Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 26 Sep 1925, p. 23

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-_ WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1925 sano | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE [15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE FOR RENT -- 2 LARGE, LIGHT, LAUNDRY WORK CALLED FOR AN . Classified ad i well-qurh roots; single or in suite; | TELEPHONE OPERATING delivered. 1st class work. Refs. : assified advertisements will be charged only priv. bath. r. trans. Phone Win- Phone Univ. 2172. 15LTNb51-4te General Notice - to residents of the district from Evanston to netka 1543. 4LTN52-1te IS A DESIRABLE OCCUPA- Phe i encoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or m -- UNDRESS. || who are regular. subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA FOR RENT--2 RM. SUITE WITH TION FOR YOUNG WOMEN; a ERA 1a TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. connecting bath; in priv. family; to 15LTN52-1tp R 15 cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two Fefned People SOL Tinter onthe THE "WORK 13 PERMANENT £ ) > er. 5 cents any 4 Jan arrange for board. Refs. Ad- D D ates- _ Jbapers. 30 cents a line in all three papers. MINIMUM dress Winnetka Talk A-680. . INTERESTING AND NEAR EXPERIENCED WOMAN x yaNs CHARGE 50 cents. Average of five words to the line. No black face 4T29-1tc work by the day or week. rite type used. 109% discount on all cash with order advertisements when HOME. OPERATORS ARE Margaret L. Flynn, 901 Webster Ave., brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave. FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM; Chicago. 15LT52-1tp Winnetka. Lesirable location in Winnetka. WELL PAID; THEY LIKE . . Classified advertisements will be ac- close to trans. Suitable for business , 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS Deadline for Insertions- cepted up i Wednesday 12 o'clock for woman. Phone: Winn, RITE. res 1te THEIR Yomn AWD, am. {0} CHAIR e WILMETT 2 or all ree papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the % ~ RS ~ IT FOR SALE--DAVENPORT AND » TASNETHA WALL and Fiiday 12 clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. FOR RENT--4 OR 5 ROOMS. Tel Win. CIATES: (VACATION "WITH handsomely upholstered in blue mo- elephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or innetka z000-2001. ani bie ai PAY IS GIVEN EACH YEAR: hair, $100; gray and rose enamer breakfast set. incl. server, $45; s CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE A LIBERAL BENEFIT PLAN mah. Adam din. rm. table, chairs 3s - rooms; for transients and residents. " > ee 3 ai tea wagon, $175; large Columbia 1 REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080. IS PROVIDED. COME TO grafonola, electric motor, and ree- - 4LT50-tfc i 5 x Ne ords, $65. Phone Wil. 2451. COLONIAL Fon SE RS AtIFORNIA rereneY | FOR RENT--CoMFOnTADLE THON SR muEHONR OrvIY : bb 'D ngalow; rms.; 3 bedrms.; FC ENT--COMF ABLE FRONT " forms baths, 1 with shower. Solarium 4 ik a water; conv. to bath. AND TALK IT OVER WITH FOR SALE OVERSTUFFED DAV- Er Frys Nr . ti yi f ain. ve hon Wil. 3206. 4LT52-1te 45 \ " irs: T-piece dini WHITE Loton nouss, 3 gue. sf [0 oi Sotein, Loi sieges [Theos Wil, 520 _ | THE CHIEF OPERATOR. 740 gh EA gh a baths, well built. Location the best. Shown by appointment only. Phone FOR RENT --PLEASANT ROOM WITH 3 4] J fu y iture. Single bed; kitchen cab- Lot 61x132 wooded. In S. W. Win- 7 : yr oe 2S bath. 2 blks. fr > eas ELM ST. WINNETKA. urn to ? es biev tk 32,000 includ. ge Te Winn. 701 or 1703. 1LTN51-2tc 2ath, hiks from trans. Reas. inet; gas range. Boy's bicycle. Eden netka. $32, includ. garage. Terms Phone Wil. 3014. 4LTN52-1te = Jectrie washing machine; Radio set to suit any reasonable person. FOR SALE--320 RICHMOND RD 12T27-tfe | LP" batteries. and charger. Other Other attractive listings. Kenilworth. 5-rm. stucco home; | FOR RENT -- FRONT ROOM; NEAR miscellaneous articles. Reasonable. P W B il glass porch. Lot 75X150. 1 blk. from | mms mnone Winn 1921 4LTNG2 Ite | WARES. EXPERIENCED GOOD.| Must sell by Monday. Tel. Winnetka. o 2? radstreet ad $18-000, yeCan rN oe 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND natured second maid. White. For | 1391. 188 Myrtle. 17729118 ~ ; . 5 c OFFICES family of 7. Tel Winnetka, R07. ib FOR SALE -- YOUTH SIZE 16-18 & \ XO) FOR SALE--NEW BRICK VENEER OFFICES FOR RENT heavy overcoat, tan, new; bronze house, 133 Glenwood Ave. Hubbard | JOYBURN. 615 DAVIS ST. EVANS-| WANTED--WOMAN TO TAKE CARE bust; pictures; rag rugs 50 cents; HEADQUARTERS -- WINNETKA gyoods; 6 rms; 2 baths; pehs.: lot| ton. Elevator service. All outside| Of children and assist with house- | kitchen table and 2 chairs. Tel. Win- REAL ESTATE 556x200; price $20,000. Terms. Phone offices. Liberal concession. Apply; Work. Phone Wilmette 2556. etka 730. 467 Chestnut 17T29-1te 788 Elm St. Phong 162 inn 2 or inquire at 137 Glen- Mr. Harvey, New Evanston Theatre. 12LT52-1tp A T29-1tc OO Ave. 050) AT TNE : |= 1LTN50-tfe SLNS0- te | VANTED EXP. LAUNDRESS 2 DAYS FORME -- lanie nol MAH, BARGAIN -- $11,000. GLENCOE. | FOR SALE--20 ACRES; 6 B Y FOR RENT--STORE NO. 1105 CEN- a weeli; washer and mangle. Phone standing 1 Lf ' Leaving city. Stucco clapboard from depot in Deerfield; FE tral Ave. Wilmette. Fine tation Glen. 52 or call 540 Washington Ave. chiffonier. Phone Win. 958. house; 5 rms. 1st fl.; 2 on 2nd fl.; lg. Sc. porch; garage; h. w. heat. Lot 50x140, wooded, hedges, flowers. Fine neighborhood. Prop. value. incr. Easy terms. 474 Drexel ave. (1 bl n. Scott Ave.) Phone Glencoe 1071. 1TN29-1tc FOR SALE--FRAME HOUSE ON LIN- den and Cherry Sts. Can be easily moved. Phone Winn. 1211. 1TN29-1tc FOR SALE--1086 SPRUCE ST. 1 room modern house. Make offer. Ap- ply to owner. 586 Maple ave. Tel. Winnetka 1626. 1T29-1tc FOR SALE--IN NORTHBROOK. 9 room residence. On paved street. Shade trees. Furnace heat. $9,500. A. C. Kaukee, Northbrook. 1TN29-2tp Own Your Own Home BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED YARD and hse. of 7 rms. and 7 closets; brkfst. and slp. pchs.; lav.-toi. 1st fir.; nr. golf course and schl.; in good neighborhd.; $15,000. $1,500 only as first paymt. 1092 Cherry St., Winnetka. Opportunity TO BUY 50 FT. LOT IN SOUTH GLEN- coe at $70 per ft. This Unusual Home IN SOUTHEAST WINNETKA; 7 LGE. rms.; baths, sun pch.; fireplace in master bdrm. downstrs.,, dressing rm. adj., fire place in liv. rm. and in bedrm. on 2nd flr. also; immense grounds beautifully wded. and land- scaped. $20,000. Heinsen & Kroll, Inc 720 Elm St.,, Winnetka Winn. 254 1LTN52-1tc MR. AND MRS. R. O. JOHNSON OF Winnetka were the fortunate buyers of the Ravinia lot we advertised last week at $50 per foot, fully $20 er ft. under the market value. We ave this week the following bar- gains: Cherry St. 75x180 at $55 per ft.; Ravinia 75x185, $4,000. NEW SHINGLE 7 RM, 2 BATHS; h. w. heat. Located Indian Hill. Owner going to Florida. $24,000. SEVERAL OTHER RARE BARGAINS. Office open every day. Watch this space for Real Estate investments. E.E.StultsRealty Co Winnetka 1226 1LTN52-1tc 10 Carlton Annex Glencoe Bargains SPLENDID OLD HOME OVERLOOK- ing Skokie club; 9 rm., 5 bdrms., 1 bath. Beautiful lot, 150 ft. frontage x 182. Wonderful possibility. Act- ual ground value $20,000. Price $26,650. E.E.StultsRealtyCo Exclusive Agents 10 Carlton Annex Winnetka 1800 1LTN52-1te FOR SALE--T7 ROOM BRICK VENEER house; sun room; sleeping porch. Beautifully wooded lot 82 by 231. Hawthorne tile roof; w. heat; toilet and lavatory on first floor; 2 baths on second. Can make 2 large rooms and bath on third if wanted. 2 car garage. Located at 871 Ridge- wood drive. Highland Park. Call A. J. Johnson, Deerfield 254. Or see Edwin B. Mayer, 701 Otis Bldg. Chicago. 1LTN52-1tp BRAND NEW 5 ROOM STUCCO bungalow; 2 bdrms., sun and slpg. porches; extra lav. H. 'w. heat. $13,500. DEEP, BEAUTIFULLY WOODED, corner lot in finest section of east side Wilmette. $200 a foot. F. J. Budinger 1177 Wilmette Ave. Wil. 1750 1LTN52-1te Ravinia NEW 6 RM. ENGLISH BRICK AND plaster home; tile bath; attched. gar. Situated on high ridge commanding unusual view. 3 blks. to Ravinia station. A genuine value at $19,500. E.E.StultsRealty Co Exclusive Agents - 10 Carlton Annex Winnetka 1800 1LTN52-1te FOR SALE--SEVERAL DESIRABLE lots, located in finest part of Win- netka; surrounded by park; close to school and station. Sacrificing property at half its value. Title guaranteed. $25 a foot. Tel M- Schouten, Winnetka 1252 or ral 6899 for appointments. 1LTN52-1tp FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW HOUSE 7 rms.; near lake, golf and trans- portation; large lot; price $21,000. W. Otten, 96 County Line Rd., Glen- coe. Phone Glencoe 433. { ILTN50-tfe ges This is hi jars opportunity for division. all F. H. War il- mette 3041. BEAN WILL EXCHANGE 3 LOTS IN THE Gary of Canada valued at $3,500 for equity in North Shore house or bungalow not over $13,500. Write Wilmette Life A-679. 1LTN-1te 1LTN50-tfe FOR SALE BUNG SALE SUNGA- low; 2 pches.; barn.; furnace heat 50 It. Jot. 6 blks. from station. Price $5,500. Box 139, Kenilworth. 1LTN52-1tp 4 RM. STUCCO FOR SALE--111% ACRES NEAR DE- pot of new electric line at Willow for shoe store. Phone Wil. 2399. 5LTN52-tfe FOR RENT STORE NO. 4 IN CARL- ton Bldg. G. F. Gonsalves. Phone Winnetka 62. 5LTN52-tfc 12L'TN52-1te WANTED -- EXP. MAID FOR GEN. hswk. Small family. References re- quired. Tel. Winnetka 1196. 12LTN52-1te a ------ 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT -- SUPERIOR PRIV..GA- rage; centrally located; east side; north of Elm St. Address L. Gen. Del,, Winnetka. 6T28-4tc FOR RENT--GARAGE AT 561 ELDER Lane. Phone Winn. 2102. 6T29-1tc FOR RENT--GARAGE. 325 WOOD- land ave. Tel. Winnetka 1414. FOR RENT--FURNISHED OR UN- furnished 5 room b 1 Winnetka 674-W. Jaga S29 te FOR RENT--9 RM. HOUSE. 995 LIN- den avenue, Hubbard Woods. Phone Winn. 128. 2TN29-1tc FOR RENT FURNISHED -- FOR small family. 5 room modern house; sun porch, piano, fireplace. Garage. Nr. all trans. Ready after Oct. 1 for year or less. Tel. Winnetka 1466. 2LTN52-1te FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE 8 RM. Tonge; Sood cond.; h. w. heat; nr. rans. and schools; garage. Lar wooded lot. Phone Wil. S120. i 2LTN52-1te FOR RENT--SCOTT AVENUE. AT- tractive 7 room house; 2 baths; sun porch. $125 per month. Tel. Win- netka 690. 2LTN52-1te FOR RENT--MODERN 5 RM. BUNGA- low; large heated sun pch.; nr. sta- tion and school. $80. 842 Cherry St., Winnetka. 2LTN52-1te FOR RENT--GLENCOE. FURN. OR unfurn. 6 rm. house; nr. trans. and school. Avail. Oct. 1. Phone Glen- coe 712, 2LTN52-1te FOR RENT -- 7-RM. FURN. HOUSE; 4-7 months. 527 Provident Ave. Winnetka. : 2LTN52-1tc FOR RENT--4 RM. HOUSE. 1452 Wilmette Phone Wil. 945-J Ave. after 6 P, M, 2LTN52-1tp 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- APARTMENT OVER private garage; 4 rooms and bath. 708 Prospect ave. Tel. Winnetka 68. 3TN29-1te FOR RENT -- APARTMENT. FOUR rooms and porch. Phone Winnetka 122. 3T29-tfe North Evanston EASTWOOD APARTMENTS -- ON EASTWOOD AT CENTRAL ST. CORNER, NOT COURT APTS. AC- CLAIMED BEST OF NEW APTS. IN EVANSTON. 4's and 5's with extra bed, closets. Reasonable rents; 1% blks. to C. & N. W,; 18 min. down- town. Sound-proof, large. rooms; playrooms for children. No rear apts. Near public golf course. Own- er on premises. Phone Greenleaf 1919. 3LTN50-tfc FOR RENT-- UNFURN. 3-RM., KIT- chen and bath; first floor; including heat, light, and hot water. Front and rear porches. Also furnished one- room, kitchen and bath. Call Mrs. Berringer, Wilmette Inn 726 11th St. Wilmette 1868 3LTN52-1tp FOR RENT--5 RM. APT., NOT HEAT- ed, $50 per mo.; 3 rm. apt, heated, $40 mo.; or 4 rms., $50. Phone Ken- Owner. ilworth 1146. 3LTN52-1tc FOR RENT--5 RM. FLAT; BRICK garage. Lake ave. nr. Reinwald ave. Tel. Wil. 889-Y-2 or call at 80 Lo- cust Rd.,, Winnetka. 3LTN-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED 4 ROOM apartment; h. w. heat. Oct. 15. Ap- ply 562 Lincoln ave. Tel. Winn. 165. 3LTN52-1te FOR RENT--KITCHENETTE APT. IN Franklin Bldg.; in-a-dor bed. G. F. Gonsalves. Phone Winn. 62. 3LTN50-tfc FOR RENT--3 ROOM APT. HEATED; - light hskpg. Phone Wilmette 2399. SLTNLHN-tfe WANTED--MAID FOR GEN. HSWK. Must be good cook. 3 in family. Tel. Winnetka 1170. 12T29-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR COOK- ING and gen. hswk. Tel. Winn. 2265 12TN29-1te COMPETENT YOUNG hswk. Refer- family. Tel. 12TN29-1tp WANTED -- white maid for gen. ences required. 4 in Winnetka 1001. WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN. hswk., cooking, serving, and care of 1st floor. Phone Winn. 369. 12T29-1te COMPETENT WHITE girl for cooking and downstairs work; willing to assist with chil- dren; ref. $20. Phone Glen. 269. 12TN29-1te WANTED Street; other acreage. Call [ER | Ward, Wilmette 3041. 1LTN50-tfo pe €SHM FOR RENT OR FALE --DUm TALOW. 6A WANTED TO RENT--GARAGE Dias and sump. 274 Mary St, Hub- | WANTED--GARAGE IN WINNETKA. Dix oods. Phone Rogers Park Not more than $8 per month for ; 1LTN52-1tc Oct. and Nov. $5 per Ho, through oe cy ER winter to keep car in dead storage. 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES Winnetka 1824. 6T29-1tc FOR RENT--BRICK BUNGALOW 5 O} iy rooms. Furnished. Garage. $175 A PaO BENT-HOLSRS month. Write Winnetka Talk A-681. WANTED TO RENT -- FURNISHED 2TN29-1te house from Sept. 29 to Oct. 10 while my new home is being completed. Phone Winnetka 2276. 7T29-1tp WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED HOUSE FOR TWO or three months; 5-8 rooms. Wil- mette to Lake Forest. Call Buck- WANTED--GIRL FOR ONE EVENING and Saturday afternoon each week. Call Winnetka 1678. 12T29-1tc WANTED GIRL TO CARE FOR child week day afternoons. Phone Winnetka 1331. 12TN29-1tp WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN. hswk.; no washing; good wages; refs. Call Winn. 1070. 12TN29-1tc WANTED -- WOMAN BY DAY FOR ingham 5712. TLTN52-1tp cooking and downstairs work. Small family. Tel. Winnetka 753. 12TN29-1tc aS a= = > 4 0 VANTED T i WANTED -- EXP. MAID FOR GEN: y NTED TO Reve hswk. White. Two adults and baby in family. No laundry. Phone Glen- WANTED --2 FURNISHED OR UN-| coe 190. 12TN29-1tc urnished rooms with kitchenette and bath. Tel. Winnetka 1387. WANTED-- YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE 9T29-1tp care of babies in the afternoons. Call Winn. 1865 . 12T29-1te 5 cL p; CD -- )] PEW TanTED--MALR WANTED-- WOMAN FOR COOKING WANTED REAL EST and gen. hswk.; sma amily; no We are seeking TATE SALESMAN small children; no laundry. Wages highgrade man as assistant in our) $16. 509 Washington Ave. Glencoe. Winnetka office. Real estate ex-| Phone Glen. 836. 12TN29-1tc perience is desirable but not essen- \ D) ; tial providing other qualifications WANTED--NURSE GIRL Sw HITEN are satisfactory. We prefer a man refs. 2 yr. old boy. i aa ar living in Winnetka and applicants Lane. Winnetka 2239. 2ltc should get in touch with the Man- ager of our North Shore Department. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. Fountain Square: Evanston 00 Univ. 11T29-1te WANTED -- GROCERY. CLERK; EX- perienced. Steady position. Good wages. 1 day off a week. A. S. Van Deusen, 1154 Central Ave.. Wil- mette. Tel. 510. 11LTN52-Tte WANTED -- WHITE MAN FOR chauffeur and house work, who lives at home. References required. Tel. Winnetka 384. 11LTN52-1tc . HELP WANTED--FEMALE 12 WANTED--EXPERTENCED STENOG- rapher capable of operating Reming- ton bookkeeping machine. Perma- nent position for capable person. Apply Lloyd Hollister, Inc. Phone Wilmette 1920. 12LTN52-1tp WANTED---WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST with hswk. 729 11th St., Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1472. 12LTN52-1tc 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED--EXP. MAN wants furnaces to clean and take care of. Can furnish best references. Tel. Winn. 2011. 14T29-1te SITUATION WTD--WINNETKA, HUB- bard Woods or south Glencoe terri- 17TN29-1te FOR SALE --ANTIQUE FLORENTINE chest of drawers, museum piece. Reas. at $200. Phone Winn. 1000. 17T29-1te FOR SALE -- KITCHEN CABINET; oak din. set and buffet; beds; 6x9 rug; typewriter; ete. 518 Sunset Rd. Phone Winn. 1611. 17T29-1te FOR SALE -- DIN. TABLE, 6 CHAIRS, oak, $12: solid walnut server, $15. Phone Winn. 119. 17TN29-1te FOR SALE CHILD'S WHITE WOOD enameled bed, spring and mattress, $4. 739 Walden Rd. Phone Winn. 566. 17TN29-1te FOR SALE 54 IN. ROUND MAH. dining room table and silence pad, $15. Stroller, $7. Tel. Winnetka 2049. 17T29-1te HOT electric PITTSBURG $50. Thor FOR SALE water heater, washing machine. $50. Tel. Winnet- ka 1106. 3 17TN29-1te FOR SALE -- 54 IN. JACOBEAN OAK dining room table and 6 chairs; ma- hogany and tapestrv bed davennort; kitchen table; radio set. Phone Winnetka 1483. 17T29-1te I'OR SALE --DIN. RM. 6 CHAIRS, table, antique side-board, tea-cart, fernery, drapes and curtains, $100; carnets an drugs; gas stove $10; other "household articles. Phone Winn. 782. 17TLTNG2-1te FOR SALE--IVORY BED, SPRING and mattress, $15; enamel bed, com~ plete, $10; large rocker, $5: asy --3agher, $20; davenport: gE = cOits. 467 Chestnut 5st. phy 2 vin netka, 730. 1714 2-1t FOR SALB<HIGH-RADE, J] BROWN mah. book ¢ase, lay he' used for china; Col. mal. hal sed and Cheval mirror. 454 Washington Ave., Glen- coe. Phone Glencoe 74. 1TLTN52-1tc FOR SALE--TWO ASH CANS: FINE ice box; 2 rugs; library table and: chairs; din. set; 2 Angora rabbits. Phone Wil. 3059. 17LTN52-1tp TOR SALE--1 BRASS BED, SPRING mattress, in good condition, $35: small mahogany dresser, $30. Tel Glencoe 587. 17LN52-1te FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY PLAYER - piano, bench, cabinet, 134 player rolls. Very reasonable. Phone Winn. 1836. 768 Lincoln Ave. 17LTNG2-1te SALE--60 LB. ICE BOX. WORTH- a oil 4 all attachments b t tanks. eap. el. - ir: Wh "393. 17LTN52-1te FOR SALE--MAH. DRESSER WITH glass top; chiffonier to match; mat- tory. Furnace tending and home Wil 3398 ice. Tel. Winn. 637-W after 6 tress for double bed. Phone 398. phat 14TN29-2tp -ITLTN52-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- EXP. MAN | FOR SALE--DIN.RM. SET, 7 CHAIRS, wants furnaces to clean and take care of. Can furnish best references. Tel. Winn. 2011, 14T29-1te SITUATION WANTED -- EXPERI- enced houseman has 2 days per week open for permanent work. References. Tel. Wil. 2893. 14L.T52-1tp WANTED---HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO help young children with their homework and to play with them in the afternoon. Phone Glen. 52 or call 540 Washington Ave. 12LLTN52-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED LADY bookkeeper and stenographer, $30 per wk. Reply in longhand, giving exper., etc. Write Wilmette Life A-630. 12LTN52-1te WANTED -- ENERGETIC MAID FOR for gen. hswk.; must like children. 1 blk. from railroad station. Mrs. H. B. Fleming, 782 Glencoe Rd. Phene Glen. 554. 12LTN52-1te 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE buffet and table; other odd chairs. Phone Winn. 667. 17LTN52-1te FOR SALE--NEW OIL BURNER FOR S 11 heatin plant. $30. Phone Winn. 2102. g 17LTN52-1te SALE--BLUE VELOUR, TWO Fon. 4) rm. suite. Phone Wilmette 556. 17LTN52-1tp FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- terations call Miss Carlsten, Winn. 1416. 15TN27-tfe I WISH TO FIND SITUATION FOR my French governess. Speaks Eng- {IS WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., lish. Has had care of 4 children. Tel. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. Winn. 696-R 15TN29-1te 18LTN24-tfe SITUATION WANTED SERVING IN|N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- the evening and on Sunday. Tel ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Glencoe 73 after 6. 15TN29-1tp SITUATION WANTED --DRESSMAK- ing and sewing by day. Tel. Glen- coe 73 after 6. 15TN29-1tp WANTED --COOK (WHITE); FAMILY of 2 adults: own room with bath; laundry optional. Call 135 Beach Rd., Glencoe. Tel. Glen. 278. 12LTN52-1te WANTED--NEAT GIRL gen. hswk.; 3 in family. quired. Phone Wil. 1788. Call 723 Forest Ave, Wilmette. 12LTN52-1tc (WHITE); Ref. re- WANTED ~- EXPERIENCED, CAPA- ble nurs to care for children by hour. TIighest reference. Tel. Edge- water 5544, 12LTN52-1tp 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--2 FURN. ROOMS WITH din. rm. and kitch. priv.; family of 2 adults; garage. In Hubbard Woods. Phone Winn. 914. 4LTN52-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. hswk.: small family; good wages; nn wanhing. Refs. Phone Winn. 2171. 12LTN52-1te WANTED--MAID FOR GEN. HSWK. SITUATION WTD. -- HOUSEKEEPER; no objection to children. Can furn- ish best of refs. Phone Mrs. Mack Wil. 2628. 15TN29-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- HSWK. OR care ofs children afternoons by the week. Phone Winn. 1665. 15TN29-1tc SITUATION WTD. -- COL. LAUN- dress wants 2 days weeklv. Call Univ. 4402-7. 15TN29-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- CAPABLE white woman wants hswk of any kind; 4 mornings a week. At 50 cents an hour. Tel. Winn. 2032. 15T29-1tp JOHANNA B. ANDERSON WILL RE- sume dressmaking in Winnetka after or part time girl. One blk. from In- a summer in New York. 4 Prouty dian TYill station. Tel. Winnetka annex, 15T29-1tp 1680. 12LTN52-1te AMERICAN DRESSMAKER SPECIAL- WANTED -- EXP. COOK. BEST izes in work for voung ladies and wages. Berspach, Phone Winn 35. girls. Best Winnetka refs. P.O, 12TN29-1te Box 117, Evanston. 15T29-1tp WANTED--GIRL AS CLERK IN GRO- | SITUATION WTD.--1st CLASS LAUN- cery store. Short hours. Aonnly A & dress, col. Good refs. Mrs. Sallie. P store, Hubard Woods. 12TN29-1tp Phone Univ. 5045. 15LTN52-1tp Phone Univ. 103. Evanston. 1SLTNI19-tfe Ave. 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything Hee WE Ash s . New Store, illow A Furgat Pai 19LT8-tfe WANTED TO BUY -- REPEATING shotgun. Call Wilmette 776-1. 19LTN52-1tp 20 AUTOMOBILES Used Cars for Sale 1921 Dodge Road. ....... chive $175 1922 Dodge TOUT. -..v ver vison $325 1923 Dodze. Sedan. . vx vec nssn $750 1922: Chevrolet ' duc. cv ronnie $200 1923 Durant COUPE .vv..vcvavsy $375 And Others A used car bought from a respon- sible dealer is a good investment. Wersted Motor Co. Tel. Winnetka 165 20LTN52-1te FOR SALE MARMON TOURING car. A-1 condition. Leaving town. Phone Highland Park 2337. 20TN29-1tp More Want Adds on page 24

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