dy er ----y,------ rs ney TR ar ay WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL, 11, 1925 = AE Em nm NOTICE! I have moved my business to Wilmette in order to give better service to the residents of Wil- mette and the North Shore. If you are contemplating redec- orating or painting your home I will be pleased to call and offer suggestions and furnish esti- mates without any obligation. My twenty-five years' experience in Europe and this country insures you of both knowledge and superior work- manship. Every workman in my em- ploy is an artist in his line and under my personal supervision at all times. A phone call or letter will bring immediate response M. PORTENHAUSER Decorating and Painting 1030 Greenleaf Avenue Wilmette Telephone Wilmette 2764 LE ETT ET LE -- -------- Ins is Tn } 0