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Winnetka Weekly Talk New Trier Edition, 20 Aug 1921, p. 12

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"tracks ~~ ,every convenience; WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1921 lassified Advertisements + SW per line for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday at 4:00 P. M. the same advertisement in WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK and GLENCOE NEWS, 20c Black face type charged double price. per line. Rates for THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE WINNETKA HOME BARGAINS NEW LISTINGS AND PRICE REDUC- tions: See them today. 6 R. Stucco East; h. w. heat; cash, $12,000. New 7 R. Stucco, Hubbard Woods; fine section; h. w. heat; final cut to $13,5000. 6 R. Stucco; 100 feet of beautifully kept wooded land; garage; reduced, $11,000. 7 R. New Colonial; Arco heat; gar- age; must be sold; easy terms, $13,500. 8 R Choice Colonial, near lake; a charming home and your chance for a real buy; owner leaving Winnetka; 2 baths; large living room; sun par- lor; sleeping porch; dandy bedrooms; garage; fine lot; must be seen to be appreciated; price $25,000. HILL & STONE Winnetka Tel. 1544 524 Linden St. Note--Our Wilmette office has com- plete listings in Kenilworth and Wilmette. TG23-1te FOR SALB_--8 RM. MODERN HOME: convenient to "L" and C. & N. W.; large wooded lot; great bargain; $10,300. 8 room Victoria Colonial stucce: h. w. heat; 3 baths; immense living room; large wooded lot; near lake; $18,500. Splendid 7 room home in finest location; immense living room, 2 tile baths; glassed sun and sleeping porches; double garage; $20,500. Make offer; a real bargain. Splendid lot in eastern section; 50x200: $67 ft. Other special lot bargains. M. E. BARKER & CO. End of "L" 405 Linden Ave. Tel. Wil- mette 406. LTG41-1te FOR SALE--THE FOLLOWING FINK FAST SIDE HOMES, ALL WITHIN TWO BLOCKS OF THE LAKE: 6 room house .......: 0.00. $15,000 8 room bungalow ........... 20,000 7 room brick bungalow 22.500 9 room bungalow ............ 18.000 10 room Colonial brick .... 42,000 10 room house brick ......... 50,000 For sale exclusively by us; sold only by appointmen WHMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513 - 4th St. Phone Wil. 1304 LTG41-1te FOR SALE--MODERN 8 ROOM STUC- co house Phone Win. 851. : T23-1tp WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED -- MAID OR MOTHER'S helper; 2 children; good wages. Phone Winnetka 521-W LTG41-1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WISH- es day work, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Can furnish references. Phone Douglass 7466, after 6 o'clock. LTG41-tlp JUMPER DRESSES; PLAIN SEWING done at reasonable prices. Phone Winnetka 614-W after 7 P. M.. LTG41-1te WASHING TAKEN HOME; ROUGH dry or wet wash. Phone Glencoe 171. 'White. T21-tfc SITUATION WANTED -- AS HOUSE girl; good references. Phone West 2086. T23-1te WANTED--WAITRESS AND DAY work. Phone Win. 674-R. TG23-1tp HELP WANTED--MALIE OR FEMALE CLERKS, (MEN OR WOMEN), OVER 17, for Postal Mail Service. $130 a month. Examinations September. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars, write J Leonard (former) Civil Service examiner) 590 Equitable Bldg., Washington, D. C. ) LTG41-2tp THE GOLFERS MECCA: SCENE AT SKOKIE PLAYFIELD pastime at Skokie Playfield. Winnetka's Skokie Playfield in the Skokie, where north shore folk are to picnic next Wednes- day, possesses on of the finest golf courses in the vicinity of Chicago. Golfing is the principal SITUATIONS WANTED--MALE WANTED -- WORK BY RELIABLE man experienced in gardening, grad- ing, pruning and trimming; also housework. M. J. Sullivan, 882 Pine St, Phone Win. 1549. T16-tfc CHIMNEYS CLEANED BY RELIABLE party; satisfaction guaranteed; rea- sonable price. Phone Win. 524-R and 535-J. T15-10te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, fixtures, plumbing, lumber, stoves, (anything bought, sold and exchang- 1 ed. Pony-carts). 808 Oak St. Phone | Win. 1212. T11-tfe MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE, IN- cluding dining room set, beds, odd chairs, and tables. at very low price. 924 Cherry St. Win. 1114. T23-1tc FOR SALE -- GRAY ENAMELED breakfast set: 2 brass beds and other furniture. Phone Wil. 988-M. LTG41-1tn FOR SALE--HAND. AND FOOT POW- er washing machine; good condition; chean. 896 Elm St. T23-1tp FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--WELL MADE. SIZE 8'x%' chicken coop, together with 20'x20' run, will house up to 40 chickens: price $25.00; could not be duplicated for $60.00. Phone Winnetka 976. T23-1tc WANTED TO RENT--5 or 7 ROOM house with garage, immediately or for May first next. Several year lease. Phone Win. 169. T23-1tc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE IN WIN- nteka or Hubbard Woods; furnished or unfurnished; from October 1st to February 1st; preferably west of the Phone Win. 565. T23-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT--FOR TWO OR THREE months, modern well furnished 8 room home in Wilmette; 3 porches; excellent trans- portation. Address C-94, Lake Shore ' News. Wilmette. T23-1te FOR RENT--FOR ONE YEAR; FURN. 7 room apartment; unusually at- tractive; 2 baths, elevator; near Lin- coln Park. 1512 North Dearborn Parkway, Chicago, I11. Call Sunerior 4358. T23-1tc WANTED TO RENT--FURN. HOUSE WANTED -- WINNETKA, FURNISH- «d small house or rooms for October, November, -December. Married cou- ple, one child. Address, C-96, Win- netka Weekly Talk. T23-tfe WANTED TO house for winter; 4 bedrooms: good lo- cation. 724 Forest Ave, Wilmette. WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED--FOR TEACHER'S FAMILY. 2 or more rooms, furnished or not. with board or without; preferably in southwestern part Winnetka. Ad- dress Mrs. V. C. Hicks, Three Lakes, Wisc. T23-1tp WANTED--2 OR MORE FURNISHED | rooms with or without board, for a family of three. Phone Win. 1811 or Main 2015. co Imarite WANTED TO RENT--2 OR 3 ROOMS with private bath and board or ite tte. Phone Wil. 2071. kitchenette BD Gdt-1to RENT--FURNISHED | 1. TG41-1te | HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTING AT- tachment. works on all sewing ma- chines, $2: personal checks 10c extra. Light's Mail Order House. Box 127, Birmingham, Ala. LTG41-6tp FOR SALE--BRIGGS STRATTON MO- tor buckboard; run 3 months; in very good condition. $125.00. 551 Lincoln avenue, Phone Win. 838. TG23-1te FOR SALE--AIRDALE PURPIES; 3 months old; housebroken. Address Airdale, Lake Shore Publishing Co. Wilmettd LTG41-2tp FOR SALE--MODERN FIRE PROOF safe, 30x45; in splendid condition. First National Bank of Wilmette, LTG41-1te FOR SALE -- WEIL COAL TANK heater, good condition, used only one yvear, $10. Phone Winnetka 1253. | LTG41-1tc | FOR SATE -- ONE LARGE SIZE sweater: new; also large size suit. Phone Win. 518-R. T23-1tp WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household gonods Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-6 Emerson St. | Evanston. Ill. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfc I BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND | Clothing of all descriptions. Phone { Evanston 103 and T will call. N. Fell, 1644 Maple Ave. L.TG17-tfe WANTED--LARGE. STRONG TURN go-cart, in good condition. Call Win. { d27. T23-1tc | MISCELLANEOUS | REFINISHING, POLISHING. VARN- | ishing pianos, talking machines, etc. Snecial Inducement this month. Pat- terson Bros. 828 Davis St, Evans- | ton. LTG41-61c PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert. Phone Win. 509-J. LTG39-tfe FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM IN attractive private home, n. e. loca- tion, for gentleman with good refs. $10 per wk. Address Lake Shore News C91. LTG41-1te FOR RENT--FURN. SINGLE ROOM; couple preferred. Call between 3 and 8 P. M. From 24th of August to Sep- tember 1st. 407 Woodlawn avenue. Phone Glencoe 575. T23-1tp FOR RENT LARGE AND SINGLE room, near transportation. 7 | Vernon Ave. Glencoe Phone Glen- coe 770. T23-1tp HELP WANTED--FEWALE WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; small house; no washing; good wages. Apply Mosdaxs - rers, 467 Linden St, innetka. B. Rogers Si WANTED--LAUNDRESS TO TAKE clothes home; no machines or wash- ing powders; soap furnished) Slate ice. Winnetka Talk, C-95. price. Address Stes WANTED--RELIABLE WHITE GIRL for care of 3 yr. og shag daily r 2: to 6. Phone in. . from 2:30 to 5 WANTED -- GIRL OR WOMAN FOR general housework; white; protest- 3 rashing. one in. e patigno ™ x TG23-1tc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED BOOK- keeper; some general office work, Phone Win. 850. TG23-1tc WANTED--COLORED MAID FOR uPp- stairs work and sewing. Phone Wil- mette 1666. TG23-1te INVESTMENT 8 PER CENT FIRST MORTGAGE; DE- nomination $1,000; long or short term. Address Lake Shore News C- 92. I. TG41-1te {Do you feel, Mr. Reader, that your abili- ties are coining all they are worth? Why not do a little prospecting with a "Situation Wanted" ad? (The possibilities are worth the small expense. >'L." Road Tries Out Two-Guard Train Plan Experiment To Economize on Operat- ing Expenses of "L" Road; Two Guards for Five Cars Northwestern "L" officials last week tried out the plan of having two guards on trains travelling through to the Linden avenue termin- al. The idea is part of a program of economy in operating costs, it is said. Britton I. Budd, head of the elevat- ed system, said a number of ex- periments would have to be made be- fore any final decision could be reached. A system in the New York subway that has appeared to give satisfaction and reduced operating expenses, is based on mechanical operation of the train doors and a semaphore signal scheme. Using this plan a ten-car train has been operated with two guards. "We have only begun to experi- ment in a small way," said Mr. Budd. "What the result may be cannot be foretold. In our test we used only two guards on a five-coach train. These stood between the first and second and the fourth and fifth coach gates. The two middle gates were locked. This meant that passengers could only enter at the front or rear doors." PRIZE LEGION TOWN More than one-eighth of the popu- lation of Radcliffe, Ia., is enrolled in the American Legion. The town has 156 ex-service men out of a population of 800 and every one of them is a member of the local Legion post. MANY NEW ROADS PLAN OF HIGHWAY BOOSTERS Good road enthusiasts throughout the state are showing much activity in the "boosting" of local improve- ments according to highway builders and they report that more roads will be built in Illinois. According to highway statistics there are more than 95,000 miles of roads in Illinois and there is agitation on foot to make some improvement on every mile in the state. Some of the roads, it is said, can be filled in sufficiently for travel dur- ing a good many months of the year, while others will be so improved that there need be but cessation of travel only during the worst winter months. Some of the mileage will be complet- ed as permanent highways. Most of the through route high- ways will be completed sufficiently to serve as "all the year round" roads. Organization of a number of trucking corporations to make regular schedule trips between towns has been com- pleted and charters have been aske for at Springfield. A far reaching benefit is predicted as the result of the road improvement activities by shippers, merchants, and automobile organizations. This "Earth" Largely Water. A trifle more than seven-tenths of the surface of the globe is covered by the waters of the oceans. The to- tal area covered by the latter exceeds the total area of the lands of the world by 83,000,000 square miles. Reckoned in terms of quantity, the oceans contain 324 cubic miles of fluid, or 14 times the bulk of all the lands in the world above sea level. WOMEN AT LEGION MEET More than 160,000 women, members of 3,400 units, will be represented at the first national convention of the Women's Auxiliary of the American Legion to be held at Kansas City silultaneously with the third national convention of the Legion October 31 to November 2. The Auxiliary has completed departmental organizations in more than thirty states. At the coming convention it will select a na- tional headquarters and perhaps a new name. Wilmette boasts one of the first Auxiliaries organized in the United States. So There! A wceman writing in answer to a housemaid"s advertisement received this missive: "Madame--You have a good name and address, but you write on a meesly half-sheet of paper, which shows me you are no lady, and as such and considering the paper you write on the place would not suit me, being accustomed to things being dif- ferent."- -Miami Herald. Wanted to Rent -- 6, 7 or 8 room home, preferably un- furnished. Phone Winnetka 879, or Wabash 9198. C. J. Easterberg 1004 Ash St. Win. 879 "Living or Existing" | Does your family enjoy all you can afford of life's pleasures? Is¥life a" hum-drum routine of Work-Sleep-Eat, have diversified pleasures offered in or do they | A FORD CAR | We live but once on earth and life is short at best. most of it---get all the enjoyment possible---cut Make the out foolish waste, and buy a FORD. It eliminates docior bills and makes the family happy. Most everyone May we explain? Phone Evanston 4884. R..D. M. P. LOUEN Sales Mgr. Phone Evanston 4884 buys on' terms. CUNNINGHAM Exclusive Dealer 810 Church St. EVANSTON ~ Sil 3

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