4 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1925 23 "HOMES FOR SALE IN THE WANT ADS \ Glencoe who are regular TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. vapers. MINIMUM the line. No black face type used. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : "lassified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to inclusive whose names appear subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA 10 cents per line in one paper. Rates-- CHARGE Rates for Display type on application. : . Classified adverti ts ill Deadline for Insertions cepted Se i I 13 volork for | the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. in the telephone directory, or 20 cents per line in all three 50¢. Average of five words to be ac- Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 1 REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE . FOR SALE--AT NORTHBROOK, NEW North Shore Homes for brick bungalow; 5... Ir'ms,; Doth; dre place; t 50x330 ft.; 2 blks. from Everyone eet i) bargain on easy uy i tn, EVANSTON WYATT & COONS A VERY NICE WHITE CLAPBOARD bungalow with 5 rooms, 2 bd. rms.; furnace heat; in a desirable location quite convenient to schools; markets and transportation. This is a real reasonable purchase. ONLY $750 cash required. Balance easy month- payments including ALL INTER- WILMETTE $3,000 CASH BUYS REMODERNIZED 6 room house ;hot water heat; new hard wood floors; gas hot water heat- er; 2 car garage; on a beautiful 50 ft. wooded lot within 2% blks. of transportation. Best North East location; a real stucco home; with 4 large bd. rms.; sun and sleeping porch; each about 12x16 ft., on a nice 50 ft. lot; 2 car arage; worth $25,000. As owner is eaving town, will sacrifice same for ONLY $19,000. KENILWORTH DUTCH COLONIAL TYPE; 8 ROOMS; 2 baths; lot 60 ft. frontage. Out of town owner orders house sold for any reasonable offer. Asking $21,500. WINNETKA VERY ATTRACTIVE LITTLE HOME on a 100 ft. wooded lot in one of the choicest residence sections. Liv- ing room 28x24 ft. A wonderfully large sun parlor. See this if want an ideal, UNUSUAL, little home. For appointment to see these and other choice properties, see or phone Clore, Budinger & Smith 1177 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, Ill. Opp. Village Hall. Wil. 1750. 1LTN28-1tec Winnetka YOU CAN BUY THIS 5 ROOM BUNG., on easy terms. Priced for quick sale at $14,500. Glazed sun and slp. Pchs, and 1 open porch. All Ige. rms. and in good condition; 1 car gar. Call Winnetka 828 for further infor- mation, Priced right for immediate sale. 7 rms. solid brk. and stucco home in S. E. Winnetka; sun porch; att.; htd. gar.; H. W. ht. with oil burner. Beaut. landscaped 3% acre lot. Surr. by fine homes. Close to lake, trains and schools. Ground value $18,000. Owner has left village and wants to sell at once. Call Winnetka 1845 or agent at Winnetka 1226. Vacant 8. W. COR. LAKE AND WOODLAWN, Glencoe. Below market; at $80 ft. 5 acres, Wilmette Ave, East of new North Shore Electric extension. Bus. con. in new town site. This and other good acre sites ripe for in- vestment and subdivisions. We have complete and attractive lists of furnished and unfurnished homes for rent, terms from 3 mos. to 3 yrs. All prices. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Winnetka Winnetka 1800. 1LTN28-1tc BUY LIKE RENT NEW 6 RM. VITRIFIED TILE BRICK, h. w. ht.; brkfst nook; tile garage. N. E. Winnetka, $16,500. Owner leaving, must sell; $3,500 cash. New 6 rm. brick, tile roof, beauti- fully wooded lot; fine loc.; h. w. ht.; heated garage; price $19,500, $1,500 cash. 8 rm. stucco, 3 baths, 2 car garage, beautiful 100 ft. lot; very choice lo- cation; $30,000; only $5,000 cash. Almost new 8 rm. colonial, 3 baths; 3 glazed pchs.; h. w. ht.; 2 car gar.; lot worth $20,000; all for $36,000, only $5,000 cash. Heinsen& Kroll, Inc. MOVED TO 720 ELM STREET, WINN. 1LTN28-1tc FOR SALE -- ENGLISH COLONIAL house in Winnetka; six rooms and bath: living room and one bedroom, very large; porch; heated garage; hot water heat; automatic water heater; heat regulator and water control; one block from school and three blocks from station; 65 ft. frontage ;wooded lot; built for a home but removal from city puts this desirable property on market. Price $23,500. Address Winnetka Talk A-512. 1T3-tfe FOR SALE--WILMETTE 1306 GREGORY AVE. OWNER LEAV- ing city; open for offer on 7 rm. Dutch col. with slp. porch; located in choice section of Wilmette; conven- tient to transportation and schools; ~ house well constructed; beautifully landscaped lot; 1 car garage; if you are looking for a real buy, don't fail to see this. Phone Wil. 2066. 1LTN28-1te FOR SALE--MODERN 8 RM. STUCCO house in Beverly Hills on the Ridge near Longwood Drive; wooded lot; 2 car garage; near schools and trans. Possession May 1st or before. Phone Winn. 1367 or Beverly 2254. 1LTN28-1tc Northbrook 104 Glenview 81 1TN5-1te FOR SALE OR RENT--WINNETKA new colonial house; 9 rm.; sun parlor; sleeping porch; 2 baths; extra lava- tory; 2 fireplaces; double garage; near schools and transportation. Ad- dress Winnetka Talk A-526. 1TN5-1tc FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW HOUSES; 5, 6 and 7 rooms; near lake; golf and transportation; large lots; price $10,000, $16,000 amd $21,000. W. Ot- ten, County Line Rd., Glencoe. Phone Highland Park 898-Y3 1LTN26-tfc FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL NEW, white, Dutch colonial; 6 rooms and bath; corner lot; very artistic in- terior; many furnishings included; bargain. 1501 Hill St., Wilmette. 1LTN28-1tp FOR SALE--2 HOUSES ON ONE LOT; one stucco; 6 rms.; h. w. heat; and other 3 rm. bungalow; lot 50x187; bargain for quick sale. Terms. 887 Ash St. Phone Winn. 1438. 1TN5-1te FOR SALE--WINNETKA 8 RM. HSE; 2 baths; sun porch; lot 65x150; nr. school and Hubbard Woods station; immediate occupancy; adjoining lot 50x150 also obtainable if desired. Phone Winn. 1029. 1T5-1te FOR SALE--6 RM. HSE.; GLASSED IN slp. pch.; screened pch.; liv. rm. 29x 15; outside studio 24%x12; shop and garage 24x18; lot 69x112; owner moving east; offers wanted. Phone Winn. 1442, 1TN5-1te FOR' SALE--ATTRACTIVE HOME; nearly new; 4 bedrms.; 2 baths; good neighborhood; fine wooded lot, terms to suit; $16,500. Phone Winn. 690. 1LTN28-1tc FOR SALE--EXCELLENT BUILDING site east side Winnetka; suitable for 3 homes. Owner will sacrifice entire piece for quick sale. Phone Winn, 517-W. 1LTN27-3tp ADJOINING NORTH SHORE GOLF Club. A few desirable homesites available; will have all improve- ments. Let me explain. Address Winnetka Talk A-532. 1TN5-1tp FOR SALE--8 RM. RESIDENCE IN Kenilworth; 5 bedrms.; 2 baths; sleeping and sun porches; a bargain for quick sale. Phone University 4696 1TN5-1tp FOR SALE--WINN. HEIGHTS AT Rosewood and Starr; 100x188; wood- ed; beautifully situated; Phone Winn. 1744. 1T5-2tc FOR SALE--$500 CASH; BALANCE terms; buys a 50 ft. lot on Elmwood Ave. nr. 18th St, Wilmette; bar- gain. Phone Wil. 777-M. 1TN5-1te FOR SALE OR RENT--5 RM. HSE.; 2 porches and garage; within 1 block of Skokie club; will rent furnished. Phone Glencoe 3853-W. 1TN5-1te FOR SALE--6 ROOMS; BATH; IN- closed porch; 1 car garage; corner lot, 85x125 ft., $13,500. 934 Fig St.. Winnetka. 1LTN27-4tc 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT---FURNISHED 3 STORY hse. for summer months; nr. trans.; $350 a month; 6 bedrms; 4 baths; large sleeping porch; screened veran- da; large sunny living rm.; veg. and flower gardens; garage. Phone Mrs. Preston Boyden, Winn. 1639. 2LTN28-tfc FOR RENT--GLENCOE BUNGALOW, 859 Vernon Ave. If you are living in a stuffy apt. try something dif- ferent. 5 bright. clean rooms; 2 glazed porches; large attic; garage; large lot; trees; shrubs. Gentiles. Owner. Phone Rogers Park 2063. 2LTN28-1tp FOR RENT--SUMMER COTTAGE; $135.00 for 6 wks. beginning June 15; on Mich. shore; beautiful beach; ideal for children; running water; toilet and bath; 6 hr. drive from Chi.; most attractive. Phone Winn. 690. 2LTN28-1tc FOR RENT--6 RM. BUNGALOW; LGE. rooms; sunny; attractively furnished: garage; convenient to trans. and stores. May 1 to Sept.; $150 per mo. 1504 Elmwood Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2649. 2LTN28-1te 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 15 SITUATION WANTED----FEMALE FOR RENT-- 10 ROOM STUCCO HSE.; living and sleeping porches; 3 bath rooms; 2 car garage; furnished; 2 blocks from station and lake; 529 Ce- dar Street; 12-14 months, from June on $275. 2T5-1te WANTED--FIRST CLASS GIRL FOR gen. hswk.; white; good wages; 8 rm. house; no washing; must be good cook: pleasant S. E. room. 1110 Pine St.,, Winnetka. Phone Winn. 2334. 12LTN28-1tc FOR RENT--T7 RM. HSE.; 2 PORCHES; H. W. heat; nr. trans.; 2 garages, 5 WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. 3 in family; no washing; references car capacity. 467 Chestnut St., Winn. required; 1316 Ashland Ave; Wil- Phone Winn. 730. Owner, Universi- mette. Phone Wil. 3010. ty 7348. 2T4-tfc 12LTN28-1te FOR RENT--8 RM. HOUSE, 968 ELM{WOMEN OF LARGE SOCIAL AC- St.,, Winn.; $135 per mo.; immediate quaintance can earn good income; possession; owner Frank Pavlik, 606 Railroad Ave. Phone Kenilworth 2016. 2LTN28-1tc pleasant work; whole or part time. Address Winnetka Talk A-532. 12TN5-1tp FOR RENT--5 RM. BUNGALOW, FUR- nished, from May 1st to Oct. 1st, or shorter term if desired. Fhone Winn. 1. 2LTN-1tc FOR RENT--8 RM. MODERN HSE.; sleeping porch; sun porch; nr. trans. Phone Winn. 210 or 1916. 2T5-1te WANTED--CAPABLE EXPERIENCED white maid for general hse. work; small hse.; must not object to chil- dren; best wages. Mrs. Gooder. Winn. 1149. 12T5-1tp WANTED -- COMPETENT, SECOND maid; Scandinavian preferred; good wages; ref. req. Phone Winn. 414. FOR RENT--5 RM. BUNGALOW; SLP. 12TNb5-1te pch.; sun pch. and garage. 1015 Oak - St. 2T5-1tc | WANTED--GEN. MAID; WHITE; small family; no washing; good FOR RENT--6 RM. HOUSE; BATH; home and wages; must have ref. garage; furnace heat; $90 per mo. Phone Winn. 324, 12T5-1te Phone Winn. 1103. 2TN5-1tp WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. FOR RENT -- MODERN 6 ROOM hswk.; no laundry; refs. required; house in good location. Phone Wil. good wages. Phone Winn. 1843, 515. 2LT28-1te 12TN5-1te 3 FOR RENT---APARTMENTS FOR RENT--HAPP RD. NR. WINNET- ka Ave.; 4 rm. flat; stove heat; gar.; lge. yard; good water; vear lease; $20 per mo. See us for complete list of rentals. E. E. STULTS REALTY COMPANY Winnetka Winnetka 1800 3T5-1tc FOR RENT--A COZY 5 RM. APT. 1ST floor; fireplace; H. W. heat; best neighborhood; nr. trans.; poss. May i. 752 Sunset Rd. Phone Winn. 573-K. 3T5-tfc FOR RENT--I11 RM. HSE.; 2 BATHS; 995 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods. $100 per month. Phone Winn. 1066. 3TN5-1te FOR RENT---4 RM. FLAT, NEWLY decorated; modern; nr. Elm St. sta- tion. Phone Winn. 210 or 1916. 3T5-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED APT. FOR WANTED--CAPABLE WHITE GIRL for gen. hswk.; good salary if satis- factory. Call Winn. 1474. 12TN5-1te WANTED--NURSE GIRL; 2 BABIES; care of one part time; other all time; references. 942 Pine St. Phone Winn. 1989. 12T5-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE girl for couple; must be good cook; easy place; good wages. Phone Winn. 1859. 12LTN28-1te WANTED -- STENO. WITH FAIR knowledge of bookkeeping; $25-3$30 to start. Phone Winn. 1470. 12LTN28-1te WANTED -- MOTHER'S HELPER; white. 932 Oak St. Phone Winn. 2207. 12LTN28-1te WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK.; part of the day only; must be neat. Phone Winn. 466. 12LTN28-1te married couple or single man. 1012| WANTED-- EXP. WOMAN; HOUSE- Greenleaf Ave. Wilmette. Phone cleaning and cooking. Phone Winn, Wil. 935-M. 3LTN28-1tc 58. 12T5-1te FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVELY FUR-|WANTED--EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR nished 4 rm. housekeeping suite; cen- gen. maid, Must be neat. Phone trally located. Address Wilmette] Winn. 1724, 12T5-1te Life A-520. 3LTN28-1tp FOR RENT--2 AND 4 RM. MODERN apartments; steam heat; janitor service. Phone Wil. 2399. 3LTN24-tfc FOR RENT--5 RM. APT.; TILE BATH; glazed porch; H. W. heat; phone Winn. 1387. 3LTN28-1te FOR RENT--6 RM. FLAT WITH bath; accommodation for one car. Call Glencoe 554. 3TNS-1te FOR RENT--4 RM. APT.; MAY 1; ICE box; gas stove. Phone Winn. 409. 3TN5-1tp FOR RENT--5 RM. FLAT. PHONE Wil. 573. 3LTN28-1tc 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE RM. IN private family; 1 blk. from Hubbard Woods station. Phone Winn. 2070. 4TN5-1tp FOR RENT--PLEASANT FRONT RM. for one or 2 people; rent reasonable; nr. trans. Phone Winn. 650-R. 4T5-1tp FOR RENT--WINN. NICELY FUR- nished room; lady preferred; break- fast and dinners if desired. Address Wilmette Life A-507. 4LTN22-1te FOR RENT--3 LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms; furnished or unfurnished; in Hubbard Woods; $55. Phone Winn. 977. 4LTN28-1tc 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES FOR, RENT--STORE ROOMS AT 744 Elm St, Winnetka. G. F. Gonsalves. Phone Winn. 62. 5LTN25-tfe FOR RENT--STORE AT 554 LINCOLN Ave. Phone Winn. 1387. 5LTN28-1te FOR RENT---DESK ROOM; 556 CEN- ter St. C. T. Northrop. 5T5H-1te WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--6 ROOM HOUSE unfurnished. Must be strictly mod- ern, in good neighborhood, anywhere near North Shore or suburban trans- portation. With garage perferred. Will also be interested in purchasing same on 3 months' option. Walt Bloeser, 410 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Central 6432. TLTN26-3tc WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED home; from June 1st through the summer or from 1 to 2 yrs. Must have 4 bedrms. and 3 bathrms.; re- sponsible party. Give particulars, in- FOR RENT--7 RM. HOUSE; H. W. heat; oil burner; large lot garden; 2 blks. west of station; 1 car garage; $175 per month. Owner. Phone Glencoe 561. 2LTN28-1te WANTED -- GIRL FOR OFFICE clerk; exp. not necessary. Phone Miss Vogel, Winn. 326. 12TN5-1te WANTED--MAID FOR GEN. HSWK, Phone Winn. 1530. 730 Center St. 12T5-1te WANTED--EXP. GIRL FOR GEN. hswk.; no washing; good wages. Phone Winn. 961. 12TN5-1te WANTED--EXP. WAITRESS; BEST wages. Phone Winn. 58, 12TN5-1te 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED Widow in need of opportunity or elderly gentleman with lei- sure time or young man or woman with ambition to make "25 to 35" per week during spare time as my representative to handle Dandy Dan Nut Products. I show you how and work with you until you are established. Previous experience not neces- SITUATION WTD.--LAUNDRESS DE- sires work at home; finished, rough dry; wet wash; will call for and de- liver. Phone Wil. 1351. 15LTN24-tfc SITUATION WANTED--NEWLY AR- rived German girl wishes position as nurse with children; neat; conscien- tious; reliable. Phone Winn. 1756. 15TN5-1te SITUATION WANTED -- COLORED woman desires laundry work by day. Phone Glencoe 1081. 15TN5-1te HAVE YOUR DRESSMAKING DONE in your own home. Phone Winn. 515-W. 15TN5-1te SIT. WTD.--BY 1ST CLASS COLORED laundress. Refs. Phone Glencoe 987. 15LTN28-1te 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WANTED--COL. COUPLE; young; neat; cook and houseman; best ref. Phone Kenilworth 650. 16TN5-1tn 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS Ice Box FOR SALE--VERY FINE LEONARD cleanable ice box; 100 1b. capacity; 3 door; all metal porcelain; inside and out; now in storage; cost $250 new; unusual opportunity to obtain exceptional ice box at ridiculously low price. $100, or best offer. Ad- dress Wilmette Life A-529. 17LT28-1tp FOR SALE--FURNITURE--ORIENTAL rug, $1,000; Coxwell chair, $165; Needle Point arm chair, $80; Dav. ta- ble, $95; mahog. bed, complete with spring and mattress, $125; chifforobe, $100; bookcase, $85; dining rm. set, complete, $100; writing desk and chair, $5; sewing machine, $20; mar- ble top kitchen table, $5. Phone Highland Park 447. 17TN5-1tp FOR SALE--2 MAHOGANY MANTEL clocks; $5.00 and $2.00 each; oak shaving stand, $3.00; mission rocker, $7.50; 14 linen drapes, 70 inches, dou- ble hem, $15.00; black wicker table, $4.00; kitchen scale, $1.50; ash sifter, $2.00. Phone Wil. 241. 17LTN28-1tp FOR SALE--ALMOST NEW 1 THOR iron and laundryette washer; reason- able. Phone Winn. 666-WX. 17TLTN28-1tp FOR SALE--5 CHRS.; RCKS.; SAN. couch; table desk; maid's furn.; ve- locipede and wagon. Phone Kenil- worth 648. 17TN5-1te FOR SALE -- SANITARY COUCH; table lamp; complete; odd size lamp . Phone Winn, 1014. Shades i 17TN5-1te FOR SALE--SEVERAL, FINE, OLD, Phone Winn. 462. 17T5-1te FOR SALE--GAS RANGE; PERFECT condition. Phone Glencoe 520. 17T5-1te FOR SALE--SMALL SOFA; BLACK sateen covering; $10. 791 Waldon Rd. Phone Winn. 530-W. 17T5-1te FOR SALE--CABLE bench; fine condition; Wil. 3085. FOR BALE A HO A nla; i . Phone ilmette " lite now 17LTN28-1tp Cm ---------- 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004.6 Emerson St., ton, Ill. Phone h Evanston 18LTN24-tfe N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 103, hooked rugs. $100. 17LTN28-1tc sary. Write Dandy Dan, 363 181, TN19-tfc William St., River Forest, Ill. - -- 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WH LE; MAN | WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Wan, aE Sova man; buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, gen. hswk. for woman. Phone Wil 26317. 13LTN28-1tc 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED -- EXPERI- enced gardner and all-around handy man wishes permanent position or work by the day or hour. Phone Winn. 639-W after 6 p. m. 14T5-1tp SITUATION WTD.--YOUNG MAN AS chauffeur; will do house and garden work. Ludwig Marks, 4139 No. Al- bany, Chicago. For information phone Glencoe 155. 14TN28-2te SITUATION WANTED--BY RELI- able exp. trustworthy man, as gar- dener for private family. Chicago. Phone Bittersweet 0779. 14LLTN28-1tp SITUATION ""WANTED--GARDEN AND housework; lawns and shrubs taken care of by reliable man. Phone Winn, 859. 14T4-tfc anything useful. 1045 Ash New store, 1500 Willow Rd. 19LTNS8-tfc OLD BOOKS BOUGHT ON, 719 OAKTON ST. EVANSTON, STE 19LTN26-5tp 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES For Sale--Autos 1919 Pierce Arrow, 4 pass. sport, A-1 condition --1-§1500 pianos, Street. 1922 Durant Tour. 75 1924 Ford Sedan........ 425 1924> Moon, ke new. ..... ness . 1050 Wersted Motor Co. Winnetka 20LTN28-1te Used Cars--All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland cludin rent. Address Winnetka Dealers Talk A-531, 7TN5-1te | SIT. WTD.--EXP. GARDENER AND Evanston 140 chauffeur: 8 yrs on the North Shore. 20LTN24-tfe WANTED--A FURNISHED HOUSE Address Wilmette Life A-525. or apt. from May 1st to June 1st or 14LT28-1tp . 15th. Please phone Glencoe 827. FOR SALE--HUDSON COACH, 1925; TLTN28-1te | SIT. WTD.--GARDEN AND HOUSE-|" fully equipped; 5 balldon tires; 2 work; best of references; Phone bumpers; W. 8. cleaner; spot light; WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED| Winn. 1902. 14LTN28-1tc| trunk; motor meter and lock; perfect house for month of May. Phone -- ---- condition. Phone Winn. 644. Winn. 912. TTN5-1tc | 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 20LT28-1tc 10 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--7 ROOM HOUSE; SLEEP- ing porch; dining porch; H. W. heat; tile bath. 843 Cherry St. Inquire John Balmes, 839 Cherry St. 2LT28-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED HSE. FOR summer months; $200 a month; 5 bedrms.; 3 baths; sunporch; garage; nr. station. Phone Mrs. Paul Starr, Winn. 1765. 2LTN28-tfe FOR SALE--S. E. WINNETKA; AT- tractive 7 rm. stucco house; 2 porch- FOR RENT--BUNGALOW; 3 RMS.; bath; and slp. porch; full basement; es; hw, heat; oil burner; very rea- immediate possession. $65. 1040 sonable price; garage. Address Pine St., Winn. Phone Winn. 752. Winn. Talk A-526. 1TN5-1te 2LTN22-1tp FOR SALE--T7 RM. COLONIAL: 4 BED- rms.; shower bath; glazed sleeping porch: lot 64%x150; nr. trans. 139 Bertling Lane, Winn. Phone Winn. 1805. 1TN5-1te FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVELY FUR- nished house; eight rms.; 3 baths; two porches; garage; flowers; June 1 to Sept. 1. Phone Winn. 1247. 2T5-1tp WANTED--ROOM FOR A TEACHER; near Horace Mann School; prefera- bly with board. Sunday, phone Winn. 946. 10T6-1te 11 HELP WANTED---MALE I WANT TO MEET A MAN WHO IS A member of the Masonic Fraternity, who can devote evenings or any spare time to an offer which is profit- able. Prefer man who owns car. Give particulars. Address P. O. Box 463, Evanston. 11LTN28-1tp WANTED--WHITE, HOUSE M AN; must 'be able to handle cars: good wages; steady job. Phone Wilmette 3140. 11LTN28-1tp WANTED--CEMENT FINISHER. AP- ply 1157 Wilmette Ave. or phone Wil. 3332. 11TN5-1te Woman Broker CAPABLE ENERGETIC WOMAN BRO- ker with large clientele and large select listing of North Shore prop- erties. wishes to become affiliated with high-lass North Shore Real Es- tate firm. Preferably one with chain of North Shore offices. Best creden- tials furnished as to ability, dependi- bility, and honesty. Address Wil- mette Life A-530. 15LTN28-1tp LADY WHO HAS BEEN CONDUCTING a morning Kindergarten class wish- es a few more children about 4 years old. Will call for and return in a closed car. Charges $2.50 per week. Phone Winn. 2032. 15T5-1te SITUATION WTD--EXP. WOMAN desires cooking and serving dinners and lunches; will also do other day work. Phone Wil. 3129. 15LT28-1tc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES; CADIL- lac limousine 57; engine and uphol- stering in good condition; $600; Win- ton touring car, model 21, $200. Phone Winn. 1419. 20LTN28-1te FOR SALE--9A FRANKLIN SEDAN; good running condition; 4 good tires; grey seat covers; price $300. Phone Glencoe 74. 20LTN28-1tc FOR SALE--MILBURN ELECTRIC IN good condition; new tires; new bat- teries; charging outfit. Phone Winn. 362. 20T5-1te 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--BLACK ENSEMBLE SUIT; large, real Ermine collar: size 34 or 36: $45. 791 Waldon Rd. Phone Winn. 530-W. 21T5-1te More Want Ads on Page 24