRONT room with large closet; private home near transportation; also ga- rage space. 1520 Walnut Avenue. Phone Wil. 749-W. 4LTN27-1tp FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW 7 RMS.; furnished or unfurnished; 3 bedrms. upstairs; 4 rooms downstairs includ- ing sun porch; 2 car garage; reason- able. 422 Rosewood Ave. Winnetka. 1TN4-1te FOR SALE--WINNETKA LOT 50x159; all improvements in; 6 blks. from Railway station; desirable N. y section; $90 front foot. Phone Winn. 1640 or address Winn. Talk A-466, 1TN4-1tc FOR SALE--HIGHLAND PARK, ex- clusive restricted Sheridan Rd. 80x 200, wooded; 1 blk. from lake; 2 blks. from station and school. Must sell. Phone owner Highland Park 1670. 1LTN27-1tc FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE FRONT room suitable for two gentlemen; separate closets; twin beds; garage if desired. Phone Winn. 474. 4T4-1tc PARTIALLY kitchen; adults Phone Winn. 1201. 4TN4-1tp FOR RENT -- RMS. furnished; small only; nr. trans. housework; fond of children. Phone Glencoe 397-M. 12LTN27-1tc WANTED--EXP. LAUNDRESS TO DO work at own home. Phone Winn. 58. 12TN4-1te WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. Must be neat and fond of children. Phone Winn, 1474, 12TN4-1tc ---- 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WTD.--WINDOW WASH- ing; housecleaning and yard work; by the day or hour. Phone Univer- sity 4208-J. 1027 University Place, Evanston. 14LTN27-1te THE BONTON SHOP DRESSMAKING; REMODELING; EM- broidering; and beading. 24 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 2108. 15TN2-3tc SITUATION WTD.--MIDDLE AGED woman desires position as house- keeper; companion; references. Mrs. McPherson, 8 W. Oak St. Chicago. Phone Superior 2992. 15TN4-1tp SITUATION WANTED--FIRST CLASS laundress with good references. Mrs. Ferris. 122 Court pl.,, Waukegan, Ill. Phone Waukegan 1293-R. 15TN4-1tp AMERICAN DRESSMAKER; SPE- cializing in work for young ladies and girls; best Winnetka references. P. O. box 117 Evanston, Ill 15T4-1tp WANTED -- NURSEMAID in private family; full charge of children. Phone Northbrook 205-R2. 15TN4-1tp SITUATION WANTED--IN PRIVATE home as waitress or day work. Fhone Lake Forest 565-W. 15TN4-1tp WANTED--DAY WORK; COOKING; laundry; cleaning Phone Univ. 5012 after Sunday 7 in the evening. 15T4-1tp WANTED GERMAN like place for upstairs Phone 1679. 15TN4-1te SITUATION desires position SITUATION girl would work in Winn. 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WTD.--MAN AND WIFE for housework; chauffeur and cook; colored; will leave city. Phone Vie- tory 4699. Mrs. Harvey Ellis. : 16LT27-1te Cr-- 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--A BLUE OVERSTUFFED chair, Karpen make; overstuffed chaise lounge; 4 pieces of sun parlor furniture; colonial desk; carved ivory chifforobe; antique sofa; floor lamp, walnut frame. These articles are in excellent condition and very reasonably priced. Phone Winn. 1819. 17TLTN27-1te FOR SALE--COLONIAL MAHOGANY sideboard and liv. table; combination oak desk and book case; oak table; large leather chair; Simplex mangle, 47 in. roll; 3 burner gas plate. 430 8th St., Wil. 17TLTN27-1te FOR SALE--JACOBEAN DINING room set; table; 6 chairs and large buffet; $65.00; fireless cosken BE. pr ond, 969 Willow Road. Dries 17LT27-1tp FOR SALE--ORIENTAL RUG 10x11-4; very rare in color and design; also 2 prayer rugs SO may be Seen . d Sun. one - , onal an 17LTN27-1tp FOR SALE--HORTON MANGLE; as new; or terms. Phone Wil . a 17TLTN26-tfo FOR SALE--PORCH BED; 3 breakfast set; tables; dishes; other 1a f iture. Phone Winn. Iosmehe 8 Zora 17LTN27-1te FOR SALE--OAK TWIN BEDS WITH each $18; oak ttress and springs; Watire t oak rocker, dresser to match, $14; 5 '$7.50. Phone Wil. 241, 17LTN27-1tc FOR SALE--CHILD'S IVORY BED and bureau; also infant's bed. Phone Winn. 1436 Monday and Tuesday be- tween 9 and 3. 17T4-1te FOR SALE--DINING RM. TABLE AND buffet; dark oak; ezesiient condition, h St. Phone nn. . Call 495 As i FOR SALE--ICE BOX; GARDEN tools; gas range and other household furniture; going to move; 800 Spruce St., Glencoe. 17TN4-1tc FOR SALE--MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD to be seen at Iredale Warehouse, Winnetka. G. M. McConnel. 17T4-1tc FOR RENT--3 FURNISHED ROOMS SITUATION WTD.--BY RELIABLE, with private bath and kitchenette; exp., trustworthy man as gardener in nicely located home; for 2 people. for private family. Phone Bitter- Phone Winn. 729. 4T4-1tc sweet 0779. 14LTN27-1tp FOR RENT--PLEASANT ROOM IN|SITUATION WANTED--CHAUFFEUR; good home; close to Hubbard Woods station; gentleman only. Phone Winn. 972. 4TN4-1tc colored; 8 yrs. experience; all make cars; best of ref. Douglass 4110. 14T4-1tp FOR SALE--NEW HOUSES; 5, 6 AND 7 rooms; near lake, golf and trans- portation; large lots; price $10,000, $16,000 and $21,000. W. Otten, County Line Rd., Glencoe. Phone Highland Park 898-Y3. 1LTN26-tfc FOR RENT--CLEAN AND COMFORTA- ble front rooms in east side home; conv. to all trans. Phone Wil. 1940. 4LT27-1tc SITUATION WANTED -- GARDENING and general work; screens painted and repaired; all kinds of work. Phone Winn. 2253. 14T4-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE FURNISHED SITUATION WANTED--OUT DOOR site east side Winnetka; suitable for 3 homes. Owner will sacrifice entire piece for quick sale. Phone Winn. 517-W. 1LTN27-3tp FOR SALE--6 ROOMS; BATH; IN- closed porch; 1 car garage; corner lot, 85x125 ft, $13,500. 934 Fig St, Winnetka. 1LTN27-4tc FOR SALE--5 ROOMS AND BATH; strictly modern; for quick sale, $8,600. Inquire 1076 Ash St, Win- netka. 1ILTN27-1te FOR SALE--8 RM. HOUSE; LARGE lot; must sell at once owing to change of business. Phone Glencoe 557. 1LT27-1te FOR SALE--9 RM. HOUSE AND GA- rage; $10,000. Call at 1035 Willow Rd., Winnetka. 1T4-1tc garage; furnace heat; $90 per mo. Phone Winn. 1103. 4TN4-1tp FOR RENT -- ROOM; GENTLEMAN only. Phone Winn. 2338. 4TN4-1tc room for married couple; kitchen gardening; and mechanic and chauf- WANTED TO BUY--5-7 ROOM BRICK privileges. Phone Wil. 1550. feur; references. Phone Glencoe 1172, house close to trans.; must be bar- 4LT27-1te 14TN4-1te gain; first class condition. Harry W. Gahagan, 717 First National] FOR RENT -- 2 LARGE NICELY |SITUATION WANTED--CHAUFFEUR; Bank Bldg. Chicago, Ill. furnished rms.; 1 block from trans. competent; many years' experience; 1LTN27-1te Phone Winn. 2070. 4T4-1tc mechanic; best ref. Phone Winn. 2338. 14TN4-1tc FOR SALE--EXCELLENT BUILDING|FOR RENT--6 RM. HOUSE; BATH; SITUATION WANTED--GARDEN AND housework; lawns and shrubs taken care of by reliable man. Phone Winn. 859. 14T4-tfe WANTED -- FIRST CLASS, EXPER. FOR SALE--UPRIGHT PIANO; IN .good condition; $45; 3-4 P. M. Phone Wil. 2109. 17TN4-1tp FOR SALE--GOOD ie Bai 3% 955 i .*Phon encoe Sheridan Rd e 8 Ble FOR SALE--HALL CLOCK; ABOUT 150 years old; $100. 564 Lincoln Ave, Winnetka. 17TN4-1tp FOR SALE--2 OLD SAMPLERS; 2 hooked rugs; very reasonable. Phone Winn. 71. 17TN4-1te FOR SALE -- yieon VIOTROLA; ize. h Winn, large size. Phone SNE te FOR SALE--LINED NEN DRASEY h tains. one ; . linen porch cur Be Ls SALE--STERLING UPRIGHT Phone Wil. 241. 17LTN27-1te (-- 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 10040 Wmerson St, BE ton, Ill. Phone . Yans 18LTN24-tfe FOR piano, $100. FOR RENT---FURNISHED ROOMS, 607 gardener and handy man. Phone Main St., Wilmette. 4LTN27-1tp Winn. 1363. . 14TN4-1tc ------ 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE FFICES FOR RENT--FOR A PERIOD OF 5 years or more a beauty parlor with an established trade, consisting of reception room, work room and wash room, overlooking park in Hubbard Woods. Wonderful opportunity for someone. For particulars inquire room 1535 at 11 S. La Salle St. Phone Central 1764. 5LTN27-1tc FOR RENT--STORE ROOMS AT 744 Elm St., Winnetka. G. F. Gonsalves. LAUNDRY WORK DONE IN PRIVATE N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- home; called for and delivered; best ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple references furnished. Phone Winn. Ave., Evenston. Phone Univ. 103. 550-J. 15LTN26-2tc _1RLTN19-tfe SITUATION WTD.--LAUNDRESS DE-|[19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS sires work at home; finished, rough dry; wet wash: will call for and de- | WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE liver. Phone Wil. 1351. buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, 15LTN24-tfc pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash Street. 19LTNS8-tfe SITUATION WTD. -- EXP. WOMAN desires catering; cooking, and serv- FOR SALE--ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM house; slp. porch; 85 ft. frontage; wooded lot well landscaped; excep- tional neighborhood; close to trans. Phone Winn. 972. 1TN4-1te FOR SALE--FINE WOODED LOT ON Tower Road, Hubbard Woods; finest location. Clark T. Northrop, 556 Center Street, Phone Winn. 1467. 1LTN27-1te session May 1. Phone Kenil. 1307. 2LTN27-1te OLD BOOKS BOUGHT FOR RENT--GARAGE SPACE. PHONE Winn. 478. 6T4-1tc * SIT. WANTED--DAY WORK. PHONE 15LTN27-1tp Glencoe 347-7. - ing; or will fill in with housework. - 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES Phone Winn. 62. 5LTN25-tfc| Phone Wil. 3129. ISLT27-1tp | SIMON, 719 OAKTON ST. EYansToN, FOR RENT--8 RM. HOUSE, 968 ELM|FOR RENT -- OFFICE ROOM IN |SITUATION WANTED--WHITE WOM- St., Winn.; $135 per mo.; immediate Meyer Bank Bldg. Phone Winn. 97. an wishes day work. Benson. | WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND po ion; owner Frank Pavlik, 606 5T4-1te Phone Winn. 173. 15TN4-1tp stroller. Phone Winn. 1176. 19T4-1tc Railroad Ave. Phone Kenilworth : VoD -- 5 2LTN27-1te a SITUATION WANTED--YOUNG LADY |20 FOR SALE--A 8 FOR RENT--GARAGES desires position as stenographer. FOR RENT--NEW 12 ROOM HOUSE: Phone University 2048. 15TN4-1tc | FOR SALE--OAKLAND TOURING, very low rent; inquire, Miller, 936 FOR RENT -- GARAGE $10 PER 1922; 5 wire wheels; new batteries; Elm St. Phone Winn. 1065. month. 1366 Asbury Ave, Hubbard |SITTTATION WTD.--BY EXP. COLOR- A-1 condition; will sacrifice for $75. 2LTN27-1tc Woods. Phone Winn. 405. ed girl; gen. hswk.; best references. Call at 1538 Walnut Ave., Wilmette. 6TN4-1tp Phone University 6122. 15LT27-1te 20LTN27-1te FOR RENT--5 ROOM HOUSE; POS- MORE WANTS ADS ON PAGE 24 id $175; make offer; par peid iL ;

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